We have a group of amazing fireworks pictures this week. So please vote for the one you like the most.
1. Borek
2. hypatia
3. neutrino
4. binzing
5. ZapperZ
6. dragon2200
Fun in the Sun
This week's theme involves all the fun activities we do during the warm days of summer.
Contest Rules:
1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a gray area, or you're not sure...
I Love Fireworks!
With the 4th of July looming this coming week, I thought it would be timely to have our theme on fireworks. While the spectacular show in the sky certainly is the main candidate for the theme, smaller "fireworks" such as sparklers, etc. also qualify.
Contest Rules...
We have a group of very strong pictures for this week's contest. Still, please vote for the best picture that conveys to you the sense of peace and tranquility.
1. Moonbear
2. BryanP
3. waht
4. turbo-1
5. larkspur...
Peace And Tranquility
This week's picture must invoke the feeling of peace and tranquility to the viewers.
Contest Rules:
1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a gray area, or you're not...
An interesting collection of pictures this week. Please vote for the picture that best represents our theme, which is on merchandise and atmosphere at shopping establishments. So let's go voting!
1. Alex:)
2. fuzzyfelt...
Due to the disqualification of a photo, we will have a re-vote for this group. Since we will now have a total number that will fit in just ONE group, the re-vote will be done for both groups just to be fair.
[Please note that submissions are expected to follow the rules. While I may point out...
Let's Go Shopping!
This week, the theme is shopping, or more specifically, on merchandise and "atmosphere" that one can find in a shopping store, mall, or department store. These must be the main subject of your photo.
Contest Rules:
1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned...
PLEASE VOTE IN THIS THREAD: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=240439
This is Group 2 for this contest. Again, as instructed for Group 1, please vote for the picture that best represents or interpret the theme of this contest.
1. Janus...
PLEASE VOTE IN THIS THREAD: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=240439
There were a lot of amazing pictures for this contest. HOWEVER, please keep in mind that the THEME for this week's contest. You should selected a picture that best represents or interprets...
The Path Of Least Resistance
You are allowed to interpret the theme this week any way you please. However, keep in mind that in the voting process, those who will be voting will be asked to make sure that the picture and the theme clearly match each other.
Good luck!
Contest Rules:
The contest started slow, but picked out steam later. We have a set of amazing pictures for this contest. Please vote for a picture that best represents our theme, which is something you'd find in the month of June.
1. Mech_Engineer
2. BryanP...
June Is Bustin' Out All Over!
I may have dated myself by identifying this week's theme title with a tune from the musical "Carousel" :) Still...
This week's theme is on all about things that you can see in the month of June - warm weather, sunshine, flowers, etc - unless of course you are...
Whoa! With a few technical difficulties, we got through this first contest since I came back. Phew!
Please vote for the picture that best represents our theme, which is on children!
1. Chi Meson
2. Integral
3. edward...
I Kid You Not
Administrative note: Thanks to Mk for running the contest while I was away!
This week, the theme will be on one of our most favorite subject: kids! Your picture must have, as its main subject, a child or many children.
Contest Rules:
1. Any digital photo or...
These are some really amazing photos! Vote for your favorite!
1. ~christina~
2. Janus
3. binzing
4. Mech_Engineer
5. larkspur...
PF Photo Contest Champions
It has been exactly TWO YEARS since our weekly photo contest has started, and it comes the time to pit our best photos against each other in a single thread to celebrate and conclude. There is one week to select your best photo from any of the years' contests to see...
What makes you feel better when you are sick?. Vote for our photo contest winner this week.
1. Andre
2. matthyaouw
3. robphy
Thanks to each of you that...
Sick as a Dog
Sorry to everybody for bombing my first photo contest, maybe this one will be simpler.
I've been quite sick recently, what is something that helps you feel better when you are sick? Submit your photo to the PF Photo Contest! :biggrin:
Contest Rules:
1. Any digital photo...
Homework Statement
i've been asked to compare the efficiency of a photo voltaic cell and a solar heating cell (an array of pipes). both will be exposed to a 150W bulb for an equal amount of time.
Homework Equations
for photo cell: P=IV
for heating panel: P=fcT f=flow rate...
All of the pictures submitted this week follow a sporting event theme. Well done to everyone who participated. And congratulations to the future winners, to be archived for all history in the PF Photo Contest Winners thread. Vote for the picture that best represents our theme this week.
Presidential Doppelgänger Hunt
Hi, Zz will be away for a few weeks and I will be managing the photo contest while he is gone.
For our picture contest this week, I was thinking, whose picture do I see over and over? Every time I turn around in the magazines, newspapers, and television, I see...
Take Me Out To A Ball Game
This week, all your pictures must be on sports and/or sporting events.
Administrative update: I have selected MK to run the PF Photo Contest for the few weeks that I had mentioned earlier in another thread (4/26-5/17). I am sure he will do just wonderfully. He has...
All of the pictures submitted this week are sights for sore eyes. So well done to everyone who participated. Please vote for the picture that best represents our theme this week.
Administrative update: I have selected MK to run the PF Photo Contest for the few weeks that I had mentioned earlier...
I need to find a photo of the mathematician and economist Charles Wiggins Cobb (most known for his Cobb-Douglas production function). I have managed to gather little data on him but would really need to obtain a picture whether it is in electronic format, or if anybody has a book...
