Polynomials Definition and 785 Threads

  1. Repetit

    How to Express the Product of Two Legendre Polynomials?

    Hey! Could someone please help me find out how to express the product of two Legendre polynomials in terms of a sum of Legendre polynomials. I believe I have to use the recursion formula (l+1)P_{l+1}(x)-(2l+1) x P_l(x) + l P_{l-1}(x)=0 but I am not sure how to do this. What is basically...
  2. M

    Root finding methods for Polynomials.

    Hi , is there a method to obtain the roots of Polynomials: P(x)=a_{0}+a_{1}x+a{2}x^{2}+...+a_{n}x^{n} i know there are , but my problem is this if we knew that are complex roots of the form z=a+ib , would be a method to obtain the complex root with BIGGER and SMALLER real part ?? , i mean...
  3. D

    Prove Coefficients of Complex Polynomials are Real

    I need to show that the coefficients of a complex polynomial P(z) are real iff P(x) is real for all real x. Thanks!
  4. F

    Infinite Degree Polynomials: Describing by Roots

    Homework Statement Is it possible to describe some infinite degree polynomials by their roots in a way analagous to finite degree polynomials? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that, since not all infinite degree polynomials have roots (e.g. the power series...
  5. R

    Discover the Roots of Polynomials: Solving Equations and Finding Values of S_n

    Homework Statement The roots of the equation x^3-x-1=0 are \alpha,\beta,\gamma S_n=\alpha^n +\beta^n +\gamma^n (i)Use the relation y=x^2 to show that \alpha^2,\beta^2,\gamma^2 are roots of the equation y^3-2y^2+y-1=0 (ii)Hence, or otherwise find the value of S_4 (iii)Find...
  6. B

    Linear Algebra Lagrange polynomials & Basis

    http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/9016/linalggp1.jpg for (a): does that mean i must compute l0(t), l1(t) and l2(t), and i wasn't sure how to do this with the lagrange polynomial formula given, so i found one online and did it, I'm not sure if this is correct, but my l0(t) looks like this: =...
  7. S

    Sum of the Inverse of Odd Polynomials up to 2007

  8. J

    Polynomials/ galois field question

    [SOLVED] polynomials/ galois field question Im reading through a section that deals with polynomials Galois fields and ran into something that I am not quite understanding. Say we have an irreducible polynomial, f(x), which has coefficients from GF(2) and roots \beta, \beta^{2}...
  9. W

    Roots of Trigonometric polynomials?

    I remember learning an iterative method that gives the answer to trigonometric polynomials such as sin(x)-0.7-0.611cosx = 0 where x is the angle in degrees. The person who I learned this method from called it the method for solving transcendentals. Now I can't seem to find any...
  10. K

    Polynomials and function space over fields

    Hi, Can someone explain why the following is true? It seems to be an "accepted fact" everywhere I search, and I can't tell why. Let F be a field. Let E be the function from F[x] to F^F, where F[x] is the set of all polynomials over F, and F^F is the set of all functions from F to F. Then...
  11. G

    How Do You Factor the Polynomial in the Derivative of f(x) = (x^3 - 2x)e^x?

    Homework Statement I need to find the critical points of f(x) = (x^3 - 2x)e^x I found the derivative, and set it equal to zero ended up with e^x (x^3 +3x^2 -2x -2) = 0 I am having trouble factoring the second factor, any suggestions?
  12. S

    Solving Polynomials with Degree <= 10: Finding Eigenvalues & Eigenspaces

    any ideas on how to go about conducting these please. i will attempt them once i have a clear idea on how to do this. thanks :) let V be the vector space of polynomials over C of degree <= 10 and let "D: V -----> V" be the linear map defined by D(f) = df/dx show (1) D^11=0 (2)...
  13. G

    Irreducible Polynomials p 5 degree 4

    I am attempting to construct a field containing 625 elements and should be in the form Zn[x] mod f(x). Factoring 625 leads to 5^4. So I'm guessing my field will be GF(5^4). So in order for me to construct a field with all elements in it, I need f(x) to be some irreducible polynomial mod 5...
  14. M

