Plotting Definition and 560 Threads

  1. P

    Calculating Strain in Wood Compression for Plotting Stress

    How can I calculated the wood strain in compression to plot it with stress, if the data that I have is the length and several extension data. The extension data corresponds since the 0 load to the the failure. Thanks. Since the equation for Strain is: ΔLength/Initial Length In order to...
  2. D

    Plotting tidal force vectors on the surface of the earth

    How can I plot the tidal force vectors on the surface the Earth in Mathematica or Python? The potential energy of the tidal force on the poles are $$ U = -GM_{moon}m_{water}\left(\frac{1}{d}+\frac{x}{d_0^2}\right) $$ where ##d_0## is the distance between the moon and the Earth 384400 km. The...
  3. R

    MATLAB Matlab: what is the right 3D plotting function for my code?

    Hi all, I have a simple question about 3D plotting. Consider this simple loop, which provides y and O for any x. and I am able to plot y vs O for given x. for Omega=0:.01:5 y(i)=(x*Omega^2); O(i)=Omega; i=i+1; end now consider I want to change the value of x, for x=0:.1:3...
  4. 7

    Plotting a wavefunction for a finite potential well doesn't work out

    Lets say we have a finite square potential well like below: This well has a ##\psi## which we can combine with ##\psi_I##, ##\psi_{II}## and ##\psi_{III}##. I have been playing around and got expressions for them, but they are not the same for ODD and EVEN solutions but let's do this only...
  5. S

    MATLAB How to Plot Piecewise Functions in MATLAB?

    Hello! I want to plot this function on MATLAB: f(t)=1 si 0<=t<=1 f(t)=0 otherwise Please help me! How to do it? I tried so much things it doesn't work!
  6. S

    Cartesian 3D Vector Plotting Points?

    Homework Statement Plot the following point: B(-2,3,5) The Attempt at a Solution If I were to plot (-2,3,5), when I make my first movement of -2, it does not move anywhere on the y-axis correct and when I am moving on my Y axis, There is no movement in the z axis?
  7. twoski

    Analyzing a Distribution Function

    Homework Statement The distribution function of a real random variable X is given: F(x) = 0 : x < 0 x/2 : 0 ≤ x < 1 2/3 : 1 ≤ x < 2 11/12 : 2 ≤ x < 3 1 : 3 ≤ x (a) Plot this distribution function. (b) What is P( X > 1/2 ) ? (c) What is P( 2 < X ≤ 4 ) ? (d) What is P( X <...
  8. F

    Mathematica Plotting functions and coordinates, Mathematica

    Hi all. Is there a way to plot both functions and coordinates/points on the same graph in Mathematica? The various functions for plotting each seem very incompatible. I would like to compare a probability function to Monte-Carlo-method simulation results. Also, out of curiosity, do...
  9. R

    I plotting some data using octave

    Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble finding a tutorial that would allow me to plot a set of data using octave. Everything seems to be teaching me how to plot functions. but say I have a list of data saved in a text file. How do I turn this into an xy scatter? Is this possible using octave? I...
  10. P

    Solving time dependent differential equation and plotting

    Hi i have the differential equation \frac{d^{2}}{dt^{2}}X(t) +(A+B\frac{sin^{2}(mt)}{mt})X(t) I have tried by hnd to solve this and am getting knowhere does anyone know how to solve it and then plot X against t (where the constants A, B and m will be arbitrarily added), possibly using maple? I...
  11. E

    Matlab - plotting huge amounts of data

    I have a table of 100 data points. I want to plot this on Matlab. Is there any other way for me to do this other than making an array for each column and then plotting it?
  12. P

    Plotting Rc on an Ic vs Vce Graph

    On a graph where Ic is plotted against Vce for a range of base currents, does the line represent the load resistance (Rc)?
  13. K

    MATLAB Plotting a Function in MATLAB Using QUAD

    hello.can anyone help me to plot this function in matlab Q=quad(@(omeg)myfun(omeg,x,t),-20,20).im not sure if this is m file function goes like that function y= @myfun(omeg,x,t) y=besselj(1,omeg.*x).*cos(omeg.*t).*omeg; thanks in advance
  14. D

    Help with plotting triangular wave

    1.Use MATLAB to demonstrate how the series converges to the triangular wave. 2.Generate a plot(properly labelled) with 6, 10 and 30 terms for a value of T = 2. 2. *A triangular wave with period T may be written as: 1/(2n+1)^2 * cos((2n+1)*w0*t) (this is a series, n starts at 0 and goes...
  15. P

