Particle physics Definition and 537 Threads

  1. N

    What are some recommended books for particle physics?

    I am mostly interested in particle physics so if anyone can suggest some good books for it
  2. Y

    Compactified String Theories - Generic Predictions for Particle Physics

    A review paper by Bobby Samir Acharya, Gordon Kane and Piyush Kumar 12 April 2012 This is my first post here in a long time. I learned of this paper from yesterday's Lubos Motl blog. It is the most instructive string theory paper I have ever read...
  3. S

    Programs Applying to Universities for Astrophysics and Particle Physics

    I am a high school student. i am applying to universities for admission next year. I really like physics. I want to study both astrophysics and particle physics. How can i do this? And which universities offer dual degrees/majors in both these fields? I also heard of a new field astroparticle...
  4. O

    Exploring High Energy Particle Physics: Newbie Seeks Advice

    Hello everyone, I recently joined these forums out of my interest in physics. I was wondering if anybody could guide me to some informative websites dealing with High Energy Particle Physics, as I have decided to do my high school senior thesis on the topic. Any information given is greatly...
  5. S

    Programs Career after PhD: How is the situation in Particle Physics compared to Condensed Mat?

    Hi everyone, I've just finished my bachelors degree and started grad school. I'm having a really hard time deciding if I want to head into Experimental Particle Physics oder Experimental Solid State Physics for my PhD. I've had a little practical experience in both fields, and I really...
  6. S

    Physics Gender Bias in Particle Physics?

    Hello, I'm not sure if there's a post for this already, but I'm in high school and I would like to go into the physics (or mathematics) field. I am especially interested in particle physics at the moment. My mother has her masters in math, and she's told me some tales about her experiences...
  7. W

    Where Can I Find Recommended References for Learning Particle Physics?

    I want to study the standard model of particle physics and i want to use some event generator software (Pythia, CompHep, ... ), I have Introduction to Particle Physics by Griffth Is this enough to learn the Standard Model, I have some basics in Quantum Mechanics Any Recommendations ?
  8. C

    VERY interested in particle physics but

    So, I am a beginner, and am VERY interested in particle physics... but, alas, when I look in the library for articles pertaining to this particular science, everything appears way to complicated. I am in High school, with no such class as particle physics, can someone direct me to a place where...
  9. J

    Programs Advice for degrees in particle physics or astrophysics?

    I'm going to be a freshman in college this year, and I really want to go into astrophysics or particle physics. At this point, I really want to work at the LHC when I get out of school. I know I may change my mind along the way, but could you please give me advice on any specific courses to take...
  10. E

    Kaons, Black Holes, and Particle Physics

    I was on Youtube the other day and found a series of videos that explain the four fundamental forces in terms of a basic particle called the kaon. I basically understood the first 13 videos, but at video 14 I was lost. In the first few videos, they explain gravity, basically stating that it is...
  11. Q

    Physics Astrophysics or Particle physics?

    I'm very fascinated on both things. I want to study Black Holes, Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Stuff like that in the big world of Astrophysics, but I'm also very attracted to particle physics with the ways forces works on atomic scale, and how elementary particles work. I really have a hard time...
  12. D

    What Are Some Long-Term Research Questions in Particle Physics?

    Homework Statement does anyone know a question or a research/experimental question concerning particle physics? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  13. B

    Suggest basic particle physics book

    Unfortunately i have no profound knoledge of particle physics but got much enthusiasm and interest in this matter (its years that i am fascinated of this matter so i don't think its somethink temporary). Can someone advise me some books to start with?
  14. V

    Schools Thinking particle physics for grad school. Undergrad course questions

    Hi. I am hoping to pursue high energy physics in graduate school. I have a few extra math electives I need to take for my math degree(majoring in math and physics). I was wondering if these classes would be of any real relevance Abstract Algebra Algebraic Geometry Lie AlgebrasDifferential...
  15. N

    Is the Decay of Δ⁺ to p⁺ and π⁰ Possible?

    Homework Statement Are the following reactions possible? If yes, explain why and how the reaction occurs. If no, explain why. ... \Delta^+ \to p^+ + \pi^0"Homework Equations NA The Attempt at a Solution First of all, it wouldn't break any conservation law, hence it is possible (or is this...
  16. B

    Is there a need for 5 layer MEMS in Particle Physics Experimental Setups? Actual MEMS design drawing of rotating plate with sections coated with platinum intended to rotate greater than 350,000 rpm with synchronous pulsed optical triggers. The plate and supporting substrate is mostly transparent to...
  17. A

    Programs PhD research in particle physics and cosmology - Any advice ?

