Pipes Definition and 166 Threads

PIPES is the common name for piperazine-N,N′-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid), and is a frequently used buffering agent in biochemistry. It is an ethanesulfonic acid buffer developed by Good et al. in the 1960s.

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  1. Salvador

    Could a pipe from the ocean's depths create a fountain effect on the surface?

    Hello, the known presenter "Vsauce" on youtube had a video in which he talked about a " space straw" basically a pipe or circular enclousure the goes from a higher pressure area to a much lower one like a straw from surface of water at sea to outer space. Now , my question is If I were to put...
  2. P

    Joining Seamless Pipes: Recommended Method to Sustain Pressure

    what is the recommended method to join two lengths of seamless pipes such that the joint should sustain a particular operating pressure?
  3. T

    Friction loss to vertical pipes in a closed system?

    So in designing closed systems, mostly heating systems, I realized today that I've probably been doing one thing wrong all these years. In such a system one doesn't take elevation loss due to gravity into account since you "get it back" on the way down. This I've always been aware of, but what...
  4. mooncrater

    Pipes, resonating frequencies and yeah some gases

    Homework Statement A closed organ pipe resonates in its fundamental mode at a frequency of ##200Hz## in ##O_2## at a certain temperature. If the pipe contains 2 moles of ##O_2## and 3 moles of ##O_3## are now added to it, then what will be the fundamental frequency of same pipe at same...
  5. Feodalherren

    Fluid Mechanics: viscous flow in pipes

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ρ=789, μ=.0012 The Attempt at a Solution From the energy equation we get hf=0.9 We know that hf=f(L/D)(V^2)/(2g) [sorry don't know how to use latex after they removed the bar on the right] Now I can substitute V for Q, but I'm stuck with f and Q as...
  6. Delta2

    Raining effect on pressure in water pipes

    Can we say that the pressure in the water pipes is increasing when it is raining heavy? Reasoning is that if the water company takes water from a nearby lake or river, rain causes higher water height in lake or river which causes higher hydrostatic pressure in the source which affects the...
  7. S

    Light pipes - is there a limit

    I have seen light pipes which "conduct" sunlight from an outdoor receptor to the dark recesses of buildings ... but they all seem to be awkward bulky metallised tubes. Is it not possible to achieve the same effect with fibre optics? Could one not focus the light at the receptor into a...
  8. Suresh Gadekar

    Can Air Flow 10Lit/Sec in 6.35mm Pipe @ 1Bar?

    Is it possible to have a flow rate of 10lit/sec for air in a pipe of diameter 6.35mm (1/4") at a pressure of 1 bar? As in this case, the velocity of air nearly equals the velocity of sound.
  9. W

    Buried water pipes freeze-has been cold-the sun comes out

    Hi: I am a EE, but I have a question that I have searched for on the Internet and not found an answer. Contractors tell me that when it has been cold for several days and the sun comes out, that buried water lines that have not frozen all winter will suddenly freeze solid. It must be a real...
  10. S

    Why Am I Getting Electrical Shocks from Water and Water Pipes?

    Hello everyone... Help me out.. I installed a geyser 3 weeks back which has a rating of 15A and I connected it to a 32A MCB. This is connected to a 16A separate MCB in the main board. Whenever I turn on the geyser, it works for some 10mins and then turns off without water getting heated. I...
  11. M

    British welding Standard for pipes and fittings

    I am looking all over and can't find the standard for the welding pipe with fittings into '4-'12 pipe array, by standard i mean the welding type, pipe\fitting preparation and any other Info\tips that can help.
  12. steves1080

    Calculate flow rate in parallel pipes

    So I have a 30" pipe that splits into 3 parallel paths, each 24" in dia. The pipes converge into a 30" outlet and then flows at about 40,000 gallons per minute at full head pressure. Assuming the same head pressure and one path closed off (i.e. now only flowing through 2 parallel paths), how...
  13. G

    Ansys - heat transfer within pipes and with surroundings

    ansys -- heat transfer within pipes and with surroundings hello , am doing my master in architecture n currently in my thesis stage and the thesis is about heat transfer within pipes and their influence on the surrounding atmosphere. i wish to know which is the right kind of analysis in...
  14. gauss44

    Is Blowing Hot Air Near Gas Pipes Safe for Indoor Air Conditioners?

