What is Plates: Definition and 622 Discussions

According to Latter Day Saint belief, the golden plates (also called the gold plates or in some 19th-century literature, the golden bible) are the source from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, a sacred text of the faith. Some witnesses described the plates as weighing from 30 to 60 pounds (14 to 27 kg), gold in color, and composed of thin metallic pages engraved with hieroglyphics on both sides and bound with three D-shaped rings.Smith said that he found the plates on September 22, 1823, on a hill near his home in Manchester, New York, after the angel Moroni directed him to a buried stone box. He said that the angel prevented him from taking the plates but instructed him to return to the same location in a year. He returned to that site every year, but it was not until September 1827 that he recovered the plates on his fourth annual attempt to retrieve them. He returned home with a heavy object wrapped in a frock, which he then put in a box. He allowed others to heft the box but said that the angel had forbidden him to show the plates to anyone until they had been translated from their original "reformed Egyptian" language.
Smith dictated the text of the plates while a scribe wrote down the words which would later become the Book of Mormon. Eyewitnesses to the process said Smith translated the plates, not by looking directly at them, but by looking through a transparent seer stone in the bottom of his hat. Smith published the first edition of the translation in March of 1830 as the Book of Mormon, with a print run of 5,000 copies at a production cost of $3,000 (or 60 cents per book).
Smith eventually obtained testimonies from 11 men who said that they had seen the plates, known as the Book of Mormon witnesses. After the translation was complete, Smith said that he returned the plates to the angel Moroni; thus they could never be examined. Latter Day Saints believe the account of the golden plates as a matter of faith, and critics often assert that either Smith manufactured them himself or that the Book of Mormon witnesses based their testimony on visions rather than physical experience.

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  1. jisbon

    Electron traveling between charged plates

    So I can understand how to find out velocity of electron moving between these 2 plates, by using: How am I supposed to find the 'minimum' velocity though?
  2. I

    Inserting a dielectric material between two plates of a capacitor

    1. new capacity: ##C = K\cdot C_{0}##. 2. initial potential energy: ##U_{i} = \frac 1 2 \cdot C_{0}V_{0}^2##. 3. final potential energy: ##U_{f} = \frac 1 2 \cdot KC_{0}V_{0}^2##. 4. total work done: ##W_{tot} =\Delta U = U_{f} - U_{i} = \frac 1 2 \cdot (K-1)C_{0}V_{0}^2 > 0##. 5. also total...
  3. Zahid Iftikhar

    Charge on plates in Millikan's Experiment

    When a capacitor is connected to a battery, it gets charged according to the voltage of the battery. If battery is disconnected, the charge stays on the capacitor. In Millikan's experiment used to find charge on an electron, when two plates are connected to a voltage source, they acquire...
  4. maxipoblete

    Capacitance of a circular capacitor with two parallel dielectrics

    Hello, the problem is better illustrated at the picture below. The capacitor is isolated, with an initial charge Q0. I understand that Q0 does not distribute along the plates homogeneously. How could it be solved with the equivalent parallel circuit?
  5. Harperchisari

    The energy conservation issue with parallel charged plates with a hole.

    A while back I thought of an issue with parallel charged plates. Imagine this: a set of opposite charged resistive plates with holes in the center. In theory, there is a finite amount of energy required to push a positive charged particle through the hole in the positive plate (in theory it...
  6. C

    Electrical Minimum conduction voltage between aluminium plates exposed to air?

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  7. S

    Temperature profile between two parallel plates

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  8. Rakesh Kumar Jaiswal

    Charge induced on parallel plates if a charge between plates

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  9. iVenky

    Solving Charge Across Plates of a Capacitor w/ Negative Ions

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  10. M

    How to calculate vertical electron deflection between two charged plates?

    Homework Statement In the problem, an election is moving though 2 charged plates vertical electric field amount is given and its perpendicular to the electron’s original horizontal velocity. The initial speed of the electron is given and the horizontal distance it travels is given. Then it...
  11. nomadreid

    Units of capacity for the manufacture of flexo printing plates

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  12. H

    Attraction and repulsion of plates in capacitors

    If we make far away the two plates of an ideal parallel -plate-capacitor, which are connected to a battery, the stored energy decreased according to the energy consideration because capacity decreases while the voltage between the two plates is unchanged. Therefore, according to the energy...
  13. L

    Work done when Inserting a Dielectric between Capacitor Plates

    Hi, today in lecture, we discussed the work done on inserting a dielectric between a capacitor. Two cases of this example: One case, where the battery is disconnected so that the charge stays constant. Other case where the battery stays connected so voltage is constant. I am confused on...
  14. cookiemnstr510510

