Physical chemistry Definition and 152 Threads

  1. H

    Solve Physical Chemistry Homework: ∆S, Td, ∆fCp - Tmax Stability

    Homework Statement The question is attached. Homework Equations -∆fS (T - T0) - (∆fCp/T0)[(T - T0)2/2] = 0 Please let me know if this doesn't make any sense! The Attempt at a Solution Given: Td: 39.3ºC = 312.45K ∆H: 157 kJ/mol = 152000 J/mol I calculated ∆S = -∆H/Td -----> ∆S = -486.48...
  2. J

    Physical Chemistry 1st Law of Thermo

    Homework Statement Two containers each contain 0.500 moles of N2 initially at 300. K. One container has a fixed volume, and the other container has a movable frictionless piston. If both containers are heated by 1000. J energy, calculate the final temperature of N2 for each container...
  3. S

    Physical Chemistry- Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution

    Homework Statement Use the maxwell Boltzmann distribution to derive an expression for <v^3> Homework Equations <v>=(8RT/piM)^1/2 The Attempt at a Solution I know that you have to integrate from 0 to infinity v^3p(v)dv.. but I don't really know how to integrate this. I just need to...
  4. B

    Physical Chemistry - vapor pressures

    Homework Statement At what temperature will isopropanol (Tbp = 82.5C) and carbon tetrachloride (Tbp = 76.7C) have the same vapour pressure? For isopropanol and carbon tetrachloride, the standard enthalpies of vaporization are 32.54 kJ mol-1 and 44.0 kJ mol-1, respectively. Homework...
  5. D

    Physical Chemistry books (Thermodynamics/Statistical Thermodynamics/Kinetics/QM)

    I've been trying to learn more about physical chemistry, especially since only after graduating did I realize how neat of a field it is. In my undergraduate program, we had a course in classical thermodynamics (we never reached statistical mechanics or kinetics), then there was a quantum...
  6. R

    Physical Chemistry math not working out

    I put off an assignment until the last minute and on the very last question it came back to bite me in the butt. I'm supposed to derive an equation from another equation, and the math is not working out for me. If there's anyone still up and reading this and that can point me in the right...
  7. W

    Physical Chemistry: Adiabatic Expansion of Clouds at Altitude

    Homework Statement Cloud moves from alt. 2000m (P = 0.802atm) to 3500m (P = 0.602) when it encounters a mountain. It expands adiabatically. The initial temp is 288K, CP,m for the air is 28.86 J/Kmol (assume ideal). What is the final temp and will it drop it's moisture?The attempt at a solution...
  8. L

    I wanted to know what is the best physical chemistry textbook out there?

    any recommendations to a physical chemistry book? I want to know which one is the easiest to understand, and covers all the material in detail.
  9. C

    Physical Chemistry terminology

    I'm just having a difficult time trying to differentiate between variables used and terms thrown around in PChem. :confused: First of all, what is the difference between "bond energy" and "bond dissociation energy" in a Morse potential curve? I thought they were interchangeable. Also, does...
  10. H

    What is the Best Way to Prepare for a Physical Chemistry Course?

    Im planning on taking physical chemistry in the fall. My G. Chem has always been strong, but this past spring I took modern physics (using Taylor/Zafiratos) and feel like I have A TON to learn. So this summer I want to study up the materials where I feel weakest at: FOr Diff Eq's I am...
  11. S

    ACS Physical Chemistry Final Exam

    Hello, I am going to be taking the ACS physical chemistry exam in a few days and am trying to find out the materrial that will be on it. The ACS website leaves out a lot of stuff in there description.
  12. B

    Second Semester Physical Chemistry ACS Final Exam

    I am taking an undergrad course P Chem II: Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy...and the final is a standardized exam from the ACS. I was just wondering if you guys had any tips or knew where to find old exams to practice with. I just was looking for any advice in general too. Thanks a bunch!
  13. S

    Quantum Theory (physical chemistry)

