Prime Definition and 773 Threads

  1. R

    If 2^n-1 is prime prove that n is prime

    if 2^n-1 is prime prove that n is prime
  2. M

    What is the significance of prime numbers in cryptography?

    Hey Everyone, People keep on telling me that the biggest prime number known to man, is used for things like credit cards, how, I do not know, but I am hearing it more and more and need to know, because people think they are clever when they say it, but they have no further knowledge about...
  3. K

    Relatively Prime & Perfect Squares

    1) Suppose that a and b are relatively prime natural numbers such that ab is a perfect square (i.e. is the square of a natural number). Show that a and b are each perfect squares. a=(a1^p1)(a2^p2)(a3^p3)...(a_n^p_n), a_i distinct primes b=(b1^q1)(b2^q2)(b3^q3)... (b_m^q_m), b_j distinct...
  4. D

    Algebra question involving prime numbers

    Homework Statement Let the prime numbers, in order of magnitude, be p1, p2 ... Prove that pn+1 ≤ + 1Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea how to start. I think it involves reductio ad absurdum.
  5. H

    Is the Prime Spiral an Intriguing Study or Just a Quirk?

    I've was reading about it [] and found it intriguing, has there been a great deal of study devoted to it or is it thought of as some kind of quark? [P.S. I don't really know much about number theory, just curious]
  6. O

    Understanding the Difference Between Eta Meson & Eta Prime Meson

    I am confused by eta meson and eta prime meson . I can not the difference between them .anybody can help me ? who can tell me what are they made up ? some textbook say that the neutral eta meson is considered to be a quark combination (uubar+ddbar-2*ssbar)/6^(1/2),but I am still not clear.
  7. O

    Understanding Eta & Eta Prime Mesons

    I am confused by eta meson and eta prime meson ?what is the difference between the two ones ? who can tell me what are they made up ? please help me ! thank you very much !
  8. S

    Sum of two prime ideals is prime ?

    i was looking for a counter example. and, I've not been able to think of any.
  9. A

    Questions about twin prime numbers

    Hi all, Do you people know about any research concerning the number that lies around twin prime numbers? I mean: How much numbers are semi-primes, for instance. I made myself clear? Sorry for the bad grammar.
  10. E

    Equivalence of prime power decompositions

    Homework Statement Let G be a finitely generated abelian group and let T_p be the subgroup of all elements having order some power of a prime p. Suppose T_p \simeq \mathbb{Z}_{p^{r_1}} \times \mathbb{Z}_{p^{r_2}} \times \cdots \times \mathbb{Z}_{p^{r_m }} \simeq \mathbb{Z}_{p^{s_1}}...
  11. quasar987

    Is 0 Considered a Prime Element in an Integral Domain?

    [SOLVED] Is 0 a prime? Am I missing something or is 0 a prime element in an integral domain? In the definition of prime element p of an integral domain, we only ask that the ideal generated by p, be prime. Well (0) is obviously prime because if ab=0 in an integral domain, then it is that...
  12. Simfish

    Determine the prime ideals of the polynomial ring C[x, y] in two variables

    So the problem is: "4:(a) Determine the prime ideals of the polynomial ring C[x, y] in two variables." "We recognize that an ideal P is prime if and only if for two ideals A and B, AB $\in$ P implies that either A or B is contained in P. So we must find " So anyways, I'm thinking that it...
  13. B

    Abstract/Modern Algebra - Relatively Prime

    Homework Statement Note: gcd(a,b) = the greatest common divisor of integers a and b (not both 0) suppose that (a,b)=1 and (a,c)=1 that is, a and b are relatively prime, and a and c are relatively prime Is the following statement true? if so prove it (bc,a)=1 I computed a few examples, and i...
  14. M

    Proving that (2^n) - 1 is Not Prime for Perfect Squares

    Prove that if n is a perfect square, then (2^n) -1 is not prime. All I can get is that 2^n is some even number. I can't work in the perfect square part.
  15. N

    Solving Prime p Equation - x²+px-444p = 0

    I bumped into this problem on the net, and the question is as follows: How would you go on to solve this? Here are the solutions for the given equation: p = \frac{-x^2}{x-444} x = (-p \pm\sqrt{p^2+1776p})/2 Remember x must be an integer, so there must be an integer q = np+m and...
  16. Y

    How Do Prime Numbers Influence Circle Packing Patterns?