    Hello everyone, I am a student in particle physics and cosmology in some Belgian university. I'll finish my master degree in June of this year. I am searching for PhD studentships in Europa or US, but it is very difficult to get a place somewhere. I applied to some universities, I'm still...
  18. L

    Physics Concerning particle physics and job availability

    Why hello there, Before I state the question I would just like to give a short background tour: I'm 17 years old, live in Iceland and have wanted to be a physicist for many years and for some quite some time I've wanted to be a particle physicist in particular. I've always gotten 9's and...
  19. L

    Choosing an Academic Path for Experimental Particle Physics

    Hello, guys. I am an undergraduate student who aims to study experimental particle physics and wants to be a faculty member in the academic in the future. Now I get some offers of admission, including 3-year(it may be possible to prolong to 4 years) D.Phil(Ph.D.) program at the U of Oxford in...
  20. I

    Help me if you can Particle physics Give it a shot Pleaseee

    Help me if you can! Particle physics! Give it a shot! Pleaseee in particle physics data from fermi lab I have to find out the momentum (p) of x, y, and z. The equation is p=qBx and i have q(coulombs) and B (tesla). The data I'm looking at says cos theta x=0.47 cos theta y=-.10...
  21. M

    What is the current status of particle physics beyond the standard model?

    In this forum, "Beyond the Standard Model", most of the discussion is about quantum gravity. But technically, even neutrino masses are "beyond the standard model". Some years ago, a paper was written, "The new minimal standard model", which self-consciously set out to describe a minimal new...
  22. Q

    Getting natural units right in particle physics

    Hi guys. I have been a mathematical physicist and have recently been taking great interest in theoretical particle physics. With some effort I can do calculations in the International System of Units (SI) with complete success if I focus very carefully. With the particle physics natural units...
  23. W

    Which Particle Physics Textbook is Better for a Master's Degree Student?

    Hi all; I will work master's degree in particle physics and I want an experimental textbook for particle physics, and i have two choices is "Introduction to high energy physics" by Perkins or "particle physics" by B.R. Martin & G. Shaw Can you advise me
  24. Z

    A Problem in Georgi's Lie algebras in particle physics

    Can some one please explain to me equation 2.35 on page 49 in the textbook "Lie algebra in particle physics " How can he extract the 2 Transformation matrices outside the trace operator ?I think there is something wrong Sorry I do not know how to use latex
  25. B

    MSc particle physics revision question - angle of muon from pion decay

    I am trying to revise for PhD, going over MSc work. Could anyone help me with this question? Homework Statement A pion traveling at speed β(=v/c) decays into a muon and a neutrino, π→μ + \nu. If the neutrino emerges at 90° to the original pion direction at what angle does the muon come off...
  26. M

    Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: Questions Answered

    i'm reading 'gauge theories in particle physics' by aitchison ( and i have some questions: 1. middle of page 23 right before section 1.2.3 heading: he implies because of the spectroscopy...
  27. H

    Relativistic Particle Decay: Strong, EM, Weak, or Gravitational Interactions?

    Homework Statement A relativistic particle travels a length of 3*10^-3 m before decaying.The decay process of this particle is dominated by... (a)Strong interactions (b)EM interactions (c)weak interactions (d)gravitational interactions. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
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    How much chemistry demanding particle physics is?

    As title says, how much chemistry would I need at the beginning of university level particle physics? If I decided to study it, would the fact that I don't have chemistry in my A levels could be a problem?
  29. L

    Navigating MIT Physics Admission: Seeking Advice for Nuclear & Particle Physics

    i could use some kind advice regarding I am a second year student pursuing electrical engineering and i want to get into mit physics department experimental nuclear and particle physics .can anyone help me know the admission criteria .what is it mostly .gre score or attitude towards research or...
  30. S

    A medical student who loves physics and wants to learn particle physics

    I'm a medical student, currently in my 2nd year of medical school in India. I'm absolutely fascinated by physics and if not for my dream of doing research in neurology i would have taken up particle physics. My physics knowledge is limited to what i learned upto the 12th grade but i am willing...
  31. S

    A medical student who loves physics and wants to learn particle physics

    I'm a medical student, currently in my 2nd year of medical school. I'm absolutely fascinated by physics and if not for my dream of doing research in neurology i would have taken up particle physics. My physics knowledge is limited to what i learned upto the 12th grade but i am willing to teach...
  32. S

    What Are the Energy and Angles of Photons from \(\pi_{0}\) Meson Decay?

    Homework Statement (i) The \pi_{0} meson predominantly decays into two photons. (a) Write down an expression for the energy of each photon in the \pi_{0} rest frame in terms of the \pi_{0} mass m_{\pi}. [2 marks] (b) One of the photons is produced at spherical polar angle \theta with...
  33. W

    What is the Top Reference for Particle and High Energy Physics?