    Homework Statement Consider the one dimensional space in which a particle can experience one of three potentials depending on its position. They are: V=0 for -\infty<x\leq0, 0, V=V_{2} for 0\leqx\leqL, and V=V_{3} for L\leqx<\infty. The particle wavefunction is to have both a component...
  14. P

    Physical Chemistry Question (work done during decomposition)

    Homework Statement A sample consisting of 1.0 mol of calcium carbonate CaCO3(s) was heated to 800°C, when it decomposed (CaCO3 → CaO + CO2). The heating was carried out in a container fitted with a piston which was initially resting on the solid. Calculate the work done during complete...
  15. jegues

    Physical Chemistry Discussion - Key Concepts & Equations

    Hello all, I've just started a class in physical chemistry and it seems to be progressing fairly slowly so I thought I'd start a thread so we could discuss some key concepts that are frequent in physical chemistry. Keep in mind I haven't taken any courses in thermal dynamics yet so I am...
  16. J

    Physical Chemistry Barometric Derivation

    Physical Chemistry Barometric Derivation! Homework Statement Derive an expression for the barometric equation that takes the temperature dependency (To=T-az) into account. Where To=ground level temperature, T=temperature at an altitude, a=proportion constant, z=altitdue Homework...
  17. G

    Quick physical chemistry question

    Calculate the final temperature of a sample of carbon dioxide of mass 16.0g that is expanded reversibly and adiabatically from 500mL at 298,15K to 2.00L. I know the answer and understand how to do the problem except for 1 part. The equation to get the solution is : Tf = Ti (Vi/Vf)^(1/c)...
  18. J

    How Do Degrees of Freedom Affect Molar Specific Heat Calculations?

    1a. Find the number of vibrational, rotational, and translational degrees of freedom of CH4 and CO2. 1b. Use the equipartition theorem to calculate the molar specific heat for hydrogen (in gas state). --- Attempt at solution: 1a. # traslational degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) is 3 for...
  19. O

    Is Atkins' Physical Chemistry Book Detrimental for Undergraduates?

    Is it just me or do other people think the atkins physical chemistry book is absolutely detrimental for undergraduates? Unless one is sound in their physics, chemistry, and math and the student is using the book as a means to find out other perspectives on chemistry issues, atkins is not...
  20. V

    Get Expert Physical Chemistry Help for Your Finals | Top Tips and Solutions

    Physical Chemistry Help! Homework Statement Hello TT forum. Finals are coming up!...and i am having a hard time solving these stoooooopid physical chemistry problems. ..any help would be GREAT appreciated! These are the 4 problems i am having a hard time with. I put ======= to separate each...
  21. D

    Are Newer Editions of Atkins Physical Chemistry More User-Friendly?

    Hey. I currently have a copy of atkins physical chemistry, although it is fairly old (4th edition). I found it for $20 at a second hand bookshop and it isn't in the best of conditions, but it has done the job so far! Anyway, what I am wondering is, are the later editions (8th i think?) much...
  22. P

    Why Do CH3OH, CH3Cl, and CH3Br Have Different Boiling Points?

    The boiling points of three compounds are: CH3OH, 65C; CH3Cl, –24C; CH3Br, 4C Discuss the relative strengths of the intermolecular forces in liquid samples of these three compounds. what should I include in my discussion?
  23. J

    Physical Chemistry photoelectric question stumped

    Homework Statement a student carried out a photoelectric experiment by shining visible light on a clean piece of cesium metal. She determined the kinetic energy of ejected electrons by applying a retarding voltage such that the current due to the electrons read exactly 0. The condition was...
  24. N

    Physical Chemistry: Should I Write Supplementary or Retake?

    If I failed this courses should I write a supplementary in about 10 days or should I retake it and put myself behind a full year of studies in my program?
  25. N

    Pass Your Physical Chemistry Exam with These Study Tips | 2 Days Left!

