Plotting Definition and 559 Threads

Plotting is a tile-matching puzzle video game published by Taito in 1989. It is called Flipull (フリップル, Furippuru) in Japan as well as in versions for the Famicom and Game Boy, and Plotting in versions for the Atari ST, Amiga, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, GX4000 and ZX Spectrum. All are based on an arcade game which is known as Flipull (フリップル, Furippuru) in Japan and Plotting elsewhere. The game bears strong graphical and some gameplay similarities to Puzznic.

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  1. D

    Plotting tidal force vectors on the surface of the earth

    How can I plot the tidal force vectors on the surface the Earth in Mathematica or Python? The potential energy of the tidal force on the poles are $$ U = -GM_{moon}m_{water}\left(\frac{1}{d}+\frac{x}{d_0^2}\right) $$ where ##d_0## is the distance between the moon and the Earth 384400 km. The...
  2. R

    MATLAB Matlab: what is the right 3D plotting function for my code?

    Hi all, I have a simple question about 3D plotting. Consider this simple loop, which provides y and O for any x. and I am able to plot y vs O for given x. for Omega=0:.01:5 y(i)=(x*Omega^2); O(i)=Omega; i=i+1; end now consider I want to change the value of x, for x=0:.1:3...
  3. 7

    Plotting a wavefunction for a finite potential well doesn't work out

    Lets say we have a finite square potential well like below: This well has a ##\psi## which we can combine with ##\psi_I##, ##\psi_{II}## and ##\psi_{III}##. I have been playing around and got expressions for them, but they are not the same for ODD and EVEN solutions but let's do this only...
  4. S

    MATLAB How to Plot Piecewise Functions in MATLAB?

    Hello! I want to plot this function on MATLAB: f(t)=1 si 0<=t<=1 f(t)=0 otherwise Please help me! How to do it? I tried so much things it doesn't work!
  5. S

    Cartesian 3D Vector Plotting Points?

    Homework Statement Plot the following point: B(-2,3,5) The Attempt at a Solution If I were to plot (-2,3,5), when I make my first movement of -2, it does not move anywhere on the y-axis correct and when I am moving on my Y axis, There is no movement in the z axis?
  6. twoski

    Analyzing a Distribution Function

    Homework Statement The distribution function of a real random variable X is given: F(x) = 0 : x < 0 x/2 : 0 ≤ x < 1 2/3 : 1 ≤ x < 2 11/12 : 2 ≤ x < 3 1 : 3 ≤ x (a) Plot this distribution function. (b) What is P( X > 1/2 ) ? (c) What is P( 2 < X ≤ 4 ) ? (d) What is P( X <...
  7. F

    Mathematica Plotting functions and coordinates, Mathematica

    Hi all. Is there a way to plot both functions and coordinates/points on the same graph in Mathematica? The various functions for plotting each seem very incompatible. I would like to compare a probability function to Monte-Carlo-method simulation results. Also, out of curiosity, do...
  8. R

    I plotting some data using octave

    Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble finding a tutorial that would allow me to plot a set of data using octave. Everything seems to be teaching me how to plot functions. but say I have a list of data saved in a text file. How do I turn this into an xy scatter? Is this possible using octave? I...
  9. P

    Solving time dependent differential equation and plotting

    Hi i have the differential equation \frac{d^{2}}{dt^{2}}X(t) +(A+B\frac{sin^{2}(mt)}{mt})X(t) I have tried by hnd to solve this and am getting knowhere does anyone know how to solve it and then plot X against t (where the constants A, B and m will be arbitrarily added), possibly using maple? I...
  10. E

    Matlab - plotting huge amounts of data

    I have a table of 100 data points. I want to plot this on Matlab. Is there any other way for me to do this other than making an array for each column and then plotting it?
  11. P

    Plotting Rc on an Ic vs Vce Graph

    On a graph where Ic is plotted against Vce for a range of base currents, does the line represent the load resistance (Rc)?
  12. K

    MATLAB Plotting a Function in MATLAB Using QUAD

    hello.can anyone help me to plot this function in matlab Q=quad(@(omeg)myfun(omeg,x,t),-20,20).im not sure if this is m file function goes like that function y= @myfun(omeg,x,t) y=besselj(1,omeg.*x).*cos(omeg.*t).*omeg; thanks in advance
  13. D

    Help with plotting triangular wave

    1.Use MATLAB to demonstrate how the series converges to the triangular wave. 2.Generate a plot(properly labelled) with 6, 10 and 30 terms for a value of T = 2. 2. *A triangular wave with period T may be written as: 1/(2n+1)^2 * cos((2n+1)*w0*t) (this is a series, n starts at 0 and goes...
  14. P

