In particle physics, the history of quantum field theory starts with its creation by Paul Dirac, when he attempted to quantize the electromagnetic field in the late 1920s. Major advances in the theory were made in the 1940s and 1950s, and led to the introduction of renormalized quantum electrodynamics (QED). QED was so successful and accurately predictive that efforts were made to apply the same basic concepts for the other forces of nature. By the late 1970s, these efforts successfully utilized gauge theory in the strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force, producing the modern standard model of particle physics.
Efforts to describe gravity using the same techniques have, to date, failed. The study of quantum field theory is still flourishing, as are applications of its methods to many physical problems. It remains one of the most vital areas of theoretical physics today, providing a common language to several different branches of physics.
In Weinberg's textbook on QFT(google book preview), he discussed the phase acquired after interchanging particle labels in the last paragraph of page 171 and the footnote of page 172. It seems he's suggesting interchanging particles of same species but different spin states will only bring a...
I'm currently teaching myself some QFT trough Peskin and Schroeders Introduction to QFT and I've noticed that in several arguments they rely on appealing to the Born approximation of non-relativistic QM scattering theory. For example on page 121 equation (4.125) they appeal to the scattering...
Hello Everybody,
I am learning QFT using Sidney Colemans lecture notes (and the Peskin Schroeder book). They can be found here:
Now, in page 40, he introduces in the paragraph Symmetries and Conservation laws some definitions which I don't quite...
Homework Statement
I am trying to teach myself QFT and reproduce cosmological equations from papers.
Given the bogoliubov transformations:
i) a(conformal time η, k) = α[SUB][/k](η)a(k)+β[SUB][/k](η)b^\dagger
ii) b[SUP][\dagger] = -β*[SUB][/k](η)a(k)+α*[SUB][/k](η)b^\dagger
find the...
In QFT book of Peskin&Schroeder writing(page 252,section 7.5Renormalization of electric Charge):
Where \epsilon is 4-d(d is dim of space-time)
But I think that it is misprint,because bare charge>> observed charge e,then...
I am trying to write down the propagator for a scalar field theory, but I want to try and get it in the functional representation. My plan is to compute the following:
\langle \psi (x', t') | \psi (x,t) \rangle
which gives the amplitude to go from x' to x. Now I guess I have to...
Hi all, I am studying QFT using John Preskill's notes. I have a question about the propagator and poles.
On page 2.91, at the bottom, he said that there is a s-channel pole, which is the pole of the exact propagator. Then he claimed that by the argument about unitarity in page 2.70, the pole...
I need some advice. I have read that interacting fields can lead to quanta annihilation? How often does this happen, and can bound state quanta annihilate or is it just free quanta?
I'm a little confused about why the Lagrangian is Lorentz invariant and the Hamiltonian is not. I keep reading that the Lagrangian is "obviously" Lorentz invariant because it's a scalar, but isn't the Hamiltonian a scalar also?
I've been thinking this issue must be somewhat more complex...
Hello! I came across with something that confused me while studying the book and I need some help. In section 7.3 , equation (7.3.4) should have the drivative of ε(x) in order to "vanish when ε(x) is constant" . But in the lines before this expression he says that the variation of action...
Hi. I'm studying (introduction to) QFT, and I'm really lost. If possible, I'd like a pointer to a good textbook on the subject. I'll give an example of my confusion with a question:
I think I've understood phi(x) as a classical scalar field, what it is and how to use it in a lagngian for...
Homework Statement
Hi I a attempting to derive the expression for the conserved Noether charge for a free complex scalar field.
The question I have to complete is: " show, by using the mode expansions for the free complex scalar field, that the conserved Noether charge (corresponding to complex...
I have a question about reconciling two pictures of virtual particles and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP).
In QFT "virtual particles" show up in perturbative calculations. We try to calculate an amplitude in interacting theories, this can not be done in an exact way, so we...
QFT Question: What is meant by "dipole form"?
Hello physics people! Probably a very basic question, but here goes.
I'm taking a course on QFT based on Ryder. I've heard my professor refer to propagators as having a "polar" or "dipole" form. Things like (k^2 - m^2 + ie)^(-1)
For anyone who...
I have a question that how to interpret the field function Φ in Quantum Field Theory.
As I can see, it is an operator through second quantization and the co-ordinate representation no long exist after second quantization.
So we cannot regard it as wave function any more.
