What is Oxygen: Definition and 375 Discussions

Oxygen is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group in the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds. After hydrogen and helium, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe by mass. At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Diatomic oxygen gas currently constitutes 20.95% of the Earth's atmosphere, though this has changed considerably over long periods of time. Oxygen makes up almost half of the Earth's crust in the form of oxides.Dioxygen provides the energy released in combustion and aerobic cellular respiration, and many major classes of organic molecules in living organisms contain oxygen atoms, such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and fats, as do the major constituent inorganic compounds of animal shells, teeth, and bone. Most of the mass of living organisms is oxygen as a component of water, the major constituent of lifeforms. Oxygen is continuously replenished in Earth's atmosphere by photosynthesis, which uses the energy of sunlight to produce oxygen from water and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is too chemically reactive to remain a free element in air without being continuously replenished by the photosynthetic action of living organisms. Another form (allotrope) of oxygen, ozone (O3), strongly absorbs ultraviolet UVB radiation and the high-altitude ozone layer helps protect the biosphere from ultraviolet radiation. However, ozone present at the surface is a byproduct of smog and thus a pollutant.
Oxygen was isolated by Michael Sendivogius before 1604, but it is commonly believed that the element was discovered independently by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774. Priority is often given for Priestley because his work was published first. Priestley, however, called oxygen "dephlogisticated air", and did not recognize it as a chemical element. The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, who first recognized oxygen as a chemical element and correctly characterized the role it plays in combustion.
Common uses of oxygen include production of steel, plastics and textiles, brazing, welding and cutting of steels and other metals, rocket propellant, oxygen therapy, and life support systems in aircraft, submarines, spaceflight and diving.

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  1. Q

    Is Separating Oxygen from Air Feasible Without Increasing Pollution?

    is it possible to separate oxygen from air? in other words, getting pure oxygen from air
  2. C

    How Much Space Does 0.736 kg of Oxygen Occupy at 1°C and 105 Pa?

    Homework Statement A mass of 0.736 kg of molecular oxygen is contained in a cylinder at a pressure of 1.0 × 105 Pa and a temperature of 1°C. What volume does the gas occupy? Homework Equations PV=nRT V=nRT/P The Attempt at a Solution n=(.736)(1000)/16 = 46 V =...
  3. N

    Can Argon Gas Remove Oxygen from Liquid?

    Can oxygen be removed from a liquid using argon gas?
  4. Y

    Why Do All Known Life Forms Thrive in Oxygen-Rich Environments?

    This is not exactly physics, but I'm interested in a physicists opinion: Oxygen is considered a very active substance, very dangerous to many physiological processes of the cell. Even though or maybe as a result of this fact, we know that all life on Earth thrives on reach in oxygen...
  5. E

    Global Warming Impacts on Earth's Sea Level, Ocean Circulation, Oxygen Isotopes

    how would the Earth be affected by global warming in terms of the sea level , global ocean circulation, and oxygen isotopes?
  6. Q

    Gravity's Impact on Oxygen and Particle Movement: A Scientific Inquiry

    two questions, If one was to create some sort of suspended gravity embraced in a cylinder, and then send oxygen and small particles of mass through it would the oxygen travel through and the particles deflected? If not could one create a relative situation by using magnetic waves or gamma...
  7. S

    Does Salinity Decrease the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Water Samples?

    Does salinity decrease the dissolved oxygen concentration in a water sample? For example, if one has two water samples, a freshwater sample and a seawater sample, at the same temperature, will the seawater sample have a lower dissolved oxygen concentration? Thank you.
  8. S

    Relationship between Molar Mass and Velocity of Hydrogen and Oxygen

    Homework Statement Lets say at room temp an atom of hydrogen moves at 3000 m/s. Let's say all things the same except you replace the hydrogen with oxygen. The oxygen is about 16 times the molar mass than hydrogen. Does this mean that the oxygen will travel at (1/16)*3000 m/s? The...
  9. J

    Conservation of energy of an oxygen molecule

    [SOLVED] conservation of energy Homework Statement From what height must an oxygen molecule fall in a vacuum so that its kinetic energy at the bottom equals the average energy of an oxygen molecule at 200 K? Homework Equations conservation of energy Eavg=3/2KbT Epot=mgh The...
  10. R