    I am in the process of installing a somewhat unique type of indoor air conditioner with a vent similar to a dryer vent. My question is, do you think it's safe for this vent to blow hot air on or near a natural gas pipe? And an oil pipe? The natural gas pipe is a little off to the left, and a...
  15. T

    Resonant Frequency of Open Ended Pipes with a Barrier Imposed

    I was just wondering if anyone here had any experience with an open pipe system with a barrier imposed. Basically, say for a pipe open at both ends, at one end we place a barrier a distance away from the pipe. How would this affect the resonant frequency of the pipe? From experimentation...
  16. Y

    Adding pipes for compressed air delivery

    Hi all! I have a problem here, anyone here knows what will be the effect on pressure and flow rate of compressed air by adding additional pipes leading out from my compressor? For eg. if i were to increase the number of delivery pipes from 1 to 2, will the flow be slpit evenly between the two...
  17. D

    Question about fluid flow and pressure in pipes

    Does a pipe have to be completely filled with a fluid to measure its pressure? For instance if I have a small diameter pipe that diverges to a bigger pipe. The small pipe will be completely filled with water, but will the bigger pipe be? If the bigger pipe is only half full of flowing water...
  18. R

    Cooling Air Pipes: Questions and Answers

    I have a automatic air pump like this one(http://www.thatpetplace.com/silent-air-x-5-air-pump-80-gal-2-outlets) and pass it through a metal pipe, while the metal pipe is cooling at 32 degrees and the air within the pipe cools and goes somewhere and then that same pipe(no breaks anywhere) loops...
  19. T

    Understanding Pressure Drop & Flow in Pipes

    Hello... I can't find the difference between the pressure drop in a pipe due to frictionnal loss and the Pressure difference that cause the flow like in Poiseuille Flow.. Thanks
  20. I

    What is the volume of these round pipes?

    Hi How much volume would be in the following round pipes 1. 1000mm x 50mm 2. 1000mm x 76mm 3. 1000mm x 101mm 1 liquid has a S.G = 1 1 liquid has a S.G = 1.30 Any help appreciated IJC7
  21. Z

    Can head loss be added in parallel like resistors in circuits?

    Homework Statement I have three valve/coil systems connected in parallel as shown in the attached figure. If I know the head loss of each valve/coil is 40 feet, can I add them in parallel like you do with resistors in circuits? Thanks! Homework Equations 1/h=1/h1+1/h2+1/h3 (possibly)...
  22. L

    Calculating Fluid Flow through a Simple Heat Exchanger: Step-by-Step Guide

    Hi guys this is my first ever homework post on here so be nice please :D. 1. I have attached an attempt on paint to give you a very rough idea of the very simple heat exchanger. The pipes are cooled by the air and it is a good few metres above the ground. For simplicities sakes let's say, for...
  23. R

    What is the Optimal Water Flow Rate for Different Pipe Diameters and Pressures?

    what is the water flow rate at an open 1/2" tap through 19mm diameter and 22mm diameter pipes at 4 bar pressure? I currently have 1/2" pipework and the delivery rate is terrible although I am told the incoming supply is from a 22mm pipe with 4 bar pressure. I am thinking of replacing the...
  24. W

    Flow Through Pipes: Paraboloid Curve & Reason

    when any liquid flows through a pipe, the curve made by it is paraboloid, what is the reason for this shape. also the equation tells that it is independent of the liquid flowing through the pipe
  25. V

