What is Pulley: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft that is designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable or belt, or transfer of power between the shaft and cable or belt. In the case of a pulley supported by a frame or shell that does not transfer power to a shaft, but is used to guide the cable or exert a force, the supporting shell is called a block, and the pulley may be called a sheave.
A pulley may have a groove or grooves between flanges around its circumference to locate the cable or belt. The drive element of a pulley system can be a rope, cable, belt, or chain.
The earliest evidence of pulleys dates back to Ancient Egypt in the Twelfth Dynasty (1991-1802 BCE) and Mesopotamia in the early 2nd millennium BCE. In Roman Egypt, Hero of Alexandria (c. 10-70 CE) identified the pulley as one of six simple machines used to lift weights. Pulleys are assembled to form a block and tackle in order to provide mechanical advantage to apply large forces. Pulleys are also assembled as part of belt and chain drives in order to transmit power from one rotating shaft to another. Plutarch's Parallel Lives recounts a scene where Archimedes proved the effectiveness of compound pulleys and the block-and-tackle system by using one to pull a fully laden ship towards him as if it was gliding through water.

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  1. M

    Find the mass of a block on an inclined pulley

    Homework Statement Block A is traveling down an incline plane of 35 degrees at 2m/s. It's pulling a 4kg block with a pulley and rope. Coefficient of friction is.12. How heavy must block A be ? Homework Equations F=MA F = WsinΦ + μWcosΦ mgh = 1/2 mv^2 + WD to overcome friction Vf^2 = u^2 +...
  2. Dorian

    Solid Disk Pulley + 2 Mass system, v derivation using 2 methods

    Homework Statement [please see attached photo] Homework Equations [please see attached photo] The Attempt at a Solution [please see attached photo] The issue for me starts with (but probably doesn't end with) replicating the velocity equation using the Conservation of Energy equations. Is...
  3. Oklid

    'Force on pulley by a string' conception

    Homework Statement In the figure below is shown the system below are shown two blocks linked by a string through a pulley, where the block of mass m1 slides on the frictionless table. We assume that the string is massless and the pulley is massless and frictionless. Show the forces ( as...
  4. H

    Calculate Force Compression of Crane with Hoisting Slink

    Actually it is a simple one, but the point of view of the force acting in pic attach of some people are different. http://www.imagebam.com/image/ef24231032403754 http://www.imagebam.com/image/01c8e71032403724 The adding weight of hoisting slink blue and the pulley is neglected. I think the...
  5. M

    Motor fan pulley sizing for HVAC

    Hi Everyone! I designed a motor fan system pulley system. So, basically, the motor is of 15 kw with a driver pulley of 7" dia. And through a v-belt I attached a backward curved fan with a 10" dia pulley on the shaft. My fan shaft power is 13.24 kw. This selection was given to me by the software...
  6. Ahmed Ayman

    Mechanics problem with two masses, a pulley and friction

    Can anyone please explain to me how can I calculate the "Tension" and "acceleration" of M in this question interms of M,m1,m2 and g? I can't understand how M has an acceleration or why M is involved in the calculation of the tension my solution was that acc of M is zero and Tension = m1g x...
  7. YMMMA

    Describe what happens to a box attached to a pulley + spring

    Homework Statement The figure below shows a block attached to a pulley and a string. 1) which quantity has essentially the same nonzero value at all three points? 2) which quantity changes direction at point Z? 3)which quantity is zero at point Y?Homework Equations Restoring force = -kx...
  8. S

    Pulley System Part c: Homework Statement & Relevant Equation

    Homework Statement 2. Relevant equationThe Attempt at a Solution ...[/B] Part c) I'm confused as to how the actual pulley system works. If its balanced wouldn't it be stationary. How does it move? I thought that since its balanced the acceleration of the system is constant and therefore to...
  9. Zeke Bevan

    Newton's Third Law Problem: Two masses, a rope and a pulley

    Homework Statement Two blocks are attached to opposite ends of a massless rope that goes over a massless, frictionless, stationary pulley. One of the blocks w/ a mass of 1.5 kg accelerates downward at (3/4)g. A. What is the mass of the other block? Homework Equations There were no given...
  10. S

