Propagator Definition and 200 Threads

  1. Nod

    A Quantized Dirac field calculations

    Hi everyone! I'm having a problem with calculating the fermionic propagator for the quantized Dirac field as in the attached pdf. The step that puzzles me is the one performed at 5.27 to get 5.28. Why can I take outside (iγ⋅∂+m) if the second term in 5.27 has (iγ⋅∂-m)? And why there's a...
  2. S

    A Flow of charge on fermion propagator

    The momentum-space fermion propagator in the free Dirac theory is given by The arrow on the fermion propagator is said to represent the flow of charge. How can we derive this statement quantitatively from the Dirac Lagrangian? What is the quantitative form of the charge being referred to here?
  3. S

    I Photon Propagator: Exploring Mass in Feynman Diagrams

    Hello! I have a question about the photon propagator in Feynman diagrams. I am looking over a brief derivation (probably there are some details missing), so basically it starts from Proca equation for a mass 0 particle, then it assumes Lorentz condition and in the end it obtains...
  4. Safinaz

    I ## \mu~\to e~ \gamma ## decay width and neutrino propagator

    Hi all, I'm studying ## \mu \to e~ \gamma ## decay from cheng & Lie' book " gauge theory of elementary particles ". In Equation (13.84), he wrote the neutrino propagator ## \sum_i \Big ( \frac{U^{*}_{ei} U_{\mu i}}{(p+k)^2-m_i^2} \Big), ## (where the sum taken over neutrinos flavors) in the...
  5. M

    I ## k^0-\bar{k^0} ## mixing and gauge boson propagator

    Hi all , I'm studying ## k^0-\bar{k^0} ## mixing from Cheng & Li's book "gauge_theory_of_elementary_particle_physics", page: 379 , I found that they consider the gauge boson propagator in the Feynman gauge, where ## i\Delta_{\mu\nu} = -i \frac{g_{\mu\nu}}{k^2-M^2_W} ## , but till my knowledge...
  6. M

    I The propagator of the gauge field

    Hi, I read in a QFT book that the free massive vector boson Lagrangian is ## \mathcal{L}_W = - \frac{1}{4} (\partial_\mu W^\dagger_\nu - \partial_\nu W_\mu^\dagger ) (\partial^\mu W^\nu - \partial^\nu W^\mu ) + M^2_W W^\dagger_\mu W^\mu ## gives the propagator in momentum space by: ## i...
  7. binbagsss

    I QFT Feynman Propagator Algebra

    I am wanting to get the expression up to ##O(\epsilon^{2}) ## : To show that ##\frac{1}{2w_{k}} (\frac{1}{w_{k}-k_{0}-i\epsilon} + \frac{1}{w_{k}+k_{0}-i\epsilon})## ##=## ## \frac{1}{k_{v}k^{v} + m^{2} - i\epsilon}##, [2] where ##w_{k}^{2}=k^{2}+m^{2}##, ##k## the variable, and (this seemed...
  8. S

    Evaluation of Feynman propagator in position space

    Homework Statement Compute ##\displaystyle{\int\ \frac{d^{4}p}{(2\pi)^{4}}} \frac{i}{p^{2}-m^{2}+i\epsilon}e^{-ip \cdot{(x-y)}}## in terms of the invariant interval. Interpret your answer in the limit of small and large invariant intervals and for zero mass. Homework Equations The Attempt...
  9. ShayanJ

    A Propagator for traceless gauge field

    I'm reading the ## \frac 1 N ## chapter of Sidney Coleman's "Aspects of Symmetry". Equation 3.5, gives the gluon propagator as below: ## A^a_{\mu b}(x)A^c_{\nu d}(y)=\left( \delta^a_d \delta^c_b-\frac 1 N \delta^a_b \delta^c_d \right) D_{\mu \nu}(x-y)##. Then he explains that the term...
  10. ShayanJ

    A Vertex, Propagator and Loop counting

    I'm reading these lecture notes but there is something I don't understand. In page 15, it starts to consider vacuum diagrams of various orders and tries to associated a factor to them according to the rule: ## diagram \sim (\frac \lambda N)^p(\frac N \lambda)^v N^l=\lambda^{p-v} N^{l+v-p}##...
  11. M