    How to calculate the velocity reduction in pipes

    I have a big pipe with known diameter, length and velcity at big pipe. There are two pipes dividing form the big pipe with varing diameter and length. 1) How to calculate velocity of water in these two pipes? 2) If I add one more pipe of known length and diameter, what would be the velocity...
  26. S

    Cooling air by running it through underground pipes

    An environmentalist friend of mine wants to cool a building on his property (something like a shed or workshop) not with AC, but by blowing air from outside into a pipe underground, running it underground for a distance, and then blowing that air straight up into the building. I need to find...
  27. evol1

    How do I calculate the heat transfer coefficient for pipe heat loss in Excel?

    Hi there, I am trying to make a spreadsheet which calculates the heat loss through a pipe and also heat loss when insulated, I am using the resistive analogy to calculate this and I have it working, the only problem I am having is the heat transfer coefficient, how do I calculate this? I...
  28. R

    Water flow calculation through tee pipes

    Hi I need help calculating water flow through a few tee pipes. Water flows to the plant through a 36” diameter pipe @3500m3/h and 220kPa for 9m before teeing out to a 24’’ pipe (1.5m high with butterfly valve). The original 36’’ than immediately encounters a 90 degree bend before it is...
  29. V

    Equation of Continuity-Three Fire Hoses and Pipes

    Equation of Continuity--Three Fire Hoses and Pipes Homework Statement Three fire hoses are connected to a fire hydrant. Each has a radius of 0.020 m. Water enters the hydrant through an underground pipe of radius 0.080 m. In the pipe the water has a speed of 3.0 m/s. How many kilograms of...
  30. M

    Comparing Vibration Levels of PVC & Nylon Pipes

    Homework Statement i want to check out which material of pipe vibration level higher . comparison between pvc pipe and nylon pipe. nylon pipe is more soft and flexible than pvc pipe. which one vibration more ? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  31. S

    Solve Math Problem: Time to Fill 425L Tank with Pipes

    A tank of 425 litres capacity has been filled using two pipes, the first pipe having been opened 5 hrs longer than the second.If the first pipe were to open as long as the second and the second pipe was open as long as the first then the the first pipe would deliver half the amount of...
  32. E

    Fluid Mechanics Question - Pipes and Pumps

    Fluid Mechanics Question -- Pipes and Pumps Homework Statement Design a system to deliver 1 m^{3}/s of water from reservoir A at elevation 300m to reservoir B at 500m. The distance from A to B is 1000km (1000,000m) and the elevation between the two reservoirs can be approximated as...
  33. G

    Leakage rate between two pipes & gasses

    Hi, I'm facing the problem to model a methane leakage in a methane piping. I read the 3d on a vessel leakage https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=92511 but the starting condition and model seems different A marine methane piping, usually present an inner and outer pipe. In the...
  34. S

    Moment of intertia for corrugated pipes

    Hi, I am struggling to find forumula for Moment of Inertia for corrugated hollow pipes somewhat as shown in the picture. Main Pipe is made of Solid wall construction over which smaller diameter hollow plastic pipe is spairally welded. Any approximate calculations will also help. Thanks...
  35. S

    Heating frozen water pipes by induction?

    I have a mountain cabin where 2 water pipes, hot an cold, goes between the bathroom and kitchen. However, they tend to freeze in the winter. The obvious solution is to put a heating wire along the pipes, but access is cumbersome. So I have thought about following solution: I ensure electrical...
  36. Y

    Internal centering and mounting system for pipes

    Hi. Can anybody help me out with som calculations of internal forces in an arm-system? There's a easy explanation with this message.
  37. G

    Exploring Organ Pipes: Standing Waves and Sound Intensity

    hi could somebody explain to me how organ pipes work? so far, i figured out that there are standing waves in an organ pipe, that are determined by the length and the question of whether there is a closed or open end. but what determines the intensity between these possible frequences(e.g...
  38. M

    Optimizing Organ Pipe Modes with Vent Holes

    Homework Statement Where would you locate a small vent hole to encourage the third mode of an open pipe? The fourth mode? Homework Equations Hint: Where is a node of the desired mode? The Attempt at a Solution Does this mean 1/3 of the way down for mode 3 and 1/4 of the way down...
  39. J

    Why Do Long Steam Pipes Often Have a U-Shaped Section?

