Parameter Definition and 392 Threads

  1. A

    Linear Gaussian parameter estimation

    Hi, I have a multivariate linear-gaussian model and I am trying to estaimte a particular scalar set of parameters of the model. I know how to derive the MLE in order to find the matrices A and Q (linear transfer function and covariance respectively). I take the log of the joint...
  2. rootX

    Const int & method (int & parameter)

    dec is a method that gets the parameter by reference, changes its value and returns a reference const int. Problem [in bold]: In the book it says, "const means that that the object being returned cannot itself by modified later on." But, I changed the return value without any error...
  3. Cyrus

    Lumped v. distributed parameter

    This was mentioned casually in my controls book concerning differential equations. Using simple english please describe to me what the two are. Please avoid any and all equations unless absolutely necessary. Thanks!
  4. Y

    Order parameter of charge density wave in one dimension

    In one dimensional electron gas in charge density wave phase, as I know , the density of electrons will be periodic. The order parameter of charge density wave is written as O_{CDW}(x)=\sum_s\psi_{L,s}^{\dagger}(x)\psi_{R,s}(x) For Luttinger model, the \psi is the Fermion annihilation field...
  5. M

    Parameter related fo efficency of the SOFC

    Please help me about the parameter realted fo efficency of the SOFC ? For the eneregy heravesting device whether is it (SOFC) favourable for the 4th generation energy conversion device ?
  6. N

    Cosmology: Equation of state parameter

    Homework Statement Hi all. The pressure in a multi-component universe is additive, just as the energy-density is: P = \sum\limits_i {w_i \varepsilon _i } \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,{\rm{and}}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\varepsilon = \sum\limits_i {\varepsilon _i } But...
  7. D

    Understanding Statistics and Parameters for Students

    Hey. I just wanted to clear something up. My texbook often refers to statistics and parameters. Is a statistic simply a calculation made on a sample, whereas a parameter is a property of the whole property from which the sample was taken? Thanks in advance, Dan.
  8. R

    How to find rotation parameter in sphere?

    Suppose there is one circle ( signal shape ) on the sphere. then the sphere is rotate. By comparing these two circle, is it possible to find 3 rotation parameters or angles in Euler coordinate (or 2 rotation angle, sphere coordinate)? Any idea? Thanks
  9. T

    Does the Parameterization Affect the Pullback of a Constant 1-Form?

    Show that the evaluation of the pullback of a constant 1-form k_{1}dx + k_{2}dy + k_{3}dz over the directed line segment from \bold{r} to \bold{s} does not depend on which linear parameterization is chosen. So (x,y,z) = \bold{r} + t(\bold{s}-\bold{r}) . Then what?
  10. K

    The Density Parameter and R^3 Space

    Hi everyone-- I'm trying to get a technical explanation of the expansion of the Universe. I posted something similar in the Cosmology forum, but got a lot of unlettered and wishy-washy responses. I'm hoping here in the SR/GR forum I can find a more mathematically rigorous treatment...
  11. M

    Gamma and Weibull location parameter estimation

    Hi all, I have a set of samples and I would like to detect the probability distribution that best represents the data. I'm using the kolmogorov-Smirnov test to verify the goodness-of-fit for some well-known distributions, like Gamma, exponential and Weibull. Since I don't know the...
  12. J

    Is stoke's number same as inertial impaction parameter?

    Is stoke's number same as inertial impaction parameter?? thx a lot
  13. H

    Can a One Parameter Family of Metrics Be Metricizable?

    Sorry about the horrible confusion in this post, I am befuddled and likely spouting gibberish. Consider the general case of a one parameter family of metrics, where the parameter in question need not be finite (it can limit to infinity for instance). I am looking for a topology that is big...
  14. Z

    Hubble parameter in early universe

    If the Hubble parameter is always decreasing for very early stages of Big Expansion of manifold (i.e. Big Bang), then what was it decreasing from?
  15. B

    Solve Parameter Equations: x=sec x, y=tan x

    Homework Statement How can I eliminate tha parameter of these equations: x=sec x, y=tan x Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  16. X

    Eliminating the parameter, physics equation.

