Plates Definition and 622 Threads

According to Latter Day Saint belief, the golden plates (also called the gold plates or in some 19th-century literature, the golden bible) are the source from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, a sacred text of the faith. Some witnesses described the plates as weighing from 30 to 60 pounds (14 to 27 kg), gold in color, and composed of thin metallic pages engraved with hieroglyphics on both sides and bound with three D-shaped rings.Smith said that he found the plates on September 22, 1823, on a hill near his home in Manchester, New York, after the angel Moroni directed him to a buried stone box. He said that the angel prevented him from taking the plates but instructed him to return to the same location in a year. He returned to that site every year, but it was not until September 1827 that he recovered the plates on his fourth annual attempt to retrieve them. He returned home with a heavy object wrapped in a frock, which he then put in a box. He allowed others to heft the box but said that the angel had forbidden him to show the plates to anyone until they had been translated from their original "reformed Egyptian" language.
Smith dictated the text of the plates while a scribe wrote down the words which would later become the Book of Mormon. Eyewitnesses to the process said Smith translated the plates, not by looking directly at them, but by looking through a transparent seer stone in the bottom of his hat. Smith published the first edition of the translation in March of 1830 as the Book of Mormon, with a print run of 5,000 copies at a production cost of $3,000 (or 60 cents per book).
Smith eventually obtained testimonies from 11 men who said that they had seen the plates, known as the Book of Mormon witnesses. After the translation was complete, Smith said that he returned the plates to the angel Moroni; thus they could never be examined. Latter Day Saints believe the account of the golden plates as a matter of faith, and critics often assert that either Smith manufactured them himself or that the Book of Mormon witnesses based their testimony on visions rather than physical experience.

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  1. T

    How does earthing affect the distribution of charges on metal plates?

    Homework Statement When a charge Q is given to an isolated metal plate X of surface area A its surface charge density becomes σ .When an earthed metal plate Y is brought closed to X ,find magnitude of surface charged density on inner and outer surfaces of X and Y. Homework Equations...
  2. Saitama

    Calculating Charge on Metallic Plates with Open and Closed Switches

    Homework Statement Following are the questions based on the above paragraph Q1)The charge appearing on the outer surface of plate 1, when switches K1 and K2 are open A)zero B)Q C)-Q D)-3Q Q2)If K1 is closed and K2 is open, the charge appearing on the right surface of plate 2 is A)...
  3. P

    Capacitance of capacitor with unevenly charged plates

    Homework Statement I'm almost embarrassed to post this, but insofar none of my searches online have yielded any results. My question is simply, given a parallel plate capacitor (for the purpose of simplicity let's assume that there are no edge effects) whose constituent plates have charge +aQ...
  4. skate_nerd

    LC circuit, space between dielectric plates

    Homework Statement If the max E-field in the capacitor is E=1.2(103) N/C and the space between the plates is filled with a dielectric of constant 100,000, what is the separation between the plates? Homework Equations I know C=kεoA/d where k is the dielectric constant, A is the area of...
  5. X

    What is the potential difference in parallel plates?

    Homework Statement So I'm confused, if you have parallel plates: +++++++++++++++ ------------------- And there's an electron inside the plate: +++++++++++++++ e- ------------------- Does that mean the voltage of the negative terminal is higher than the positive terminal...
  6. F

    How to find potential difference between 2 parallel deflection plates

    Homework Statement Describe by pointform how to find potential difference between parallel deflection plates, ΔV₂ = ? You don't have to solve. ΔV1 = 1.38 kV Δx = 5 cm Δy = 0.49 cm r = 5.2 cm q = 1.6 x 10^-19 C m = 9.11 x 10^-31 kg k = 9 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2 Homework Equations ε = ΔV/d W = ΔEe =...
  7. A

    Calculating induced charges by a charge between two capacitor plates.