    Complex integration, possibly branch cut integral

    Homework Statement The integral I want to solve is $$ D(x) = \frac{-i}{8\pi^2}\int dr\,d\theta \frac{e^{-irx\cos\theta}}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}}r^2\sin\theta$$ which I've reduced to $$ D(x) = \frac{-i}{4\pi x}\int dr \frac{r\sin(rx)}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}} $$ by integrating over ##\theta##. However, I...
  12. M

    Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, problem 1.3.1

    Homework Statement I'm working through Zee for some self study and I'm trying to do all the problems, which is understandably challenging. Problem 1.3.1 is where I'm currently stuck: Verify that D(x) decays exponentially for spacelike separation. Homework Equations The propagator in question...
  13. Thor90

    A Proof of Local Lorentz Invariance of Feynman Propagator in Curved Spaces

    I am looking for a proof that the Feynman propagator is locally a lorentz invariant (at least for scalar fields) also in curved space-times if the background geometry is smooth enough. I mean, since it is of course a lorentz invariant on flat spaces, this should also be true if a choose a...
  14. A

    Robert Klauber’s second order photon propagator

    Homework Statement I have a question regarding Klauber's Student Friendly Quantum Mechanics, about renormalization in chapters 13 and 15. I have included all relevant equations in the attached document. In equation 15-105 he obtains an expression for the PI_uv(k^2) term used when calculating...
  15. H

    Propagator in the derivation of path integrals

    Why isn't (5.298) the following instead? ##K(x, t_1; x', t_0) = \delta(x-x')\,e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t_1-t_0)}## My reasoning: Since \Psi(x, t_1) = e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t_1-t_0)}\,\Psi(x, t_0)\\ = e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar}H(t_1-t_0)}\,\int\delta(x-x')\Psi(x', t_0)\,dx' The exponential operator with...
  16. S

    Propagator of inverse harmonic oscillator

    Hi i want to find propagator of inverse harmonic oscillator to find time dependent wave function, but I can't have any ideas about this. Is it possible to help me to find it Thanks
  17. Kostik

    Free particle propagator - Shankar POQM Eqn. 5.1.10, p. 153

    Can someone help with what must be a simple math issue that I'm stuck on. Shankar ("Principles of Quantum Mechanics" p. 153) evaluates the propagator for a free particle in Equation 5.1.10. A scan of the chapter is available here...
  18. Kostik

    Propagator for free particle: question about Shankar formula

    I am hung up on what must be a very elementary matter, but I’m unable to see where I’m wrong. I reference R. Shankar's "Principles of Quantum Mechanics". For the free particle with ...
  19. ShayanJ

    Path integral propagator as Schr's eq Green's function

    Its usually said that the propagator ## K(\mathbf x'',t;\mathbf x',t_0) ## that appears as an integral kernel in integrals in the path integral formulation of QM, is actually the Green's function for the Schrodinger equation and satisfies the equation below: ## \left[ -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}...
  20. C

    How to Compute the Propagator in 2D Euclidean Space?

    Homework Statement Consider the following scalar theory formulated in two-dimensional Euclidean space-time; S=∫d2x ½(∂μφ∂μφ + m2φ2) , a) Determine the equations of motion for the field φ. b) Compute the propagator; G(x,y) = ∫d2k/(2π)2 eik(x-y)G(k). Homework Equations Euler-Lagrange equations...
  21. J

    Massive spin 1 propagator in imaginary time formalism

    Homework Statement I have the following massive spin-1 propagator- $$ D^{\mu\nu}(k)=\frac{\eta^{\mu\nu}-\frac{k^{\mu}k^{\nu}}{m^2}}{k^2 - m^2} $$ I want to write down the propagator in the imaginary time formalism commonly used in thermal field theories. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  22. VintageGuy

    Advanced Dirac field propagator (spacelike separation)

    Homework Statement [/B] I'm supposed to calculate the advanced propagator for the Dirac field, and I have no problem with that. Then I'm supposed to show it vanishes for spacelike separation (that is (x-y)^2<0). Homework Equations For the advanced propagator I get something like: S_A =...
  23. D

    How Does the Wavefunction Propagate for Infinitesimal Times?

    How does the wavefunction propagate for infinitesimal times? Please no Feynman path integral arguments!
  24. S

    Solving the Schödinger equation - R.Shankar's PQM, mistake?