    Need help with a pulley and tension problem

    Homework Statement https://imgur.com/KANlHh9 The problem and my equation for finding the tension in rope one are shown in the image above. I am stuck on finding the tension for the horizontal component of the second rope's tension and finding the angle theta Homework Equations F=ma F=T-WThe...
  11. S

    Force applied on the pulley of a system

    Homework Statement two blocks of masses 8kg and 4kg respectively are connected by a string as shown in firgure. calculate their accelerations if they are initially at rest on the floor. after a force of 100N is applied on the pulley in the upward direction (g=10 m/s). Homework Equations Σf=ma...
  12. S

    Two blocks, a fixed pulley and friction

    Homework Statement a mass m1 is attached to a second mass m2 by an acme (massless, unstretchable) string. m1 sits on a table with which it has coefficients of static and dynamic friction μs and μk respectively. m2 is hanging over the ends of a table, suspended by the taut string from an acme...
  13. J

    Finding the acceleration of two masses on a pulley system

    Homework Statement Two blocks of the masses m1=7.40 kg and m2=m1/2 are connected via a massless pulley and massless string. The system is currently in equilibrium but is about to start sliding, if m2 would increase even by a bit. For the friction between the surface and m1 assume that µs=µk...
  14. J

    Lowering a climber with the belay rope routed through a pulley at an angle

    Homework Statement A climber with mass m=54.4 kg has reached the top of the l=15.70 m climbing wall, and then is lowered straight down by the belaying person without touching the wall. Assume that at the top the rope is going through the pulley, while to the belaying person the rope is inclined...
  15. alexi_b

    Find when the acceleration is 0

    Homework Statement A block of mass 2.42kg is accelerated across a rough surface by a rope passing over a pulley, as shown in the figure below. The tension in the rope is 13.9N, and the pulley is 12.3cm above the top of the block. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.395. (a: 2.28m/s^2)...
  16. Physicsterian

    Defining equilibrium and movement in pulley arrangements

    Homework Statement I had to answer which of the pulley arrangements illustrated (see picture) is in equilibrium (the drawing went a bit difficult, please see all outer boxes as equal in size and the middle ones as well) I managed to answer that it is arrangement C, by finding out that...
  17. J

    Finding the force on a cord from a pulley

    (Mentor note: moved from General Eng hence not homework template) This is the given scenario. I'm trying to find the 'String R (lower part)' force. I know every other variable (the angles, string L and string R and the Rectangle is a mass m). Any help would be appreciated!
  18. P

    Energy: What will be the minimum ratio of m/M here

    Homework Statement The objects are set free from the scenario shown in the attached image. Their masses have been given and they are under the effect of gravity. The length of the string has been shown in the figure. If the two blocks cross each other, then we need to determine the minimum...
  19. sal1234

    Find Minimum Height to Lift 4kg Mass with 0.1kg Block & Pulley

    Homework Statement Two blocks of mass(4 Kg and 0.1 Kg ) are connected by a mass less string that passes over a friction less pulley.The 4 Kg mass rests on the ground and the 0.1 Kg is hanging above the ground.Find the minimum distance from which the 0.1 Kg mass can be lifted and drop so...
  20. J

    Distance Traveled by an object on a pulley

    Hi everybody, I've really been struggling with this basic idea, I have drawn it out about half a dozen times, watched numerous videos, read descriptions, played with applets but I still can't see it. Lets just start with a simple atwood machine with a massless rope and frictionless pulley...
  21. Beth N

    Newton’s Law of Motions: tension forces in a pulley

    Homework Statement Problem: 4.93[/B] The pulley is assumed massless and frictionless. The mass of the object attached to the pulley is given in terms of m, the force applied to the pulley is F (refer to diagram), and frictional force is f. Question: Find the acceleration of the mass m in...
  22. ForecasterJason

    Calculating actual weight lifted on a pulley weight machine

    Hi, I have a pin-loaded pulley weight home gym machine. There are 9 weight plates that are 10 lbs each, so for each exercise the maximum weight that can be done is 90 lbs. However, there is a chart in the manual that shows the weight resistance for various exercises based on how many plates are...
  23. R

    You're welcome, Rémi! Good luck with your exercise.