    Plotting the polarization ellipse

    Hello, I am tasked with plotting the polarization state of a laser (basically I've made a polarimeter), but I really have no idea where to go at this point. Below is a sample of the program I have written with some real data that I just took from a laser. I have the intensity profile as a...
  15. A

    MATLAB Plotting with different y-axes range in Matlab

    Good Day Everybody, Please assist me on these problems 1. I wish to put six plots on the same plot using matlab. The details of each plot are stated below PLOT 1 x axis range 0:1 y axis range 0:1 PLOT 2 x axis range 0:1 y axis range 0:1 PLOT 3 x axis range 0:1 y axis range...
  16. K

    Plotting potential of 2 bodies.

    Hi everyone, Im currently following an example of this paper: And have reached a standstill on page 5. I am trying to plot the pseudo potential of the two bodies. I have...
  17. X

    Plotting DTFT of Finite Sum in MATLAB

    Homework Statement x[n] = Ʃ ck * δ(n-k), from k = -N to N. Plot the DTFT as a function of the number of terms N. This is a finite sum. Homework Equations The equation for the DTFT of a signal, which is Ʃ x[n] * e-j*2∏*∅*n, from n = -∞ to +∞ The Attempt at a Solution I have...
  18. I

    Doubt in plotting Vector Fields

    Hi, I have a doubt in plotting the vector field. In the post it is mentioned that a vector field could be plotted for F (x,y) by, marking the (x,y) as the tail and F(x,y) as the head portion. If so, then consider the function...
  19. K

    How Can MATLAB Help in Plotting the Electric Field of a Charged Wire?

    Homework Statement A straight wire of electric charge truncate to length L has a linear charge density of ρ= 8 C/m. Using a computational approach calculate the electric field due to the truncated line at any arbitrary point in space. Consider L = 1 m, assume line lies along y-axis with...
  20. M

    Mathematica Mathematica plotting with a slightly complicated relationship between variables

    Hi, So here's my latest problem as I get to grips with Mathematica. I will give a simpler version of the one I am actually doing. I started with a closed set of differential equations. Consider the following equations a'(t)=P*b(t) b'(t)=P^{2}*a(t) with known initial conditions and P is a...
  21. A

    MATLAB [Matlab] Plotting two functions of the same variable against each other

    I need to make two plots of volume as a function of time vs pressure as a function of time. When plotted the graph will have an enclosed area. I am having trouble on how to have MATLAB plot these two functions against each other. My experience with MATLAB is having a function defined in a...
  22. M

    MATLAB Plotting a potential function in MATLAB

    Hi all, I would like to be able to plot this function in MATLAB \mathcal{V} (\phi_{1}, \phi_{2}) = m^2(\phi_{1}^2 + \phi_{2}^2) + \lambda( \phi_{1}^2 + \phi_{2}^2)^2Where \phi_{1,2} , m^2 , \lambda \in \mathbb{R} and \lambda > 0 I am aware that the cases m^2 > 0 and m^2 < 0 yield two...
  23. P

    Plot Trajectory of Particle - Get Help Now

    Hello, How may I plot the trajectory of a particle whose movement vectors are given as: x(t) = Rwt - Rsin(wt) y(t) = R - Rcos(wt) I have tried squaring both x and y and adding them, to infer some sort of circular trajectory, to no avail. Could someone please assist/make a suggestion?
  24. D

    How to Visualize the Wave Equation Solution in Mathematica?

    $$ u(x,t) = \frac{1}{2}\int_{x - t}^{x + t}g(s)ds = \begin{cases} t, & (x,t)\in R_1\\ \frac{1}{2}(1 - x + t), & (x,t)\in R_2\\ \frac{1}{2}(x + t + 1), & (x,t)\in R_3\\ 1, & (x,t)\in R_4\\ 0, & (x,t)\in R_5,R_6 \end{cases} $$ where \begin{alignat*}{3} R_1 & = & \{(x,t):-1 < x - t <...
  25. D

    Mathematica Wave Equation Plot with Mathematica: Solutions for Different Regions and Time

    $$ u(x,t) = \frac{1}{2}\int_{x - t}^{x + t}g(s)ds = \begin{cases} t, & (x,t)\in R_1\\ \frac{1}{2}(1 - x + t), & (x,t)\in R_2\\ \frac{1}{2}(x + t + 1), & (x,t)\in R_3\\ 1, & (x,t)\in R_4\\ 0, & (x,t)\in R_5,R_6 \end{cases} $$ where \begin{alignat*}{3} R_1 & = & \{(x,t):-1 < x - t < 1\text{ and }...
  26. Z

