Poynting vector Definition and 103 Threads

  1. U

    Why is the Poynting Vector defined as E x B?

    Poynting Vector is by definition: S = 1/u(E x B), where S points in the direction of the EM wave's motion. In other words, for an EM wave moving from left to right, the electric field component always points up as the magnetic field component hits us in the face, and conversely, the...
  2. T

    Deriving Poynting Vector from EM Waves

    can anyone help me derive the poynting vector from energy density of electromagnetic waves? and how we obtain average value <S> thanks
  3. S

    Is the Direction of Energy Flow in a Capacitor Correct?

    In a parallel plate capacitor with circular plates we're asked to find the magnitude and direction of the poynting vector, which logically should be pointing radially outwards. Let us say that the top plate is positively charged and the bottom is negatively charged. Therefore we have an E-field...