    Hello ! Homework Statement Two blocks M1 and M2 are connected by a string of negligible mass. If the system is released from rest, find how far block M1 slide in time ##t##. Neglect friction. Diagram: See Attached Image Clue given in the manual: If M1 = M2, then solution is ##x(t)=...
  24. J

    Using conservation of energy vs. Newton's laws in a pulley problem

    The problem is attached in the photo. The correct answer, according to the teacher's solution, was obtained using conservation of energy. Initially I tried using Newton's law/kinematics and got the wrong answer. Why didn't this work? Can you ever use Newton's law/kinematics to solve pulley...
  25. E

    Basic forces question with a pulley problem

    Homework Statement A boy holds the rope so it can't move. What is the tension in point A? Homework Equations ma=F The Attempt at a Solution The answer in the book is 4N. I understand how to get it, but, I believe that the tension of S1 would be 9N (due to m1), and then the forces on m2 would...
  26. W

    2 weights on strings, 1 attached to pulley, the other end anchored

    Homework Statement https://imgur.com/jE8SMDR That's a drawing of the problem. I need to solve for the ? weight. Homework Equations not sure The Attempt at a Solution none, I don't want the answer, I just want the relevant equations. I haven't taken physics in a few years though (I'm out of...
  27. Alyssa Eiger

    Length a Block on Pulley Moves - (Basic Energy Question)

    Homework Statement Two masses are connected by a string that is passed over a massless pulley. At t=0, the 6-kg mass is moving upwards at 2m/s, while the 4-kg mass is descending at the same speed. How far will the 6-kg mass rise before it stops? Homework Equations KE= 1/2*m*v^2 PEg: m*g*h...
  28. H

    Complicated pulley system on an incline?

    Homework Statement Under the action of force P the constant acceleration of B is 6 m/s^2 up the incline as in figure. For the instant when B's velocity is 3 m/s up incline, what is the velocity of point C? How do I solve this using constraints? [/B] Homework Equations For a pulley system ΣT.v...
  29. J

    Finding the tension of a rope given the mass of a pulley

    Homework Statement mass of pulley is 8 kg Homework Equations m1a=T m2g-T=m2a The Attempt at a Solution I solved question with neglecting mass of pulley but should I?
  30. isukatphysics69

    Can I Solve This Massive Pulley Problem Without Using Energies?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution ok so i have derived the equation T2-T1 = .5MPULLEY*atangential and stopped here because i am missing the mass of the pulley. now since the equation gives a velocity i was thinking to use energy, is this the correct approach?
  31. lc99

    Pulley and Pins on a Frame (beginner statics)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations***i posted the questions and my free body diagrams below The Attempt at a Solution Hi. I'm trying to analyze this structure particularly at points C and B. when drawing the free body diagram, i notice there would be pin forces on C as well as B. Also...
  32. V

    Vector addition and the force applied to the shaft of the pulley

    Homework Statement Hello, I am currently studying mathematics and physics on my own, and I ran into a type of problem in physics that is a bit unclear to me. Say we have pulley at the top of an inclined plane with a base angle of alpha and the top angle is alpha. Homework Equations I assume...
  33. Suyash Singh

    What is the tension in part GH?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations g is the acceleration due to gravity a is the acceleration of system The Attempt at a Solution g is the acceleration due to gravity Force=3(g+a) Force=6(g-a) solving both equations, a=g/3 tension =force=4g How do i calculate tension in the particular...
  34. E

    What are the forces on the center of mass?

    Homework Statement [/B] A light rope passes over a light frictionless pulley attached to the ceiling. An object with a large mass is tied to one end and an object with a smaller mass is tied to the other end. Starting from rest the heavier object moves downward and the lighter object moves...
  35. I

    Ball suspended by a pulley: oscillation

    A ball of 100g, suspended from a pulley of a dynamometer, oscillates freely. The length of the pendulum thus obtained is 1m. What are the indications of the dynamometer when the ball is at the point A of it's trajectory? The maximum offset angle is 15 degrees. Homework Equations α - alpha...
  36. A

    How does unbalanced tension affect the motion of a rope?