    Plotting the polarization ellipse

    Hello, I am tasked with plotting the polarization state of a laser (basically I've made a polarimeter), but I really have no idea where to go at this point. Below is a sample of the program I have written with some real data that I just took from a laser. I have the intensity profile as a...
  16. A

    MATLAB Plotting with different y-axes range in Matlab

    Good Day Everybody, Please assist me on these problems 1. I wish to put six plots on the same plot using matlab. The details of each plot are stated below PLOT 1 x axis range 0:1 y axis range 0:1 PLOT 2 x axis range 0:1 y axis range 0:1 PLOT 3 x axis range 0:1 y axis range...
  17. K

    Plotting potential of 2 bodies.

    Hi everyone, Im currently following an example of this paper: And have reached a standstill on page 5. I am trying to plot the pseudo potential of the two bodies. I have...
  18. X

    Plotting DTFT of Finite Sum in MATLAB

    Homework Statement x[n] = Ʃ ck * δ(n-k), from k = -N to N. Plot the DTFT as a function of the number of terms N. This is a finite sum. Homework Equations The equation for the DTFT of a signal, which is Ʃ x[n] * e-j*2∏*∅*n, from n = -∞ to +∞ The Attempt at a Solution I have...
  19. I

    Doubt in plotting Vector Fields

    Hi, I have a doubt in plotting the vector field. In the post it is mentioned that a vector field could be plotted for F (x,y) by, marking the (x,y) as the tail and F(x,y) as the head portion. If so, then consider the function...
  20. K

    How Can MATLAB Help in Plotting the Electric Field of a Charged Wire?

    Homework Statement A straight wire of electric charge truncate to length L has a linear charge density of ρ= 8 C/m. Using a computational approach calculate the electric field due to the truncated line at any arbitrary point in space. Consider L = 1 m, assume line lies along y-axis with...
  21. M

    Mathematica Mathematica plotting with a slightly complicated relationship between variables

    Hi, So here's my latest problem as I get to grips with Mathematica. I will give a simpler version of the one I am actually doing. I started with a closed set of differential equations. Consider the following equations a'(t)=P*b(t) b'(t)=P^{2}*a(t) with known initial conditions and P is a...
  22. A

    MATLAB [Matlab] Plotting two functions of the same variable against each other

    I need to make two plots of volume as a function of time vs pressure as a function of time. When plotted the graph will have an enclosed area. I am having trouble on how to have MATLAB plot these two functions against each other. My experience with MATLAB is having a function defined in a...
  23. M

    MATLAB Plotting a potential function in MATLAB

    Hi all, I would like to be able to plot this function in MATLAB \mathcal{V} (\phi_{1}, \phi_{2}) = m^2(\phi_{1}^2 + \phi_{2}^2) + \lambda( \phi_{1}^2 + \phi_{2}^2)^2Where \phi_{1,2} , m^2 , \lambda \in \mathbb{R} and \lambda > 0 I am aware that the cases m^2 > 0 and m^2 < 0 yield two...
  24. P

    Plot Trajectory of Particle - Get Help Now

    Hello, How may I plot the trajectory of a particle whose movement vectors are given as: x(t) = Rwt - Rsin(wt) y(t) = R - Rcos(wt) I have tried squaring both x and y and adding them, to infer some sort of circular trajectory, to no avail. Could someone please assist/make a suggestion?
  25. D

    How to Visualize the Wave Equation Solution in Mathematica?

    $$ u(x,t) = \frac{1}{2}\int_{x - t}^{x + t}g(s)ds = \begin{cases} t, & (x,t)\in R_1\\ \frac{1}{2}(1 - x + t), & (x,t)\in R_2\\ \frac{1}{2}(x + t + 1), & (x,t)\in R_3\\ 1, & (x,t)\in R_4\\ 0, & (x,t)\in R_5,R_6 \end{cases} $$ where \begin{alignat*}{3} R_1 & = & \{(x,t):-1 < x - t <...
  26. D

