What is Parallel: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Parallel computing is a type of computation in which many calculations or processes are carried out simultaneously. Large problems can often be divided into smaller ones, which can then be solved at the same time. There are several different forms of parallel computing: bit-level, instruction-level, data, and task parallelism. Parallelism has long been employed in high-performance computing, but has gained broader interest due to the physical constraints preventing frequency scaling. As power consumption (and consequently heat generation) by computers has become a concern in recent years, parallel computing has become the dominant paradigm in computer architecture, mainly in the form of multi-core processors.Parallel computing is closely related to concurrent computing—they are frequently used together, and often conflated, though the two are distinct: it is possible to have parallelism without concurrency (such as bit-level parallelism), and concurrency without parallelism (such as multitasking by time-sharing on a single-core CPU). In parallel computing, a computational task is typically broken down into several, often many, very similar sub-tasks that can be processed independently and whose results are combined afterwards, upon completion. In contrast, in concurrent computing, the various processes often do not address related tasks; when they do, as is typical in distributed computing, the separate tasks may have a varied nature and often require some inter-process communication during execution.
Parallel computers can be roughly classified according to the level at which the hardware supports parallelism, with multi-core and multi-processor computers having multiple processing elements within a single machine, while clusters, MPPs, and grids use multiple computers to work on the same task. Specialized parallel computer architectures are sometimes used alongside traditional processors, for accelerating specific tasks.
In some cases parallelism is transparent to the programmer, such as in bit-level or instruction-level parallelism, but explicitly parallel algorithms, particularly those that use concurrency, are more difficult to write than sequential ones, because concurrency introduces several new classes of potential software bugs, of which race conditions are the most common. Communication and synchronization between the different subtasks are typically some of the greatest obstacles to getting optimal parallel program performance.
A theoretical upper bound on the speed-up of a single program as a result of parallelization is given by Amdahl's law.

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  1. Adesh

    I How can generatrices be parallel to the y-axis?

    CONTEXT: We are finding the the buoyancy force on a boat which is upright in a still water (Fluid at rest) and the only gravity is acting as the external force. So, first we go for imaging a proper geometry of our boat. See this figure : For this figure the book writes: Fig 8 represents...
  2. Sokolov

    Irradiance of light trapped between two parallel mirrors

    The setup of the problem is shown in the image below. I know that I must add all the contributions of each reflected ray and that its amplitude will be reduced by a factor ##r## each time it is reflected. So after the n-th reflection, its amplitude will be ##E_0r^n##, with ##E_0## the amplitude...
  3. N

    I Cavity resonances between two long parallel plates

    Consider two rigid and infinitely long parallel plates (say they are of infinite length in X direction, so running from -inf to +inf in X axis) separated by a distance d (say measured in Y-direction). Let the space between the plates be filled up with a fluid that supports acoustic waves. If we...
  4. R

    I Parallel Transport & Geodesics: Explained

    I am currently reading Foster and Nightingale and when it comes to the concept of parallel transport, the authors don't go very deep in explaining it except just stating that if a vector is subject to parallel transport along a parameterized curve, there is no change in its length or direction...
  5. H

    A diffraction grating formed by parallel adjacent tracks on a CDROM

    (d)sin(40.6)=(475*10^-9)(1) d=730*10^-9 (m) prof says answer is 1460*10^-9 (m) tho
  6. core1985

    If I connect two 4700 uf capacitors in parallel with my 8.3A battery

    Dear Friends Read my post carefully. I have a motor bike having 8.3A battery bike had 35Watt headlight which was pretty bad. I decided to connect car beam 100w/130w as my battery total power is 12 x 8.3 = 99.6 Watt so you know it can only provide 90% power to 100w point only. Now tell me...
  7. K

    I Will anti-parallel light beams between two stars stay parallel?