    [SOLVED] Eliminating the parameter, physics equation. The question reads "The quarterback of a football team releases a pass at a height of 7 feet above the playing field, and the football is caught by a receiver at a height of 4 feet, 30 yards directly downfield. The pass is released at an...
  17. G

    Impact Parameter, Closest Approach

    Homework Statement 3. A 15MeV Alpha particle is incident at impact paramter b=0 on a Mg Nucleus, atomic number Z=12 and atomic mass A=24. What is the distance of closest approach? Homework Equations None given, but I thought the following might be relevant: r_{min}=\frac{Zke^{2}}{KE}...
  18. U

    Cepheid Stars & the Hubble Parameter: What is Their Role?

    What is the role of Cepheid stars in determining the Hubble parameter?
  19. jal

    The Immirzi parameter- the Kodama State - Revisited

    The Immirzi parameter- the Kodama State - Revisited In Search of Quantum de Sitter Space: Generalizing the Kodama State ---------- Althought this paper is about Generalizing the Kodama State, Andrew Randono does explain some basics of the Immirzi parameter...
  20. T

    Eliminate parameter in parametric equation

    so the question is: eliminate the parameter in the pair of parametric equations x = h + a secθ y = k + b tanθ to find the corresponding rectangular equation. im taking an online course of calculus and i can't find an explanation of how to do this anywhere...ive been trying but it...
  21. W

    One-Parameter Groups:John Lee's Vector Field Analysis

    Hi, everyone. I am new here, so I hope I am follow the protocols. Please let me know otherwise. Also, I apologize for not knowing Latex yet, tho I hope to learn it soon. am trying to show that the vector field: X^2(del/delx)+del/dely Is not a complete vector field. I think this is...
  22. E

    Integral depending on a parameter

    Homework Statement Let I(y) = \int_0^y f(x,y)dx. Find I'(y). Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have the solution which involves making an auxiliary function J(t,u) = \int_0^tF(x,u)dx and expressing I'(y) in terms of the partial derivatives of J(t,u). It uses the...
  23. S

    Hubble Parameter & acc. Universe

    Hubble "Parameter"& acc. Universe I am a senior high student. And I am studying on SnIa. I recently read that SOME(maybe most) theory said that hubble's constant is not a CONSTANT, it's changing by time. But I wonder if there are something influent the data. (like "slection effect" .etc)...
  24. J

    Can You Estimate Parameters for a Non-Closed Form Probability Distribution?

    I have a probability distribution of the form \sum_{i=0}^n f(n,x,y). There is no closed form expression for it. I need to know if there is any method that I can use to estimate the parameters {n, x, y} given some data from the above distribution. I've tried a maximum likelihood approach, but...
  25. T

    What Does the Order Parameter in BCS Theory Represent?

    Hi guys, What exactly is an order parameter? What does the order parameter in BCS Theory represent? I can't find anything on this anywhere. Thanks in advance Tom
  26. K

    Eliminating Parameter for Calculating Graphs

    Homework Statement Eliminate the parameter given x=2e^t, y=2e^-t The Attempt at a Solution lnx = ln2 + t, so t = lnx - ln 2 This gives: y=2e^(ln2-lnx) y=2(e^ln2 * e^-lnx) y= -4x This does not, however, match the graph of the parametric function on my calculator. Have I made...
  27. J

    Fortran Arrays with parameter and data statements in fortran 77

    Let's say you have an array A and a variable B (both reals). Apparently parameter (A = (/1.2, 3.4, .../) ) is illegal, so you have to do data A /1.2, 3.4, .../ instead. However, what if you have a statement afterwards like this? 1 parameter (A = (/1.2, 3.4, .../) ) ... 2...
  28. H

    4 parameter logistics - GraphPad

    Hi guys :) Dont know mutch about statistics and i thought some of you might be able to help. I hope i am not off topic here. I am doing research ELISA (I am a medical doctor) and the kit manufacturer says on the manual that i should do 4 parameter logistic analysis of the results i get. I...
  29. P

    Parameter Within A Linear Equation Conjecture

    HELLO, IN A LINEAR EQUATION OF THE FORM, X2 + Y2 + Z2 + D = 0 CAN THE PARAMETER BE -D WHERE t = parameter = -D and V = direction vector and Vt = <at, bt, ct> It seems as if it is...but I can't seem to prove it. HELP HELP HELP HELP
  30. A

    Question on Discrete Parameter Markov Chains

    I am required to find a formula expressing the probability of return to some state in a Markov chain at time n in terms of the probability of return to that state at time n - k and the probability of first return at time k. I cannot find this in my notes, and I have tried looking at several...
  31. H

    Radio, in which parameter is the information?