Hi guys,
I need to get into QFT because of my thesis, yet I study nothing near physics so I need your guidance how to best proceed. I've got two questions, any answers appreciated:
1) how much QM should I learn? In my book (zettili) I'm in chapter about harmonic oscillator and the rest of...
Hello, I've started a course on QFT and I'm having some troubles trying to find the solution of this exercise:
Write the action of a non-relativistic spineless free particle in a manifestly hermitian way
The problem should be simple but I'm a bit lost in the hermitian way part... What does it...
Homework Statement
I'm learning QFT and trying to do a basic problem finding the equations of motion from the Euler-Lagrange equation given a lagrangian.
The lagrangian is in terms of:
so then my issue comes in with this part of the...
How to understand the "standard" momentum introduced in Weinberg's QFT
I'm reading Weinberg's QFT Volume I. In page 63, you can find a formula (2.5.3) which states that the new state vector obtained by a Lorentz transformation is a linear combination of a whole bunch of other vectors...
Homework Statement
From the Lagrangian density
L = \frac{1}2 \partial_\mu \phi_a \partial^\mu \phi_a - \frac{1}2 \phi_a \phi_a,
where a = 1,2,3 and the transformation
\phi_a \to \phi _a + \theta \epsilon_{abc} n_b \phi_c
show that one gets the conserved charges
Q_a = \int d^3x...
Hey! I'm trying to learn QFT now and I'm currently reading David Tong's online lectures;
At page 17 finds the conserved current
j^\mu = - \omega^\rho_{\ \nu} T^{\mu}_{\ \rho} x^\nu
where i have understood T to be the energy momentum tensor...
Hello, a confusion has arose during my so far study of the above book.
According to the composition rule (2.3.11) it should be: U\left( \Lambda ,a \right)=U\left( \mathbf{1},a \right)U\left( \Lambda \right) and according to transformation law (2.5.3) and the eigenvalue equation which follows...
Homework Statement
How does one actually solve the integral for the Wightman function for a massless quantum scalar field in 4D Minkowski spacetime? That is, what is the integration technique to go from:
\langle \hat{\phi}(x) \hat{\phi}(y) \rangle = \int_c d^4k \, \frac{1}{(2 \pi...
So I did QFT at university and didn't feel that I really understood what was being done. We just did some calculations, heuristic guesswork and dwelled on phenomenology.
I want to do it the way I personally understand things best: by learning the mathematics in detail, almost at the level of a...
Can anyone tell me how to go about studying Topological QFT. I am fine with QFT, Fibre bundles and currently doing Cohomology from Nakahara. Should i directly start with Witten's paper or are there any more elementary review papers?
I have already done quantum mechanics (and general relativity if it is relevant) and have all the associated math prerequisites but not much more than that. Is there anything I should add before attempting QFT and what text would be best for these? In addition, what text would you recommend for...
Hi all,
A friend and I are working through Peskin and Schroeder, and we're both stumped with only the fourth equation! The interaction in question is e^+ + e^- \to \mu^+ + \mu^- with a virtual photon as the inner branch. P&S state that
\mathcal{M}\propto \langle \mu^+\mu^- | H_I | \gamma...
I am trying to find out (searching did not return anything useful) what kind of mathematical background one needs to understand QFT comfortably (if such state can ever be attained :D). By comfortably I mean being able to concentrate almost entirely on the physics part rather than pick up...
Hello! I´m currenly considering buying a complete QFT book, I have done some classical field theory and glossed around in Zee's nutshell book. I also have knowledge from advanced QM up to Klein Gordon eqn and 2nd quantization. My question is now which one you think will fit me the best, my...
If it's a dirac delta doesn't it mean it's infinite when x=y? Or is it a sort of kronecker where it's equal to one but the indices x and y are continuous? I'm confused.
Homework Statement
I would like to know how to get from eq. (67.3) to (67.4) in Srednicki's book on QFT. The problem is the following:
Given the LSZ formula for scalar fields
\langle f|i \rangle = i \int d^{4}x_1e^{ik_1x_1}(\partial^{2}+m^{2})\ldots \langle 0|T\phi(x_1)\ldots|0\rangle
useage of the term "field" in QFT
Wikipedia defines a field as "a physical quantity associated with each point of spacetime". So contrary to a particle, where physical quantities are associated with properties like position or momentum, the field itself is a physical quantity. (This definition...
