Product Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. i_hate_math

    Linear Transformation and Inner Product Problem

    Homework Statement Consider the vector space R2 with the standard inner product given by ⟨(a, b), (c, d)⟩ = ac + bd. (This is just the dot product.) PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED PHOTO FOR DETAIlS Homework Equations T(v)=AT*v The Attempt at a Solution I was able to prove part a. I let v=(v1,v2)...
  2. M

    MHB How to Find the Product of Cyclic Groups in an Abelian Group?

    Hey! :o Let $M$ be the abelian group, i.e., a $\mathbb{Z}$-module, $M=\mathbb{Z}_{24}\times\mathbb{Z}_{15}\times\mathbb{Z}_{50}$. I want to find for the ideal $I=2\mathbb{Z}$ of $\mathbb{Z}$ the $\{m\in M\mid am=0, \forall a\in I\}$ as a product of cyclic groups. We have the following...
  3. H

    Error in inner product of vectors and index

    Hello I found a bug in my code and can't figuring out the error. I tried debugging by showing the output of each variable step by step but I can't find my error. Here is what I have and what I want to do: I have a matrix A: 0000 0101 1010 1111 And I have a matrix B: 10000 21000 30100 41100...
  4. D

    Deriving Properties of Inner Products for Complex Vector Spaces

    (Not an assigned problem...) 1. Homework Statement pg 244 of "Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering" by Riley and Hobson says that given the following two properties of the inner product It follows that: 2. Attempt at a solution. I think that both of these solutions are...
  5. J

    What's the product of these organic reactions?

    1. Homework Statement For part a), I know that it is a nucleophilic addition reaction of CN- to form cynohydrin, but how come there are 2N atoms in E? How does NH4+ react with CH3CHO or the cynohydrin formed? For part b), what reaction is this? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  6. G

    I About Lie group product ([itex]U(1)\times U(1)[/itex] ex.)

    I recently got confused about Lie group products. Say, I have a group U(1)\times U(1)'. Is this group reducible into two U(1)'s, i.e. possible to resepent with a matrix \rho(U(1)\times U(1)')=\rho_{1}(U(1))\oplus\rho_{1}(U(1)')=e^{i\theta_{1}}\oplus e^{i\theta_{2}}=\begin{pmatrix}e^{i\theta_{1}}...
  7. A

    Finding the Locus of a Moving Point: Solving for a Hyperbola Using Dot Products

    Homework Statement A point P moves so that its distances from A(a, 0), A'(-a, 0), B(b, 0) B'(-b, 0) are related by the equation AP.PA'=BP.PB'. Show that the locus of P is a hyperbola and find the equations of its asymptotes. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution AP.PA' =...
  8. J

    Product at anode of the electrolysis of MgBr2

    1. Homework Statement Why is the product at anode Br2 for MgBr2? Instead of O2? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] The EΘ value for the oxidation of OH- is -0.40 V, And that of Br- is -1.07V And so, shouldn't oxidation of OH- be easier? And hence, O2 is formed at the anode?
  9. prashant singh

    I Is There Proof for the Cross Product Matrix Formula?

    Is there any proof for the matrixx formula of the cross product. I am asking this because I have seen many videos and they have used the matrixx formula and then proved that ||A X B|| = ||A|||B||sin(theta), khan academy also used the same method
  10. O

    Understanding cross product and direction of torque

    Homework Statement Hi everyone, I am a first year physics student and we recently learned about torque. Every time I think I understand it something else comes up to confuse me - this time it is the direction. I tried looking in the forum and generally in google, but everyone only explains the...
  11. S

    B Understanding Scalar and Vector Products in Geometric Algebra

    (Scalar)·(Scalar) = Scalar (Scalar)·(Vector) = Scalar (Vector)·(Vector) = Scalar (Scalar)x(Scalar) = Not valid (Scalar)x(Vector) = Vector (Vector)x(Vector) = VectorDid I get them right, if not why? Thanks
  12. T