    When I listen to radio, then I know that the radio gets the information from electromagnetic radio waves. But in which parameter is the information of the song/news/output/whatever included? It can't be amplitude, since amplitude decreases with distance of obstruction, and the data most...
  32. L

    Fuji Inverter E9s Series Parameter Setting

    dear all can anyone help me to find parameter setting (or description )of fuji inverter E9s series desperately i need this. thanx in advance levoeg
  33. marcus

    Roh-Suan Tung: the Origin of the Immirzi Parameter

    Roh-Suan Tung used to be at University of Chicago, and at Uni Lancaster in the UK and at Taiwan Central University. Now he is at University of Shanghai. He has co-authored with Ted Jacobson. Eventually Loop Quantum Gravity could get securely established in Chinese People's Republic. It...
  34. exequor

    HTML/CSS Alt parameter in html viewed in firefox

    "Alt" parameter in html viewed in firefox In html coding there is the "alt" parameter which displays information when the cursor is focussed on a image, hyperlink, etc. Here on physicsforums if you hover over the link for a thread in a forum you would see the contents of the post without...
  35. marcus

    Rovelli/Perez: Physical Effects of the Immirzi Parameter

    there's a new 3 page paper by Carlo Rovelli and Alejandro Perez Physical effects of the Immirzi parameter "The Immirzi parameter is a constant appearing in the version of the general relativity action utilized as a starting point for the loop quantization...
  36. S

    How Does Zeno's Paradox Challenge Our Understanding of Movement and Space?

    Zeno's paradox (the inability to move between points A and B) results when two incongruous parameter sets are applied to the same event. In the Rational parameter set, points have no dimensions-only positions. There are an infinite number of points between A and B. The points A and B are...
  37. P

    Impact Parameter of Alpha Particle Rutherford

    In the Rutherford scattering experiment a very thin gold foil target is bombarded with a beam of a particles of known kinetic energy. A detector which can be moved on a circle around the target counts the scattered particles. What was the impact parameter of a 4.57 MeV a particle if it was...
  38. N

    Finding Limit of Sequence a_n with Parameter k

    Find limit n-->infinity of sequence a_n: a_n = (1^k+2^k+...+n^k)/(n^(k+1)), where k is parameter. IThanks from advance for any help. I tried to compute this limit using Stolz Theorem, but I don't know if I can do it in this way.
  39. A

    Non linear curve fit - parameter accuracy

    Hi, Suppose i fit some data with a curve, using Levenberg-Marquardt (or equivalent). How do I estimate the accuracy of the parameters (by this i mean p plus or minus something). I've read somewhere that its done using the jacobian and covariance matricies I think, but not sure. Anyone know if...
  40. T

    Crash Test Dummy: Head Impact Parameter & Force Estimation

    A typical car with a dummy crashed into a wall, what is a suitable parameter for the head of the crash test dummy(with and without restraints) as a function of time? and how do i estimate the forces acting on the head in the two situations? Thanks a lot :confused:
  41. marcus

    Meissner corrects the Immirzi parameter Black hole entropy in Loop Quantum Gravity Krzysztof A. Meissner 10 pages "We calculate the black hole entropy in Loop Quantum Gravity as a function of the horizon area and provide the exact formula for the leading and sub-leading terms. By comparison with...
  42. M

    Exploring Chaos Theory: Studying a Parameter to Uncover Its Behavior

    First of all, my sincere wishes of an Happy Christmas, full of joy, happiness and such feelings that make our life worthfull! I'm studying and researching about Chaos Theory, and currently I'm examining the following iterative equation: Xn+1 = c*(Xn-(Xn^3)/3) I've already managed to...