Dear All,
What hardwares and softwares do I need to install into my computer so that I can record TV programs onto my hard disk?
And, I want to be able to record more than 1 channel's program.
I posted this elsewhere in the forums, but I think this is a much better area for it.
Are there any logic programs to solve logic questions? I mean, the stuff like where you prove an argument valid or invalid with sentence letters.
Like with this (i'm totally making this up, I dont' know...
Frankly it absolutely sickens me that lower qualified candidates are always selected over higher qualified candidates simply on the premise of race. I will use UCLA Medical School as an example.
Click link below:
does anyone know how to run a console program in the background. This would be like the DNS or DHCP service that runs on a server waiting for a request.
Hi All,
Does Anyone know of any Math programs that are easy to use that I can download from the net.
What I am trying to do is organize a long string of digits in groups of three, add the groups, and subtract from each running total certain incremental values.
Thanks in Advance.
Hey there.
I'm currently studying to become a mechanical engineer, and in one of my projects I'm in need of some program that can simulate aerodynamics of different shapes. I only expect some kind of simple pogram, nothing fancy, but I don't know anything about this kind of program, so I...
i don't know if this is even the right forum but i am trying to right a batch file which will close certain running programs, launch a game, and upon exit of the game, run the programs that were closed. i know how to close a prog and open the game, but i don't know how to run the progs when the...
I'm crazy. I moved from the US back to the Netherlands to start a research career here, but I am not satisfied and want to move back to the US..
I want to know which Universities are known for their Biology programs and if those are nice cities to live in. I could just stop working on...
What are some good programs to write math in? I do not like using microsoft word because it seems like a pain. Also I do not really want a program that solves what I write. I would just like a program to write math. Anybody know of one? Thanks, Matt
As I go through my college search, I've been having a hard time finding rankings of universities undergraduate physics programs. If anybody knows what the great physics programs are in U.S. Universities and would be willing to share it, I would much appreciate it.
Also, I know that the normal...
I am not a computer genius, and was wondering if you computer guru's could help me in an area. My question is this, if you go to start then to run on windows, what are the programs that can be ran? For instance I know of one which is "msconfig" that allows you to change startup programs and many...