What is Patterns: Definition and 197 Discussions

A pattern is a regularity in the world, in human-made design, or in abstract ideas. As such, the elements of a pattern repeat in a predictable manner. A geometric pattern is a kind of pattern formed of geometric shapes and typically repeated like a wallpaper design.
Any of the senses may directly observe patterns. Conversely, abstract patterns in science, mathematics, or language may be observable only by analysis. Direct observation in practice means seeing visual patterns, which are widespread in nature and in art. Visual patterns in nature are often chaotic, rarely exactly repeating, and often involve fractals. Natural patterns include spirals, meanders, waves, foams, tilings, cracks, and those created by symmetries of rotation and reflection. Patterns have an underlying mathematical structure; indeed, mathematics can be seen as the search for regularities, and the output of any function is a mathematical pattern. Similarly in the sciences, theories explain and predict regularities in the world.
In art and architecture, decorations or visual motifs may be combined and repeated to form patterns designed to have a chosen effect on the viewer. In computer science, a software design pattern is a known solution to a class of problems in programming. In fashion, the pattern is a template used to create any number of similar garments.

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  1. S

    How can a human Neural Network be used to reduce complexity in signal analysis?

    Hi all, I have 40 signals recorded on a vehicle. Some signals are analog and some are digital with 4 different states. One signal (I call it A) is really important to me, it is positive and all the other signals lead to its variability. For example, when there is a state change in a couple of...
  2. D

    Can I Create a Visible Light Pattern Using a Combination of Laser Beam and LED?

    I want to create a visible pattern of light from 1-5 feet away. The pattern would have a bright dot in the middle (ala sniper sight) visible in bright light at 5 feet. The cheap toy pointers seem to work just fine. It would also have a filled circular pattern around the dot, 8" in diameter at 4'...
  3. R

    Mystery Generation of Dust Patterns from Grinding Wheels -- I can't explain it

    I'm not sure where to post this, but I wanted to show this just because of the incredible nature of the phenomenon. It's just the dust from a slow running wet grindstone. I assume just vibration, but the more carefully you look the more unbelievable it becomes. As the grindstone ran, some of...
  4. G

    What is the equation for predicting the middle number in Pascal's triangle?

    I am trying to find the equation to predict the next middle number in pascal's triangle. By middle number I mean in each row that has odd number of numbers the middle number of that row. So for example row 6 which has 1,6,15,20( middle number), 15,6,1. I am trying to find that middle number, but...
  5. V

    Understanding FWHM in XRD Analysis of Powder Patterns

    Why is FWHM taken for calculations in XRD analysis of powder pattern? I mean, why don't we take the full peak value?
  6. N

    Can someone explain the mathematics of this formula for Venus' orbit

    I've always been interested by the pattern within venus' orbit around the sun. I found this image and the formula of its retrograde motion in the upper right hand corner which confused me. What does it mean? can someone break this down in layman's terms...
  7. K

    Light waves and intereference patterns

    Homework Statement [/B] You shine two flashlights on a wall. Why don’t you see an interference pattern? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Actually, I thought you would have seen an interference pattern but if you don’t then it’s probably because the waves of light of the two...
  8. T

    Decomposing Wave Patterns: ψ(x)=sin4x

    Homework Statement I read from a book (obtained from a library) which stated that: "Wave patterns, no matter how complicated, can always be written as a sum of simple wave patterns. Ex: ψ(x) = sin2x = 1/2 + cos2x/2" I understand that ψ(x) has been decomposed with double angle trignometry...
  9. A

    What are the equations for interference patterns?

    Homework Statement http://puu.sh/bXBvW/361097a50c.png Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Not sure how to approach[/B]
  10. A

    Is Pi Entirely Random or Does It Contain Hidden Patterns?

    or is it all random? thanks :approve:
  11. H

    Diffraction Patterns: Does Distance Affect Diffraction?

    Homework Statement Is it necessary that a single slit diffraction occur with the two source having the distance of \frac{a}{2}?Are there any diffractions occur when the point source having the distance of \frac{a}{3},\frac{a}{4} and so on? And I would like to know whether are there only...
  12. H

    Interference patterns in thin films

    Why the interference patterns are separated when there are many light beams transmit through the film? Thanks!
  13. ThomasMagnus

    Relating Arc Length and Standing Wave Patterns

    Homework Statement I am currently reviewing the physics of 'standing waves on a string'. I know that for the nth harmonic, the length of the 'string' is \frac{n\lambda}{2}. Instead of just memorizing these, I have been trying to apply my knowledge of Calculus to figure out why these numbers...
  14. M

    Rubbing your eyes and seeing patterns

    I didn't really know what section to put this in but can someone expain to me what this is I experience? Basically I rub my eyes for a little bit and then hold my hands on my eyes pressing ever so gently and after a few seconds I'll see the most insane patterns of shapes and colours. Depending...
  15. I

    C/C++ MSVS C++ compiler:Visitor/iterator patterns and tree parsing

    While creating the compiler, did they use these patterns to process the syntax/grammar trees ? I use MSVS C++ as a specific example, it can be any compiler in general. Thank you a lot.
  16. C