    Hello! On p.145 of Shankar's Principles of Quantum Mechanics, the author derives the general propagator for the Schrodinger equation in the following manner. Shankar's working Expanding the state vector in the energy basis, |\psi(t)\rangle = \sum_{E} |E\rangle \langle E| \psi(t) \rangle...
  25. BradC

    Deriving Massive spin 2 propagator from polarization vectors

    In A. Zee "QFT in a nutshell" in chapter I.5 Exercise 1.5.1 on page 39 for spin 2 massive propagator. I know I’m missing something very simple (self-taught beginner). I'm trying to derive equation (13) on page 35, which is G_{\mu\nu,\lambda\sigma} = G_{\mu\lambda}G_{\nu\sigma} +...
  26. Z

    Breit-Wigner propagator Of resonance

    I Want to analyze the decay from a excited nucleon to a nucleon and an Omega meson.I have seen a propagator which descripes a process : a→b+c (Eur. Phys. J. A16, 537–547 (2003), Covariant tensor formalism for partial-wave analyses ofψdecay to mesons ,B.S. Zou and...
  27. Safinaz

    W Boson Propagator in Unitary Gauge

    Hi there, As in Ta-Pei Cheng and Li's book for example the W boson propagator is given by : ## \frac{-i}{k^2-M^2} [g_{\mu\nu}+ (\zeta-1) k_\mu k_\nu/(k^2 - \zeta M^2)] ## At the unitary gauge ## \zeta = \infty ##, where the W propagator becomes : ## \frac{-i}{k^2-M^2} [g_{\mu\nu}- k_\mu...
  28. P

    Basic question: Propagator of a scalar boson

    I have a question that is very basic and could not seem to find it online or I have not searched the right way. What is the propagator of a scalar boson? I found that of a fermion line and that of a vector boson but could not find that of a scalar boson.
  29. nuclearhead

    Radio waves from an antenna using the propagator?

    I want to find a simple example of using the Feynman propagator: 1/(|x-x'|2-(t-t')2) and also to show that no signals an travel faster than light. So I was thinking about waves emitted from an antenna. Tell me if I got this right? Assume a static source in space at x=0 and varying in time...
  30. C

    Longitudinal polarization in Feynman photon propagator?

    For internal photon states, is it necessary to sum over the longitudinal polarization state in addition to the transverse states? And if so, does the ordinary Feynman-gauge propagator take care of this? Thanks!
  31. G

    Why does i-epsilon prescription not cure spin 1 propagator

    Within the path integral framework, the reason you have to use Fadeev-Popov quantization for spin 1 is because the matrix of the coefficients of the quadratic part of the free-Lagrangian is non-invertible. But doesn't an i\epsilon prescription take care of that? The same thing happens with the...
  32. T

    Advanced/retarded Feynman propagator?

    is there a discussion somewhere on the notion of an advanced or retarded feynman propagator. i don't mean the advanced or retarded propagator juxtaposed against the feynman propagator. I mean the feynman propagator itself with a theta step function multiplied by it to effectively give an...
  33. B

    Scalar propagator for lightlike separation

    Hello everybody. I have a free scalar in two dimensions. I know that its propagator will diverge for lightlike separations, that is t= ±x. I have to find the prefactor for this delta function, and I don't know how to do this. How do I see from, for example, \int \frac{dk}{\sqrt{k^2+m^2}} e^{i k...
  34. Xenosum

    Intuitive Description of Feynman Propagator?

    Homework Statement The Feynman Propagator is given by <0| T \phi(y)\phi(x) |0> , where T is the time-ordering operator. I understand that this turns out to be the solution to the inhomogeneous klein-gordon equation, etc., but is there any intuitive description of the propagator? Can this...
  35. C

    Singularities in the harmonic oscillator propagator

    Hi people! Today I was doing some QFT homework and in one of them they ask me to calculate the Harmonic Oscillator propagator, which, as you may know is: W(q_2,t_2 ; q_1,t_1) = \sqrt{\frac{m\omega}{2\pi i \hbar \sin \omega (t_2-t_1)}} \times \exp \left(\frac{im\omega}{2\hbar \sin \omega...
  36. F

    What Are the Best References for the Two-Loop Gluon Propagator?