    HI, I have my exam in 2 days and I am wayyyy behind this course I'm am only looking for a pass since I cannot get it down...I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to tackle it all? Should I do problems from every chapter and try and get through it? Or is there a better method you...
  26. D

    Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

    Hey. Next semester i plan on taking a unit on inorganic and physical chemistry. At the moment my collection of chemistry textbooks is a bit miserable (consisting of only my high school chem book) so id like to add to it. I will purchase whatever textbook is required for the course, but i...
  27. S

    Physics One material in Physical Chemistry

    I managed to get through a physics for bio majors type class with very little understanding of mechanics. I didn't put much effort in because at the time I was a biology major. Now I'm more interested in chemistry and will soon be taking the dreaded physical chemistry. I am curious how...
  28. Q

    Physical Chemistry: Extracting information from spectroscopic data

    I need help with extracting information from spectroscopic data. Here is the type of question I am trying to understand: We have an energy level expression for the particle-in-a-box, which is En= n2*h2 n=1, 2, 3 . 8mL2 h = Planck’s...
  29. N

    How Do You Calculate Molality and Mole Fraction in Aqueous Nitric Acid?

    Ok so I just started this course and we have to so review from first year stuff but I am completely lost and have no idea how to do the questions. There are a bunch so could someone just run through one with me please? Commercial aqueous nitric acid has a density of 1.42g/mL and is 16.0mol/L...
  30. R

    What is the composition of the original gas mixture in mole percent?

    Physical Chemistry Problem! The total pressure of a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is 1 atm. The mixture is ignited and the water is removed. The remaining gas is pure hydrogen and exerts a pressure of 0.4 atm when measured at the same values of T and V as the original mixture. What was the...
  31. I

    Help graphing a P-V diagram by hand for physical chemistry

    Homework Statement A,B,a are constants. sketch two or more isotherms on a P-V diagram. V needs to be the independent variable. Mark clearly the intercepts and asymptotes. One graph for a p -->0 and one graph for p--> infinity. Homework Equations V=Vo (1-AP/(B+P))(1+ aT) y=mx+b The...
  32. K

    Is calculus based physics harder than physical chemistry?

    Is calculus based physics harder than physical chemistry? Just curious. I've taken p-chem I (basically calc-based derivations of the laws of thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, phase transitions, colligative properties, and electrochemical principals) and was wondering if this was harder...
  33. C

    How Much Electrical Energy Is Produced by Burning a Pound of Coal?

    Homework Statement The chemical reaction in which C and 02 (Dioxide) form Carbon dioxide produces 4.1 eV (Electron-Volts) of energy per Carbon atom. How much electrical energy, in W-hrs, is produced by burning a pound of coal? Here are all the conversions: 1kg.=2.2 pounds 1 mole of...
  34. C

    Recommended Physical Chemistry Text

    Hello, I'm taking Physical Chemistry I in second year, and my prof does not have a required book for the course and everything will be based off his notes (which are very good by the way) However, I would like a deeper understanding of the material, and the prof did recommend two books. What...
  35. C

    Recommended Physical Chemistry Text

    Hello, I'm taking Physical Chemistry I in second year, and my prof does not have a required book for the course and everything will be based off his notes (which are very good by the way) However, I would like a deeper understanding of the material, and the prof did recommend two books. What...
  36. T

    How Much Solvent is Used in Moles for a Reaction in a Closed Vessel at 80°C?

    [SOLVED] Physical chemistry problem Homework Statement A closed vessel of 5L volume is kept at 80 degrees celcius and contains a mixture of two liquids A and B dissolved in a solvent, with their initial concentrations [A]=0.1mol/L and [B]=1.0mol/L. The volume of the gas phase is 2L and it...
  37. 2

    Physical chemistry textbook without a lot of calculus

    Hi, I am looking for any physical chemistry textbook without a lot of calculus. I have been looking at physical chemistry for biological sciences but I am unsure if they cover the same topics as the regular atkins and other physical chemistry do. Does anyone have any suggestions for good books...
  38. T

    How Do You Calculate the Initial Number of Gaseous Molecules in a Closed System?