    A Question about properites of tensor product

    They are being 2 by 2 matrices and I being the identity. Physically they are Pauli matrices. 1. Is $$((A\otimes I\otimes I) + (I\otimes A\otimes I) + (I\otimes I\otimes A))\otimes B$$ = $$(A\otimes I\otimes I)\otimes B + (I\otimes A\otimes I)\otimes B + (I\otimes I\otimes A)\otimes B$$? I...
  13. J

    I Taking the Tensor Product of Vectors

    What is meant by taking the tensor product of vectors? Taking the tensor product of two tensors is straightforward, but I am currently reading a book where the author is talking about tensor product on tensors then in the next paragraph declares that tensors can then be constructed by taking...
  14. prashant singh

    I Cross product or vector product.

    What does the angle theta acutally means in cross product because I have seen in many places it is written that theta is the angle at which two vector on a given plane will coinside with each other so that there will be only one direction. Is it true and why they defined it in this way , I...
  15. prashant singh

    I Why does A.A = ||A||^2 in the scalar product formula?

    Why A.A = ||A||^2 , I know that from product rule we can prove this where theta =0 , I am asking this because I have seen many proves for A.B = ||A||||B||cos(theta) and to prove this they have used A.A = ||A||^2, how can they use this , this is the result of dot product formula. I havee seen...
  16. prashant singh

    I Scalar product and vector product

    why do we take cross product of A X B as a line normal to the plane which contains A and B. I also need a proof of A.B = |A||B|cos(theta), I have seen many proves but they have used inter product ,A.A = |A|^2, which is a result of dot product with angle = 0, we can't use this too prove...
  17. F

    I What is the outer product of a tensor product of vectors?

    If one has two single-particle Hilbert spaces ##\mathcal{H}_{1}## and ##\mathcal{H}_{2}##, such that their tensor product ##\mathcal{H}_{1}\otimes\mathcal{H}_{2}## yields a two-particle Hilbert space in which the state vectors are defined as $$\lvert\psi ,\phi\rangle...
  18. D

    MHB Relationship between metric and inner product

    Hi, I have this question: in the context of linear algebra, would it be correct to say that a metric is a kind of inner product?
  19. anemone

    MHB  Solve Quadratic System for $(2x-1)(2y-1)$

    For all real $a,\,b,\,x,\,y$ such that $ax+by=4,\\ax^2+by^2=2,\\ax^3+by^3=-1.$ Find $(2x-1)(2y-1)$.
  20. S

    A Differentiation of a product of 4-gradients wrt a 4-gradient

    I know that ##\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\mu}\phi)} \big( \partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial^{\mu} \phi \big) = \partial_{\mu} \phi##. Now, I need to prove this to myself. So, here goes nothing. ##\frac{\partial}{\partial (\partial_{\mu}\phi)} \big( \partial_{\mu} \phi\ \partial^{\mu}...
  21. pellman

    I Tensor Product in QM: 1D vs 3D Hilbert Spaces

    A particle in a 1-D Hilbert space would have position basis states ## |x \rangle ## where ## \langle x' | x \rangle = \delta(x'-x) ## A 3-D Hilbert space for one particle might have a basis ## | x,y,z \rangle ## where ##\langle x', y', z' | x,y,z \rangle = \delta(x'-x) \delta (y-y') \delta(z-z')...
  22. ELB27

    Product of a delta function and functions of its arguments

    Homework Statement I am trying to determine whether $$f(x)g(x')\delta (x-x') = f(x)g(x)\delta (x-x') = f(x')g(x')\delta(x-x')$$ where \delta(x-x') is the Dirac delta function and f,g are some arbitrary (reasonably nice?) functions. Homework Equations The defining equation of a delta function...
  23. D

    I Interior product with differential forms

    Hi. I'm trying to self-study differential geometry and have come across interior products of vectors and differential forms. I will use brackets to show the interior product and I would just like to check I am understanding something correctly. Do I need to manipulate the differential form to...
  24. J

    A Is this product always greater than these sums?