    Some time ago I began playing around with packing circles and I have some questions that I am hoping someone here can help with. I have linked to three PDF files that should help in understanding my synopsis below. (You will need to click on the blank sheet and then open the PDF’s as I am...
  17. B

    Decoding some prime number conjectures

  18. G

    Finite field with prime numbers

    Homework Statement If F is a finite field show that there is a prime p s.t. (p times)a+a+...+a=0 for all a in the field Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well I managed to prove that there must be an a in F s.t. (prime number, call p, times)a+a+...+a=0 but I can't seem...
  19. S

    Prime Order Groups: Understanding Lagrange's Theorem and its Corollary

    Ok, well a corollary to Lagrange's theorem is that every group of prime order, call it G, must be cyclic. Consider the cyclic subgroup of G generated by a (a not equal to e), the order of the subgroup must divide the order of p, since the only number less than or equal to p that divides p is p...
  20. A

    Normal subgroup of prime order in the center

    Homework Statement Let H be a normal subgroup of prime order p in a finite group G. Suppose that p is the smallest prime dividing |G|. Prove that H is in the center Z(G). Homework Equations the Class Equation? Sylow theorems are in the next section, so presumably this is to be done without...
  21. T

    Which Prime Numbers Satisfy These Divisibility Conditions?

    Find all prime numbers (p,q,r), that numbers pq+pr+rq and p^3+q^3+r^3-2pqr are divided by p+q+r
  22. A

    MATLAB Factorizing to prime numbers in Matlab

    My quantum professor, as an aside challenge, asked us if we could write a program in Matlab to factorize a 32 digit number into its prime number constituents. Can anyone direct me in the right direction to research how to do this? thanks, Greg
  23. M

    NEED HELP WITH HOMEWORK No largest prime number

    I am doing a homework assignment for my philosophy class. He wants us to do a simple assignment that verifies the proof that there is no largest prime number. He claims it has to be where someone states to me "there is a largest prime number" I would say that is not true it is infinity and here...
  24. D

    Numbers with a prime factor > sqrt

    Suppose you divide all non-prime numbers in two categories, those which (a) have a prime factor greater than the square root of the number, and those which (b) don't, and all prime factors are less or equal than the square root. Let Ca and Cb be the count of numbers in categories (a) and (b)...
  25. B

    Solving for y' Derivative: 2 sinxcosy=1

    Homework Statement find the derivative of... 2 sinxcosy = 1 The Attempt at a Solution (2 cosxcosy) * (cosy') cos y' = -2 cosxcosy y' = (-2 cosxcosy)/(cos) I know that's not right but I am not sure where I am making the mistake.
  26. A

    Proving the Primality of a Natural Number with Divisibility Property

    Homework Statement I'm starting an introductory course in "Advanced math" and need a little homework guidance please. The question: Let a, b, and q be natural numbers, and q > 1. Prove that if q has the property: q divides a or q divides b whenever q divides ab, then q is prime...
  27. C

    Minimal Prime Tuplets and Nontrivial Bounds for A008407 Sequence

    I was wondering if any nontrivial bounds for were known. This is the sequence of minimal width for k-tuplets of primes allowed by divisibility concerns. a(2) = 2 since n, n+2 could both be prime; n, n+1 isn't admissible since then either n...
  28. H

    Determining Prime Numbers: Tips & Tricks

    Hello, This is my first post. Anyways, from the beginning, since I started learning the subjects at higher level, I have faced this problem - How to determine if the nos. is a prime no. ? The numbers under 100 are known to me, but if a bigger digit comes, are there any tricks to...
  29. E

    What is the pattern of twin prime acceleration?

    twin prime acceleration! few weeks ago while i was doing my physics homework, i thought about the acceleration of prime number, so used the kinematics equations of acceleration on prime numbers. i was amazed to find that the difference of square of two prime numbers(>5) are always divisible by...
  30. Z

    Do repeated prime factors count as distinct members in a set for proof purposes?

    This is for a proof but I was generally more curious so it isn't in the homework section. If I were to make a set A which is defined as all the prime factors of an integer a there could be some numbers in A which are repeated, would these count as distinct members or not? The reason why I was...
  31. P

    What Makes Prime Numbers So Mysterious?

    I posted the following on my blog ( Not until recently has the whole prime number "culture" become a distraction to me. While a child the primes never really caught my attention. Even in college there was not much drawing me to...
  32. S

    Prime Numbers: (2^n - 1) and (2^n + 1)

    Homework Statement I was able to prove both of these statements after getting some help from another website, but I am trying to find another way to prove them. Can you guys check my work and help me find another way to prove these, if possible? Thanks. Part A: Show that if 2^n - 1 is...
  33. C

    Double check - this is prime, yes?

    Double check -- this is prime, yes? I thought I had uncovered some kind of pseudoprime, since I found this number with pfgw and on checking it, found it to be composite. I tested it for pseudoprimality with a battery of tests, though, and it passed all of them -- leading me to think that I was...
  34. I

    Want to identify that a number is prime

    Well i read this somewhere that most prime numbers will give a whole number when equated with the formulae 6n+/-1(plus or minus) Is there any proof for this or is it just a coincidence.
  35. K

    Strong prime pattern, how prove?