    Calculating the capacitance of a system of two plates tilted at a small angle

    Homework Statement A capacitor is made up of a pair of square plates, each of side length L, that are very nearly parallel (such that θ is very small) and separated by a distance D. The plates make an angle, θ, with one another. The capacitor may be thought of as being comprised of many...
  15. A

    Force between the plates of a capacitor when a dielectric slab is added

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  16. Abhimessi10

    Charge entering into the field between capacitor plates

    Homework Statement A negative charge of mass m enters into the field between two deflecting parallel plates with length 'l' separated by distance 'd' with a velocity 'v'.Assuming electric field to be uniform,find the maximum charge so that it will not hit a plate Homework Equations Kinematic...
  17. V

    Increasing Diesel Engine Efficiency with Retractable Plates

    In case of diesel cycle thermal efficiency is low, because heat addition takes place at constant pressure.so can we introduce some retractable plate which sits below the piston during end of compression stroke,and retracts back after heat addition,thus providing constant volume heat addition and...
  18. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Equivalent Capacitance of Five Plates with Uniform Area and Spacing

    Homework Statement Five plates with same area are placed as in figure. Distance between any 2 consecutive plates is d. Find equivalent capacitance(ab). (Note-Answer is given as 5C/3, in terms of C so I suppose C is capacitance of a +ve and -ve plate separated by d). The lower letter is A, it is...
  19. R

    Potential difference between charged parallel plates

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  20. T

    Best way to heat up metal plates?

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  21. Poguer0170

    Calculating Potential Difference in a Parallel Plate Apparatus

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  22. C

    Trajectory of a proton as it moves between the plates

    Homework Statement Homework Equations What makes the shape circular/ parabolic? what determines the direction? The Attempt at a Solution Because the furthermost plate is positive, the proton would be repelled towards the screen, so i or iii. How do I know the shape?
  23. J

    Force between the plates of a charged capacitor

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Force between capacitor plates is Q2/(2Aε0) . If the distance between the plates is small as compared to the area , then force between the plates does not depend on the distance . But I am not sure how to deal with this problem .
  24. scoutdjp2012

    Solving Two Charged Plates Homework: Magnetism, Frequency & Charge Density

    Homework Statement A proton is shot at 5x10^6 m/s between two charged plates. When E between the plates is 15,000 N/C, the proton is undeflected by the field by a magnetic Field B into the paper . 1) What is the magnitude of the magnetic field? 2) if the proton now enters a region with only the...
  25. M

    Intensity as light passes through two quarter-wave plates?

    I have unpolarized light passing through a polarizator assuming the angle 0°. The polarized light then passes through two quarter-wave plates, the first one with the angle of 45° (maximum intensity) and the other one. Then it passes through a last polarizator having an orientation perpendicular...
  26. F

    The work done by the electric field between two plates

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ##V=Ed## ##ΔU=ΔV Q## The Attempt at a Solution Since the electric field is constant between charged plate conductors , d and the potential difference (ΔV) don't change.So, the potential energy (ΔU) remain the same . The answer is (C). Right ?
  27. M

    Charge distributions of two infinite parallel plates

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  28. H

    Electrostatic energy after a metal piece is inserted between 2 capacitor plates

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  29. marmstrong941

    Find Iron Core Plates for Transformer Prototypes - Top Sources Listed Here!

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  30. F

    Direction of particle between two plates

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Since Fel > mg , the particle will move up with acceleration
  31. soothsayer

    Force between parallel plates of set voltage

    Hi PF, I have a setup with two plates that are connected to two different voltages and separated by vacuum. In my case, one plate is set at -10kV, and the other plate is set at -7.5kV. I know the area of these plates, the separation of the plates (which is much smaller than the plate area), and...
  32. L

    Three parallel plates -- find the electric field

    Homework Statement Find the field at A. Homework Equations ##\oint E\cdot dA = Q_{enclosed}/\epsilon_0## The Attempt at a Solution My first intuition was to do a Gaussian cylinder from A to the middle of the bottom plate. My logic is that the field inside the bottom plate is 0, so I'd have...
  33. JustAStudent

    Work to move electron/proton between the plates of a charged capacitor?

    Homework Statement A charged capacitor consists of two large flat plates, one with positive charge +Q and the other negative charge -Q. An external agent trans an electron from the positive plate to the negative and also transfers a proton from the negative plate to the positive plate. There is...
  34. L

    Finding the electric field between two parallel plates

    Homework Statement Hi everyone! This is the homework problem I'm struggling with! Initial velocity = 107 meters per second The particle is an electron, so: Charge = -1.6 x 10-19 coulombs Mass = 9.11 x 10-31 kilograms Homework Equations Kinematic formula x = vot + 1/2 at2 Newton's law...
  35. S

    What Happens When Capacitor Plates Are Pulled Apart?

