Property Definition and 635 Threads

  1. B

    Understanding Property 9 of Negative Numbers in Calculus

    Hello, I am embarking to read Spivak's book on Calculus, and have come across some difficulty with something that is perhaps rather trivial. In the third edition, there is a section entitled Basic Properties of Numbers. Near the end of page 7, the author begins discussing how he will use...
  2. S

    MHB Prove the following Logic Property

    Prove the following logic property using a Truth Table (perfect induction). What is this property called? x + y * z = (x + y)(x + z) My Answer: Distributive Property? Truth table. x y z f [0]0 0 0 0 [1]0 0 1 0 [2]0 1 0 0 [3]0 1 1 1 [4]1 0 0 0 [5]1 0 1 1 [6]1 1 0 0 [7]1 1 1 1 By truth...
  3. U

    Fourier Transform Scaling Property help

    Hi, I'm following the proof of the "Scaling Property of the Fourier Transform" from here: ...but don't understand how they went from the integral to the right hand term here: The definition of the Fourier Trasform they...
  4. Y

    Why Is \(u(r,\theta,\phi)\) Treated as a Function of \(r\) Here?

    Attached is a copy of p181 of Strauss Partial Differential Equation. This is part of proof of Mean Value Property using Green's 1st identity: \int_Dv\nabla u+\nabla v\cdot\nabla u \;dV=\oint_A v\frac {\partial u}{\partial r}dA Let ##v=1## and let ##u(r,\theta,\phi)## be a harmonic function ie...
  5. J

    Showing that a particular G_delta set exists with a measure property

    Ok, I don't think I'm on the right track here. I ASSUMED that the set of all countable collections \{I_k\}_{k = 1}^\infty of nonempty open, bounded intervals such that E \subseteq \bigcup_{k = 1}^\infty I_k is a countable set itself, which it probably isn't. I'm not even sure where to start...
  6. paulmdrdo1

    MHB Understanding the Inclusion-Exclusion Property in Set Theory

    Can you explain what this image is saying. I'm confused.
  7. C

    Fundamental Property of Integers

    So there is a proof that the sum of any two even numbers is an even number. 2k + 2l = 2(k +l) We have written the sum as 2 times an integer. Therefore the sum of any two even numbers is an even number. An essential part of this proof is that k + l is an integer. How do we know this? Is it an...
  8. B

    Boolean Algebra Simplification Property Question

    Hi I am not sure where to post this question but I am trying to simplify this expression: r*c'w+c (As in R AND NOT C AND W OR C) to c+wr (As in C OR W AND R) and I know that it simplifies to this and they are both equivalent; however my question is which boolean simplification property is...
  9. A

    MHB Property of independent random variables

    hello! I'm trying to understand the following property: Let X and Y be independent random variables z: = X + Y. Then where fZ (z) is the probability mass function for a discrete random variable defined as follows...
  10. S

    Need help to verify an attempt to explain strain as point property

    Recently I review some old text and browse around the internet to read about definition of strain and stress. I come across the following document Previously I have been facing difficulty trying to come out with an...
  11. B

    Using sifting property to prove other properties

    Suppose you have the following definition of Dirac-delta function, or the so called sifting property: \int^{d}_{c}f(t)δ(t-a)dt =\left\{\begin{array}{cc}f(a),&\mbox{ if } c\leq x \leq d\\0, & \mbox{ if } x>d \mbox{ or } x<c \\ \mbox{undefined}, & \mbox {if } x = d \mbox{ or } x = c...
  12. B

    Proof of Well Ordering Property

    Homework Statement I am working through an introductory real analysis textbook and am having a little trouble with certain aspects of the proof of the well ordering property (I am new to proving). Theorem: Every nonempty subset of the natural numbers (N) has a smallest element. Proof: Let...
  13. B

    Proof about a limit property clarification

    The book proves this limit and I am a bit confused how all the pieces fit together. So the book proves "If (s_n) converges to s and (t_n) converges to t, then (s_nt_n) converges to st . That is, lim(s_nt_n) = (lim s_n)(lim t_n). The proof goes like this Let \epsilon> 0 . By Theorem 9.1...
  14. S

    Q* (the set of rational cuts) has least upper bound property or not?

