Practical Definition and 323 Threads

  1. G

    Antibiotics Investigation with White Tray: What is it Called?

    I used a white tray to work on for my antibiotics investigation. What is the tray called? :frown:
  2. C

    Books on practical electronics?

    Hi all. I've come to realize there's a giant gap in my electrical engineering knowledge. I've studied plenty of math, physics, circuit analysis, and digital electronics but yet can't figure out how to troubleshoot consumer electronic devices or construct simple gadgets. When I open up a DVD...
  3. J

    Practical application for germanium sample

    I just did a semiconductors experiment involving the Hall effect and a doped germanium sample. The type of doping was determined from the Hall voltage using the sign of the recorded voltage and the sign of the bias current applied across the sample. Now, my question is what could be a...
  4. A

    Practical investigation on motors and generators

    I'm not sure on what I have to do for this practical. I have to develop a theory and choose certain equipment for me to perform the investigation and obtain results... only i don't know where to start. the aim is: Investigate how the amplitude of a pendulum formed by a magnet and thread...
  5. A

    Practical Project Help : The Resonance of different pieces of metal.

    Hello forum. I'm in abit of a mess. My high school physics class is in the process or doing individual investigations into an aspect of physics we are slightly familar with. I had planned out an experiment to do with sound, but last minute i was told another person was doing something...
  6. C

    How Do I Determine the Thermal Conductivity of Glass from My Graph?

    Hi there,...this isn't homework..its more to my practical...anyways...from the attachment given..that is the first page of my practical guide...the problem is...on the procedure asked me to plot a graph of lg temp againts t ...if i do do i get the thermal conductivity of glass...
  7. A

    Analyzing Equilibrium Forces Using Spring Balances: A Practical Experiment

    im having trouble filling in a table similar to this: FORCE X COMPONENT (N) Y COMPONENT (N) F1 F2 F3 SUM these are the results: when angle is 30 degrees f1 =0.5N f2 = 0.5N f3 = 1.0N when angle is 50 degrees f1=1.6N f2=1.3N f3=1.4N I used approx 100 grams on each vector...
  8. B

    Math What Are the Exciting Career Options for Math Majors Beyond Accounting?

    I really enjoy math at school and am pretty good at it, and am thinking (if I survive my next few math courses) of going into math in university, but I don't really know what careers are available in math - what would some practical applications be (other than, er, accountants or something...
  9. J

    Practical Ceramics: Affordable Microwave Thermos Bottle?

    The space shuttle had thousands of tiles that were close to the ultimate insulators. Has anyone gotten to the point where they're not $1000s a pound yet? I was wondering if anyone has created a thermos bottle that you could put in a microwave for a reasonable price. Why can't they spin off...
  10. G

    Can Excel be Used to Minimize Waste in Diagonal Flooring Layouts?

    This is a math problem, but requires a little preface. In my home I am going to replace the wall-to-wall carpeting with Pergo type flooring. This type of flooring is less than half the price of real hardwood planks. Each “fake” wood plank varies in width and length depending on the...
  11. G

    Are practical aircrafts dependent on carbon-based fuels?

    Is it concievable to build passenger, cargo and military aircrafts that run on something other than petroleum? I suspect electricity is out of the question because of the weight of batteries, but what about hydrogen? How does the the weight/energy ratio of hydrogen systems compare to that of...
  12. E

    Practical Uses of NOT, OR, and AND Gates

    Can someone give me an example of where the following types of gates should be of practical use? NOT OR AND Thanks!
  13. D

    Practical: Graph need to pass through orgin?

    Hi there, I need immediate help as my pratical exam is on next Monday [18/10/04] and I would greatly appricate if anyone can help me with my doubts. We all know that for physics practical, mostly likely we have to draw a graph to conclue our results. However, after ploting the correct points...
  14. zoobyshoe

    Practical Use For Length Contraction?

    I'm looking through One Two Three...Infinity by George Gamow. After having explained length contraction with the example of two ships passing in space who each view the other as contracted he comments in a footnote: "Of course this is all a theoretical picture. Actually if two rocket ships...
  15. M

    Is the AS Level Physics Practical Easier Than the A2?

    Just wondering if anyone here is doing AS Level physics practical tomorrow?
  16. A

    Microsoft TabletPC Developer Contest: What are its Practical Uses?

    So I saw that Microsoft is offering $100,000 for a killer app for the TabletPC. What do you guys think of the TabletPC? I personally can't see much of a use for it in my own thing. I type tons faster than I could...
  17. M

    Gcse PHysics coursework practical help

    Gcse Physics practical coursework help needed. Hey guys, my topic is something like what factors affect how far a noodle pot travels when in a catapult. Frankly... I'm stumped. Any ideas whatsoever will help, I'm ok at physics but this has just gone and killed me. We have to use formulas and...
  18. D

    Practical applications of fractals?

    What are the practial appliactions of say, fractals? I suppose in some sense they describe objects that appear in nature, eg. trees. But what the use of say Mandelbrot. It just complicates things...
  19. C

    Artificial Intelligence: Practical application

    What exactly is artificial intelligence, what are some of its practical applications, and have we created it yet? Please no arguments that humans are not intelligent! If it comes to that then this thread is useless.
  20. S

    John Rawls: Practical Philosopher & Influential Disciples

    In this interview, we hear about a practical philosopher who taught for many years at leading institutions and influenced many disciples, some of whom are now in positions of great power. John Rawls eat your heart out! ;=)
  21. A

    Finding Practical Applications for Physics/Calculus

    Hey, I'm having to write a 6-10 page essay. My teacher says I have to proove something, so she thinks it will be hard for me to do it on physics or calculus (although those are my strong points). So if you have any ideas of what I could do, please throw 'em at me. She recommends that I try to...
  22. P

    Practical material to use in tokamak

    could the use of buckminsterfullerene or bucky balls be a more practical material to use in tokamak because of the less friction it would create on the plasma?
  23. Kerrie

    Is philosophy practical knowledge?

    Other then teaching, what good is philosophy to each of us? Is it useful to our everyday reality? Is the speculation necessary? Or is it just human to ponder?