Qcd Definition and 169 Threads

  1. P

    Calc QCD Form Factors: Numerical Integration

    Dear friends, i was working on a hadronic decays. It appears that one has to calculate form factors. These form factors involve some very complex numerical integration. I would like to know if there are some packages available for calculating these form factors.
  2. jal

    String, Gauge/Gravity, QCD and QGP

    http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.3210 Introduction to String Theory and Gauge/Gravity duality for students in QCD and QGP phenomenology Authors: Robi Peschanski (Saclay) (Submitted on 20 Apr 2008) Abstract: String theory has been initially derived from motivations coming from strong interaction...
  3. D

    How Does Asymptotic Freedom Impact Strong Interactions in QCD?

    Hi, As you knew "Asymp. freedom in QCD" did explain th strong interactions... I want anyone to simplify this theory and show that: why g factor above 1? and Is Feynman rules still work for strong interactions, I mean as it successfully interpret QED interactions? Thanks in advance
  4. A

    Large Gauge Transformations of QCD in Temporal & Nakanishi Lautrup Gauge

    I have been working in the properties of the large gauge transformation of QCD in the temporal gauge and I have shown that these satisfy U_{n}U_{m} and commutes with the translations where the large gauge transformations U_n and U_m belongs to the homotopy classes characterized by winding...
  5. N

    Understanding Chiral Symmetry in QCD for Heavy Ion Collisions

    Homework Statement I'm doing a dissertation on heavy ion collisions and one of the things they look for in the collisions is chiral symmetry resolution - what is it? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I understand that it is a type of symmetry that is usually broken...
  6. L

    QCD Confinement: Wilson Loops & Quantum Fluctuations

    Which is the connection between the perimeter law for Wilson loops and quantum fluctuations of matter fields (presenting in the QCD Lagrangian); and why quantum fluctuations of gauge (Yang-Mills, gluonic) fields infolve the area law for appropriate Wilson loops? Senk You. Leonid.
  7. L

    C-Parity Oddity of Magnetic Current in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

    Why a magnetic current obviously must be C- parity odd in the (exact) SU(2) theory? (C^{-1} J_M C=-J_M). Best regard. Leonid
  8. T

    SU(3) Symmetry of QCD: Quarks vs. Gluons

    I find it awkward that quarks are in fundamental representation of SU(3) while gluons are in adjoint representation of SU(3). Is there a reason as to why this is the case? Why aren't they in the same representation or in the current specific representation?
  9. S

    Quantum Mechanics: QM, QCD, QED Explained

    Hi, I was wondering, what does the realm of quantum mechanics cover? I mean, I always hear a talk about how it would be a holy grail of physics if we could somehow combine GR and QM. But what about QCD, QED, and other theories. Why aren't they mentioned? Is it because QM encompasses them?
  10. S

    QCD Particles: Johan Hanssen's Argument

    CarlB called attention to this paper by Johan Hanssen: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0011060, on the BTSM forum. Hanssen asserts that because the Lagrangian of QCD is nonlinear, since the structure constants for su(3) do not vanish, therefore you can't do Fourier transforms on the fields, and...
  11. B

    Exploring the Relationship between pQCD, NRQCD, and Heavy Quark Effective Theory

    What is the relationship between pQCD and NRQCD? Is it that pQCD is for high energy/short-distance regime, e.g. quark gluon plasma? And NRQCD is for low energy/long-distance regime, e.g. quarkonium ? And what is relation between heavy quark effective theory and pQCD and that between heavy...
  12. B

    QCD, a part of standard model?

    How is it not an exactly accurate understanding that QCD is a part/sector of the standard model of particle physics ? Or, it actually is?
  13. N

    Finding "R. Gastmans, Ubiquitous Photon: Helicity Method for QED and QCD"

    i am encoutering a problem i use helicity method to caculate six photon amplitude in scalar QED but i don't know explicit form of wave fuction QED . And i need a book with title " R. Gastmans, Ubiquitous photon: Helicity method for QED and QCD" where can i find it? thank you
  14. W

    Massive and massless quark renormalization in QCD

    In modify minimal subtract sheme,using dimension regulation, I calculate the the renormalization constant of massive quark and massless quark,get the same result.But in some papers,they are different. Is there a review or any book on MS renormalization,that giving all the self energy and...
  15. S

    The Power of Idle Home PCs: Lattice QCD Project

    Has there ever been/is there a project for lattice QCD which uses idle home PCs to assist in QCD calculations, similar to SETI@home? Just wondering as it seems like the kind of project that is perfectly suited to the @home structure.
  16. M

    Learn QCD & QED: What you need know

    wat do u need to learn to learn qcd and qed
  17. Norman

    Why is QCD non-perturbative at low energies?

    Why is QCD non-perturbative at low energies? In QCD isn't the expansion parameter the fine structure constant? \alpha_s \approx \frac{1}{137} Does this somehow depend on energy, which wouldn't make sense to me. I cannot seem to find a good answer anywhere, so I thought I would ask here...
  18. dextercioby

    Why can people learn about QED and QCD and not about: QGD

    Why can people learn about QED and QCD and not about:QGD(i.e.Quantum gravitodynamics)?What are then the difficulties (both physically and mathematically speaking)that prevented theoretical physicists to develop such a theory??