All definitions of entanglement, that I have encountered, were expressed in the language of non-relativistic QM.
Suppose a free, massive particle decays into 2 other massive particles. The 2 new particles would be entangled in linear momentum. Can QFT define that type of entanglement? Any...
In the Klein-Gordon equation (spin 0), the mass dependence is (only) through m^2, whereas in the Dirac equation (spin 1/2) it's through m.
Does this mean that for spin 0 particles, we can just as well describe them as having negative mass without changing any of the physics (whereas for the...
For physics between QM and String Theory I've heard a lot of different names.
Quantum Electrodynamics seems to be the physics of the electron and the photon.
Quantum Chromodynamics seems to be the physics of quarks.
But High Energy/Nuclear/Particle Physics, Atomic physics, QFT, I don't...
Hi everybody!
Please explain to me how can we consider static electromagnetic field in point of view of Quantum Field Theory.Because varying electromagnetic field can quantize to photons,so we can consider varying electromagnetic field like a ''set'' of photons.
Thanks very much in advance.
In QFT of a real Klein-Gordon-Field, the field operator
\phi(x) is an observable.
Mathematically, this is the case because it is a sum (over all k) of a and a^\dagger and this yields a Hermitian operator.
Physically, I can understand this because this equation would describe, for example, a...
When we talk about the vacuum in qft, what are we referring to? The lowest state vector of the Fock space or the lowest energy field configuration that minimize the Lagrangian?
Also related, when we sandwich the free field between two vacuum states, we get zero plus quantum fluctuations. But...
I'm currently trying to make some intuitive sense out of Quantum field theory, but I'm not really understanding the vacuum.
Consider a real (or complex, with + in the right places) scalar
particle (a Klein-Gordon field).
Now consider the propagator (or correlation function)
I just happily bought a used copy of Dirac's Lectures on Quantum Mechanics from I also want his Lectures on Quantum Field Theory but they don't carry it. Anyone know where I can find a copy?
Question about this "interaction" in QFT
Hi, I started two months ago my course in QFT, and since I heard about the fact that the bare mass appearing in the Lagrangian of a theory isn't the physical mass of a particle (due to self interaction, I guess), I tried to find an example explicitly...
Weinberg in his 1st book on QFT writes in the paragraph containing 2.5.12 that we may choose the states with standard momentum to be orthonormal. Isn't that just true because the states with any momentum are chosen to be orthonormal by the usual orthonormalization process of quantum mechanics...
Special relativity gives that time for a (traveler on) photon do not run. It also gives that every moving elementary particle rest in some inertial system, but photon does not rest in any inertial system.
But how this can be visible in Quantum field theory or in QED? An electron and a photon...
I am reading through Section 3.4 of Lewis Ryder's QFT book, where he makes the statement,
This makes some sense intuitively, but can someone please explain this direct product equivalence to me as I do not have a firm background in topology (unfortunately, I need some of it for a...
In non-relativistic QM, we spend a lot of time examining bound states--energy levels, spatial distributions, and all that. We can determine that an electron put into a Coulomb potential will have certain Hamiltonian eigenstates, which correspond to the orbitals of a hydrogen atom. However, in...
I have the basics of CM, relativity and non relativistic QM but never went much beyond KG and the Dirac equation. So I need a good intro to QFT, particle physics and the SM. Ideally with an emphasis more on the theoretical side than only experimental.
I had a good feeling with "An...
Does the cutoff really have to go to infinity in QFT?
It seems that once we replace bare parameters by experimental (i.e. physical) parameters, the cutoff vanishes from the expressions for physical quantities, so it didn't matter what the value of the cutoff was, whether it's 0, 10000000000, or...
The axiom says:
"The interaction between two observations is constrained by causality
|x-y|^2 <0 \Rightarrow [\phi(x),\phi(y)]=0
But |x-y|^2<0 is always false that means the if the condition applies then by simple logic the consequnet of the condition can occur or not occur, I don't...
In quantum mechanics, most wave functions are normalized with \int |\phi|^2 dx^3 =1. But I did not see any field in the quantum field theory is normalized. I understand they maybe just plain waves and does not need to be normalized. But in some cases, if we do not expand the field as plain wave...
I like the way quantum mechanics can be expressed as a set of five or six axioms, like in Daniel T. Gillespie's A Quantum Mechanics Primer or David McMahon's Quantum Mechanics Demystified.
Is there a similar set of axioms for quantum field theory?