Homework Statement
An electron is confined to a potential well of finite depth and width, 10^-9 cm. The eigenstate of highest energy of this system corresponds to the value \xi = 3.2.
a. How many bound states does this system have?
b. Estimate the energy of the ground state with respect...
Homework Statement
A particle in the harmonic oscillator potential is in the first excited state. What is the probability of finding this particle in the classically forbidden region?
Homework Equations
probability of finding particle = integral of abs[psi squared] [a,b]
The Attempt...
Homework Statement
This is a problem from Merzbacher.
Assuming a particle to be in one of the stationary states of an infinitely high one-dimensional box, calculate the uncertainties in position and momentum, and show that they agree with the Heisenberg uncertainty relation. Also show that...
I was curious what a delta-function potential barrier would do to a free (E>0) 1-dimensional particle, so I figured it out. I used V = b δ(x) for the potential energy. I got the expected result that full reflection will occur as |b|→∞ or as E→0. These results make sense intuitively when b>0. My...
What is "excursion" of a potential well?
I think it means maximum depth of the well, but I've never heard this term before and I might be wrong. I don't have much of a quantum mechanics background.
I'm reading and implementing "Solution of the Schrodinger Equation by a Spectral...
I am trying to derive an equation of motion for a simple electrostatic potential well.
Imagine a scenario where an electron (or other charged particle) is released from an arbitrary distance from a fixed (unperturbable) attractive charge (say a proton fixed in space).
In 1 dimension, the...
Homework Statement
V(x) = \left\{\infty \textrm{ for } x<0
\left\{0 \textrm{ for } 0<x<a
\left\{V_0 \textrm{ for } a<x<a+2b
\left\{0 \textrm{ for } a+2bx<2a+2b
\left\{\infty \textrm{ for } 2a+2b<x
Set up the relevant equations in each region, write down the appropriate solution and...
Hi, (first ever post)
I have the following three problems
1) A particle is in the ground state of an infinite well from 0<x<a. Find the probability that it is in the middle half of the well.
I think I have managed this, its just the integral of the wave function squared then I put in the...
if V is reduced to much smaller than the zero point energy then what happens to the ground state and first excited state?
for this i know that the function becomes continuous and that the particle is unbound. does this mean that the function will also just have an oscillatory form?
Homework Statement
Show that the TISE expression you found in part (a):
I found it (a) to be:
\frac{d^{2} \psi}{dx^{2}} - \frac{2m}{\hbar ^{2}}(e \xi x - E) \psi (x) = 0
Show it (a) can be simplified to:
\frac{d^{2} \psi}{dw^{2}} - w \psi = 0
Homework Equations
w = z - z0...
For the second, third, fourth, and fifth levels of the three-dimensional cubical box, find the energies in terms of the quantity Eo=π2*h2/(2mL2), where m is the particle mass and L is the box's sidelength.
ok so i have a question on infinite potential wells... if you have the energy state when n=3, does that mean that you have to have the energy state when n=2 and n=1?
Ok basically the Q we are given is:
A particle of mass m is trapped in an infinitely deep one-dimensional potential well...
This question came up in another thread I started about the wave functions of helium vs hydrogen. It's gone off on something of a tangent so I hope I'm not out of line in starting a fresh thread with this topic.
I've basically sketched what I would think are the only two realistic candidate...
Rectangular Potential well if hbar --> 0
I have a very simple question: My professor said that if \hbar \rightarrow 0 in the transmission coefficient does not yield 0 (case E < V0) as classical results would expect.
I think the correct transmission coefficient is solved in Wikipedia...
I have an exam later today, and I would really apreciate it if someone could check my work or at least point out flaws in my process here. Thanks!
Homework Statement
At x=0, a proton with a kinetic energy of 10 eV is traveling in the x direction (potential energy = 0). At x=1nm, it...
Particle in a potential Well interacts with the wall without touching it?
The ground state Energy for a particle in an infinite potential well is given by
E = h2 / 8mL2
Consider a particle with high mass, say 1 kg. Then the ground state Energy will be very very low. So the velocity of the...
