Crank-Nicolson method for solving hyperbolic PDE?
Hi. I'm not really sure if this is the right part of the forum to ask since it's not really a home-work "problem". Anyway, the question seemed too trivial to ask in the general math forum.
What I'm wondering is wether the Crank-Nicolson...
Hello all,
This is my first post...
I am trying to make a code to numerically solve a problem, which is a heat conduction problem (temperature) in a moving slab (in y-z plane) with a source term in it:
A(dT/dy)=(d2T/dy2 + d2T/dz2) + B
dT/dy=0 at y=0, T=given at y=0, boundary...
Solving this PDE :(
Hello i have a question about this..let be a function F(x(t),y(t),z(t),t) then if we use the "total derivative" respect to t and partial derivatives..could we find an F so it satisfies:
\frac{d (\frac{\partial F}{\partial x})}{dt}+\lambda F + (\frac{\partial...
I'll be taking Quantum Mechanics A, Electromagnetic Theory I and PDE next semester. However, in the course description, PDE is a corequisite for QM and Electromagnetic. I wanted to know what PDE topic should I read up on during the holiday that i might encounter in QM or EM before the...
Homework Statement
I'm wondering if there is an explicit traveling wave solution to a simple epidemiology diffusion model. This model is a basic representation of rabies spread among organisms. Rabies causes its victims to become delirious; hence the diffusion there.
Here x is the...
well I just got into UMASS at amhearst from my community college, I should be going there in the spring but as I looked over the requirements for their physics mjor I noticed something.
for the professional track they only require multivariable calculus and ordinary differential equations...
I'm wondering if anyone can just run through how this is done. I have the solution so that's now the problem. I just need someone to provide me with the method of finding the steady solution (I can find the transient no problem).
A slender homogeneous conducting bar of uniform cross section...
In my uni I am forced to make a painful choice btw taking PDE or abstract algebra. I will take algebra, but I'd like to know what I will be missing?
What is being taught in this class exactly? (BESIDES HOW TO SOLVE A PDE BY SEPARATION OF VARIABLES :rolleyes:)
Let be L and G 2 linear operators so they have the same set of Eigenvalues, then:
L[y]=-\lambda _{n} y and G[y]=-\lambda _{n} y
then i believe that either L=G or L and G are related by some linear transform or whatever, in the same case it happens with Matrices having the same...
Hi, I am currently taking a class which is now covering PDE's and I think I need more sample or example problems that are already solved, particularly on Fourier series solution, d'Alembert method, etc.
The book I'm using is Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition.
Solve u_{xx}-3u_{xt}-4u_{tt}=0 with initial conditions u(x,0)=x^2, u_t(x,0)=e^x.
I got that u is an arbitrary function F(x+t), which makes no sense. I factored the operator into (\partial/\partial x+\partial/\partial t)(\partial/\partial x-4\partial/\partial t)u=0, but I can't get anywhere.
How does this method work? What are the mathematical ideas behind this method? Unlike separation of variables techniques, where things can be worked out from first principles, this method of solving ODE seems to find the right formulas and apply which I feel uncomfortable about.
hmmm i have no idea where to even start with this problem, i cannot find any examples that are similar or anything like that anywhere!
anyone got an idea as to a good first step to take?
sarah :)
edit: i tryed something wild...
Hi all,
I am stuggling with this question ...
so far i have only tried part (a), but since i can't see how to do that so far... :(
ok so what to do...
do we first look at an 'associated problem' ? ... something like...
Hi everyone,
I'm having a bit of trouble with this pde problem:
i get the answer to be u(x,t)=0 but i am guessing that's not right.
is the general solution to this problem: u(x,t) = f(x+ct) + g(x-ct) ??
sarah :)
Hi can someone please help me work through the following question. It is the two dimensional Laplace equation in a semi-infinite strip.
\frac{{\partial ^2 u}}{{\partial x^2 }} + \frac{{\partial ^2 u}}{{\partial y^2 }} = 0,0 < x < a,0 < y < \infty
The boundary conditions along the...
I've searched through about 5 math books but don't know how to start this one:
I have a drumskin of radius a, and small transverse oscillations of amplitude:
\nabla^2 z = \frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2 z }{dt^2}
Ok, so I can write the normal mode as
z=Z(\rho)cos(\omega t)...
hello, can you guys give me a good resource(websites, etc) on how to solve this type of problem?