    Hi I was playing around with ways to store numbers more compactly in bases other than 2 and, just for giggles, I tried a "base" of consecutive positive integers that add up to "n". When I applied it to primes, like so • 2 = 2 1 2 = 3 • 2 3 = 5 1 2 • 4 = 7 1 2 3 • 5 = 11 1 • 3 4 5 = 13 1 2 3 •...
  36. T

    MATLAB Finding Prime Numbers Up to N: A Scientific Approach

    How would I write a program that finds all the prime numbers that are less than or equal to a "user-supplied" integer N, implementing the fact that I should only be dividing N by all prime numbers less than sqrt(N)?
  37. S

    Prime number problem, pure maths, explain this solution

    Homework Statement Prove that for every k >= 2 there exists a number with precisely k divisors. I know the solution, but don't fully understand it, here it is; Consider any prime p. Let n = p^(k-1). An integer divides n if and only if it has the form p^i where 0<= i <= (k-1). There...
  38. E

    Is the Ideal I = < 6, 3 + 3sqrt(-17) > in Z[sqrt(-17)] a Prime Ideal?

    Homework Statement Take the ideal I = < 6, 3 + 3 \sqrt{-17} > in the ring Z [ \sqrt{-17} ]. Determine whether this ideal is prime or not. Homework Equations <18> = I^2 There is no element \alpha \in Z [ \sqrt{-17} ] such that 18 = \alpha^2 The Attempt at a Solution...
  39. U

    Prime Numbers Formula: 1800s Math Discovery

    I was told by a math teacher I met recently that there is a formula that a mathematician in the 1800's came up with that accurately predicted all of the primes up to a certain point, but after that point began to miss a few primes, and after awhile, wasn't useful at all. Does anyone have any...
  40. T

    Prime factorization, Exponents

    This was taken from a math contest a few months ago. Homework Statement xx*yy=zz find z if: x=28 * 38 y=212 * 36 Homework Equations Theres undoubtably some trick, but I have yet to find it The Attempt at a Solution Dont even think about calculator I showed my math teacher, and...
  41. M

    Is 4^2007 + 2007^4 a Prime Number?

    How do I find out if 4^2007 + 2007^4 is a prime number or not?
  42. L

    Infineti number of prime numbers proof

    I have to prove that there excist an infinite number of prime numbers In that proof I apply that: n=p!+1 (where p is a prime number) this number (n) is not divisible with any prime number less than or equal to p. Why is that? Is there anyone who could please explain this to me or maybe...
  43. D

    Finding liminf of p_n/n where p_n = nth prime

    Homework Statement Find the lim inf of p_n/n where p_n is the nth prime.Homework Equations Well p_n ~ n logn, but I'm not sure if a simple substitution would work. This question may be incredibly trivial or open, and I can't figure out which. I'm also wondering if the sequence above is...
  44. B

    Relatively Prime Numbers proof

    1. Suppose that a and b are positive integers. Show that the following are equivalent: 1) a and b are relatively prime 2) a+b and b are relatively prime 3) a and a+b are relatively prime. 2. I know that for a and b to be relatively prime, (a,b) = 1 (that is, their greatest common divisor...
  45. B

    Proof of Prime Number: Beginner's Guide

    1. Here is the problem I'm stuck on: Let q be a positive integer, q is greater than or equal to 2, let a and b be integers such that if q divides ab, then q divides a or q divides b. Show that q is a prime number. 2. I know that q is prime if and only if 1 divides q and q divides q...
  46. Loren Booda

    Most rapidly convergent reciprocal prime series equal to 1

    Consider the series with ascending (but not necessarily sequential) primes pn, 1/p1+1/p2+1/p3+ . . . +1/pN=1, as N approaches infinity. Determine the pn that most rapidly converge (minimize the terms in) this series. That set of primes I call the "Booda set."
  47. K

    A different approach to prime numbers

    [SOLVED] A different approach to prime numbers i read something about choosing a finite set of numbers as primes and deriving the other numbers from aforementioned set so that every number is obtained by multiplying primes (the numbers you choose to be prime in your system) in every possible...
  48. E

    Characteristic or a finite field is a prime number?

    Why is the characteristic of a finite field a prime number?!
  49. D

    Proving Prime Divisibility of 2^(2^n)+1

    Homework Statement Prove that if a prime p|2^{2^n}+1 then p=2^{n+1}k+1 for some k. Don't know how. I'm guessing by induction, perhaps?
  50. B

    Eta Prime Meson: Narrow Decay Width & Conservation Rules

    Why does the eta prime meson have such a narrow decay width (ie long lifetime) compared to the rho and omega mesons? Is there some conservation rule that supresses its decays?