Polygon Definition and 115 Threads

In geometry, a polygon () is a plane figure that is described by a finite number of straight line segments connected to form a closed polygonal chain (or polygonal circuit). The bounded plane region, the bounding circuit, or the two together, may be called a polygon.
The segments of a polygonal circuit are called its edges or sides. The points where two edges meet are the polygon's vertices (singular: vertex) or corners. The interior of a solid polygon is sometimes called its body. An n-gon is a polygon with n sides; for example, a triangle is a 3-gon.
A simple polygon is one which does not intersect itself. Mathematicians are often concerned only with the bounding polygonal chains of simple polygons and they often define a polygon accordingly. A polygonal boundary may be allowed to cross over itself, creating star polygons and other self-intersecting polygons.
A polygon is a 2-dimensional example of the more general polytope in any number of dimensions. There are many more generalizations of polygons defined for different purposes.

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  1. P

    How was the angle sum of polygons derived?

    We all know that for the angle sum of the external angles of a non-concaved polygons is 360. How is/was this derived...
  2. D

    Why Is My Calculation of a Regular Polygon's Area Incorrect?

    Hi, I am to find a formula for the area of a regular polygon with a side "a". I just keep getting the wrong answer: this is how i did it: if we draw a circle in a coordinate system, with radius "r". The diameter lyes on the x-axis. I draw an angle from the center. This angle is then 360/n...
  3. J

    Java Java question: how can I stop my polygon from translating?

    I'm trying to create a computer game (a platformer); currently I'm just trying to display a Polygon on the screen. I have this class Charac, which contains a Polygon which defines its shape. If you display the bare Polygon, it'll put the shape at 0,0 on the screen. In order to move the...
  4. C

    How can I construct a solution for a constant polygon with 2007 angles?

    I have to find a solution to this problem until next week, so perhaps someone can help: There is a constant polygon with 2007 angles. Put the natural numbers 1,2,.. 4014 on each angle and the center of each side of the polygon, so that the amount of the 3 numbers (angle + center + corner)...
  5. S

    Decomposition of a nonconvex polygon

    Is there any algorithm to decompose a nonconvex polygon in a set of convex ones?
  6. N

    Optimal Road Arrangement for Towns Connected by a Polygon

    If the vertices of a regular polygon represent 4 townships and are all connected by a system of roads. To keep costs to a minimum, what is the ideal arrangement of roads? What if not a regular polygon but a quadrilateral, cube, regular solid? Can someone help me please :rolleyes:
  7. U

    Can a Circle be Described as a Polygon?

    Recently, due to my newfound obsession with circles and Pi, I came across an idea that may or may not hold up, and I need some feedback on it. It occurred to me that a polygon with a sufficient number of angles could closely resemble a circle. For example, let's say you have a regular...
  8. M

    Can a Regular Polygon with 17 Sides be Constructed Using Only Compass and Ruler?

    I want to draw a polygon with 17 sides by using only the compasses and an unscaled ruler...however, many times i tried, I just managed to draw a polygon with 23 sides...any site?
  9. S

    Find the Number of Sides in a Regular Polygon Inscribed in a Circle of Radius r

    Hi guy's I am havin trouble with this problem... can anyone help me out...A regular polygon of n sides is inscribed in a circle of radius r. if the area of the polygon is 2r^2 root 2 how many sides does it have
  10. L

    Electric Field of an n sided polygon

    We have an n sided polygon, each side is length 2L and R is the distance from the center of the polygon to the mid-point of any side. We know, L=Rtan(pi/n). I need: "the E-field on the axis of the polygon at a point distance h above it" When n goes to infinity, we should get the same...
  11. F

    Find the number of diagonals that can be drawn in an n-side polygon

    Find the number of diagonals that can be drawn in an n-side polygon. The answer is n(n-3)/2. I don't know how to do that.
  12. V

    Conformal map for regular polygon in circle.

    Hi All, I'm looking for the conformal mapping (using complex functions) that maps the unit circle (or the upper half plane) into a REGULAR polygon with n vertices. I know the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation for an ARBITRARY polygon, but that doesn't help me because the expression is way...
  13. C

    Moment of inertia of a polygon

    How can one calculate the moment of inertia of a polygon? Assuming that one knows the polygon’s total area, centroid and vertices, which are connected by straight lines in a 2D system. Is it possible to avoid a difficult integral over the area/mass? Any helpful information is highly...
  14. D

    Finding the Largest Triangle in a Polygon: Solutions Needed!

    Hi, I am a newmember and a newbie to this forum. I am interested in Maths especially Geometry. I am trying to deal with a geometry problem of polygon and i need help. My question is - I have a polygon with n number of sides. I want to find out the area of the largest possible...
  15. A

    How to Calculate Moment of Inertia for Polygons in a 2D System?

    How can one calculate the moment of inertia of a polygon? Assuming that one knows the polygon’s vertexes which in turn are connected by straight lines in a 2D system? If the calculation is possible without triangulating the polygon, is it then also possible to use the same method with complex...