    Calculators Solving Polynomials on a TI-89 Calculator

    okay, so i know how to factor( and the expand( but i have a question for dividing polynomials such as... 9x^5-6x^3+x-63 / x-8 how do i enter this into my calculatoor?! AHH its driving me INSANEEEEEEEEEe i get 9x^5-6x^3+x-63/x-8 but my teacher gets a different everytime for every...
  15. C

    Vector space of polynomials problem

    [b]1. Consider the vector space of polynomials 1+x^3 , 1-x+x^2, 2x, 1+x^2 Are they linearly dependent or independent? dimension of vecotr space spanned by these vectors? [b]3. I have tried to solve this by letting a1 = 1+x^3 a2 = 1-x+x^2 a3 = 2x a4 = 1+x^2 Then I let (alpha)a1 +...
  16. I

    How Do You Derive the Formula for P-n(0) Using Legendre Polynomials?

    There is a question where you should find a formula for P-n(0) using the Legendre polynomials: P-n(x)=1/(2^n*n!) d^n/dx^n(x^2-1)^n , n=0,1,2,3... I tried to derive seven times by only substituting the n until n=7,I did that because i wanted to find something that i can build my formula but i...
  17. M

    Dividing Polynomials ~ Root/Factor Theroem

    Homework Statement A cubic polynomial gives remainders (5x+4) and (12x-1) when divided by x^{2} - x + 2 and x^{2} + x - 1 respectively. Find the polynomial Homework Equations :S Well, I am using the root theorem, the factor theorem, and possibly just basics on long division.. We know...
  18. M

    Quick Help Dividing Polynomials

    Homework Statement (6x^4-3x^2+x-4) / (2x^2+1) Homework Equations Relevant equations? The Attempt at a Solution Here is my attempt, but I want to make sure that I didn't break any laws by changing the number to be divided by switching the last two terms around by using the commutative law...
  19. O

    Intersection of sets spanned by polynomials

    Let s1 be the set spanned by the polynomials: x^3+x+1, x^3-3x^2+x-2, 2x^3-1. Let s2 be the set spanned by the polynomials: x^3-1, x^2+x+1. What is the intersection of s1 and s2? I really don't know where to begin, I don't know how to define these sets, s1 and s2. since i don't know what...
  20. T

    How can I factorize these polynomials?

    Homework Statement factorise the following as far as possible 1) x^3 + y^3 2) x^4 + x^3 - 3x^2 - 4x - 4 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 1) Not quite sure really what to do, lol, only just been taught how to divide polynominals, and the factor and remainder...
  21. E

    Vector Space: Fifth-Degree Polynomials

    15. Determine wheter the set is a vector space. The set of all fifth-degree polynomials with the standard operations. AXIOMS 1.u+v is in V 2.u+v=v+u 3.u+(v+w)=(u+v)+w 4.u+0=u 5.u+(-u)=0 6. cu is in V 7.c(u+v)=cu+cv 8.(c+d)u=cu+cd 9.c(du)=(cd)u 10.1(u)=u the axioms that fail are...
  22. I

    Whats a faster way for factorizing polynomials of order 3 and above

    Homework Statement Course - Control systems engineering, chapter: design using root locus I'm familiar with dividing a polynomial when given a factor using the remainder theorem however is there another way when only the third or fourth order equation is given and nothing else? We aren't...
  23. C

    Limits of fractions of polynomials and trig functions

    I have two... Homework Statement The the limit Homework Equations \lim_{x \rightarrow 1} \frac{1-cosx}{x^2} The Attempt at a Solution I figured to just plug in 1, but I wanted to make sure... Homework Statement Find the limit Homework Equations \lim_{x \rightarrow 3}...
  24. S

    Polynomial Division: Finding Q(X) and R(X)

    Hello, I face this problem: X^3 + X - 71 = (X^2 + 4X + 16)Q(X) + R(X), where Q and R are polynomials. Decide which they are. I got that Q(X) = (X + 1/4) and that R(X) = - 75, but apparently it is wrong. I am stuck and don't know what to do. Thanks in advance.
  25. G

    Irreducibility test for polynomials over Fp

    Hello everyone, I need some help with this one: I need to write a routine that tests the irreducibility of a polynomial over Fp, (where Fp is the finite field with p elements and p is a prime). It should take as input: p,the polynomial and its degree. It should return TRUE if the...
  26. P

    Polynomials do or don't have integer roots?