    I am struggling to draw this point home: To prove that R has LUB property, we used the following reasoning: First we defined R to be set of cuts (having certain properties) where each cut corresponds to a real number and then we proved any subset A of R has LUB (least upper bound) property...
  15. A

    Need a real life example that satisfies the property?

    I was solving a question which is the following : Give examples of 3 sets W,X,Y such that W ε X and X ε Y but W doesn't ε Y . I solved the question by taking the following 3 sets: W = {1,2} X = { 7 , 8 , W} Y = { 3 , 4 , X} looking it from the theory point of you I find that W is not...
  16. M

    Property of Determinants Answers Check

    Homework Statement Let A and P be square matrices of the same size with P invertible, Prove detA=det(P-1AP) Homework Equations Suppose that A and B are square matrices of the same size. Then det(AB)=det(A)det(B) The Attempt at a Solution detA=det(P-1AP) detA=det(P-1PA) detA=det(IA)...
  17. M

    MHB Brownian Motion: Martingale Property

    Hi! I need some help at the following exercise... Let B be a typical brownian motion with μ>0 and x ε R. X_{t}:=x+B_{t}+μt, for each t>=0, a brownian motion with velocity μ that starts at x. For r ε R, T_{r}:=inf{s>=0:X_{s}=r} and φ(r):=exp(-2μr). Show that M_{t}:=φ(X_{t}) for t>=0 is...
  18. M

    Learn About the Laplacian Property

    Hello all, I came across this rather mysterious, for me of course, statement. It is stated that, starting from the solution of the Laplacian under definite boundary conditions and for a given geometry, if a portion of the domain is altered in such a way that the maximum distance between...
  19. M

    How Are Thermodynamic Property Tables Created?

    In the back of my thermodynamics book it has large quantities of thermodynamics properties listed for water--ie temperature, pressure, specific volume, internal energy, enthalpy, and enthalpy. I would like to know how these tables are built and the methods used to ascertain the data in...
  20. S

    Magnetic field lines of current carrying conductor follow property ?

    The lines of flux of the magnet possesses the following properties: 1)Forms closed loop 2)Starts from N-pole and closes at S-pole 3)Do not intersect each other 4)Parallel line and same direction repels each other 5)Parallel line and opposite direction attract each other So...
  21. H

    Topological property of the Cantor set

    Let X be a metric separable metric and zero dimensional space.Then X is homeomorphic to a subset of Cantor set. How can it be proved? Thank's a lot, Hedi
  22. H

    Mistake in proof regarding degeneracy property

    Greetings, I was trying to prove a theorem regarding degeneracy, and I succeeded. However, I also proved the converse of the if-then part of the theorem (underlined below), which I know is wrong. I can't spot my mistake though. The theorem and my proof are written below - could someone...
  23. S

    Fourier Transform - Scaling Property

    Homework Statement Find the Fourier transform of (1/p)e^{[(-pi*x^2)/p^2]} for any p > 0 Homework Equations The Fourier transform of e^{-pi*x^2} is e^{-pi*u^2}. The scaling property is given to be f(px) ----> (1/p)f(u/p) The Attempt at a Solution Using the information above, I got...
  24. G

    Show complex summation property

    Homework Statement Let f(z) = \sum_{n =-\infty}^{\infty} e^{2 \pi i n z} e^{- \pi n^2}. Show that f(z+i) = e^{\pi} e^{-2\pi i z}f(z). Homework Equations Nothing specific I can think of; general complex analysis/summation techniques. The Attempt at a Solution f(z+i) = \sum_{n...
  25. alyafey22

    MHB Prove the following zeta property :