The thing is, I'm not sure what methods are appropriate for solving this problem. I believe this is a PDE problem involving the Wave equation, but I don't know how to start.
I would like to say...
i want to understand finite element method by solving the simple differential equation of falling mass
eventhough this equation contains derivative of only one variable i want to understand fem using this
Or some one can give a somemore difficult pde and solve using...
case 1)in finite element analysis of structures using simple rod elements we do the stiffness matrix and then find the displacements from loads and constraints
case 2)finite element method is a technique for solving partial differential equations. In the case1 what is the partial...
As part of a separable solution to a PDE, I get the following ODE:
X''-rX=0 (*),
with -infty<x<infty and the boundary condition X(+/-infty)=0 (X is an odd function here). Thus I have assumed r>0 to avoid the periodic solution, cos. I, therefore, argue that the solution is the symmetric...
Lets say we have a solution u, to the cauchy problem of the heat PDE:
u_t-laplacian(u) = 0
u(x, 0) = f(x)
u is a bounded solution, meaning:
Where C and a are constant.
Then, does u is necesseraly the following solution:
u = integral of (K(x, y, t)*f(y))
Where K...
I have to give a 35-50 minute presentation on PDEs in a week and a half for my class. I really don't have much knowledge of PDE's and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good internet rescourses etc. that would help me get a decent grasp so that I could make a decent presentation and answer a...
I have a square area with the length a. The temperature surrounding the square is T_0 except at the top where it's T_0(1+sin(pi*x/a)). They ask for the stationary temperature in the area. In other words, how can the temperature u(x,y) inside the area be written when the time = infinity.
i am trying to find the fundamental solution to
\frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = D\frac{\partial ^2 c}{\partial x^2}
where c=c(x,t)
with initial condition being c(x,0)=\delta (x)
where \delta (x) is the dirac delta function.
i have the solution and working written out in front of me...
u_{a}+u_{t}=-\mu t_{u}
u(0,t)=b\int_0^\infty \left u(a,t)da
Solve u(a,t) for the region a<t
Got this question from assignment. My solution is incomplete though, need some inspirations! I have shown that the general solution is
So for...
i am having difficulty trying to find a change of variables to solve this partial differential equation
\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} = t^\gamma \frac{\partial ^2 f}{\partial x^2}
not sure how to pluck out a change of variables by looking at the equation as its definitely not obvious to the...
Plz Help :(
I want 2 know how 2 solve 1st order partial differintial equation (PDE) with constant coefficient using orthogonal transformation
example :
solve: 2Ux + 2Uy + Uz = 0
THnx :blushing:
heres the problem:
solve u_xx+u_yy=1, in r<a with u(x,y) vanishing on r=a
here is what i did, if u_xx+u_yy=1 then u_rr + (1/r)*(u_r) =1
then (r*u_r)_r=r integrating both sides gives
r*u_r = (1/2)*r^2+c1 => u_r = (1/2)*r +c1/r, integrating again gives
u= (1/4)r^2 +c1log(r)
using the...
A quick question:
When classifying a 2nd order PDE as either Hyperbolic, Parabolic or Elliptic we look at whether the discriminant is either positive, zero or negative respectively. Right. What do we do if the discriminant depends on independent variables (or the dependent variable for that...
I have a problem that I tried to solve using MAPLE but I guess wasnt doing the right thing.
\frac {\partial ^{2} \delta}{\partial t^{2}}+ S*(\frac {\partial^{2}\delta}{\partial \eta^{2}}+M*\frac {\partial^{4}\delta}{\partial \eta^{4}})-G* \frac {\partial ^{3} \delta}{\partial \eta ^{2}...
For some reason i can't post in the calculus and beyond section
but i was hoping someone could help me with this question
eq.1 du/dt - fv = g*(dn/dx)
eq.2 dv/dt + fu = g*(dn/dg)
eq.3 du/dx+dv/dg=(1/(H)*(dn/dt)
manipulate the equations to derivate a single PDE in one variable n which is...
I'm working through 'Partial Differential Equations, an introduction' by Colton and am not finding it as clear as I hoped to.