    Homework Statement What happens if the capacitor plates are pulled farther apart? Homework Equations C=Q/V=EoA/d The Attempt at a Solution The answer is that the charge stays the same, and the potential difference increases, which results in increased PE. I saw multiple explanations...
  36. P

    Laplacian for hyperbolic plates

    Homework Statement Find a complete set of conditions on the constants a, b, c, n such that, for Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), V = axn + byn + czn is a solution of Laplace’s equation ##∇^2V = 0##. A mass filter for charged particles consists of 4 electrodes extended along the z direction...
  37. P

    Charge density of capacitor plates

    Homework Statement A parallel plate capacitor is made of two flat horizontal conducting plates in a vacuum, each of area A, separated by a small gap. One plate carries a total charge 2Q, the other a total charge −Q. Find the surface charge densities on the four horizontal metal surfaces in...
  38. C

    I In the Casimir effect, can you slide plates unopposed by force?

    How would sliding the plates parallel to each other in order to separate them (they are prevented from contacting to avoid friction) require the same amount of energy as pulling them apart? You're not pushing against the force (the net force at the edges pulling it back is balanced by opposite...
  39. T

    Electric Field between two flat metal plates

    Homework Statement Two large, flat metal plates are held parallel to each other and separated by a distance d.· They are connected together at their edge by a metal strip. A thirt plastic sheet carrying a surface charge \sigma per unit area is placed between the plates at a distance 1/3*d from...
  40. T

    Current Density between two infinite plates

    Hi, I'm studying the "Child Langmuir law". We have a grounded cathode that is an infinite plane with free electrons, and an anode with a positive voltage V. The text says that the current density J is constant between the two plates for the "Charge conservation principle". I was not able to...
  41. aatari

    Electric Fields - Electron Passing through deflecting Plates

    Hi Guys, I have attempted the question below. Please have a look at my work and let me know if everything looks fine. Any feedback would be great. 1. Homework Statement Homework Equations F = qv/d a = F/m t = d/v qv = 1/2mv^2 x = vt + 1/2 at^2 The Attempt at a Solution
  42. C

    Force acting on a dielectric placed between parallel plates

    Homework Statement A parallel plate capacitor of length l and width w and separation d, has a dielectric of dielectric constant k inserted to a distance x, if the capacitor has a charge q, find force acting on the dielectric when its near the edge Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution ...
  43. T

    Electric field outside 2 same charge parallel plates

    Homework Statement Given 2 positively charged parallel plates with equal surface charge densities, calculate the electric field at a point outside the the parallel plates. Homework Equations E= (surface charge density) / 2(relative permittivity) for a single sheet. The Attempt at a Solution...
  44. D

    Potential Energy and Force Between Capacitor Plates

    Hello guys, came across some Analytical Physics lectures (http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/ugrad/227_f11/classes/lect08.pdf) that got me confused. It is described in the lecture the problem of determining the force between capacitor plates for a constant voltage (ie. connected to a battery). For...
  45. D

    Electric Field between Two Thin Conducting Plates

    Homework Statement Two thin conducting plates, each 25.0 cm on a side, are situated parallel to one another and 5.0 mm apart. If ##10^{-11}## electrons are moved from one plate to the other, what is the electric field between the plates?Homework Equations $$\vec E(P) = \frac{1}{4\pi...
  46. soothsayer

    Force between similarly charged plates

    In a setup I am designing, I have two conducting plates of similar charge, separated by 1mm of vacuum. The "top" plate, which is mechanically fixed, is charged to -10kV. The other "bottom" plate, which is electrically isolated, but not mechanically fixed (can move toward the "top plate"), is...
  47. karush

    MHB 15.1.55 Find the mass of the plates with the following density functions

    $\textsf{A thin rectangular plate, represented by a region $R$ in the xy-plane}\\$ $\textsf{has a density given by the function p(x,y);}\\$ $\textsf{This function gives the area density in units such as $g/cm^2$}\\$ $\textsf{The mass of the plate is $\displaystyle\iint\limits_{R}p(x,y)dA$}\\$...
  48. C

    Motion of Charged Particles in Electric Fields

    Homework Statement This is the question: An electron at rest of mass 9.11 × 10−31 kg is accelerated through a potential difference of 350 V. It then enters some deflecting plates of 50 V with dimensions as shown. Calculate the distance x (deflection of the electron) (Charge on an electron is...
  49. C

    Electric field strength between charged plates help

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution E=kq/d2 how do I involve the kinetic energy K in the equation?