    \zeta(s) = s \int^{\infty}_1 \,\frac{ [ t ] }{t^{s+1}} \, =\,\frac{s}{s-1} \, -s \int^{\infty}_1 \frac{ \{ t \} } {t^{s+1}}\,dt
  26. A

    Mean Value Property in partial differential equations

    Homework Statement S is a ball of radius 1 in R^2; Δu=0 in S u=g in ∂S, g(x1,x2)>1 for any (x1,x2) in ∂S. Show that for any r satisfying 0<r<1 there is a point (x1,x2) in S such that u(x1, x2) >=1. Homework Equations using mean value formula: ∫u(y)dy=1/Vr^n(∫u(y)dy) The...
  27. I

    Confusion regarding a proof for an infinite limit property.

    Assume for some real number L and c \displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow c} f(x) = ∞ and \displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow c} g(x) = L We must prove \displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow c} [f(x) + g(x)] = ∞ Let M > 0. We know \displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow c} f(x) = ∞. Thus, there exists...
  28. A

    Exploring the Properties of the Dirac Delta Function

    Prove that. \int_a^b f(x)g' (x)\, dx = -f(0) This is supposed to be a delta Dirac function property. But i can not prove it. I thought using integration by parts. \int_a^b f(x)g' (x)\, dx = f(x)g(x) - \int_a^b f(x)'g (x)\, dx But what now? Some properties: \delta...
  29. T

    Solving Composite Functions with Distributive Property

    Hi All, I am teaching my self algebra using khan academy and I've come across a problem I can't figure out. I am trying to solve composite functions and I can't figure out why a Plus sign is added to the equation, Could I be missing something that I am suppose to distrubute? The functions...
  30. K

    Why Does Adding Resistors Change the Calculation in Circuit Analysis?

    I am trying to follow examples solved by the publisher of my book in order to understand the problem. However, I can't understand why he is solving it like this. What is confusing me, is why v1=(12+8)*1/8 why is v1 not 12*(1/8). Why is he adding the 8ohm resistor in there? Any help would be...
  31. L

    Property of a limit of functions of average value zero in L^2 space

    Homework Statement Let f_k\rightarrow f in L^2(\Omega) where |\Omega| is finite. If \int_{\Omega}{f_k(x)}dx=0 for all k=1,2,3,\ldots, then \int_{\Omega}{f(x)}dx=0. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I started by playing around with Holder's inequality and constructing...
  32. Y

    MHB Odd Composite Property 1: A Unique Factorization Rule

    Hi, For any odd composite 'N', let u = (N-1)/2, v = u+1, then u^2(mod p) = v^2(mod p) if and only if 'p' is a factor of 'N'.
  33. Lebombo

    What is the geometric property of these 2 angles being equal?

    At time 2:20, the woman says, "Using trigonometry, we know that this angle is the same as this angle." Which trigonometry or geometry property is she referring to that is needed in order to determine those two angles are equal? Is there a name for it? I don't have a geometry book, but I am...
  34. A

    The continuity property of probability

    If (E_{n})) is either an increasing or decreasing sequence of events, then lim n\rightarrow∞ P(E_{n}) = P(lim n\rightarrow∞ (E_{n})) This seems to be saying that the limit as n goes to infinity of the probability of an increasing or decreasing sequence of events is equal to the probability...
  35. Y

    Commutative property of partial derivatives

    Hi everyone, I am working on simplifying a differential equation, and I am trying to figure out if a simplification is valid. Specifically, I'm trying to determine if: \frac{\del^2 p(x)}{\del p(x) \del x} = \frac{\del^2 p(x)}{\del x \del p(x)} where p(x) is a function of x. Both p(x)...
  36. S

    Can particles be entangled on any property having more than two states?

    can particles be entangled on any property having more than two states? Photons can be entangled on spin. however spin has only two states: Up or down, plus or minus So the question is: is there any property (having more than two states) on which photons/electrons/bucky-ball can be...
  37. Y

    MHB Property of Matrix Multiplication

    Hello, I wanted to ask if this is a correct move, A and B are matrices, a is a scalar, thank you ! A^{2}\cdot B^{t}-aA=A(A\cdot B^{t}-aI)
  38. D

    Proving the memoryless property of the exponential distribution

    Given that a random variable X follows an Exponential Distribution with paramater β, how would you prove the memoryless property? That is, that P(X ≤ a + b|X > a) = P(X ≤ b) The only step I can really think of doing is rewriting the left side as [P((X ≤ a + b) ^ (X > a))]/P(X > a). Where...
  39. N

    Is the Distributive Property Applicable in this Set Theory Problem?