    Homework Statement There is a block of known mass m on a horizontal surface. The block is connected to a pulley via a rope. The other end of the rope is pulled vertically, downwards, with a known force F. The pulley has a known moment of inertia I and radius r. Calculate the acceleration a of...
  37. Suyash Singh

    What is the formula for calculating force using a spring balance?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations only basic school level physics will be needed in this question. The Attempt at a Solution The mass m1 pulls spring from first side and m2 pulls spring from the other side therefore reading should be m1-m2. But my answer is wrong. I can't understand what...
  38. isukatphysics69

    Find the acceleration of a block on an inclined plane with a pulley

    1. Homework Statement picture Homework Equations f=ma The Attempt at a Solution Below is my attempt for part B, i am not sure what i am doing wrong here but my answer is off for acceleration
  39. E

    Question about tensions in pulley problems?

    Homework Statement The scenario I'll use specifically is in the attached file. I can understand why the pulley can have two different tensions, one for each side of the pulley, but what I don't get is why the direction of each individual tension reverses direction? For example, in the free body...
  40. isukatphysics69

    Calculating Rank Pulley Forces with Newton's Equations

    1. Homework Statement In picture Homework Equations f=ma The Attempt at a Solution i can use Newtons equations here, but i am confused about the frictional force.. so it doesn't specify whether it is a frictional or unfrictional surface.. is there something I'm missing here? does friction not...
  41. E

    Static Pulley Problem on an Incline

    The problem is: Two blocks of mass m and M are connected via pulley with a configuration as shown. The coefficient of static friction is 0.64, between blocks and surface. If the inclined angle is 23deg and M = 3.1kg, what is the maximum mass m so that no sliding occurs? The question is: I...
  42. House

    Accelerating motion with a pulley

    Let's suppose we have a body A with mass M that can move on a horizontal frictionless ground. Now we connect that with another body B, mass m, with the help of a rope. The body B can move vertically and the rope is curved with a pulley. Now we set the body B free to move. What's the relationship...
  43. S

    Disk connected to another object through a pulley on an incline

    Homework Statement A disk of radius r and mass m is placed on an incline which makes an angle of 30 degree. The disk is suspended by a string attached to its center and a mass 3m is hung at the other end. The surface of incline is rough with the coefficient of static and kinetic friction...
  44. S

    Calculating Pulley and Shaft Loads for an Existing System

    Hi, i need to do a pulley/shaft check on an existing system. Pulley is 840mm diameter and the motor has 47kw and 390 nm breakdown torque so to find the force from the belt can i assume that the force at the pulley o.d. distance is the force? So 390*0.84 will give the torque at that distance...
  45. E

    Angular Acceleration and Linear Acceleration of a Pulley

    Homework Statement There are two blocks, m1 and m2, that are hanging from a rope which passes over a pulley. The mass of the pulley is 0.15 kg. The radius of the pulley is 0.055 m. The mass of m1 is 0.165 kg. The mass of m2 is 0.18 kg. The linear acceleration is m1 is 0.3504 m/s/s downward, and...
  46. E

    Acceleration of a block on a massive pulley

    Homework Statement A block of mass MB = 0.7 kg hangs from a string wrapped around a hoop that can rotate around its center. The hoop has a mass of MH = 1.3 kg and a radius of R = 0.4 m. The block descends under the influence of gravity. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the mass in...
  47. M

    MHB Calculate the rotational frequency in r/s and the diameter of the drive pulley

    a belt is driven by a pulley at 33m/s the pulley rotates at 750 r/min. calculate: (a) the rotational frequency in r/s (b) the diameter of the drive pulley
  48. Phantoful

    Calculate the initial acceleration of this pulley system

    Homework Statement Homework Equations W=mg F=ma The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure how I should be answering this problem, and the diagram itself looks odd. I was thinking about how it would work in real life, since the biggest pulley is attached to the leftmost pulley, by the same...
  49. Abhimessi10

    Pulley-Block-Spring System: Understanding the Forces Acting on a Hanging Block

    Homework Statement [/B]Homework Equations [/B]The Attempt at a Solution In the second question at 5:32,why doesn't the block have a spring force.In FBD of 2nd block it should have been mg-(T+kx)=ma right?
  50. HydroMarioUSA

    Tension on Pulley HW: Block A & B Force Analysis

    Homework Statement Block B is positioned on a fixed incline. Attached to block B is a massless, ideal string that runs over a massless ideal pulley and is attached to a hanging block block A at the other end. The mass of block A is 2 kg and the mass of block B is 10 kg. The angle of the incline...