I'm working through an example on how to solve a linear 1st order PDE.
I'll post Colton's example and Italic my questions:
Find the GS of
What's the best exposition of Partial Differential Equations methods at the beginning-graduate level? I've found myself needing Green's functions and such and I don't really know that much about them. Dover reprints would be awesome.
Find u(3/4,2) when l=c=1, f(x) = x(1-x), g(x) = x^2 (1-x)
all i need to do is find the value using d'Alembert's solution of the one dimensional wave.
now it is easy for me to extend f(x)
for f(x)
(-1,0)\Rightarrow \quad x(1+x)
(0,1)\Rightarrow \quad x(1-x)
(1,2)\Rightarrow \quad...
Let's say I assumed that the answer to a PDE was U(x,t)= XT, where X,T are functions. I then further my answer by getting to a point for
T'/T=kX''/X, where k is some constant given in the boundary conditions. I then continue by working on either side to find each function. Suppose I work on...
we are given the laplacian:
(d^2)u/(dx^2) + (d^2)u/(dy^2) = 0 where the derivatives are partial. we have the B.C's
u=0 for (-1<y<1) on x=0
u=0 on the lines y=plus or minus 1 for x>0
u tends to zero as x tends to infinity.
Using separation of variable I get the general solution
u =...
I am to reduce the following PDE to 2 ODEs and find only the particular solutions:
u_tt - u_xx - u = 0; u_t(x,0) = 0; u(0,t) = u(1,t) = 0
I guess u = X(x)T(t), and plug u_tt, u_xx into PDE and divide by u to get:
T''/T = X''/X + 1 = K
I solve X'' + (1-K)X = 0 first.
I have formula for 1D wave equation:
(*) u(x, t) = 1/2 [ f(x + ct) + f(x - ct) ] + 1 / (2c) Integral( g(s), wrt
s, from x-ct to x+ct )
I am trying to find u(1/2, 3/2) when L = 1, c = 1, f(x) = 0, g(x) = x(1 -
However, for (*) to work, the initial position f(x) and initial velocity...
I have formula for 1D wave equation:
(*) u(x, t) = 1/2 [ f(x + ct) + f(x - ct) ] + 1 / (2c) Integral( g(s), wrt
s, from x-ct to x+ct )
I am trying to find u(1/2, 3/2) when L = 1, c = 1, f(x) = 0, g(x) = x(1 -
However, for (*) to work, the initial position f(x) and initial...
In the HW section, someone proposed:
u^2\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}=0;\quad u(x,0)=x
As per "Basic PDEs" by Bleecker and Csordas", treating this as:
F(x,y,u,p,q)=0\quad\text{with}\quad \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}=p\quad\text{and}\quad\frac{\partial...
I am looking for an elegant way of demonstrating the parabolical behavior of the system:
\frac{\partial u}{\partial
x}+\frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}(vr)=0
u\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+v \frac{\partial
u}{\partial r}=\frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}\Big(r...
I got the following PDE:
I worked with cylindrical coordinates (r,teta,z)
(teta is the angle between the x-axis and the r vector (in xy plane))
a,E are constants
I got the constrains: z=0 r=a , so the whole problem is on a simple ring
How can I make...
1/sin(phi) * d/d\phi(sin(phi) * du/d\phi) - d^2u/dt^2 = -sin 2t
for 0<\phi < pi, 0<t<\inf
Init. conditions:
u(\phi,0) = 0
du(\phi,0)/dt = 0 for 0<\phi<pi
How do I solve this problem and show if it exhibits resonance?
the natural frequencies are w = w_n = sqrt(/\_n) =2...
How do you solve this type of PDE problem:
\int^t_0 e^{-(t-\tau)}\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} d\tau - \frac{du}{dt} = 0
where u(x,0) = sin x
Any links or info on this will be appreciated.
need to solve the following beam equation:
don't have experience with pde's, thanks in advance for any hints...
The parabolic approximation was introduced by Leontovich and Fock in 1946 to describe the propagation of the electromagnetic waves in the Earth atmosphera (see Levy M. Parabolic equation methods for electromagnetic wave propagation, 2000). However, the parabolic equation was known long before...