    Calculating Moles of Oxygen in a Cylinder

    [SOLVED] Converting Mol 1. A 20-cm-diameter cylinder that is 40 cm long contains 50 g of oxygen gas at 20 degrees celsius. How many moles of oxygen are in the cylinder? so 1 mol = 6.022*10^23 oxygen atomic mass=16g/mol 50g/16(g/mol) = 3.125 mol I don't know why it is wrong...
  11. I

    Help on amount of oxygen [dissolved] at equilibrium in an unknown sample

    Hi everyone. I need help on this. I am trying out this problem and trying to see if I am doing this right, but I can't quite figure it out. The original question is: "A water sample , at 25 C, Eh= 0.2 and pH=5.40. Assuming this system is at equilibrium, calculate the amt. of dissolved oxygen in...
  12. Z

    How many exoplanets with an atmospheric oxygen signature would be necessary?

    Currently 241 exoplanets. [URL="[PLAIN]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gliese_581_c"][http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gliese_581_c/URL][/PLAIN] A few are terrestrial such as Gliese c, d at 5x and 8x Earth mass; sufficient mass to be geologically active, and hence a magnetosphere, diverting a stellar...
  13. R

    What is the potential of HHO as a new energy source?

    Denny Klein has (allegedly) discovered a way to turn H2O into HHO with very considerable energy output. I think this is a different process to the other 'salt water energy' thread so i'll start a new one here. It does look impressively powerful, in just three seconds he turns a large ball of...
  14. wolram

    Does Earth's mantle hold the key to keeping our planet hospitable for life?

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20071002/sc_livescience/hugestockpileofoxygenfounddeepinsideearth;_ylt=AlP5Y3bcO_CrB7jCXyUGvUkPLBIF A mineral that acts like a sponge beneath Earth's surface stores more oxygen than expected, keeping our planet from becoming dry and inhospitable like Mars...
  15. L

    Why does water consist of 2/3 hydrogen and 1/3 oxygen?

    Greetings. I have an inquisition as I enter the realm of the elemental. Exactly why does water consist of 2/3 hydrogen and 1/3 oxygen? What is a simplistic philosophical reasoning for this? I have recognized that it has nothing to do with the corrolation of atomic weight, or so as it...
  16. L

    The Power of Salt Water: Harnessing Hydrogen & Oxygen

    This article; http://www.shns.com/shns/g_index2.cfm?action=detail&pk=SALTASFUEL-09-10-07 , from Scripps Howard talks about what appears to be a new method for seperating Water into Hydrogen and Oxygen by exposing it to an RF generator. From the Article: The article seems to make a big...
  17. C

    Need of information about a hydrogen oxygen fuel cell

    Can anyone tell me if it is right to say that maximum power of a hydrogen oxygen fuel cell varies directly (with constant efficiency) with gas flow rate at constant pressure at room temperature
  18. F

    Answers to Basic Questions About Space Shuttle Oxygen and Launch

    Hi I would like to have the answers of a few basic questions. I would like to know that in a space shuttle, how is the oxygen level maintained? How does a space shuttle enter into the space? Does it just go staright from the Earth's atmosphere to the space or it has to follow a...
  19. R

    Cold? sun light untill it interacts with oxygen

    Hello everyone, I've been on Electrical Engineering for a little while but new to this aspect of science. I'm not sure of course but when sunlight travels through space, would it be the approximate temperature of its' surrounding area, pretty cool? And when it hits our oxygenated atmosphere...
  20. I

    Can Oxygen Pass Through Water in a Suspended Tank?

    Homework Statement I know with air bubbles in water that they will rise in water because they are lighter and less dense than water. But if you had let's say a tank of water suspended in the air and at the bottom of the tank there were small holes so small that air can go through the holes...
  21. C

    Kinetic Theory of Gases and speed of oxygen molecules

    Homework Statement A syringe of volume 20 ml has just been used and now lies empty on the doctor's desk. The pressure in the office is 100,000 Pa. Assume that the air is an ideal gas consisting of nitrogen N2 (80%) and oxygen O2 (20%) molecules. k=1.38×10-23 J/K and the molar mass of oxygen is...
  22. B

    Calculating Oxygen Cylinder Duration

    Homework Statement A standard cylinder of oxygen used in a hospital has gauge pressure = 2.0E3 psi (1.38E4 kPa) and volume = 16 L (0.016 m3) at T = 295 K. How long will the cylinder last if the flow rate, measured at atmospheric pressure, is constant at 1.8 L/min? Homework Equations...
  23. G

    How to Separate Rust Iron (Fe2O3) into Ferum/Iron and Oxygen?

