per unit Definition and 105 Threads

A product's average price is the result of dividing the product's total sales revenue by the total units sold. When one product is sold in variants, such as bottle sizes, managers must define "comparable" units. Average prices can be calculated by weighting different unit selling prices by the percentage of unit sales (mix) for each product variant. If we use a standard, rather than an actual mix of sizes and product varieties, the result is price per statistical unit. Statistical units are also called equivalent units.
Average price per unit and prices per statistical unit are needed by marketers who sell the same product in different packages, sizes, forms, or configurations at a variety of different prices. As in analyses of different channels, these product and price variations must be reflected accurately in overall average prices. If they are not, marketers may lose sight of what is happening to prices and why. If the price of each product variant remained unchanged, for example, but there was a shift in the mix of volume sold, then the average price per unit would change, but the price per statistical unit would not. Both of these metrics have value in identifying market movements. In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 51 percent responded that they found the "average price per unit" metric very useful in managing and monitoring their businesses, while only 16% found "price per statistical unit" very useful.In retail, unit price is the price for a single unit of measure of a product sold in more or less than the single unit.
The "unit price" tells you the cost per pound, quart, or other unit of weight or volume of a food package. It is usually posted on the shelf below the food. The shelf tag shows the total price (item price) and price per unit (unit price) for the food item. Research suggests that unit price information in supermarkets can lead shoppers to save around 17-18% when they are educated on how to use it, but that this figure drops off over time.Unit price is also a valuation method for buyers who purchase in bulk. Buyer seeks to purchase 10000 widgets. Seller One offers 1000 widgets packaged together for $5000. Seller Two offers 5000 widgets packaged together for $25000. Seller Three offers 500 widgets packaged together for $2000. All three sellers can offer a total of 10000 widgets to Buyer. Seller One offers widgets at a unit price of $5. Seller Two offers widgets at a unit price of $5. Seller Three offers widgets at a unit price of $4. Buyer uses unit price to value the packages offered by each of the three sellers and finds that Seller Three offers widgets at the best value, the best price.
Unit price is a common form of valuation in sales contract for goods sold in bulk purchasing.
The stock price of securities is a form of unit price because securities including capital stocks are often sold in bulks comprising many units.Unit price also is often used in the trade of consumable energy resources.

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  1. S

    Help please .Transmission line parameters in per unit

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  2. R

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  3. P

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  4. D

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  5. K

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  6. S

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  7. M

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  8. P

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  9. C

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  10. P

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  11. T

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  12. J

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  13. P

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  14. J

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  15. Z

    Bernoulli equation in terms of energy per unit volume

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  16. T

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  17. T

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  18. G

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  19. M

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  20. D

    Thermodynamics - Work done per unit mass

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  21. J

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  22. B

    Calculating the mass per unit length of a string based on the graph of f vs. 1/L

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  23. T

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  24. Y

    Force per unit length of wires-

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  25. N

    Calculate the capacitance per unit length of the cable

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  26. C

    Determine the mass per unit length of the string.

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  27. M

    Force per unit length on the wire in the bottom left hand corner.

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  28. T

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  29. T

    Electron repulsion per unit volume

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  30. B

    Capacitance per unit length help

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  31. V

    Absorption coefficient per unit path length determined for excitation

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  32. T

    Transformer and Generator in Per Unit System

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  33. M

    Find the magnitude of force per unit length exerted by one wire on the other

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  34. X

    Energy per unit area of EM wave

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  35. W

    Finding mass per unit length of a string

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  36. X

    A very long uniform line of charge has a charge per unit length of 4.82 uC/m

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  37. I

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  38. P

    Solving EM Wave Emission from Cavity at T: Power per Unit Area

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  39. Somefantastik

    Flux per unit projected area per unit solid angle,

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  40. K

    Importance of Low Resistance per Unit Length in Electrical Cables

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  41. C

    Finding mass per unit length for stretched strng given tension?

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  42. B

    Same string, different mass per unit length, whats the wavelength?

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  43. S

    Electromagnetism Problem, electric charge per unit volume.

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  44. R

    Electric Field for infinite sheet of uniform charge per unit area

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  45. E

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  46. X

    Bariometric formula in Statistical Physics (particle density per unit volume)

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  47. Amith2006

    Heat loss per unit area per hour

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  48. K

    Entropy per unit mass question (ds)

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  49. P

    Instantaneous Decay rate per unit Volume

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  50. P

    Determine the power per unit area arriving at the Earth

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