Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a good first-year undergraduate physics book that focuses on the fundamentals. I am looking for a book with LOTS of worked out examples, or even better, just a reference book filled with examples. My class moves very quickly and the prof barely has time for one...
What are some good textbooks that treat physics in an axiomatic and mathematically rigorous fashion? I came across a cheap copy of A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics and so far it seems to be a good overview of physics. What books would serve to branch off from this book?
I know this is a little strange to ask on a forum but... I don't know where else to ask! My boyfriend is a physicist and I want to get him some fun book relating to it for his birthday, but most of the books I found looked like they were poor quality ("New York Times bestsellers" written by...
Hoping to go into Medical Imaging in grad school. I have a coupleish years left of my undergrad in physics. My school doesn't offer any medical imaging classes was wondering if anyone teaches or has taken a course and could recommend a text for a little self study.
Hello everyone!
I am taking my Physics Ph. D. Qualifier on Friday and Saturday. During Saturday's exam we will be tested on E&M and Thermodynamics/Statistical Mechanics. We get to take 2 books to each exam, so I basically can take 1 Thermo Book with me (I'm also taking Griffiths on Saturday)...
I'm a math major and know a decent amount about which math texts would be good for which purpose. For instance, what you might want to read after multivariable calculus and linear algebra to get a taste of higher math, and then what you would want to read to dive in deeper etc. However, I'm...
Physics Books For The Average Joe??
I just finished reading A brief History Of Time, My very first experience reading on ANY physics topic, and am now wanting to delve a little further and get a more in depth understanding of the concepts in the book.
I will mention that i have no...
Recommendations for "pop" Physics books
Just looking for something to break up the Math/Physics studying. I haven't read many pop Physics books so I'm a bit lost, from what I heard there are some bad ones out there. I don't want anything too technical, just something where I can learn about the...
Dear All
Can anyone recommend some Dover Physics books. Could be in any area of physics at an introductory-intermediate level. Most important is clarity and good writing.
(To give you an idea of suitable level I have already read and been impressed by
Einstein's Theory of Relativity /...
or at least print them with a disclaimer on the front : these do not actually teach you anything.
I don't understand why people think they have any idea what abstruse theoretical physics is about after reading one of those.
Hi guys,
I'm a senior electrical engineering major. I haven't taken any advanced physics courses, aside from General Physics I and II... and Electromagnetic Theory (junior level). I've always been interested in physics, but in a different sense than most people in this forum.
I'd like to...
hi everyone.
i would like to know if there's any site that i could download some physics books. :rolleyes:
obs.: this forum is great, i really hope in the future participate more.
I am looking for some good books for physics
The book which can cover most of the theory and sufficient problems for prectice, till now I have tried Resnik Haliday , but I think it is full of unnecessury theory and irrilevent problems
tell me about a complit book
I am going for IPhO 2007, that should be taken in account, what are the tough physics books for mechanics and electromagnetism you recommend me to buy, now that I am going to university. :rolleyes: Thanks
I have had some success with a recent question on electric fields where people kindly explained the nature of electric fields by analogies without recourse to mathematical terminology. I would be interested to pick up any guide on mainstream physics that would resolve all the obvious why and...
Do you guys know what book would be the best for learning basic stuff (mechanics, electricity and magnetism) at a much higher and more detailed level than Halliday. I finished the Halliday text and feel like it was very shallow. I'd like to get into the details of the math and physics behind the...
I thought this would be a good place to ask for your opinions on some of the best physics books youve read. Stephen Hawking?
What some other more theoretical writings, like Newtons or Einsteins works for example?
Could you suggest some good books to read b/c I don't really have time in my hand to read everyother book. Telling me about an author could also help like, Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene's books are normally pretty good. I would also appreciate if you guys could tell me about places online...