    Greetings, i am assigned to do a project which requires us to do experiment on ways to separate the rusted iron into 2 elements which are Iron and Oxygen. Anyone have any idea about that?:bugeye:
  24. J

    Extracting energy out of hydrogen and oxygen

    The best method of extracting energy out of hydrogen and oxygen Which method will deliver the best energy output? (1) Fuel cell (2) Burning the hydrogen and oxygen and make some steam and send it to a turbine (3) Internal combustion engine //piston like a car engine And which method...
  25. I

    Exploring Male & Female Differences: Strength, Oxygen, Body Fat & More

    questions to be answered 3.Explain how males and females differ in terms of: (a) Strength? (b) Oxygen transport (c) Body fat? 13. Pulse rate is a measure of aerobic fitness. Why? 15. Describe the effects and benefits of training? 16. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of training...
  26. S

    Formation of Mn(OH)3 from Mn(OH)2 and Oxygen

    When hydroxide ion is added to Mn(II) in aqueous solution, an insoluble white precipitate of manganous hydroxide, Mn(OH)2, is formed. If there is oxygen present, this material reacts with it to form manganic hydroxide, Mn(OH)3 Part one was easy because it wasnt a redox it just needed to be...
  27. P

    Why Does the Ionic Equation for Zinc and Sulfuric Acid Reaction Include Water?

    Homework Statement Consider the reaction between Sulfiric acid and zinc: H2SO4 + Zn -> What would be the ionic equation for this reaction? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution In solution it would be H2+ + (SO4)2- + Zn -> Zn2+ + 2e- + (SO4)2- + H2+ -> Zn2+ + H2 (in...
  28. L

    Exploring the Polar Nature of Water: Hydrogen & Oxygen

    I like the human example better than the general Wikipedia, so here goes the question: We all know water is polar yes? Meaning the Oxygen nucleus attracts the electrons more than the Hydrogen nuclei. So my question being, if you could in theory increase that attraction, make that...
  29. F

    Finding rate of oxygen consumption

    Homework Statement Calculate the actual rate of oxygen consumption (ml/min/g @ STP) to one decimal place from the following information: Specific rate of oxygen consumption: 8.2 ml/min/g Temperature of room: 21 C Atmospheric Pressure of room: 76 mm of Hg a. 0.4 b. 0.6 c. 0.8...
  30. Z

    Heating Oxygen to Form Plasma: Is It Possible?

    I have a question regarding plasma .Suppose i heat a certain amount of dioxygen , O2 , which will first easely break into oxygen and after come to a point where at least 1 electrons gets free of the oxygen atom and hence the substence become plasma according to the definition. Now , if i keep...
  31. P

    All death caused by lack of oxygen to brain

    I saw this in a locked topic: Who is right?
  32. A

    Blowing up hydrogen and oxygen falls under what?

    A hearty hello to all you admirable brainiacs. As this is my first post here it not coincidentally asks advice. I'm interested in creating a propulsion system fueled by hydrogen. I understand that hydrogen mixed with oxygen is explosive, but I need to calculate the exact amount of energy...
  33. C

    Testing Iron Ions in Oxygen Absorbers

    how to test the component inside oxygen absorber in food?? we guess that there may be iron(II) or iron(III) ion. we use reducing agent or oxidzing agent to test it ? however, if both of them exist in the oxygen absorber, how can we distinguish them?? :confused:
  34. A

    Which of 6 metals should be most reactive to oxygen?

    Of the following 6 metals (Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Sn, Cu), which should be the most reactive toward oxygen? I don't understand how you determine this...what should I be looking at and/or calculating?
  35. S

    Space Exploration and its effect on the Earth's Oxygen supply: I have a question

    Alright, this may seem a bit of a childish question, but for my sake I need it answered. So please stay with me. Alright, pretty much what this is all about is the effect that space exploration has on the Earth's air supply. We were all sitting around talking about the creation of a space...
  36. S

    Finding angle between hydrogens and oxygen in water molecule

    Hi, I have a quick question. Ignoring quantum stuff, shouldn't I be able to predict the angle between the two hydrogens in a water molecule if I model the three atoms as point charges and assume that both hydrogens have a partial charge of +D and that the oxygen has a partial charge of -2D, and...
  37. W