    A charge Q is kept at a distance x from one of the plates of a parallel capacitor having plates d distance apart with cross section area A.The whole system is earthed.Find the value of induced charges on both the plates. I tried putting the sum of induced charges equal to Q and balancing...
  8. J

    Side-by-side quarter wave plates

    Can anyone help out with the following question? Suppose we have an incident linearly polarized plane wave, polarized in the z-direction and propagating in the x-direction, and it passes through two quarter wave plates (their surfaces normal to the x-axis), and the left plate causes the fields...
  9. V

    Capacitor having equal charges on plates connected to a battery

    Hello I am having a doubt regarding capacitors .I know that when two neutral plates of an uncharged capacitor of capacitance C are connected to a battery of V volts then charges present on the inner surface of the plates are equal and opposite i.e +Q and -Q,where Q=CV . But what will...
  10. Saitama

    How Does a Fly Navigate Between Capacitor Plates?

    Homework Statement (see attachment)Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't understand the question. There are equipotential lines everywhere in the region between the capacitor plates, even at ##r_0## from the left plate. So the fly could simply fly along that line and the answer...
  11. beyondlight

    Capacitance value between two conducting plates.

    Homework Statement We have two conducting plates. One is moveable, the other is not moveable. The moveable has the charge of +1V. While the other plate has the charge 0V and is part of a enclosing envelopment. See fig: But when we move the...
  12. T

    Work to Move parallel capacitor Plates

    Hi, in my book there are two capacitor plates distance x apart (they are kept connected to a constant voltage source). These plates are moved apart to distance 3x. In order to find the work done to move the capacitors apart (using W=F dl=QE dl), my book takes the charge Q of one plate and...
  13. B

    Maximum possible force between two electrically charged plates?

    Hi! What is the limit to how much you can electrically charge two plates? I want to create the maximum possible force between the two plates per kilogram of plate. Say that the plates are separated by a good vacuum, because that is the best insulator, right? The plates are also surrounded...
  14. G

    Capacitors with unequally charged plates?

    I'm currently on the chapter on capacitors in my physics book. I'm starting to get the concept, but everything still isn't crystal clear. I get that you can store charges in two plates, one containing a charge of Q, and the other a charge of -Q. But, would it not also work if the charges where...
  15. B

    Electric Field in 3 Parallel Plates

    Homework Statement What is the electric field at point A in the unit of σ/ε0? Homework Equations E=σ/2ε The Attempt at a Solution I just want to make sure my thinking behind this is correct. From the center we have +5σ. To find the A what I did is subtract the other two -σ from...
  16. M

    Laminar flow fixed parallel plates Can someone please tell me how they arrived at...
  17. M

    Relationship: Force on a charge at some distance from capacitor Plates

    Homework Statement Two capacitor plates (infinite plane) with uniform charge distribution but different charges (one positive, one negative) are distance "d" apart. A charge is place at d/2 and feels force |F1|. A charge is placed at d/4 and feels force |F2|. How does |F1| compare to |F2|...
  18. P

    Capacitors are charged, disconnected from battery, and had plates swit

    Homework Statement Capacitors C1=13μF and C2=21μF are each charged to 10V, then disconnected from the battery without changing the charge on the capacitor plates. The two capacitors are then connected in parallel, with the positive plate of C1 connected to the negative plate of C2 and vice...
  19. G

    2 Charged thick plates placed next to each other.

    Homework Statement Two thick, parallel plates of thickness d and uniform charge densities (Coulombs per unit volume) ρ and −ρ are placed next to each other, as shown in the figure. The negatively charged plate is located between –d and 0 on the x-axis and the positively charged plate...
  20. B

    Find electric Field through 3 plates using Gausses Law

    Homework Statement The figure shows three very thin parallel planes of charge with equal separation 8 cm between them. The charge density of the middle plane is +4 nC/m2 (nC = "nano Coulomb") and that of the two outer planes is -2nC/m2. Use Gauss's law to solve the following questions. We...
  21. V

    Metal plates pressing at 4K, sticking/adhesion problem

    Hi, Lets say I have two metal circular plates of diameter about 10mm. If I press them together with a force of about 1-10N at temperature of 4K and hold them like that for couple of hours, will it be possible to separate them apart again at 4K (same environment) using no force (less than 1N) or...
  22. F

    Electron in uniform field caused by two plates

    Homework Statement An electron is projected with an initial speed v_0 = 1.60 * 10^6 m/s into a uniform field between two parallel plates, separated by a distance of 1cm, and each plate is 2cm across. Assume the field outside the plates is zero. The electron enters the field at a point midway...
  23. J