    Mathematica Wave Equation Plot with Mathematica: Solutions for Different Regions and Time

    $$ u(x,t) = \frac{1}{2}\int_{x - t}^{x + t}g(s)ds = \begin{cases} t, & (x,t)\in R_1\\ \frac{1}{2}(1 - x + t), & (x,t)\in R_2\\ \frac{1}{2}(x + t + 1), & (x,t)\in R_3\\ 1, & (x,t)\in R_4\\ 0, & (x,t)\in R_5,R_6 \end{cases} $$ where \begin{alignat*}{3} R_1 & = & \{(x,t):-1 < x - t < 1\text{ and }...
  27. Z

    Plotting a Difference wave in Excel

    I have plotted two approximately sinusoidal waves in one Excel graph. Both waves are voltage, on the y-axis, against time the x-axis. Though both waves are not identical, being out of sync a little. The first wave has quite a lot more readings which make it than the second wave. If I...
  28. D

    Mathematica Plotting Mathematica f[r_][x_]: Solving Derivatives & Plotting Lines

    f[r_][x_] := 1 + r*x + x^2; A = Table[ cps[r_] = x /. Quiet[Solve[f[r][x] == 0, x], Solve::ratnz], {r, -5, 5, 0.01}]; I want to then tell mathematica to check the derivative of f with each value from the table, plot the values, but make the lines where there derivative in less than 0...
  29. J

    MATLAB Calculating and Plotting the n-Point DFT of a Signal in MATLAB

    Hello I am trying to calculate the n-point DFT of a signal using fft where n=512 and plot it in matlab. The signal is a separate file that I have read into matlab. I am able read and plot the first 512 values of the signal but when I try to get the dft of the signal and plot it the outcome does...
  30. E

    How to Correctly Plot Polynomial Functions in MATLAB?

    How do I plot something like (x-4)(x-5)(x-6)? I've tried: x = -6:0.01:6; y = (x-4)*(x-5)*(x-6); plot(x,y) It's giving me the error: Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
  31. Adoniram

    Plotting trajectories (on a computer)

    Hello all, I'm rather new to the world of computational physics and I'd just like some advice on which program I can use for plotting trajectories. I'd prefer 3D, if possible, but 2D would at least be a good start. I'm a little familiar with python, and I can get results from my .py...
  32. U

    Help Plotting a Signal Waveform

    My mat lab skills are pretty low, basically i want to know how to make a waveform using 1000 points of data. if the data is for example y = 1 for 0<n<0.1 y = 2 for 0.1<n<0.5 y = -5 for 0.5 < n < 1 so how could i plot this waveform using 1000 points of data cheers
  33. T

    MATLAB [Matlab] Plotting a function inside a m-file?

    A3.m: %x = 0:pi/100:2*pi; %y = sin(2*x); %z = 2*cos(2*x); %plot(x,y,'k',x,z,'--b') %title('Plot of f(x)=sin(x) and it''s derivative') %xlabel('X-axis') %ylabel('Y-axis') %legend('sin(2x)','2cos(2x)') x = -2:0.01:2 y = f2(x) plot(x,y) f2.m: function F = f2(x) F(1) =...
  34. N

    Calculators Plotting modulus functions in TI-89 Titanium

    How do I plot modulus functions in TI-89 Titanium? When I enter y1(x)=mod(x), in the y= editor, an error message turns up saying 'Too few arguments'.
  35. D

    MHB No Animation: Plotting Polar Function $p(r,\theta)$

    $$ p(r,\theta) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sum_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}r^{|n|}e^{in\theta} = \frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\frac{1 - r^2}{1 - 2r\cos\theta + r^2}\right]. $$ So I produced the graph but it won't animate. MyR = Table[r, {r, 0, 1, .1}]; u[\[Theta]_] = 1/(2*Pi)*((1 - r^2)/(1 - 2*r*Cos[\[Theta]] + r^2))...
  36. C

    Plotting Multiple Equations on One Graph in MATLAB?

    Homework Statement Does anyone know how to do this? Let's say I had the equation: f(t) = |2t, 0≤ t < 2 |(t^2)-3, 2≤t how would you plot this over 0≤ t ≤4 in Matlab? Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution I've tried ezplot but i can't manage getting both...
  37. C

    Plotting Fourier Functions in Matlab - Help?

    Plotting Laplace Functions in Matlab - Help? SORRY I MEANT LAPLACE FUNCTIONS Homework Statement so we have a function f(t) = |2t, 0≤ t < 2 |(t^2)-3, 2≤t how would you plot this over 0≤ t ≤4 in Matlab? Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution I guess you could...
  38. O

    Problem with 3d plotting in OriginPro 8 Program.