    I've been working on a problem for a couple of days now and I wanted to see if anyone here had an idea whether this was already proven or where I could find some guidance. I feel this problem is connected to the multinomial theorem but the multinomial theorem is not really what I need . Perhaps...
  25. Math Amateur

    I Basis of a Tensor Product - Theorem 10.2 - Another Question

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with another aspect of the proof of Theorem 10.2 regarding the basis of a tensor product ... ...Theorem 10.2 reads as...
  26. Math Amateur

    I Basis of a Tensor Product - Cooperstein - Theorem 10.2

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with an aspect of Theorem 10.2 regarding the basis of a tensor product ... ...Theorem 10.2 reads as follows: I do not...
  27. Math Amateur

    MHB Basis of a Tensor Product - Theorem 10.2 - Another Question .... ....

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with another aspect of the proof of Theorem 10.2 regarding the basis of a tensor product ... ... Theorem 10.2 reads as...
  28. Math Amateur

    MHB Basis of a Tensor Product - Cooperstein - Theorem 10.2

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with an aspect of Theorem 10.2 regarding the basis of a tensor product ... ... Theorem 10.2 reads as follows:I do not...
  29. Math Amateur

    I Proof of Existence of Tensor Product .... Further Question ...

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with another aspect of the proof of Theorem 10.1 regarding the existence of a tensor product ... ...The relevant part of...
  30. Math Amateur

    MHB Proof of Existence of Tensor Product: Cooperstein Theorem 10.1

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with another aspect of the proof of Theorem 10.1 regarding the existence of a tensor product ... ... The relevant part of...
  31. Math Amateur

    I Tensor Product - Knapp - Theorem 6.10 .... Further Question

    I am reading Anthony W. Knapp's book: Basic Algebra in order to understand tensor products ... ... I need some help with a further aspect of the proof of Theorem 6.10 in Section 6 of Chapter VI: Multilinear Algebra ... The text of Theorem 6.10 reads as follows: The above proof mentions Figure...
  32. Math Amateur

    MHB Theorem 6.10 in Knapp's Basic Algebra: Exploring Bilinearity & Descending Maps

    I am reading Anthony W. Knapp's book: Basic Algebra in order to understand tensor products ... ... I need some help with an aspect of Theorem 6.10 in Section 6 of Chapter VI: Multilinear Algebra ... The text of Theorem 6.10 reads as follows: The above proof mentions Figure 6.1 which is...
  33. Math Amateur

    I Tensor Product - Knapp, Chapter VI, Section 6

    I am reading Anthony W. Knapp's book: Basic Algebra in order to understand tensor products ... ... I need some help with an aspect of Theorem 6.10 in Section 6 of Chapter VI: Multilinear Algebra ... The text of Theorem 6.10 reads as follows: About midway in the above text, just at the start...
  34. Math Amateur

    MHB Tensor Product - Knapp, Chapter VI, Section 6

    I am reading Anthony W. Knapp's book: Basic Algebra in order to understand tensor products ... ... I need some help with an aspect of Theorem 6.10 in Section 6 of Chapter VI: Multilinear Algebra ... The text of Theorem 6.10 reads as follows:
  35. Math Amateur

    I Proof of Existence of Tensor Product .... Cooperstein ....

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with the proof of Theorem 10.1 on the existence of a tensor product ... ...Theorem 10.1 reads as follows: In the above text...
  36. NoName3

    MHB Is the Product of Real Numbers Always Larger When Exponentiated?

    For any $a \in \mathbb{R}$, let $a^3$ denote $a \cdot a \cdot a$. Let $x, y \in \mathbb{R}$. 1. Prove that if $x < y$ then $x^3 < y^3$. 2. Prove that there are $c, d \in \mathbb{R}$ such that $c^3 < x < d^3$.
  37. Math Amateur

    MHB Proof of Existence of Tensor Product .... Cooperstein ....

