What is Quality: Definition and 205 Discussions

Quality management ensures that an organization, product or service is consistent. It has four main components: quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement. Quality management is focused not only on product and service quality, but also on the means to achieve it. Quality management, therefore, uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality.
What a customer wants and is willing to pay for it determines quality. It is a written or unwritten commitment to a known or unknown consumer in the market. Thus, quality can be defined as fitness for intended use or, in other words, how well the product performs its intended function.

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  1. Dembadon

    Is Heavier Always Better? Exploring Our Bias for Weight in Everyday Objects

    I find I'm biased towards heavy things. I realize this is unreasonable, as a heavier object will not always be of better quality, but I still find that I prefer a heftier object even they wouldn't necessarily benefit from it. Here are some examples of some things I prefer to be heavy: bed...
  2. C

    Is there cheap / high productivity way to measure quality of hand tools?

    is there "cheap" / high productivity way to measure quality of hand tools? I see online a common complaint that widely available tools have become low quality due to offshore outsourcing, cost cutting, corrupt/lying mislabeling of alloys used etc. Conversely, tools of "proven" brands that have...
  3. D

    What Are the Best Mechanical Pencils for Durability and Quality Under $20?

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  4. L

    Programs Does the Quality of My PhD Thesis Matter?

    Hello everyone, I feel that I can complete a thesis within a year but its quality would not be as great if I spend two years in it. However, I would like to complete my thesis so that I can begin during research on my own and enjoy the privileges of having a PHD whatever they might be. The...
  5. P

    Request for quality website/information to use for algebra review

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  6. K

    Engineering What quality is most important for engineers

    Creativity? Math Intellect? Other?
  7. U

    Where can i find quality '(not wikipedia) materialdata

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  8. C

    MHB Looking for a parameter that expresses quality of spatial distribution

    My situation is as follows: I have a set of points in a bounded three-dimensional space. Simply put, each point has an X, Y and Z coordinate. I'm looking for a mathematical parameter that (globally) expresses how well the points are distributed over the space. The parameters should take the X...
  9. U

    How can improve voltage quality?

    How can increase the Voltage from 185 Volt AC to normal Voltage range (230 V AC) for my house as in the evening time i m suffering from this problem. does capacitor help? and i don't want to installed the Voltage stabilizer.
  10. H

    What makes a learning material effective?

    For some reason I can't post in the "Math & Science Learning Materials" section, so I'm posting my inquiry on the quality of the learning materials I'm using here. I'm aware there's a lot of free resources such as KhanAcademy or otherwise, but how legitimate is the information compared to...
  11. D

    LaTeX Quality graph with gnuplot and latex

    I want to include graphics in a latex document, so I used various terminal (png, jpg) in gnuplot but when I include in latex, the result it isn't very good...i would coloured graph , so which terminal i can use? what pagkage i have to include in tex file? Thanks for helpers
  12. W

    Quality factor of driven damped oscillating pendulum

    Homework Statement A small cuckoo clock has a pendulum 25 cm long with a mass of 10 g and a period of 1 s. The clock is powered by a 200 g weight which falls 2 m between the daily windings. The amplitude of the swing is 0.2 rad. What is the Q (quality factor) of the clock? How long would the...
  13. W

    Quality factor of driven damped oscillating pendulum

    Homework Statement A small cuckoo clock has a pendulum 25 cm long with a mass of 10 g and a period of 1 s. The clock is powered by a 200 g weight which falls 2 m between the daily windings. The amplitude of the swing is 0.2 rad. What is the Q (quality factor) of the clock? How long would the...
  14. D

    Big O Notation: Better Approximation than o

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  15. A

    Where Can I Find a High Quality Newton's Cradle?

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  16. D

    PC to TV converter - Video quality is bad

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  17. K

    Thermodynamics Question. Determine Quality of Two Phase Ammonia.

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  18. A

    Solving Quality Control Chart Upper & Lower Limit with R

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  19. S

    Software to plot high quality figures

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  20. B

    What causes the amplification of twists in a hanging chain with a rubber band?