    Homework Statement Is it there a method to find out if a polynomial has no integer roots? The Attempt at a Solution I tried the division of polynomials, as well as the Horner's Method, but no luck.
  27. T

    Polynomials - Polynomial Equations

    Trying to ask my method of doing the question is correct or not? Try check is there any mistake please? I am beginner. The Question Find the real solutions to each of the following questions. (a) X³+X²-10X+8=0My attempt at a solution X³+X²-10X+8=0 f(1)=1³+1²-10(1)+8 f(1)=0 X=1 X-1=0 (one of...
  28. S

    Synthetic division or Long division of polynomials?

    How do i know under which circumstances to use synthetic and when to just do regular polynomial division? do they not both give the same results?
  29. L

    What is the purpose of polynomials and why are they important in various fields?

    1. Given the history of polynomials and there application why are they important? 3. When I researched the history all I found on the internet all I found was who was the first to solved certain types of poynomial. It didn't help me figure out why they might be important. I know...
  30. B

    Factoring Polynomials in Z_p: Finding Degree 'd

    help me its so hard working in the finite field Z_p show that the all the factors of polynomial x^{p^n}-x have degree "d" such that d|n. thanx
  31. R

    Show Monic Factors of x^2+2 in Z_5

    Homework Statement Show x^2 + 2 in Z_5[x] is irreducible. This is before the section on the factor theorem (j is a root -> (x-j) is a factor). So I'm not so sure I want to start checking for zero's since "its not available" per se. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  32. G

    Finding Polynomials from their Zeros

    Homework Statement Prove that x = 2^(1/2)+2^(1/3) is irrational. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The hint to the exercise says that I should first show that x satisfies an equation of the form x^6+a_1*X^5+...+a_0 = 0, where the coefficients are integers. I am...
  33. T

    Does the theory of polynomials say something about their coefficients?

    Hello! I have just a small question - does the theory of polynomials say something about their coefficients? I mean: is the polynomial with all the coefficients being imaginary still considered as a "normal' polynomial?
  34. D

    Differential equation Hermite polynomials

    I got a problem in quantum physics that i have come to a differential equation but I don't see how to solve it, its on the form F''(x)+(Cx^2+D)F(x)=0. How should I solve it? Thanks
  35. E

    Degree 3 Polynomials and Vector Spaces: Understanding Bases and Coordinates

    So I have an assignment due in a few hours and I am pretty happy with it, aside from the fact that I am completely lost on the following section: - The polynomials of degree 3, denoted P3, form a vector space. 1. Show that when added, two general polynomials of degree 3 will always produce...
  36. G

    Are There Any Unique Methods for Factoring Polynomials?

    Hey everyone, I was looking at another thread about factoring polynomials, and now I'm wondering if anyone knows any unusual or cool ways to factor them (i.e. not using numerical techniques such as Newton's Method). Unfortunately the only one I do know is the rational root theorem...
  37. R

    Intermediate Value Theorem for Polynomials

    Prove: if P is a polynomial function and P(a) and P(b) have opposite signs, then there exists at least one value c between a and b for which P(c) = 0
  38. J

    3x3 similar matrices defined by characteristic and minimal polynomials

    Why do you guys think that given two 3x3 matrices, they are similar if and only if their characteristic polynomial and minimal polynomial are equal (this reasonably fails for 4v4 matrices though)?
  39. E

    Optimizing Polynomial Approximations for Even Functions on Symmetric Intervals

    Homework Statement find closest function a+bx3 to x2 on the iterval [-1,1] (we consider standard inner product (f,g) = integral(-1 to 1):fgdx So, here is my attempt, but I got a suspicious result: [(1,1) (1,x3)] [a] [(1,x3) (x3,x3)][b] = [(1,x2)]...
  40. U