    Decimal Values of 8-Bit Bit Patterns

    Homework Statement Find the decimal values for the following 8-bit bit pattern A)00000010 in excess 128 representation B)10000010 in excess 128 2's complement representation C)10000010 in excess 128 representation Homework Equations Binary 2's complement The Attempt at a Solution...
  17. H

    Analyzing Wave Interference Patterns

    I don't know if this would be considered a homework problem, so I hope I'm posting in the right place. I'm working through an independent learning course and just needs some help with the terminology in the book. It started expressing wavelengths in 1/2λ, and I can't find an explanation why...
  18. sr8

    Wave Convergence generator, pretty patterns

    Hi everyone, here is a web browser program of a complicated wave-pattern generator: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/114667999/Public.html i wished to have a formula that explains cymatics patterns, and patterns found in wave tanks, because they are fascinating. I wrote an program that...
  19. S

    Fate of relict radiation patterns

    Relict radiation has spatial fluctuations: hot and cool spots. Of rather modest amplitude, but yet detectable. Have these patterns undergone any change? Galaxies are supposed to form a few hundred million years after big bang. If you watched a given hot spot of relict radiation, would...
  20. M

    Double-slit quantum eraser: measured patterns on screen

    Consider a double-slit quantum eraser experiment such as the one by Walborn et al (http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0106078). The overall pattern formed by the signal photons on the screen behind the double slits is the same regardless of whether which-path information is available or destroyed...
  21. Monique

    Vegetarian dietary patterns associated with lower mortality

    A large-scale study published in JAMA Internal Medicine finds that vegetarian dietary patterns are associated with lower mortality (12% less). The association does not hold for British vegetarians, so there must be some additional differences that cause the effect...
  22. M

    Question about Interference Patterns in Kim Delayed Choice Eraser

    I've looked at the DCQE paper by Kim, et al (arXiv:quant-ph/9903047) but I was not able to follow the math leading to the calculation of the patterns R_01, R_02, R_03, and R_04. Specifically, I was hoping to understand the source of the pi phase shift between R_01 and R_02. Is there a property...
  23. B

    Diffraction Patterns: Sunlight vs. Laser Beam

    Hi, I was wondering what the diffraction pattern would be like if the suns light is diffracted through a pin hole or double slit diffraction grating compared to that of a laser beam? thanks.
  24. M

    Quantum Eraser Interference Patterns

    I'm not clear as to how the overall interference pattern (or lack thereof) observed in the quantum eraser experiments (http://grad.physics.sunysb.edu/~amarch/ ) ends up being the same if the eraser is present or not present. My thinking follows. Say N entangled photons are sent through the...
  25. N

    Sequence question to do with tile patterns

    Homework Statement There are patterns made up of square tiles which I can not draw but only describe... Pattern 1 has 1 grey tile in centre and 8 dotted tiles around it Pattern 2 has 4 grey tiles in centre and 12 dotted tiles aound it Pattern 3 has 9 grey tiles in centre and 16 dotted...
  26. M

    Order of Dark Fringes: Understanding Interference Patterns

    See attachment please. After that, please point out, the order of the dark fringes. I mean I can't see where is m=0 dark fringe? Where to start? I want to know so I can know that radius enclosed by each fringe. Thanks.
  27. G

    Calculating diffraction patterns

    hi All, I recently got interested in a general solution to diffraction from an object at verious distance and wavelengths. I came across the Fresnel Kirchoff formula (attached formula from Schnars, digital holography). My problem is I cannot seem to replicate a diffraction that makes...
  28. J

    X-ray and electron microscope diffraction patterns

    Hey, I'm having trouble finding a clear answer anywhere. When you have a x-ray diffraction pattern, do the dark spots correspond to the positions of atoms? Or do they represent the position of atoms in reciprocal space or something like that? It would seem natural to assume that the peaks are...
  29. J

    ?novel patterns & pecularity arising from Combinatorics

    Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that study enumeration, combination, and permutation of sets of elements and the mathematical relations that characterize them. Thus, the topics of Permutation and Combination come under Combinatorics. They refer to the related problem of counting the...
  30. H

    Function Patterns Homework Help

    Homework Statement So I'm taking a class that's purpose is to go over, in great detail, the concepts that secondary students learn. It's intended to prepare teachers for the material they will have to teach. Unfortunately, we are working on something called "Function Patterns" and I have...
  31. B

    Question about a monte carlo simulation of car travel patterns

    Hi there, I have a question about probability, conditional expectations, copula functions and their use in a Monte carlo simulation. I'd appreciate any help or comments that you can offer. I'll describe briefly what I am trying to simulate and I'll ask the specific question at the end...
  32. R

    Shrinkage allowance for patterns

    While making a pattern for a casting do we increase or the bore diameter of the pattern, than actually required in the casting, taking into consideration the shrinkage allowance for metal?
  33. B

    Travel patterns distributions of a sample representative of a population?