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  21. G

    Dissertation supervisors - reference quality vs quality of supervision

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  22. C

    Solar power plant: steam quality questions

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  23. M

    Determining the Quality factor of resonator

    Respected members, PLEASE help me in determining quality factor of a piezoelectric rectangular plate MEMS RESONATOR in COMSOL multiphysics.there is a need to define some 'damping'.where should i define that.. PLS HELP ME ITS URGENT thank you and best
  24. W

    Aesthetic quality of mathematics.

    First of all I thought that this thread belongs to the philosophy section due to it's ambiguous character (a la, beauty, aesthetics, elegance, order). Is it possible to express yourself through math? Do you know any people who did express themselves through mathematics? Euclid, Euler, Gauss...
  25. A

    Where to buy some high quality antenna ?

    any body know where to get some high quality gsm antenna ?
  26. Drakkith

    Assessing Post Quality: Am I Doing a Good Job?

    Is there any way I could find out the "quality" of my posting in general? I just want to know if I am doing a decent job overall of explaining things to people, or completely screwing up lol. I'm assuming there isn't, but I just thought I'd ask.
  27. Z

    Terrible textbook printing quality

    I have been plagued with bad quality printing in textbooks, so many different publishers with a quality of printing that can only be described as ****, and it is doing my head in. If you're familiar with Landau & Lifgarbagez series of books, to my knowledge they are only published by...
  28. O

    Any ideas which improve quality of life

    Do you have any ideas like something which helps hearing impaired people to communicate with others who don't know sign language, for example a glove, which translates sign language to text which is displayed or even translates it to speech? Any kind of things like that or can be something...
  29. M

    Cut-off frequencies, Quality for a given Transfer Function

    Homework Statement Given the network transfer function H(s)=10s/(s^2+300s+10^6) Find the center frequency, lower and upper half power frequencies and the quality factor Q. Homework Equations Beta=R/L (omega naught)^2=1/(LC) BW=hi-lo=R/L H(s)=(R/L)s/(s^2+(R/L)s+1/(LC))...
  30. S

    Is there a quality your s/o must have?

    Lolz too much free time is not good for me. I start thinking about everything! One of the thing I thought about, of course, is my future. And I keep thinking how hard it would be for me to be with someone who doesn't want to adopt. (lolz that's why I'm doomed to be single for life.) I know you...
  31. X

    Grad student quality of life at Harvard and Stanford?

    Can anyone tell me about the quality of life as a grad student at Harvard and Stanford? I've been accepted to the PhD physics programs at both schools and have no idea which one to choose. Since both schools are excellent academically and I don't yet have a specific area I want to specialize...
  32. R

    PFCD to help house power quality?

    I got a question for you. Living in a country with 250 Volts elect, i got into a house that had weak lights from time to times, and the other some times couldn't turn on some appliances because of that, is there a device which would correct that? I was thinking of a PFCD - The PFCD increases...
  33. G

    Quality needed to pass through critical point (thermodynamics)

    Homework Statement A rigid tank contains 1 kg of saturated liquid and saturated vapor mixture at 400 kPa. What quality (x1) do you need if you want the P-v diagram to pass through the critical point? Use steam tables to answer this question. Homework Equations x = quality =...
  34. W

    Quality of Lenses Using Newton's rings

    Homework Statement Basically I'm writing up a formal report on our experiment on Newton's rings - one of the things in our aims was in investigate the quality of the lenses we were using. Whilst many sites also say Newton's rings can be used to investigate the quality of the lenses not much...
  35. R

    MATLAB Publishing quality figures in MATLAB

    Is there an easy way of making publishing quality figures in MATLAB? I use MATLAB for calculations and working plots, but to get a nice figure (I mean proper fonts, scales, some text, symbols, lines for different datasets) takes me so long time that I better use something like ORIGIN program for...
  36. L

    What Is the Quality Factor of a Large Foucault Pendulum?