    Hello all, while practicing set theory, I cam across this problem: If A and B are sets, prove that A x (B-C) = (AxB) - (BxC). This looks suspiciously like the distributive property but it's not. Is this simply a typo? Shouldn't the problem look like this: A x (B-C) = (AxB) - (AxC) Thanks...
  40. O

    MHB Is the Inverse of a Function Always Well-Defined?

    Hello everyone! I have three questions: (1) If $x\in R$, is it true that $f ^{-1} (f(x)) = x$? (2) If $y\in R$, is it true that $f (f^{-1}(y)) = y$? (3) If $B\subset R$, is it true that $f(f ^{-1} (B)$? I think I have showed it for (3), but not sure of my proof. For (1) and (2), I considered...
  41. W

    Intrinsic property of spacetime ?

    Hi friends what are intrinsic properties of spacetime ? curvature & torsion ? or they are just properties of connections ? Since in teleparallel gravity we consider them as properties of connections. thank u
  42. A

    Proving the Containment Property of Polar Cones for Sets in R^n

    Let S1*(S2*) be the polar cone of the set S1(S2) ( How can I show that if S1 is contained in S2 then S2* is contained in S1*. It looks obvious (especially if we think in R^2), but I do not find a way to prove it.
  43. L

    Transitivity property not clear.

    i am reading equivalence relation on wikipedia. and in this examply. i don't see the transitity property according to the definition of transitivity which is: For every three elements a, b, and c in X, if a ~ b and b ~ c, then a ~ c (transitivity). any explanation please?
  44. B

    Showing A Matrix Property Is True

    Homework Statement Let A be an invertible matrix. Show that (A^n)^{-1} = (A^{-1})^n Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I want to begin on the left side of the equality sign; but I am having a little difficulty on expanding it. I started to--(A^n)^{-1} = AAA...A^{-1}--but...
  45. J

    Determining the number of subsets of a set with a specific property

    I found an example like the problem asks, but I'm still trying to show the first part. You want the maximum number of subsets such that you can guarantee none are pairwise disjoint. I'm trying to apply my specific case to the whole problem. For a set with 3 elements, I chose all of the sets...
  46. D

    Clarifications on the least upper bound property and the irrational numbers

    Hello everyone. I desperately need clarifications on the least upper bound property (as the title suggests). Here's the main question: Why doesn't the set of rational numbers ℚ satisfy the least upper bound property? Every textbook/website answer I have found uses this example: Let...
  47. A

    What property of lagrangian is used here?

    Hi, the attached picture shows a derivation of what I can only assume to be the property that the lagrange equations are invariant under a transformation of the coordinates. But I have some trouble understanding how you go from the term pointed out the rear of the arrow to the point pointed...
  48. C

    Markov property and chemical oscillators

    Hi everybody... I've been working a bit with models of chemical oscillators and I've run into something that isn't quite clear to me. Chemical reaction systems are typically regarded as having the Markov property -- they lack memory and their evolution depends only on their current state...
  49. J

    Finding all continuous functions with the property that g(x + y) = g(x) + g(y)

    Homework Statement Determine all continuous functions g: R -> R such that g(x + y) = g(x) + g(y) for all x, y \in \mathbf{R} The Attempt at a Solution g(x) = g(x + 0) = g(x) + g(0). Hence G(0) = 0. G(0) = g(x + -x) = g(x) + g(-x) = 0. Therefore g(x) = -g(-x). It seems obvious that the only...