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with the proof of Theorem 10.1 on the existence of a tensor product ... ... Theorem 10.1 reads as follows:In the above...
  38. Math Amateur

    MHB The Uniqueness of a Tensor Product

    I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ... I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ... I need help with the proof of Lemma 10.1 on the uniqueness of a tensor product ... ... Before proving the uniqueness (up to an...
  39. D

    I Vector Triple Product: Are a & c Parallel or Collinear?

    Hi all got a confusion In many books I saw , authors used a specific statement here is it a,b,c are vectors and axb is (" a cross b") In general (axb)xc ≠ ax(bxc) but if (axb)xc = ax(bxc) solving it we get bx(axc)=0 then it implies either b is parallel to (axc) or a and c are collinear...
  40. PsychonautQQ

    Constructing Groups with Semi-direct product type question

    Homework Statement e) If H ∼= Z3 × Z3 show that there are exactly 2 conjugacy classes of elements of order 2 in Aut(Z3 × Z3) = GL(2, Z3). f) Choosing an element of each conjugacy class in e), construct two semidirect products of H and K. By counting orders of elements in each such group, show...
  41. evinda

    MHB Proving Coplanarity with Triple Product: Exploring the Conditions

    Hello! (Wave) Does it suffice to show that the triple product is 0? If we show that $a \cdot (b \times c)=0$ we will have that $a$ is orthogonal to $b \times c$. $b \times c$ is orthogonal to both $b$ and $c$, so we will have that $a$ will be parallel to $b$ and $c$. Right? But why does...
  42. Math Amateur

    MHB Distributing the Product of Functions over Composition of Functions

    I am reading John M. Lee's book: Introduction to Smooth Manifolds ... I am focused on Chapter 3: Tangent Vectors ... I need some help in fully understanding Lee's definition and conversation on pushforwards of F at p ... ... (see Lee's conversation/discussion posted below ... ... ) Although...
  43. S

    Tensor product of two arbitrary vectors an arbitrary tensor?

    I am trying to show that if (C^ab)(A_a)(B_b) is a scalar for arbitrary vectors A_a and B_b then C^ab is a tensor. I want to take the product of the two vectors then use the quotient rule to show that C^ab must then be a tensor. This lead to the question of whether or a not the product of two...
  44. mnb96

    Quotient of group by a semidirect product of subgroups

    Hello, if we consider a group G and two subgroups H,K such that HK \cong H \times K, then it is possible to prove that: G/(H\times K) \cong (G/H)/K Can we generalize the above equation to the case where HK \cong H \rtimes K is the semidirect product of H and K? Clearly, if HK is a semidirect...
  45. H

    Cross Product: Right-Hand Rule Explained

    In the cross product, why is vectorA*B=-(vectorB*A) How does the right-hand rule apply to this formula?
  46. W

    How Can a Dot Product Result in a 3x3 Matrix?

    Hi all, The basis vectors are defined as 1x3 matrices, how can the result be a 3x3 matrix? How can the result of a dot product be a 3x3 matrix, I'm stumbled, how can I evaluate this? A inner product returns a scalar, and now it returns a 3x3 matrix, please help. Thanks.
  47. M

    MHB How many Numbers can appear as product?

    We increase by 1 each of three prime numbers, not necessarily distinct. Then we form the product of these three sums. How many numbers between 1999 to 2021 can appear as such a product?
  48. W

    Berry's Curvature Equation cross product calculation

    Hi, The following textbook Heisenberg's Quantum Mechanics shows an example of calculating Berry's curvature (top page on pg 518). It led to a following equation Vm= (- 1/B2 ) * i *∑ ( <m,B|S|n,B> ∧ <n,B|S|m,B> ) / A2 ...[1] the textbook claims that we add the term m = n since <m|S|m> ∧ <m|S|m>...
  49. B

    What does the `|' represent in an infinite product notation?

    Hi, In my QFT course, the professor writes an infinite product like this: ∏n | k n0 > 0 ∫... My question is, what does the `|' in the subscript "n | k" representing? When I see `|', I think logical OR - obviously that is not it. Normally, if it's a sum over two indices, commas separate the...