Hi everyone,
I've been doing some good old thinking about the photon, and how it is a particle/wave etc, and kind of came up with an analogy that kind of works for me, and was wondering if it was applicable. I kind of related it to the idea of a phonon, as a phonon can be considered a...
This is as I currently understand it:
Phonon thermal conductivity is dependent on the phonon mean free path. To define phonon thermal conductivity a mechanism whereby phonons can be brought into thermal equalibruim is required.
This is what I have a problem with:
Phonon interactions...
Let's suppose we have a Phonon gas in 1-D then:
- density of states g(k)=A/ \frac{ d\omega (k)}{dk} (i don't remember the value of constant A sorry.. :-p :-p )
- The Schroedinguer equation (NO interaction) would be:
H_TOTAL =\Sum_{i}\frac{P^{2} _{i}}{2M}+ \sum_{i}B\omega ^{2}(k)...
I ran across the term phonon, looked it up, and it's described as a quantized vibration in a lattice structure. Is this analgous to photons being quantized vibrations in an electromagnetic field? I'm having hard time thinking of these as particles.
Hi everybody.
I know a little about phonons in a lattice such as semiconductors, which are energy quanta of the vibrational states of the crystal, but I can't figure out how a phonon can exist in a dielectric or even in a non monocristalline material. Can somenone help me or advise me a book on...