For a particle in finite potential well we can have several bound states depending on the height of potential well.
Each bound state corresponds to definite energy En.
Then corresponding to Each definite Energy there should be definite Momentum Pn.
Since we have definite momentum--->...
Homework Statement
Show that the conditions for a bound state, Eqn1 and Eqn2, can be obtained by requiring the vanquishing of the denominators in Eqn3 at k=i\kappa. Can you give the argument for why this is not an accident?
Homework Equations
Eqn1: \alpha=q*tan(qa)
As we know, the wave function of infinite potential wells form a complete orthogonal base. I have tried now to solve out the wave function for finite potential well, checking the orthogonality, I found that they are no longer orthogonal to each other (I mean the wave function...
Homework Statement
A beam of 500 electrons per second with kinetic energy W1=3eV passes onto potential well (its depth is 5eV and width is 0,3nm). How many electrons per second are transmitted through the well?
(It's a poor translation, sorry, but I hope you get the idea of the problem)...
Homework Statement
A particle of mass m moves in one dimension in the following potential well:
V(x)=infinity, x<0 , x>L/3
V(x)=0 , 0<x<L/3
a)Circle the general functional form of the 1st excited wave function phi_1(x) in the region 0<x<L/3. k is a positive constant; A is constant as well...
For an electron in a certain rectangular well with a depth of 20.0 eV, the lowest
energy level lies 3.00 eV above the bottom of the well. Find the width of this well. Hint: Use tan theta = sin theta/cos theta.
Equation for energy levels in a rectangular well...
infinite potential well and the uncertainty principle
the solution for Schroedinger equation in infinite potential well satisfy the following
energy levels:
where l is the width of the well.
E can't be zero since then \psi=0 so there isn't any particle in the well . i read in...
Hi! Let's suppose an electron in a mono-dimensional potential well. According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if L is the length of the well, then I have a momentum greater than \frac{h}{L}, which means that the electron has a velocity (and so a kinetic energy) greater than \frac{h}{L*m_e}...
Homework Statement
The nth energy level for a particle of mass m confined in an infinite potential well is given by:
where L is the width of the well and h is Planck’s constant. Assuming that the uncertainty in the particle’s momentum is equal to the momentum itself, show that the...
This question was posed to me a while ago, but I never fully understood how to solve it.
You have a particle in the first excited state of the infinite square well (with the origin taken to be at the center. You "abruptly" change the shape of the potential well to be that of the harmonic...
I was working through the textbook and it just gave the solutions to the potential well barrier as in [B/A]*2 and [F/A]*2 and T i was trying to figure it out with the conditions but couldn't get the answer i have attached the conditions, can some one show me how to find these values from the...
This is more a qualitative question than a specific homework question, but a homework problem got me wondering about it.
I was solving the finite potential well.
V(r) = 0 \hspace{1cm} r \geq a
V(r) = -V_0\hspace{1cm} r < a
I am trying to solve for the ground state energy. When I find...
Hi, I have learned the Dirac equation recently and I managed to solve it for a free particle (following Greiner book “relativistic quantum mechanics” and Paul Strange book “Relativistic Quantum Mechanics”). I was asked to solve the Dirac equation in the stationary frame for a free particle (no...
Homework Statement
Hi, this is basically a particle in a box problem but V(x) is sinusoidal inside the box.
V(x)=-Asin(pi x/a) 0<x<a
V(x)=Infinity otherwise
A: depth of the well
In the question, it asks me to plot the first 4 eigenfunctions.
The Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
Consider a particle in a potential ;
V(x)=0\ for\ 0<=x<=L and
V(x)=\infty\ otherwise
. Its wave function is a linear superposition of the lowest two stationary states and given by
Homework Statement
A particle is trapped in an infinite potential well, with the infinite walls at ±a. At time t=0, the wavefunction of the particle is
\psi = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2a}}
between -a and a, and 0 otherwise.
Find the probability that the Energy of the particle is \frac{9...
The following Wolfram web page shows the probability density functions for two identical bosons in a square potential well. It also shows the probability density for two identical fermions.