A fun and imaginative volunteer is needed to run the PF Photo Contest starting on April 26, with the last contest being run on May 17. This person is responsible for coming up with the appropriate themes, posting the contest on the Saturdays during that period, setting up the voting rounds, and...
A Sight For Sore Eyes
Do you think you have a picture that, when someone sees it, he/she would say "Now that's a sight for sore eyes!"? If you do, then that picture fits our theme this week.
Contest Rules:
1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be...
This promises to be another difficult contest to vote on. It is filled with very strong and amazing pictures. So well done to everyone who participated. However, since we have so many strong pictures, voters are urged to put extra emphasis on how well each photo fit the theme. Our theme this...
Things Are Looking Up
This week, it will be all about things that you can typically see only by looking up!
Contest Rules:
1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a gray area, or you're not...
It appears that this was a difficult theme. The picture this week must clearly reflect a particular culture, and that seems to be a rather difficult task. Still, we have 4 contenders this week, so we'll see what happens.
Again, please vote for the picture that best represents, and clearly...
Culture Club
Your picture this week must have, as its main subject, something that represents a particular ethnic culture. This could be an architectural element, costumes, activities, etc. The cultural elements must be clear and distinct.
Note that ethnic food does not qualify for this...
Another group of strong pictures for this contest. Please vote for the picture that best represents our theme, which is on signs.
1. hypatia
2. alex_caps
3. matthyaouw
4. Mech_Engineer
5. ZapperZ...
As someone I know said "Holy crap! This is going to be a difficult contest to vote on!" :)
Please vote for the best picture that represents something in black and white.
1. larkspur
2. glondor
3. alex_caps
Black and White
This week's theme focuses on black and while. Your picture must have, as its central subject, something that is in black AND white. Note that your photo must be in color and there must be evidence that it isn't a black and white photo.
Contest Rules:
1. Any...
This week, people are free to interpret the theme as they wish, although some has taken it into a direction that I never thought of. So please vote for the picture that best represents our theme : Green Acres
1. larkspur
2. turbo-1
3. hypatia
4. BobG...
No matter which photo we all vote for, I think we all can agree that this will be a very tough choice for the final round. So a round of applause to all those who made it this far.
Please vote for your favorite dog photo.
1. _MayDay_
Green Acres
Green acres is the place for me.
Farm livin' is the life for me.
Land spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.
New York is where I'd rather stay.
I get allergic smelling hay.
I just adore a penthouse view.
Dah-ling I love you but give...
This is the second group in this contest.
1. lisab
2. Mech_Engineer
3. hypatia
4. Integral
5. alex_caps
6. ZapperZ
7. Ivan Seeking...
PF has gone to the dogs! Not only that, this could be a very difficult contest to vote on. So thanks to everyone who submitted a photo.
You have 1 vote in each of the group.
1. ManDay
2. _MayDay_
3. larkspur
4. binzing...
Dog Day Afternoon
PF Photo Contest has gone to the Dogs! This time, our canine friends will be the main subject of the photos for this contest. Please note that this theme is only on domesticated dogs. It does not include wild dogs, coyotes, wolfs, etc...
Have fun!
Contest Rules:
As GeorginaS said in the thread, this is going to a challenge to selected just one picture for this contest. Everyone one of them is gorgeous. Still, you will have to select one that best represents our theme, which is on water as the main subject.
Good luck to all!
1. _Mayday_...
Water Works
This week, your picture must contain water as the main subject. This can be out of a tap, in a glass, in a river, in lakes, or coming down from the sky. It is water, water, everywhere!
Contest Rules:
1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will...
Another small but strong group of photos for this contest. Please vote for the picture that best represents our theme - Still Life
1. Mech_Engineer
2. larkspur
3. turbo-1
4. ZapperZ
5. waht
6. glondor...
Still Life
This is the photo version of the still life paintings. If you have seen still life paintings, or even have done one yourself in an art class, then you have an idea of what the theme is. However, this time, instead of taking your your paint brushes and canvas, you take a picture of...
Whoa! Obviously, many people are immune to this made-up day by Hallmark! :)
This means that all 3 pictures will end up in our winners list. The question now will be: who will be on top? Please vote for the best picture that represents something connected to Valentine's Day.
1. larkspur...
My Funny Valentine
Valentine's Day is this week. So this would be an appropriate topic for this week's photo contest. Your picture must clearly show anything related to Valentine's Day (simply showing a box of candies isn't sufficient), or pictures that show depiction of love and affection...
A strong group of pictures for this contest. Please vote for the best picture that represents either a Chinese New Year celebration, Chinese culture, rats, or mice.
1. glondor
2. 0TheSwerve0
3. ZapperZ
4. hypatia
5. mrjeffy321...
Year of the Rat
This week, we will be celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rat. So pictures of rats, mice, Chinese New Year festivals, or Chinese culture will qualify for this contest.
Happy Chinese New Year to all our Chinese members!
Contest Rules:
1. Any...
We have a terrific set of photos for this contest, so it will be difficult.
The theme this week is on waterfalls (I should have specified that it is not "falling water", but its too late now). So please vote for the picture that best represents our theme.
1. larkspur
2. scorpa