    Plotting a Difference wave in Excel

    I have plotted two approximately sinusoidal waves in one Excel graph. Both waves are voltage, on the y-axis, against time the x-axis. Though both waves are not identical, being out of sync a little. The first wave has quite a lot more readings which make it than the second wave. If I...
  27. D

    Mathematica Plotting Mathematica f[r_][x_]: Solving Derivatives & Plotting Lines

    f[r_][x_] := 1 + r*x + x^2; A = Table[ cps[r_] = x /. Quiet[Solve[f[r][x] == 0, x], Solve::ratnz], {r, -5, 5, 0.01}]; I want to then tell mathematica to check the derivative of f with each value from the table, plot the values, but make the lines where there derivative in less than 0...
  28. J

    MATLAB Calculating and Plotting the n-Point DFT of a Signal in MATLAB

    Hello I am trying to calculate the n-point DFT of a signal using fft where n=512 and plot it in matlab. The signal is a separate file that I have read into matlab. I am able read and plot the first 512 values of the signal but when I try to get the dft of the signal and plot it the outcome does...
  29. E

    How to Correctly Plot Polynomial Functions in MATLAB?

    How do I plot something like (x-4)(x-5)(x-6)? I've tried: x = -6:0.01:6; y = (x-4)*(x-5)*(x-6); plot(x,y) It's giving me the error: Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
  30. Adoniram

    Plotting trajectories (on a computer)

    Hello all, I'm rather new to the world of computational physics and I'd just like some advice on which program I can use for plotting trajectories. I'd prefer 3D, if possible, but 2D would at least be a good start. I'm a little familiar with python, and I can get results from my .py...
  31. U

    Help Plotting a Signal Waveform

    My mat lab skills are pretty low, basically i want to know how to make a waveform using 1000 points of data. if the data is for example y = 1 for 0<n<0.1 y = 2 for 0.1<n<0.5 y = -5 for 0.5 < n < 1 so how could i plot this waveform using 1000 points of data cheers
  32. T

    MATLAB [Matlab] Plotting a function inside a m-file?

    A3.m: %x = 0:pi/100:2*pi; %y = sin(2*x); %z = 2*cos(2*x); %plot(x,y,'k',x,z,'--b') %title('Plot of f(x)=sin(x) and it''s derivative') %xlabel('X-axis') %ylabel('Y-axis') %legend('sin(2x)','2cos(2x)') x = -2:0.01:2 y = f2(x) plot(x,y) f2.m: function F = f2(x) F(1) =...
  33. N

    Calculators Plotting modulus functions in TI-89 Titanium

    How do I plot modulus functions in TI-89 Titanium? When I enter y1(x)=mod(x), in the y= editor, an error message turns up saying 'Too few arguments'.
  34. D

    MHB No Animation: Plotting Polar Function $p(r,\theta)$

    $$ p(r,\theta) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sum_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}r^{|n|}e^{in\theta} = \frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\frac{1 - r^2}{1 - 2r\cos\theta + r^2}\right]. $$ So I produced the graph but it won't animate. MyR = Table[r, {r, 0, 1, .1}]; u[\[Theta]_] = 1/(2*Pi)*((1 - r^2)/(1 - 2*r*Cos[\[Theta]] + r^2))...
  35. C

    Plotting Multiple Equations on One Graph in MATLAB?

    Homework Statement Does anyone know how to do this? Let's say I had the equation: f(t) = |2t, 0≤ t < 2 |(t^2)-3, 2≤t how would you plot this over 0≤ t ≤4 in Matlab? Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution I've tried ezplot but i can't manage getting both...
  36. C

    Plotting Fourier Functions in Matlab - Help?

    Plotting Laplace Functions in Matlab - Help? SORRY I MEANT LAPLACE FUNCTIONS Homework Statement so we have a function f(t) = |2t, 0≤ t < 2 |(t^2)-3, 2≤t how would you plot this over 0≤ t ≤4 in Matlab? Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution I guess you could...
  37. O

    Problem with 3d plotting in OriginPro 8 Program.