    Potential difference between the parallel metal plates

    Homework Statement Two metal plates are placed in parallel, 2mm apart. They are then connected to a fully charged 9V battery. Without discharging the plates, the battery is removed, after which the separation between them is increased to 1 cm. What is the new potential difference between the...
  24. Saitama

    Heat liberated after connecting two plates

    Homework Statement (see attachment) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution When the switch is open, the charges on the plates will rearrange and the final charges would be as shown in attachment 2. The energy stored due to the electric field between the plates (sorry if I...
  25. N

    Electric potential problem with two plates and different points (i'll elaborate)

    Homework Statement There are two parallel plates. The plate on the left has an electric potential of +60 Volts. The right plate has an electric potential of 0 Volts. The plates are 8.0mm apart. Between the two plates lies a point P 2.0mm from the left plate with a charge -3.5pC. Point R lies a...
  26. L

    Thermal stress of two peices of metal attacthed to two plates.

    Homework Statement 2)Both, a brass tube and the steel rod located inside the brass tube are solidly attached to common end plates A and B at either end. The respective diameters are : Do = 5.4 [cm] Di = 3.0 [cm] d= 2.8[cm] Brass: alpha=19x10^-6/degree celcius E=210GPa Steel...
  27. A

    Parallel Conducting plates problem

    If we have two parallel conducting plates ( of surfaces 1msq each), set at a very small distance apart, so that the plates can be considered like infinite plates (no edge effect). Both plates are neutral at first. Now a charge (say +Q) is placed on one of the plates. the other still is...
  28. P

    Determining the electron speed in parallel plates

    Homework Statement Two parallel plates labelled W (negative) and X (positive) are separated by 5.2 cm. The electric potential between the plates is 150 V. An electron starts from rest at time tw and reaches plate X at time tx. The electron continues through an opening in plate X and reaches...
  29. S

    Work-Energy, Acceleration, and Plates

    Homework Statement The magnitude of the instantaneous acceleration experienced by an electron as it first enters the region containing the perpendicular fields is? Maximum acceleration of an alpha particle at its closest approach to a nucleus of a gold atom, expressed in s.n is...
  30. S

    Electric Potential and Energy in Parallel Plate Configuration

    Homework Statement Two oppositely charged parallel plates are separated by 0.20m and have an electric potentiial difference of 1.2*10^3V across them. Locations I and II are in the region between the plates. Distance between top and bottom plate is 0.20m. \stackrel{}{postive...
  31. T

    Parallel Plate Capacitor having equal charges on plates

    Homework Statement Q .1 The plates of a parallel plate capacitor are given equal positive charges. What will be the potential difference between the plates? What will be the charges on the facing surfaces and on the outer surfaces? Q.2 Each plate of a parallel plate capacitor has a...
  32. S

    Calculating Electric Field and Force in Parallel Plate Setup

    Homework Statement An electron traveling 1.3*10^2m/s enters the region between two parallel plates at the distances shown. When it collides with the plates, it has a speed of 1.8*10^3 m/s. What is the electric field between the plates? What is the electrostatic force on the electron? And how...
  33. M

    Field lines on parallel plates with same charge

    Homework Statement Draw the field lines between two parallel plates with +3V on one plate and +1V on the therHomework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The answer is (D) for a uniform field between the plates, however when two positive charges are drawn the field lines diverge as in (B)...
  34. Q

    Charging two plates to the *same* charge, using a voltage source?

    Here's the scenario: I need two plates that start off in proximity (a few mm apart), and I would like to vary the charge in these plates to achieve a repulsion force. Ideally it would be varied by a voltage source, so that I have fine control over the repulsion. But as it happens, it is not...
  35. J

    Why is capacitance inversely proportional to the distance between the plates.

    I need help with something.I have problem to understand how the capacitance of a capacitor can be increased if we move the plates of the capacitor more close. Here's my reasoning: The capacitor is just a extended terminal of a battery,so the battery voltage must equal the capacitor...
  36. L

    Does distance inbetween the plates of a capacitor have an effect on its charge?

