Hi all, exams in a few weeks and having a bit of trouble understanding the characteristics of plasmas/sheaths. E.g. the following question from a sample paper
"Describe the characteristics of the sheath that forms at the boundaries of confined plasma. In your answer state what is meant by the...
I've been agonizing over what to study in graduate school. I'm most interested in Astrophysics (which is what my undergraduate degree will be in), but the job prospects have scared me off of Astrophysics and even general Physics, and I'm not interested in academia anyhow. In an attempt to...
Hello everyone,
I have a degree in Computer Science/Engineering and have more recently been studying Physics. I've been really interested in the possibility of creating plasma in such an ordered state that virtual positrons begin to affect electrons non-chaotically and accelerate the electrons...
Hello all physicists,
Actually, I am trying to solve Chen’s book problems which is titled Intro to Plasma Physics Controlled Fusion, 2ed. I encountered many steps that I would like to discuss with you which still not so clear in my mind. Please take a look into that problems either in your...
What are some U.S. & European Universities that have a good graduate program for studying Plasma Physics? I am specifically interested in application to fusion.
I know Princeton has the plasma laboratory, but that might be too competitive for me.
Homework Statement
An idealized theta-pinch geometry is an infinitely long, cylindrically symmetric (d-by-d theta = 0), translationally-invariant (d-by-d z = 0) plasma column with an externally applied axial magnetic field B_z_ext. This induced a large diamagnetic azimuthal current which...
Hi. I'm thinking of doing a PhD in plasma physics, ideally to get into nuclear fusion research. But I am a little concerned that the opportunities with plasma physics are a little narrow. Does anyone know anything about its uses or otherwise in industry/non-fusion research? Thanks.
Hello All
I've got two years left in my Physics undergrad degree at a university in Ontario, Canada. My ultimate career goal is to do research in fusion energy, and I've just started looking into what steps I should take to get there, starting with grad school. Naturally, I have some...
My best offer for graduate school has turned out to be University of Wisconsin - Madison for the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics. I plan on focusing on theoretical/computational plasma physics and magnetic confinement fusion.
Does anybody have any personal...
how "large scale" is plasma physics
I'm a physics undergrad right now, and I'm trying to pick out classes I want to take to get a better idea of what I'd like to do in grad school. I've wanted to work on fusion/plasma physics for a long time, and right now I'm reading a book on the history of...
I don't know if this belongs here but here it goes.
I started to think about it(not much however) when reading the last phrase in this thread
"As my QM professor kept saying this semester, "If you hate this...
Hello all,
Are there any such major as for Plasma Physics or Plasma is just an option? What are the different types of Physics minus Astronomy? Is astrophysics part astronomy and part physics? If so we can forget about astrophysics. What are some good public not private colleges for physics...
A complete set of lecture notes for a graduate plasma physics course. Topics covered include particle orbit theory, fluid theory, wave theory, MHD theory, and kinetic theory.
by: Richard Fitzpatrick (University of Texas)
i have pre-master degree in plasma physics
my grade on BSC was Excellent
i hope anyone help me to get agrant to have my MSc
I'm in Egypt
graduated from alazhar university
please !
how to get these grants
thanks for all!
:!) :!) :!) :!)
This is definitely the field I'm most interested in. Does the outlook look good for the field? I would think that with much of the country more than open for energy alternatives, this field would be one with a bright future, but I don't hear much about fusion research in mainstream.
Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_Physics
And other references -
A nice introduction, including history, to Plasma Physics
more sites on Plamsa Physics, which include applications in...
Has anyone taken a an undergraduate course in plasma physics? If so, what text did you use and how did you like it? I need a text for plasma physics because:
1) I'm taking the course next semester and the professor doesn't use a textbook and he's also apparently a horrible teacher, so I'm...
I need a text for plasma physics (undergrad level) for two reasons:
1) I'm taking the course next semester and the professor doesn't use a textbook, but I learn best from books so I'm buying one anyway.
2) I need a good plasma text to learn/refer from for my job this summer.
I was hoping...
Can someone explain to me what this is? All we were told in my Physics of Stars module was that for a plasma,
L \gg \lambda_{D}, where \lambda_{D} is the Debye length.
We were also told that it's an "e-folding distance" for a potential, but that doesn't help to understand it.
I'm not...
I have read Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick and Halliday. My goal currently is to delve into quantum and plasma physics.
Can you suggest any good, comprehensive books.
My Math knowledge is pretty basic (just done some integral calculus 12th grade level)
Can you suggest books for maths to...