    Travel patterns distributions of a sample representative of a population?? Hi, I was hoping that somebody might be in a position to advise me on a problem that I have. I am recording the travel patterns of a car for 80 different families for 2 years. Specifically I am recording the...
  34. K

    If maths is about finding patterns

    If maths is about finding patterns... then. if my parrot learns by itself that everytime I grab the food bag is time to eat and gets excited, can we say it has a very rudimentary/vestigial sense of math?
  35. L

    Patterns found in complex numbers

    Patterns found in complex numbers URGENT! use de moivre's theorem to obtain solutions to z^n = i for n=3, 4, 5 generalise and prove your results for z^n = 1+bi, where |a+bi|=1 what happens when |a+bi|≠1? Relevant equations[/b] r = √a^2 + b^2 z^n = r^n cis (nθ) This is what i...
  36. W

    Has anyone noticed that there are patterns everywhere in high energy physics?

    As I am studying the very basics topics of high energy physics on my own time I find that there are patterns everywhere, the same kind of patterns. Where there are 6 quark types and those come in three pairs, for example the up and down quarks. Then you have leptons which do the exact same...
  37. S

    Diffraction patterns and lasers

    Homework Statement A laser with monochromatic light of frequency 6.33 × 10^14 Hz is fired through a diffraction grating. If the first minimum in this diffraction pattern coincides with the position of the second order that was seen in the previous diffraction pattern, what is the width of...
  38. E

    Programming help non linear patterns

    I want to plot numerically and analytically in order to compare the linear density of bosonic atoms and the chemical potential in function of the non linear dissipation (φ) given by the relation N(φ)=(αγ+∆)/(βsin⁡(φ)) u(φ)=E+{(αγ+∆)/(tan⁡(φ))} where a=0.1, γ=0.641, Δ=0.0, φ=3.055...
  39. S

    Search patterns in observational studies

    Hello Physics Forums! I've just read about the discovery of GJ 667Cc, and it made me ponder on how do astonomers develop the sequence of stars to be examined in search for exoplanets? I know that some telescopes, like Kepler mission, are just collecting raw data from a certain area of space...
  40. L

    Optimization of Core Loading Patterns

    Hi There, What's the best core loading pattern optimization method? I believe this is very depended to experts knowledge, I mean the methods such as Genetic Algorithm or Neural Network or Ant Colony are not so useful for such these optimization. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. Thanks
  41. S

    Standing wave interference patterns on liquid metals

    Hi, first post, so take it easy on me, I've had an idea for producing metallic objects with high surface area for several years, but lack the necessary physics knowledge to act on it or, really, inclination (and money) to go through years of school to gain such. The idea is as follows: A...
  42. V

    Understanding Radiation Patterns in Antennas

    Ive just started studying antenna theory and after a good 2 weeks of research on the forum, understood to a certain extent about how the antenna radiates waves. But, I'm still haunted by radiation patterns. Why should the radiated power be a function of theta, and how exactly do we get the...
  43. A

    How many patterns are there with 9 dots?

    Recently smart phones using Android have provided a new feature that you can draw a pattern to unlock the screen, so here is the question, how many patterns you can create with 9 dots? By pattern we mean a connected path between 9 dots that you don't go through the same dot more than once. Is my...
  44. J

    Beautiful Natural Oceanic Diffraction Patterns

    Hi, I was having a flick around Google maps whilst procrastinating and came across this when I looked at some islands off the Australian coast. I'm not 100% certain that the pattern is caused by diffraction of the waves passing through the gap between Bernier and Dorre Islands, or simply...
  45. R

    Ex of chaos->order circular patterns in liquid chemical reaction

    Does anyone know the experiment where distinct circular patterns appear to emerge in a liquid chemical reaction? This experiment was covered in my thermodynamics class due to its relevance of order emerging from chaos. All I remember about the experiment is that it was not believed at first for...
  46. S

    Newbie Question - Double Slit Experiment - 'Interference Patterns'

    I am relatively new to QM and so have a couple of basic questions for you all. I understand that the double slit experiment creates an ‘interference pattern’. What bothers me, is that it seems like an assumption to me, that the pattern created could *only* have been made by two waves...
  47. N

    How to recognize patterns in an analog waveform?

    Hi All As the title of this thread suggest, I am looking for ways to recognize patterns in an analog waveform. Well the obvious answer to this question is use Artifical Neural Network (ANN) as ( from the text on google) its been used for pattern recognition and all sorts of stuff. I've been...
  48. K

    News Can Shifting Dietary Patterns Reduce Global Hunger?

    Most of the world consumes non vegetarian food significantly. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_water#Agricultural_products" compares the virtual water requirements of various food products :- I am showing the water requirements just as an example. But even land required to produce 1 kg...
  49. M

    Patterns from complex numbers

    Patterns from complex numbers ! URGENT! - Use de moivre's theorem to obtain solutions for z^n=i for n=3, 4 and 5. - Generalize and prove your results for z^n=a+bi, where |a+bi|=1. - What happens when |a+bi|≠1 Relevant Equations: z^n = r^n cis (n\theta) r = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}...
  50. R

    C/C++ How to Create Patterns in C++ with For-Loops?

    How to create patterns using C++? I am new to programming and would really appreciate some help in creating patterns. For example, how will you create this pattern using two for-loops? * ** *** **** ***** And btw, this is not a homework question. Was just curious. Thanks. And please...