There is a pulley system with 2 masses, m1 = 3.2kg and m2 = 1.2 kg
the pulley is massless and frictionless.
What I have to do is determine the acceleration of the system and the tension force in the rope. How would I find the acceleration?
The question is an 8.00 kg block (A) resting on a horizonal surface is attached to a 5.00kg block (B) that hangs freely by a string over a pulley. The coefficient of friction for block(A) is .200
a) calculate the acceleration of the system?
b) how long does it take the blocks to move 20...
Mass m1 is attached to a rope that goes over an ideal pulley. At the other end of the rope is another pulley. A rope goes over this pulley connecting two masses m2 and m3. Find the acceletation of the masses and the tensions in the ropes.
When considering the first mass, I pretend that...