I finished school lately and i wan't to learn physics by myself.
im looking for good physics book's, sites where i can find physics tutorials in university level or even more, can you give me some ideas for book's or sites like that?
i wan't to learn this with order, and not to jump from thing...
im thinking on buying one of the two books:
1)Mathematical Physics- by sadri hassani.
2)Mathematical Methods For Physicists - by george arfken.
which is the better choice?
I am searching for beginner physics books that won't break the bank. I am very interested in astrophysics at the moment. Only problem is, I don't know much calculus.
Thanks for the help in advance.
With best wishes,
I have just learned that I will be teaching physics this year. It is the first year that the school will have physics (a new school). I have not taught physics before. The administrator thought that they had a textbook, but they do not. I am looking for a physics textbook for this year, it...
ok, I'm deciding to be a meteorologist, and I need to take a lot of physics and math classes in college. I'm trying to start from basic physics book to go advanced. Can you guys tell me about some books that I can get from library.
thanx anyway. :smile:
I've been trying to track down one of the popular physics books, a title I read years ago and can't recall. The author referred to a hypothetical astronaut, traveling at or close to lightspeed. Looking out of his ship's rear window he observes the stars behind him gradually reddening and dimming...
Are the "Feynman Lectures on Physics" books good?
Are the "Feynman Lectures on Physics" books good?
I'm going into my junior year next year and wonder if these books are any good to study over the summer?
What do you think on the value of these two entertaining books on Modern Physics by George Gamov: "Mr Tompkins in paperback" and "One, Two, Three...Infinity". They make the modern concepts like special and general relativity, quantum physics, 4D space, etc., very understandable for beginners.
I hope I am not being redundant with a topic like this. I did a search but did not come up with much.
What are the authors/titles/isbn/price(etc) of some great undergrad physics books?
I am currently a first year undergrad physics student, and I would like any books that will be a big help...
i would very much appreciate any help with this:)
i need to get
1. Ryogo Kubo's book "Thermodynamics" (1968)
2. Arnold Sommerfeld "Thermodynamics and Statistical physics" (not 100% sure on the title)
3. Jackson, "Classical Electrodynamics"
i know they're copyrighted, and very expensive, i...
I am looking for some books about physics. It sounds stupid, but unfortunately I do not have the head of patience for all the calculus in school, and that prevents me from doing much as far as a major in engineering goes. Now it is going to be more of a hobby than anything. However, I need to...
Hello PF members!
Could anyone please suggest me some books on Physics at under-graduate level?
I'm confused over Resnick & Halliday and Feynman Lectures. Any book suggestions on Electronics, Optics, Nuclear Physics? Anything on physics problems?
I would be glad to hear your response...
Hi, I am planning to purchase one of the advanced placement preparation books. Are there any suggestions? I had in mind of the princeton review or kaplan... If anyone knows which one is better can you provide an explanation as well.. thanks i appreciate it.
Hi there!
I'm a first year student and found quite interesting the MIT on-line video lectures on electromagnetism.
In one these lectures given by Dr. Walter Lewin it is explained how all college books and teachers wrogly use...
Does anyone know how to sign up to check answers for correctness for new textbooks? From the ones I been using they usually ask the graduate students as a task or project of some sort to check their respective professor's texts for errors... And the Giancoli physics text they duffed up again...
I'm currently taking Advanced Modern Physics and Optics, among other things. Our textbooks aren't too keen on explaining things in detail and going into the exact proofs and formulations. I am looking for a physics book or series of physics books that actually explain everything in detail...
Hey guys!
I was wondering, where could i find elucidating Physics books on String theories, quantum mechanics (QED, QCD, QFT, LQG, etc) and all related on the web?
I've done some search, but all i could come up with was an electronics and engineering related forums, and that is not in my...
Which physicist wrote the best popular level physics book? Choose based on style, content, subject matter, skill as a writer, whatever you like.
I've seen some criticism of Hawking's writing and I'm curious how other physicists' books directed at the layman are viewed. I probably left out...