    You have a parallel plate capacitor, each with opposite charge Q, connected to a battery of some voltage. What I'm wondering, is does the distance inbetween these plates have an effect on their charge, while connected to the battery? What about if the distance was changed after being...
  37. S

    Electrostatics questions, parallel plates, force, field

    Homework Statement 1. A 2*10^-6C charged object is .40m left of an another 2*10^-6C charged object, with a 3*10^-6C charged object .40m to the right of the centre object, creating three charged objects in a line. Calculate the magnitude of the net electric force on the centre charge due to...
  38. S

    How Do Electrons Behave Between Charged Parallel Plates?

    Homework Statement An electron beam enters the region between two oppositely charged parallel plates near the negatively charged plate, as shown below. The plates are 0.150m long and are 0.040m apart. There is an electrical potential difference of 60.0V across the two plates which creates an...
  39. P

    Gauss Law with Charged Sphere and Infinite Parallel Plates

    Hi guys, this is more of a conceptual question, so I hope you guys can give me a detailed explanation if possible. Homework Statement Find the Electric Field inside a Charged Sphere (charge only on the surface) and between two Parallel Plates (oppositely charged) separated by some distance d...
  40. N

    Classical optics: Lambda-quarter plates

    Hi Say I have a magnetic field point in some well-known direction, and I have linearly polarized light incident in that direction. I want to convert my π-polarization to σ-polarization, so I find my lambda-quarter plate. However, how do I know whether it produce σ+ or σ-? Do they come with...
  41. P

    Charge particle between 2 paralleled plates

    Homework Statement In the figure below, a charged particle (either an electron or a proton) is moving rightward between two parallel charged plates separated by distance d = 2.30 mm. The particle is speeding up from an initial speed of 3640 km/s at the left plate. Homework Equations...
  42. F

    Parallel Plates Capacitors, two capacitors.

    1. I mostly just need help understanding 3 and 4. And also understanding how to tell if things drawn on a circuit diagram/sketch are parallel or in series. I have the correct answer already, but it was mostly just guessing for 3 and 4. The sketch is a side view of two capacitors consisting...
  43. 1

    How to Calculate the Electric Field Between Two Conducting Infinite Plates?

    Homework Statement Attached Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Shouldn't it be double this answer?
  44. Seydlitz

    Electric Field on two non-parallel plates

    Why the electric field is in fact curved in that configuration? I'm just a little bit confused because normally if the plates were arranged parallel the electric field were perfectly straight, the electric field of infinite plane is also straight. Why then suddenly when the plates are angled the...
  45. N

    Exploring Apparent Forces in Rotating Plates

    Is the weight force an apparent force ? Sorry but on the web i can't find anything. For example if i should think about a man that is on a rotating plate,what are the apparent force ? I think surely the centrifugal force but should i consider even the wight force of the man ?
  46. M

    Calculate Casimir force between several plates

    Hello I want to ask how to calculate the force change if it has been used several plates adjacent to the Casimir effect. for example - | | | | | | | | | - gap between the plates is 20 * 10 ^ -9 m. Between the plates is a vacuum? Thank you. Goodbye.
  47. S

    What is the voltage across the capacitor plates?

    A 15μF capacitor is connected to a 55V battery and becomes fully charged. The battery is removed and the circuit is left open. A slab of dielectric material is inserted to completely fill the space between the plates. It has a dielectric constant of 4.8. What is the voltage across the capacitor...
  48. I

    Electric field betwen laterally displaced parallel plates

    I am struggling with a problem which involves the calculation of the nonuniform electric field fields between two identical parallel plates in which one of the plates is slightly displaced in lateral direction with respect to the other plate (i.e. they do not overlap perfectly). The gap between...
  49. M

    Displacement current between two parallel plates

    OK, I was thinking about transformers and mutual induction and then drifted onto displacement current. I then decided to build a simple test apparatus and test for the magnetic field between two parallel plates. using a variety of coil designs to have as much of the windings perpendicular to the...
  50. D

    2 op amp followers on 2 capacitor plates not measuing correct voltage

    I am currently trying to measure an 80pF capacitor using 2 voltage follower op amps. I have them both powered by a set of 2 1.25V rechargable batteries. They are op amp type LMP7721 link: . Each op amp is configured such that the voltage out terminal [end...