    Goodmorning! :) I am using OriginPro 8 and I am having some trouble doing a 3d plot. I have experimental data of Intensity units vs width vs height. I am trying to make a 3d plot, where x and y are width and height and z is intensity. I did convert the worksheet to matrix and then made the 3d...
  38. D

    MHB Constructing a Contour Plot for Solving a PDE with a Summation Formula

    $$ u(x,y) = \frac{4}{\pi}\sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left[\frac{\sin(2n - 1)\pi x\sinh\left[(2n - 1)\pi (1 - y)\right]}{(2n - 1)\sinh(2n - 1)\pi} + \frac{\sin(2n - 1)\pi y\sinh\left[(2n - 1)\pi(1 - x)\right]}{(2n - 1)\sinh(2n - 1)\pi}\right]. $$ How do I construct a contour plot of this?
  39. T

    MATLAB Plotting Simple Pendulum in MATLAB: Tutorials & Tips

    I'm really confused at the moment and would quite appreciate some guidance. I've got little to no background in Matlab and am needing to plot a simple pendulum. I have found the equation of motion which is q(doubledot) = -(g/l)sin(beta) I don't know how to go about this? After...
  40. P

    Why Might Plotting log c Against log d Not Be the Best Test for Proportionality?

    Hi, The question is the following: Another student proposes that c is proportional to d0.5 State a suitable graph that can be plotted to test this proposal. I suggested plotting log c = 0.5 log d. One of the answers the markscheme accepts is log c = log d Can anyone tell me why my...
  41. M

    Mathematica Strange plotting behaviour- Mathematica 8

    I'm confused by Mathematica's behaviour when plotting some functions I've constructed by interpolating functions. I have three graphs (attached). The first is a plot of the family of functions; they're negative, and decreasing to zero. I tried to do a LogLogPlot to look at their behaviour as...
  42. P

    Plotting Streamlines: Origin at t=0,1,2

    Homework Statement The velocity field in a flow is given by V = (x^2)*yi + (x^2)*tj. (a) Plot the streamline through the origin at times t = 0, t = 1, and t = 2. (b) Do the streamlines plotted in part (a) coincide with the path of particles through the origin? Explain. i&j are directional...
  43. H

    When plotting graphs in polar coordinates, how does one know when to

    When plotting graphs in polar coordinates, how does one know when to make the graph sharp (at θ=0) (as in for the graph for r=1-cosθ) as opposed to a dimple (r=3/2 + cos θ) ?
  44. N

    MATLAB MATLAB: Plotting a Circle from Unordered Data Points

    Hi I have a dataset which traces out a circle. The issue is that the data points are not ordered, so if I plot the set and make lines between adjacent (= "adjacent" in the sense that they are next to each other in the dataset) data points, then the plot does not look like a circle. Is...
  45. M

    MATLAB Plotting the Fourier series in Matlab

    I am very confused on how to start this problem, would highly appreciate some help! Consider the function f(x)=   0, -1≤x≤0 2x, 0≤x≤1. The Fourier series coefficients for this function are given by [a][/0]=0.5, and for  k=1, 2, 3,...  ...
  46. M

    Plotting IV curve of Si numerically

    Hi all Before i start, i should say that i have been working in the field of quantam mechanics for just 6 months now. I have a problem where i have to draw numerically the IV curve of Si in MATLAB under forward bias condition. I have the electric field and potential calculated the following...
  47. R

    Plotting planetary movements through space

    Hi, From a retired thread I (roughly) quote the following: "To plot the path that a point on the Earth takes through space, you would need to calculate these movements: The Earth relative to the Sun. The Sun relative to the Galaxy centre. The Galaxy relative to the Local Group. The...
  48. M

    Plotting Points on a Graph (4, 0°) and (3, 27°)

    Homework Statement I was wondering if you could help me on how to draw these on a graph (4, 0°) and (3, 27°) The Attempt at a Solution Just a hint, Please
  49. I

    Mathematica Mathematica plotting several functions

    Hi I need to plot \sin(x) and its first,third, fifth power series expansion on the same plot. here's what I did T[n_,x_]:=Normal[Series[Sin[x], {x, 0, n}]] Plot[{Sin[x], T[1, x], T[3, x], T[5, x]}, {x, -2, 2}] But I got following errors. General::ivar: -1.99992 is not a valid...
  50. M

    MATLAB Plotting Series in Matlab: Code for Two Series with Cosine and Sine Functions

    I am going to plot two series in Matlab. They are as following. please help me to write the appropriate code for them: 1-f(t)=(2/pi)+(4/pi)*Ʃ(1/(1-4*n^2))*cos(2*n*pi*t) -1≤t≤1 n=1 forN=200 2-f(t)=(4/0.25^2)*Ʃ(sin(0.25*n*pi)/(n*pi)^2)*sin(n*pi*t) -2≤t≤2 n=1,3,5 forN=200