    In our galaxy, two stars, A and B, move about 20 km/s in slightly different directions to each other. The stars are about 15 light years apart. Initially, the light beams are exactly anti-parallel. Will light beams emitted from star A traveling towards light beams emitted from star B stay...
  8. O

    R_th wrong while applying series and parallel simple theory

    Summary:: Trying to find Rth but I do not get the same value as the one from the solution. [moderator: moved from a technical forum. No template.] I am trying to find Rth to solve this problem, however once I simplified it, I get a value of 700.745 Ω while in the solution, the answer is...
  9. P

    A Parallel transport of a 1-form aound a closed loop

    Good day all. Since the gradient theorem, also known as the fundamental theorem of calculus for line integrals, says that a line integral through a gradient field can be evaluated by evaluating the original scalar field at the endpoints of the curve. Then If we form the Gradient vector field...
  10. J

    Circuit Analysis of a diagram with series and parallel circuits

    I found the Req which is 13.6 and also found the It which is 0.74. I'm having trouble finding the separate current and potential difference numbers.
  11. S

    MHB Finding lines through given point perpendicular and parallel to given line

    Hey, not sure how to translate this from my native language, I hope you understand what I mean. Write down for the line y = 2x + 3 perpendicular and parallel lines passing through the point (1; 1) equations.
  12. T

    Why Use the Parallel Axis Theorem with the Second Moment of AREA?

    Hi all I was wondering if someone could help clear up some confusion about the Parallel Axis Theorem. I am trying to understand the purpose/benefit of applying the Parallel Axis Theorem with respect too the Second Moment Of Area. For example I have a beam that is under load. I have found its...
  13. Addez123

    Find all points where the level surface tangent plane is parallel

    First I find the normal vector given any position: $$w(x, y, z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2$$ $$∇w(x, y, z) = (2x, 2y, 2z)$$ Normal vector of plane: $$w_2 = x - 2y + 3z$$ $$∇w_2 = (1, -2, 3)$$ ##∇w = ∇w2## => point where planes are parallel = (1/2, -1, 3/2) This is completely off, but I can't find any...
  14. Tryhard314

    Why does the potential of A decrease when plate B is nearby?

    Summary:: if Plate A had a potential of 9V, This means as We approach a unit charge from +Infinity to A we have to do this precise amount of work Now we remove plate A, And replace it with plate B that has a potential of -9V Again that means to go from +Infinity To B we actually gain energy, or...
  15. B

    I Parallel transport of a vector on a sphere

    question1 : if you draw a small circle around the north pole (it should be the same at every points because of the symmetry of the sphere),then it is approximately a flat space ,then we can translate the vector on sphere just like what we have done in flat space(which translate the vector...
  16. patrykh18

    Stress tensor for a parallel plate capacitor

    The question is partially taken from Griffith's book. I am confused about the physical meaning of momentum in fields. I have determined the solution and found that in part d the momentum crossing the x-y plane is some value in the positive z direction. I don't however understand the physical...
  17. J

    I About the solution of the parallel transport equation

    If a vector moves along a particular curve ##l## from point ##x_0## to point ##x## on a manifold whose connection is ##\Gamma^i_{jk}(x)##, then the vector field we get obviously satisfy the pareallel transport equations: $$\partial_kv^i(x)+\Gamma^i_{jk}(x)v^j(x)=0$$ Because ##[\Gamma^i_{jk}(x)...
  18. J

    How does the current divide in parallel inductors?

    I apologize using English fluently because I am not an Enlgish speaker. When I tried to solve this problem, I used current divider rule. So, $$i_o(t) = \frac{3}{3+5}*4e^{-2t} = 1.5*e^{-2t} A$$ However, This was wrong. The answer is $$ 1.5*e^{-2t} + 0.5 A$$ If I use $$V_O = L*\frac{di}{dt}$$...
  19. R

    I Special Relativity: Comparing Lengths in Parallel Motion

    In Introduction to special relativity by Resnick,there is a thought experiment to compare lengths perpendicular to relative motion as given in the below image. What if we try to perform such an experiment to compare lengths parallel to relative motion? Suppose there are two horizontal rods...
  20. B

    B How would time flow for each parallel universe?

    do parralel timelines have to run concurrently to our time? what I mean by this is basically if there is a version of me or you out there in a parralel universe right now in 1963 for example just living like normal or do all parralel timelines have to be in the same timeframe as us?
  21. U

    Why Are Some Resistors in Parallel While Others Are Not?