    Goodmorning! :) I am using OriginPro 8 and I am having some trouble doing a 3d plot. I have experimental data of Intensity units vs width vs height. I am trying to make a 3d plot, where x and y are width and height and z is intensity. I did convert the worksheet to matrix and then made the 3d...
  39. D

    MHB Constructing a Contour Plot for Solving a PDE with a Summation Formula

    $$ u(x,y) = \frac{4}{\pi}\sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left[\frac{\sin(2n - 1)\pi x\sinh\left[(2n - 1)\pi (1 - y)\right]}{(2n - 1)\sinh(2n - 1)\pi} + \frac{\sin(2n - 1)\pi y\sinh\left[(2n - 1)\pi(1 - x)\right]}{(2n - 1)\sinh(2n - 1)\pi}\right]. $$ How do I construct a contour plot of this?
  40. T

    MATLAB Plotting Simple Pendulum in MATLAB: Tutorials & Tips

    I'm really confused at the moment and would quite appreciate some guidance. I've got little to no background in Matlab and am needing to plot a simple pendulum. I have found the equation of motion which is q(doubledot) = -(g/l)sin(beta) I don't know how to go about this? After...
  41. P

    Why Might Plotting log c Against log d Not Be the Best Test for Proportionality?

    Hi, The question is the following: Another student proposes that c is proportional to d0.5 State a suitable graph that can be plotted to test this proposal. I suggested plotting log c = 0.5 log d. One of the answers the markscheme accepts is log c = log d Can anyone tell me why my...
  42. M

    Mathematica Strange plotting behaviour- Mathematica 8

    I'm confused by Mathematica's behaviour when plotting some functions I've constructed by interpolating functions. I have three graphs (attached). The first is a plot of the family of functions; they're negative, and decreasing to zero. I tried to do a LogLogPlot to look at their behaviour as...
  43. P

    Plotting Streamlines: Origin at t=0,1,2

    Homework Statement The velocity field in a flow is given by V = (x^2)*yi + (x^2)*tj. (a) Plot the streamline through the origin at times t = 0, t = 1, and t = 2. (b) Do the streamlines plotted in part (a) coincide with the path of particles through the origin? Explain. i&j are directional...
  44. H

    When plotting graphs in polar coordinates, how does one know when to

    When plotting graphs in polar coordinates, how does one know when to make the graph sharp (at θ=0) (as in for the graph for r=1-cosθ) as opposed to a dimple (r=3/2 + cos θ) ?
  45. N

    MATLAB MATLAB: Plotting a Circle from Unordered Data Points

    Hi I have a dataset which traces out a circle. The issue is that the data points are not ordered, so if I plot the set and make lines between adjacent (= "adjacent" in the sense that they are next to each other in the dataset) data points, then the plot does not look like a circle. Is...
  46. M

    MATLAB Plotting the Fourier series in Matlab

    I am very confused on how to start this problem, would highly appreciate some help! Consider the function f(x)=   0, -1≤x≤0 2x, 0≤x≤1. The Fourier series coefficients for this function are given by [a][/0]=0.5, and for  k=1, 2, 3,...  ...
  47. M

    Plotting IV curve of Si numerically

    Hi all Before i start, i should say that i have been working in the field of quantam mechanics for just 6 months now. I have a problem where i have to draw numerically the IV curve of Si in MATLAB under forward bias condition. I have the electric field and potential calculated the following...
  48. R

    Plotting planetary movements through space

    Hi, From a retired thread I (roughly) quote the following: "To plot the path that a point on the Earth takes through space, you would need to calculate these movements: The Earth relative to the Sun. The Sun relative to the Galaxy centre. The Galaxy relative to the Local Group. The...
  49. M

    Plotting Points on a Graph (4, 0°) and (3, 27°)

    Homework Statement I was wondering if you could help me on how to draw these on a graph (4, 0°) and (3, 27°) The Attempt at a Solution Just a hint, Please
  50. I

    Mathematica Mathematica plotting several functions

    Hi I need to plot \sin(x) and its first,third, fifth power series expansion on the same plot. here's what I did T[n_,x_]:=Normal[Series[Sin[x], {x, 0, n}]] Plot[{Sin[x], T[1, x], T[3, x], T[5, x]}, {x, -2, 2}] But I got following errors. General::ivar: -1.99992 is not a valid...