    Hello; I'am asking about the best textbook or refrence in particle & high energy physics ?
  34. J

    Junior undegrad considering particle physics

    Ok. So I literally just created this account, but I need to ask you all something. I'm a junior in undergraduate college. I am pursuing a double major in English-Literature, and Philosophy. I have always been interested in physics, specifically astronomy, astrophysics, particle physics, etc...
  35. I

    Summer research internship in particle physics

    Hello, I'm a first year graduate student from France, and I need to complete a 3/4-months research internship from April to June/July 2012. My interests are in particle physics and theoretical physics, but I guess it is quite impossible to do something interesting in theory during such a short...
  36. L

    Schools Safety grad school for experimental particle physics

    I'm a senior undergrad and will be applying to grad school soon. The field I'm interested in is experimental high-energy physics. There are already about six schools I'm looking at applying to, but I'm wondering if anyone has any advice about possible safety schools. My overall GPA is about...
  37. L

    Interested in particle physics, having trouble understanding.

    Hello everyone. After some time of using the internet for entertainment purposes, I decided it would be good to actually learn from it. I saw Sagan's Cosmos for the first time, and got very hooked up with Particle Physics. I'm trying to understand but I'm having trouble getting the hang of...
  38. M

    What is the Chemistry equivalent of Particle Physics?

    Are there any areas of Chemistry that are dedicated to the study of elementary particles e.g.the Standard Model?
  39. M

    Particle Physics: Why are Mesons a type of Gauge Boson?

    If a Meson is a Hadron that contains a Quark and an Anti-Quark which are both Fermions then why are Mesons a type of Gauge Boson?
  40. M

    How much Maths does one need in Particle Physics?

    Hi, I'm Marc. I'm 14, from the UK and I love Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics. I was just wondering about how much Maths and what areas of Maths I would need to accumulate the knowledge for, in order to do A-level and eventually University Physics, specifically Particle Physics. Could...
  41. A

    Which Has the Most Importance Today: Electronics, Nuclear, or Particle Physics?

    Electronics , Nuclear and Particle physics , which one has the most importance today life?
  42. E

    Mach's Principle in Particle Physics

    Is there a version of Mach's Principle in Particle Physics? If yes, does it hold true? A version could possibly look as follows: certain properties of a particle can be attributed entirely to the existence of other particles ( for instance, can the charge of a particle be attributed to...
  43. C

    Recommendations for Introductory and Intermediate books relating to Particle Physics

    Hi everybody, Just recently I got an epiphany (or a crazy idea, I don't really know which one) that I want to pursue a masters, with the emphasis of skipping my masters half way through in order to upgrade to a doctorate. The program that I am in (B.Sc in Medical Physics, 2nd year) does not...
  44. D

    Does QFT cover theoretical particle physics?

    There's a course at my institution called "Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics." I know it covers a lot of the experimental methods, but it also goes through theoretical topics like isospin/SU(2), quark model/SU(3), charm/beauty, etc., using the proper mathematical machinery (Lie...
  45. U

    Particle physics - exercises

    Homework Statement Calculate the ratio of scattering cross sections for hadron and muon production \sigma(e^{+} e^{-} \rightarrow hadrons) / \sigma(e^{+} e^{-} \rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu{-}), just underneath and just a bit above the treshold for quark production t \bar{t} (Note only the exchange...
  46. Z

    Schools Grad school in particle physics for a mediocre applicant

    I'm an American undergrad in physics and math between my junior and senior years, and I'm planning on applying to a physics Ph.D. program in the coming year. Frankly I'm not a great-looking applicant. My GPA is a 3.465 (at a top-twenty university at least) although most of my poorer grades...
  47. I

    How Does Flavour in Particle Physics Explain Quark Interactions?

    So let me get this straight, 'flavour' is an overall term to describe the qualities of quarks which are: -topness -bottomness -strangeness -charmness. Flavour is always conserved unless the interaction of via a gauge boson that is charged (i.e. a W boson)...
  48. S

    Masters project in cosmology or theoretical particle physics ?

    Hey I didnt know where to put this so the masters projects we can do for next year came out .. but I am not really interested in any of them However we can propose projects So i was thinking if anyone could lead me in the right direction Im want something in either COSMOLOGY or...
  49. S

    Project in cosmology or theoretical particle physics ?

    Hey I didnt know where to put this so the masters projects we can do for next year came out .. but I am not really interested in any of them However we can propose projects So i was thinking if anyone could lead me in the right direction Im want something in either COSMOLOGY or THEORETICAL...