    My attempt at a solution: I can see the two resistors at the bottom are in parallel as shown on the circuit diagram attached, but I'm failing to understand why there's a third resistor in parallel. So I made it one effective resistance as R/2. Then I proceded to think the circuit short circuits...
  22. K

    I Parallel Transport: Uses & Benefits

    What is the usefulness of parallel transporting a vector? Of course, you can use it to determine whether a curve is a geodesic, but aside from that, what can it be used for?
  23. posto002

    Are the Forces Different in Parallel and Series Springs?

    I know that in parallel springs, x (the displacement of the spring) is the same for both springs. However, the forces resulting for each string are different. For springs in a series, x may be different, but the force is the same on each string. I got the answer b, seeing how the weight would...
  24. M

    Prove to me how capacitors in parallel can have the same V across plates

    *If at any point I say something incorrect or its clear I don't have the right understanding of something, please point it out and correct me. I need to be sure I'm understanding it all correctly. So please don't answer unless you're willing to read this entire post* So I know capacitors in...
  25. HelloCthulhu

    Parallel Plate Capacitance and Charge Time

    $$C=K\varepsilon_0\frac{A}{d}=C=\frac{(8.85\times10^{-12})\times1\times 0.0254469}{0.01}=0.000022531F=22.531μF$$ 6V*(1-2.71828-t/0.019Ω*0.0000225307uF) time constants 6*(1-2.71828-1) = 6*(0.632) = 3.79 sec 6*(1-2.71828-2) = 6*(0.865) = 5.18 sec 6*(1-2.71828-3) = 6*(0.950) = 5.70 sec 6*(0.982)...
  26. D

    Parallel circuit with internal resistance

    4 resistors R1= 10 Ohm R2= 7 Ohm R3= 6 Ohm R4 = 18 Ohm, internal resistance of source is 0,5 Ohm and supply voltage is 27V Total resistance in parallel resistors 1/R = 0.465 taking the inverse of that i get 2,15 Ohm. Add to that the internal 0,5 and the total comes out to 2,65 Ohm. Total...
  27. lalallaland

    Two batteries with inner resistor in parallel

    I am kind of stuck at this exercise and I would like some help. Thanks a lot!
  28. R

    Identifying Serial and Parallel Connections

    I think the essential nodes are D, F, C, and F-G-A. R5 and R6 are in series. R1 and R3? I think R1 and R2 are in parallel
  29. J

    A How can a spin moment align parallel to an external field?

    Hello everybody, Lets say we have an atom with an electron that have a spin. That spin can only pointing in 2 directions, in s_1=\hbar*1/2 and s_1=-\hbar*1/2 and therefore the magnetic moment of an electron is pointing on the opposite site. My Problem here is appearing when whe apply an...
  30. D

    Parallel Plate Capacitor Design

    Hello, A question came up in my head that I couldn't think of a way to math out. Say I want to design a parallel plate capacitor. The equation for capacitance is quite simple: Everything in this equation makes sense, besides for the distance. This is saying that an infinitely small length...
  31. P

    Derive Fresnel's Equations for Parallel Incidence using Maxwell's BC's

    I'd first like to preface this post with the "right answer" per wikipedia (I've seen the same answer elsewhere on more reputable websites) The thing I find trouble some is the cross terms such as ##n_2 \cos \theta_i## where indices of refraction are "mixed with the other angle". I have...
  32. J

    Engineering Calculating the gap of a parallel plate capacitor

    I've been given this question for my TMA2, I've tried looking at the learning material but it gives no information on how to calculate the gap? Does anyone have a formula for this? Or can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  33. F

    How Are These Resistors in Parallel

    I’ve included an image of a solution to a problem from my textbook. Part of the problem is to find the equivalent resistance of the given circuit. In the solution they seem to be treating the resistors as if they were in parallel. I don’t understand why they are doing this. For the two...
  34. A

    MHB Proving parallel lines using points and vectors

    Hey, this is a problem given to me by my prof for an assignment, and the TAs at my tutorials haven't been much help. Was wondering where to go with this question. Also, I'm a uni freshman who isn't used to the whole concept of proofs, and a lot of what my profs say seem to be a slew of...
  35. J

    Question Regarding Parallel Plate Capacitor Network

    Hello, I have a question regarding the capacitor/resistor network as shown. My question is simple. I realize that the instant the switch is closed, then the top plate of the capacitor must be at a potential (VA) of 5v. However, I also realize that the instant the switch is closed, literally...
  36. Colonel Travis

    B Is a Universe Without Parallel Universes Possible in the Multiverse Theory?