    Homework Statement Long steam pipes often have a section in the shape of a \bigcup. Why?Homework Equations None.The Attempt at a Solution I'm at a loss. It might be because of some sort of volume expansion, but I'm not entirely sure why...
  40. R

    Relating resonance with two different Pipes

    Homework Statement A pipe, open at one end, has a leng produces pipe A, open at one end, and pipe B, o A pipe, open at one end, has a length L. Cutting this pipe crosswise produces pipe A, open at one end, and pipe B, open at both ends. a. For what length of pipe A will the third...
  41. K

    Confusion about standing waves and harmonics - organ pipes etc.?

    ok so i have a major confusion and its really getting to me. So from what i understand of harmonics, the length of the medium is always fixed and only the frequency changes. Is this right? Then why, on organ pipes for example.Assume open open configuration. Say I play a middle tone note C...
  42. J

    Fluid Flow: Water Pipe with Vertical Pipes

    Homework Statement Consider a water pipe that tapers down from a diameter dA= 5.0 cm at end A to a diameter dB = 2.5 cm at end B. At each end a vertical pipe that is open to the air at the top is attached to the pipe as shown in the Figure. (Not to scale, the pipes are much taller than shown.)...
  43. B

    Are Heat Pipes Used in Nuclear Reactors for Heat Removal?

    Are there any reactors which employ heat pipes for heat removal ? If so can you send me links / details of published lit. TIA
  44. A

    Raising Barrel w/ Pipes: Min Force Required | Physics Homework

    Homework Statement Michael is trying to raise a barrel using sections of pipe.The three objects are horizontal cylinders resting on level ground. The barrel has a mass of 100 kg and its diameter is 2.0m. Each pipe has a diameter of 0.50 m. What minimum horizontal force must his feet exert on...
  45. D

    Airflow question regarding pipes of different diameters

    Hello all! I think I have come to the right place! Can someone explain to a mathematically challenged person such as me which of the following systems would create the most airflow: System #1 - System number one begins with (Point "A") a 1 foot long piece of 2" (I.D.) PVC pipe, connected...
  46. E

    Limit to number of standing waves in pipes?

    Homework Statement This is a conceptual question I had not related to a specific problem- so I know with each higher harmonic in pipes that the frequency increases a certain amount (the fundamental frequency- and that in pipes closed at one end skips the even harmonics). However I also know...
  47. Q

    Take two pipes close together on a roof chimney. One comes from the

    Take two pipes close together on a roof chimney. One comes from the fireplace; the other is a vent from a toilet far away from the fireplace. The vent works fine and draws air when the fireplace is not burning wood. When it does there is a downdraught carrying smells (gases: carbon monoxide)...
  48. J

    Flow through pipes and throttling valves .NEED HELP

    Flow through pipes and throttling valves...NEED HELP! I need some help with a real-life problem I have an open topped water collection tank at elevation. The water is distributed by gravity flow from the tank via a pipe to a lower elevation. At the point of delivery, the pressure head is...
  49. O

    Pipes and resonant mode with a node in exact center

    Homework Statement What kind of pipe can never have a resonant mode with a node in the exact center? (choices are closed on both ends, open/closed on one end only. open on both ends) why? Homework Equations none given The Attempt at a Solution I think its closed on both ends...
  50. K

    Calculating flow through parallel pipes

    Homework Statement I am trying to calculate the flow through two parallel pipes. From an 8in line, a 1in line T's off and then joins back together downstream. How do I go about solving a problem like this? The delta P should be equal for both streams so the flow should be determined by...