    Does anybody know a good reference for the gluon propagator at two loop? I need it in Feynman gauge, but to have it in light-cone gauge as well is a plus. Preferably a paper, or a book that is common (i.e. easy to find in our university's library :-) ). Thanks!
  37. ChrisVer

    Vector Boson Propagator and gauge

    Well I'm trying to understand the difference between these propagators: \frac{g_{\mu \nu}}{k^{2} - m^2 + i \epsilon} and \frac{g_{\mu \nu}+ \frac{ k_{\mu} k_{\nu}}{m^{2}}}{k^{2} - m^2 + i \epsilon} My professor told me that they are different gauges, and the from the second you rule out...
  38. C

    About the gluon feild and propagator

    I am confused about the very step from Eq.(14) to Eq.(15) in the paper There is one ##ig## in (14), while ##(ig)^2## in (15), where does it come from? Regards!
  39. ChrisVer

    Scalar Propagator form with width

    I would like to ask when can someone add the width in a scalar particle's propagator. In general the scalar propagator can be: \frac{1}{k^{2}-m^{2}+i \epsilon} (\epsilon \rightarrow 0) However I read somewhere that if necessary one can include a width for the propagator...
  40. Greg Bernhardt

    How Does the Feynman Propagator Define Particle Movement in Quantum Mechanics?

    Definition/Summary The Feynman propagator \Delta_F(x) is the propagator (the probability amplitude) for a scalar particle of non-zero mass, m, to travel over a space-time interval x. It is obtained by integrating, over all possible 3-momentums \mathbf{q} of a particle of mass m, the...
  41. R

    Concerning the sparcity of the real-time quantum propagator

    Considering the real-time quantum propagator originated by the green's function of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation: i\hbar \frac{d\psi}{dt} =H\psi namely, \psi(t) =e^{-i\hbar H t}\psi(0) it is straightforward to see that using as basis set the eigenvector of H\phi_k...
  42. Einj

    Doubt on sign of the propagator on Peskin

    Hi everyone. I was trying to reproduce the calculation needed to include the QCD correction to the low energy electroweak Lagrangian. In particular I am looking at Peskin section 18.2. In equation 18.35 an extra minus sign appears on the numerator of the second fermion propagator. Can anyone...
  43. C

    Peskin and Schroeder derivation of Klein-Gordon propagator

    In page 30 of book "An introduction to quantum field theory" by Peskin and Schroeder in the derivation of Klein-Gordon propagator, why p^0=-E_p in the second step in equation (2.54). and why change "ip(x-y)" to "-ip(x-y)"? I thought a lot time, but get no idea. Thank you for your giving me an...
  44. M

    Demonstrating Propagator is Virtual

    Hello, I've been given a problem which is asking me to flesh out a calculation. The calculation is word for word like this; So I am being asked to work this out in detail, fill in all the steps. I thought that maybe I should try and show that the four momentum squared is not conserved at...
  45. G

    Zee's QFT book: equal time propagator

    The propagator in 4-dimensions for a free scalar field has the form: Δ(x,0)=Θ(t)A(x,t)+Θ(-t)B(x,t) where Θ is the step function (eq 23 of Zee's QFT book, 2nd edition). He then makes the claim that for spacelike x, one can set t=0, and define Θ(0)=1/2. The going through all the math, he...
  46. J

    Feynman propagator and particle uniqueness

    In his layman's guide to QED Feynman defines a particle propagator as a function that gives you the amplitude that a particle, that was initially at spacetime event ##x##, will be found at spacetime event ##y##. But does this definition assume that the particle is unique so that if you find...
  47. P

    Explicit form of scalar propagator

    Hi! I have encountered a little problem. I want to show that the explicit form of the Feynman propagator for massless scalar fields is given by: \begin{align} G_F(x) & = - \lim_{\epsilon \to +0} \int \dfrac{\mathrm{d}^{4}k}{(2 \pi)^{4}} \dfrac{1}{k^{2} + i \epsilon} \mathrm{e}^{- i k...
  48. Ace10

    Complex scalar field propagator evaluation.

    Good afternoon fellow scientists,i have a small problem in evaluating the propagator for the complex Klein-Gordon field. Although the procedure is the one followed for the computation of the propagator of the real K-G field, a problem comes up: As known: <0|T\varphi^{+}(x)\varphi(y)|0> =...
  49. V

    Using parallel propagator to derive Riemann tensor in Sean Carroll's

    Hello all, In Carroll's there is a brief mention of how to get an idea about the curvature tensor using two infinitesimal vectors. Exercise 7 in Chapter 3 asks to compute the components of Riemann tensor by using the series expression for the parallel propagator. Can anyone please provide a...
  50. S

    Direct calculation of the propagator

    Hello all, I have a fundamental problem with the concept of the propagator regarding to time dependent potential. If the propagator is based on the expansion of the time evolution operator, how can it act on initial wave function in the presence of time dependent potential? You cannot use the...