    Does any parallel universe theory include the concept that in at least one of the parallel universes, there is no option for there being parallel universes? If so, how could that unique universe not kill the entire theory?
  37. adamaero

    Getting less total B-field from two infinitely long parallel wires

    I got 4.7*sin(377t) micro-Tesla for each wire, but where are they getting the total B-field equaling 0.78 micro-Tesla? Is it some hidden trigonometry?
  38. F

    Trying to reconcile contradictory statements about parallel circuits

    Preface to thread: The "closed switch" in this ladder diagram is a normally closed contactor. Sometimes when I post photographs of ladder diagrams with this symbol on them, people sometimes mistakenly assume that the switch is a variable capacitor. That's why I am letting everyone know that...
  39. andrea1313

    I What is the Maximal Parallel Velocity of a Satellite in an Elliptical Orbit?

    so I have this problem from olympiad the maximum value of the satellite velocity component parallel to the high axis of the ellipse(a) and the answer should be vmax=a/b*sqrt(G*M/a). How to prove this?
  40. Oannes

    Finding the Current Through a Resistor (Working With Parallel and Series)

    Here is the actual question. And here is my attempt at a solution In Summary I did the following Found the Equivalence Resistance to Be 5.9 ohms and the Current throughout the entire resistor to be 1.53 Amperes Worked backwards from my resistor simplifications. When the resistors were in...
  41. paulmdrdo

    Series RLC and Parallel RLC circuits

    Summary: Series RLC and Parallel RLC circuits How can the voltage across a capacitor or inductor in a series RLC circuit be greater than the applied AC source voltage? The formula suggest that either can be larger than the source voltage but I still find it counter intuitive. Also for...
  42. Benjamin_harsh

    Where does the plane exist in this parallel axis theorem?

    ##I_{AB} = I_{GXX} + A.(y^{2})## Same applies to CD; ##I_{CD} = I_{GYY} + A.(x^{2})## In the above statement, "any axis in its plane" where does the plane exist in this sketch?
  43. maxipoblete

    Capacitance of a circular capacitor with two parallel dielectrics

    Hello, the problem is better illustrated at the picture below. The capacitor is isolated, with an initial charge Q0. I understand that Q0 does not distribute along the plates homogeneously. How could it be solved with the equivalent parallel circuit?
  44. P

    New Parallel Resistor Calculation Method

    In teaching HS Physics part of which is Electric Circuits, I have discovered a rule / technique for parallel resistors that I never encountered in all my 30+ years in electronics engineering, nor in any textbook on Circuits. It is what I call " The N + 1 Rule " We all know the Reciprocal...
  45. B

    Parallel Plate Pulsed Proton Beam Generator (Thought Experiment)

    I am trying to come up with a design for a device with which to generate a rapidly pulsed proton beam (on the order of 1 pulse per ms). My thought was to apply a 10 kV potential between two parallel plates (each with a hole in their center) and inject a steady stream of hydrogen gas through the...
  46. L

    Parallel Equipment Grounding Conductors, Short Circuit

    I am seeking direction, information, resources and thoughts on the following subject. The common interpretation of the National Electrical Code does not allow you to use multiple smaller equipment grounding conductors in place of one larger one (except in a few cases such as a cable assembly...
  47. B

    I Parallel plate particle acceleraton questions

    Suppose there exists a pair of parallel plates with a voltage between them. These plates have a certain amount of energy stored in the electric field between them (E=1/2*C*V^2). Now we fire a fast (~5,000,000 m/s) beam of protons through the plates (parallel to the electric field) such that the...
  48. DaynaClarke

    Resistors in Parallel or Series?

    Given that they're all on the same branch, I had assumed that they were in series with one another. But with the middle resistor having being on the middle of three branches, it looks parallel. Like I said, I have a feeling it's in series (making the answer 3R). This question is from a past...