So it appears that each is...
Homework Statement
Does anyone now how to solve the schrodinger equation for a potenital such that: V1(0<x<a), v2(a<x<b), v3(b<x<c). Also i need to write down the condition which gives the possible energy eigenvalues of a particle in the potential. ITs easily to solve the first potential well...
Homework Statement
An infinite potential well with a box in the middle V = 100, the walls of the box go from -L/2 to L/2.
Homework Equations
Schrodinger's equation.
The Attempt at a Solution
Please help.
Homework Statement
An electron is in a Infinite potential well (1-dimensional box with infinite wall boundary conditions) at the second energy level. The width of the box is L. What is the electron density n(x) as a function of the position x?
Homework Equations
time-independent Schrödinger...
Homework Statement
A Spherical potential which is
0 for 0<r<a
Vo for r>a
Find the condition for bound states, for the radial function with l=0
Plot the result.The Attempt at a Solution
I have gotten the equation
- tan(ka)=k/lambda
where k is the wavenumber for the wave inside the well and...
I need to calculate the energy levels for a generalised potential, which forms a double well, on Matlab as part of a project but I need to understand it analytically first. There doesn't seem to be much information about the topic on the web or in books I checked.
I read the following...
The task is to find a wavefunction (doesn't need to be normalised) and the energy levels of a particle in an asymmetric potential well (a Schrodinger problem). i.e V = V1 for x<0, 0 for 0<x<d and V = V2 for x>d.
What I've got so far is
Let α^2= 2m (E-V1)/ℏ^2
β^2= 2mE/ℏ^2...
I have learned about the infinite quantum well last week and today the finite quantum well was introduced. There is however one thing I don't completely understand, or which I'm not completely happy with.
In the case of the finite well, the shrodinger equation is solved for both inside...
Hφ(x) =((p2op)/2m + V(x))φ(x) = (-hbar2/2m.d2/dx2+ V(x)φ(x) = E φ(x)
This equation is supposed to relate to an electron confined in a one-dimensional potential well. I'm really confused about where it comes from and I do not know what V(x) represents. If anyone could help explain this...
Homework Statement
consider the scattering matrix for the potential
2m/hbar2 V(x) = λ/a δ(x-b)
show that it has the form
(2ika/(2ika-λ) , (e-2kib) λ/(2ika-λ)
(e2kib) λ/(2ika-λ) , 2ika/(2ika-λ)
(I've used commas just to separate terms in the matrix)
Homework Statement
Find the wave function of particle in a 1-dimensional potential Well of length L, n=2 and mass m Homework Equations
I think this would be the wave equation, but not 100% sure
[tex]\varphi=Asin(n\pix/L)[\tex] where n=1,2,3...
tex doesn't work for me---=Asin[n*pi/L]
Homework Statement
An experimental physicist submits a proposal to a granting agency requesting support to construct an infinite potential well analogous to the one shown in Figure 3.5 (an electron trapped in a one dimensional box made of electrodes and grids in an evacuated tube)...
Homework Statement
Consider a particle confined in a 1D potential well of length L. Derive the normalized wavefunctions and energies of the eigenstates of the system in terms of the quantum number n, working from the time independent Schördinger equation.
With the particle initially in the...
1.in the attached file see the fig 8.5 What is the the physical reason,for which ahe amplitude of the wave function is larger in between x=0 & x= a ?
2.what is the reason for choosing a wave packet to describe a particle ?
Given that
\frac{2ma^2 |V|}{\hbar^2} = \left(\frac{7\pi}{4}\right)^2
for an electron in a potential well of depth |V| and width 2a = 10^{-7} \text{cm}, if a 100\text{-keV} neutron is scattered by such a system, calculate the possible decrements in energy that the neutron may...
If you think this will get more replies in the intro phys please let me know and i will move it:
A particle of total energy 9Vo is incident from the -x axis on a potential given by:
V \left\{8Vo, x<0\right\}
\left\{0, 0<x<a\right\}
\left\{5Vo, x>a\right\}
Find the probability that the...