    Homework Statement In a closed system shown in the Figure below ("), the piston is freely moving without friction and the system is initially filled with gaseous molecules A only. The mass of a piston is 100 g, its area is 10 cm2 and it is 10 cm from the...
  39. D

    Physical Chemistry, P.W.Atkins, the Schrödinger equation

    Homework Statement Im doing an A-level project on the Schrödinger equation and am unsure on the mathematics used to obtain the following results: The Schrödinger for a particle in no potential field (=0) has the solution: psi(x)=e^ikx. i is defined below, I haven't really a clue as to...
  40. C

    Solve Physical Chemistry Problems: Pb(s, l) at 5000C

    I have these physical chemistry problems and I can't solve them, I would like to find some help on how to solve them. Consider a gas whose (p, V, T) behavior can be described by the equation of state P= nRT/V+ n2bRT/ V2, it is not an ideal gas! Where b= 0.0515l mol-1 is...
  41. I

    How Do Commutators Work in Quantum Mechanics?

    hello all, I am doing some homework and need some verification on the math: [Px, Px^2]f= PxPx^2f - Px^2Pxf Px= -iħd/dx Px2= -i^2ħ^2d^2/dx^2 -iħd/dx(-i^2ħ^2d^2/dx^2f) - (-i^2ħ^2d^2/dx^2)( -iħd/dxf) i^3ħ^3d/dx(d^2f/dx^2) - i^3ħ^3 d^2/dx^2(df/dx) the number following the "^" sign...
  42. G

    Ideas for a Quick Physical Chemistry project

    My professor asked us to think of ideas to do a quick computational project in physical chemistry (he says quick because there are only a few weeks of school left). I will be using the student edition of the Spartan P-Chem software. I really don't have any idea what I should do. I prefer...
  43. T

    How Does Physical Chemistry Calculate Vapour Pressure and Energy Changes?

    Can someone help me with this problem? Things that are given: ΔHf:enthalpy change ΔGf:Gibbs energy change for p=1atm and T=25 C ΔHf(kcal/mol) ΔGf(kcal/mol) H2O(g) -57.79 -54.63 H2O(l) -68.32 -56.69 Find 1)Vapour pressure of H20 at...
  44. G

    Physical Chemistry 2 - Work function - HELP NEEDED

    I really need help with the following question, If the work function of Rb is 2.09 eV, what is the number of electrons ejected, their energy in eV, and their velocity, from a microjoule pulse of 500nm laser light?
  45. Amith2006

    Ionization Energy of Elements: General Formula

    Sir, What is the general formula to find the ionization energy of elements?
  46. A

    Physical Chemistry: a Molecular Approach, McQuarrie

    Opinions on this one? Specifically for the QM uninitiated. If you have other recommendations for better clarity, please comment. Thx. A.
  47. A

    Taking Physical Chemistry before formally taking Quantum Mechanics

    I am considering taking Physical Chemistry next semester but my Physics courses at community college did not have quantum mechanics (so I have to take the quantum mechanics part of physics for part of the semester in Fall as well.) So, is it a death wish to take Phys. Chem w/o having taken...
  48. B

    Physical Chemistry Degree: Subjects Needed

    What subjects would you be required for doing a physical chemistry degree in university? Im thinking of chemistry (obviously ), and maths, and maybe physics. But anything else?
  49. B

    What are the pragmatic applications of physical chemistry?

    Sorry for my overall ignorance, members. What career options does Physical/quantum chemistry degree/ Ph.D give you as a general?
  50. B

    Is Physical Chemistry the Right University Path for You?

    Hello all I'm thinking of maybe doing physical chemistry in university (currently I'm 16) but as i am currently doing AS- level, I've chosen maths, biology, Chemistry, and Design technology. Now the above subjects would be somewhat, pointed towards medicine, however, I'm not that keen on...