    Hermite Polynomials Homework: Integral w/ p>r & p=r

    Homework Statement Show that \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x^r e^{-x^2} H_n(x) H_{n+p} dx = 0 if p>r and = 2^n \sqrt{\pi} (n+r)! if p=r. with n, p, and r nonnegative integers. Hint: Use this recurrence relation, p times: H_{n+1}(x) = 2xH_n(x) - 2nH_{n-1}(x)Homework Equations...
  41. happyg1

    How does the theorem for multiple roots of polynomials work?

    Homework Statement We have this theorem: Let f(x)\in F[x] Then f(x) has multiple roots if and only if gcd(f(x),f'(x))=d(x) and d(x)\geq 1 We went BRIEFLY over the proof and we are supposed to be able to apply it on an upcoming exam. I'm not exactly sure how it works or what I'm...
  42. M

    Complex Polynomials and Minimal Values

    Hello, I'm trying to prove the fundamental thereom of algebra using the minimal modulous principal. There is one step that I cannot make sense out of logically and I was wondering if one of you could explain it to me. If the limit as |z| approaches infinity implies |P(z)| approaches infinity...
  43. C

    Eisensteins criterion and irreducible polynomials

    Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i am confused as to how one determines a given polynomial does not satisfy the eisenstein crtiterion, for example... ...i am told x^4 + 4x^3 + 6x^2 + 13x + 13 fails to satisfy eisentein
  44. C

    Factorisation of cyclotomic polynomials

    x^16 + 1 is irreducible over the rationals, correct?... ...also I am required to factorise the following polynomials 2) i) x^5 + 3x^4 + 2x^3 + x^2 -7 ii) x^5 + 10x^4 + 13x^3 -25x^2 -68x -60 now I would usually approach this using the factor theorem to find a factor and then...
  45. M

    Factoring POlynomials and finding Zeros

    factoring===================== 1. 16x^3 - 54 This one, I've broken it to 2(2^3 x^3 - 3^2) but it's still wrong! I don't get how much further it can be broken down! 2. 3x^4 - 48 This one.. I've gotten far as 3x^2 (x^2 - 4x + 4) ! Still wrong. ============================= Zeros... dang it I'm...
  46. C

    Determination of irreducible polynomials over a given field

    I am required to find all irreducible polynomials of the form xsquared + ax + b over the field F3, I have the 9 cases infront of me, i can see when something is reducible say xsquared is p(x)q(x) where p=x, q=x, but i have particular difficulty seeing when something is irreducible, e.g i know...
  47. I

    Graphing Polynomials: Solving Homework Questions 3 & 4

    Homework help (polynomial graphing) here is the problem: [img=http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/3900/calculushelphd7.th.jpg] i need help with questions 3, 4 The Attempt at a Solution for number 3 i got more points from http://www40.statcan.ca/l01/cst01/prim11a.htm and plotted them, but i...
  48. C

    How Do You Substitute in a Polynomial Function?

    If f(x)=x^2 - 4x, determine an expression for g(x) g(x) = f(x + 2) How would I substitute f(x) when they are separated? my attempt g(x) = x^2 - 4x (x + 2)
  49. S

    Taylor polynomials for multivariable functions

    Ok there's something I don't get. I know for instance that the linear polynomial for say f = 91 + 2x + 3y + 8z + Quadratic(x, y, z) + Cubic(x, y, z) ... is 91 + 2x + 3y + 8z if the base point is (0, 0, 0). This is pretty clear. What I don't get is why when you take the base point to be say (1...
  50. D

    How to Solve Polynomial Equations Without a Calculator: Examples and Tips

    Homework Statement Solve the following equations in terms of complex numbers without a calculator. d) x^3-x^2-x-2=0 e) x^4-2x^3+3x^2-2x+2=0 Homework Equations ? The Attempt at a Solution I don't know where to begin. I don't think I was taught this in college algebra...