    Homework Statement A large Foucault pendulum such as hangs in many science museums can swing for many hours before it damps out. Taking the decay time to be about 8 hours and length to be 30 meters find the quality factor Q Homework Equations q=wo/2b decaytime=1/b wo=(k/m)^1/2 The...
  37. D

    Finding Quality Using Specific Volume?

    Can you or can you not use specific volume to find quality? I know it can be found using mass but can you use specific volume?
  38. F

    Quality of Georgia Tech's physics program? (undergrad)

    I live in Georgia and it would be cheaper for me to go there. I can't find much information from searches, so I wonder if there is anyone here in the GT physics program. I know a lot about the engineering side and heard that engineering majors aim for a C in their courses and that it is...
  39. M

    Knowing about the quality of my education

    I am always at doubt of the quality of my university (even though it is the best one in my country for my major which is engineering) and I want to know if taking a scholarship to the USA is easy and will guarantee me better education. I am studying in Kuwait university, it's a non mixed gender...
  40. W

    Are cheap laser pens of good quality?

    Hello- On places like eBay and Amazon, one sees a lot of ultra-cheap, under $15 laser pointers in various colors. For example, my favorite green astronomy laser cost me twenty dollars from amazon last year. Contrast these prices with laser pointers from more respected brands, which seem to range...
  41. C

    Steam quality, mass flow rate, temperature and pressure of the steam

    How should steam quality, mass flow rate, temperature and pressure of the steam be optimized in order to have the most out of turbine? I mean which ones have be to be higher? Also when they design turbine, do they design it based on the properties of the steam or they change the properties of...
  42. Spinnor

    Image vs. sound quality in videos and audio lectures?

    I have been going through some great science lectures I have downloaded from itunes U from Apples itunes store. You don't have to own an ipod to use them as they can be viewed for free on a computer. Unfortunately the sound quality on many audio and video lectures is very poor. We can take...
  43. M

    Admissions Quality of undergrad institution affect grad admissions?

    Hello! I was just wondering if the perceived quality or ranking of an undergrad institution has a significant imapct on the chances of getting accepted to a given graduate program in physics. There have been people who have said things ranging from "little to no impact" to "vital", so I'm...
  44. Y

    Surveying Quality of Service at Toronto Hospitals

    Homework Statement Population: Patients at Toronto Hospitals(Population size-- 100,000) Topic: Quality of Service You are to conduct a survey on the above population to gather information upon the indicated topic. For this assignment, you must: 1.Describe a muti-stage...
  45. M

    Quality Factor of Oscillator, Can someone Look at My Work Please

    Hi, so I did the question, but apparently my answer is off by a factor of 2. An accelerated electron radiates energy at the rate Ke2a2/c3...e is the electron charge, a is the instantaneous acceleration, c is the speed of light, K=6x109Nm2/C2...whatever that is. So first I had to find how much...
  46. A

    Exploring TV Sound & Picture Quality: Answering Your Questions

    Homework Statement I was given these two questions to answer regarding TV: 1) Explain why there is a need for two sound carrier frequencies. 2)Explain why you still get good sound quality reception during a thunderstorm but picture quality declines. Homework Equations I was given...
  47. B

    Estimating Quality Factor Q of a Tuning Fork | Homework Help

    Homework Statement How would one estimate the quality factor Q of a tuning fork? Is anyone able to make an estimate of what it would be...? TY! Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  48. B

    Vapor Quality calculation

    Water is being used as a coolant by flowing through a channel. I know the mass flow rate of water. And i know the inlet properties of water. I also know that the water is coming out of the channel at a vapor quality of 1. How do i calculate the heat flux that the water is subjected to during...
  49. A

    What's quality factor in oscillation ?

    What's "quality factor" in oscillation ? I want to know why and how it was defined ? Is it useful in some ways ?
  50. K

    What are some fun or offbeat physics books that are still high quality physics?

    I know this is a little strange to ask on a forum but... I don't know where else to ask! My boyfriend is a physicist and I want to get him some fun book relating to it for his birthday, but most of the books I found looked like they were poor quality ("New York Times bestsellers" written by...