    Removal of oxygen on Boron powders

    Have read that methanol reacts with B2O3 to produce Boron esters which volatilize during evaporation. Does this work? If so how?:!)
  38. W

    Boron esters and oxygen removal

    I would like to remove oxygen from boron powers by milling in milling the starting powders in an alcohol, specifically, methanol. I've been told B2O3 reacts with the methanol to produce boron esters which volatilise during evaporation of the milling solvent under a reduced pressure. Is this...
  39. Mallignamius

    Boiling water - oscillation; when oxygen needs more room

    I understand that when the oxygen molecules are heated up in a pot of water, they will vibrate increasingly as they get hotter. I guess that's what those little bubbles are at the bottom of the pot. At some point, they will suddenly release. Is there a name for this threshold and a way to...
  40. M

    Finding an Oxygen Absorber for Fast Gas Streams

    I am looking for an Oxygen absorbing material which will absorb Oxygen fairly quickly. Ideally, what I would like to do pass a stream of gas through a tube filled with this Oxygen absorber as well as a water absorbing material (possibly CaCl2) so as to remove as much Oxygen gas and water...
  41. N

    Calculating Oxygen Usage from Ideal Gas Characteristics

    A standard cylinder of oxygen used in a hospital has the following characteristics at room temperature (295 K): gauge pressure = 13,800 kPa (2000 psi), volume = 16 L (0.016 m^3). How long will the cylinder last if the flow rate, measured at atmospheric pressure, is constant at 2.4 liters/min...
  42. M

    Fire in Pure Oxygen: Color & Spectrum

    What colour is fire if your burning whatever in a room that is pure O2. rather then in normal air at a campfire which has a lot of other chemicals; like nitrogen. and does it follow that one experiment where say hydrogen burns as only 1 frequency of the spectrum
  43. N

    Thermal Physics - Absorbtion of oxygen in a magnetic field

    Question: Suppose that at most one O_2 can be bound to a heme group (see Problem 8), and that when \lambda(O_2) = 10^{-5} we have 90 percent of hemes occupied by O_2. Consider O_2 as having a spin of 1 and a magnetic moment of 1 \mu_B. How strong a magnetic field is needed to change the...
  44. M

    Estimating Radii of Carbon & Oxygen Nuclei with Data

    This is supposed to be an easy question, but I appear to be slightly lost. Can anyone give me a hint on what to do here? when waves of wavelength lamda are diffracted by a circular disc of diameter D the first minimum in the intensity of the scattered waves occurs at a scattering angle z...
  45. K

    Calculating Nuclear Density of Oxygen Element

    Calculate the nuclear density of Oxygen element.As I know the molar mass number is 15.9994 and the density is mass/volume how can I get the volume inorder to calculate the density?
  46. M

    Easiest way to find out if oxygen is produced

    What is the easiest way you can tell or find out if oxygen is produced in a certain reaction? Or in other words, how can one prove that a certain reaction releases oxygen? The answer cannot deal with combustion. I searched on google, and couldn't quite get an answer. I thought about it for...
  47. T

    Calculating Density of Oxygen at STP

    Ok, I know I have to use the ideal gas law, but am not exactly sure how to apply that to finding the density. PV=nRT (ideal gas law) 1atm (volume) = n(number of moles - can I just use 1 for ease?)(8.315 J(mol•K) (temperature) Not quite sure where to go from here, any help would be...
  48. P

    Oxygen to Sulphur: Paul D's Theory

    I am not sure if this question is even in the correct thread but please bear with me. I have a theory about the smell of sulphur following lightning strikes or extreme electrical activity in the atmosphere. (this has been quite well documted). Would it be possible for a very high voltage to...
  49. P

    Calculating Oxygen Cylinder Usage at 2.4 L/min

    A standard cylinder of oxygen used in a hospital has the following characteristics at room temperature (300 K): gauge pressure = 2500 kPa, volume = 10 liters. How long will the cylinder last if the flow rate, measured at atmospheric pressure, is constant at 2.4 liters/min? I'm lost on this...
  50. F

    Designing Piping Systems for Oxygen Service: Practical References

    Does anyone, by chance, happen to have some good, practical references in the design and preparation of piping systems for use in pure oxygen service? My ASTM references are about as close to worthless as it can get. Thanks.