Hello to everyone,
I would like to ask you to brief questions.
The first one is whether you could recommend any pedagogical books on Quantum Information and Computation. I tried Nielsen and Chuang but I found it too dense for a beginner in the field.
The second question is the following: to...
Where do I start. I want to write the matrix form of a single or two qubit gate in the tensor product vector space of a many qubit system. Ill outline a simple example:
Both qubits, ##q_0## and ##q_1## start in the ground state, ##|0 \rangle =\begin{pmatrix}1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}##. Then we...
I know |GHZ>=(1/sqrt(2))[1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1], and |000>= the tensor product |0> x |0> x |0> = [1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0].
Can I apply single qubit gates (i.e. 2x2 matrices) and CNOT (a 4x4 matrix) to 8x1 column vectors? If so, does anyone know a good starting point or a hint to get me moving...
I have numerous points of confusion: what does it mean that the matrices are within the exponential? How do I go about doing the matrix multiplication to prove the given form of CZ matches the common form, the 4x4 matrix?
Update: using the fact that exp(At)=∑ ((t^n)/n!)*A^n, where A is a...
Am I correct in thinking that the system measures the probability |<f|1>|^2 for some state <f|? Then the probabilities for each of the six states would be:
|<0|1>|^2= 0
|<1|1>|^2= 1
|<+x|1>|^2= |(1/√2)|^2 = 1/2
|<-x|1>|^2= |(-1/√2)|^2 = 1/2
|<+y|1>|^2= |(-i/√2)|^2 = 1/2
|<-y|1>|^2= |(i/√2)|^2...
In looking up "quantum gates", e.g. "Hadamard gate", all I come across is the matrix representations of the operations. But I do not see how, physically, they are achieved. (I also presume it will be different if we are talking about photons or electrons.) Could someone give me an appropriate...
Hi I am studying Quantum computing and basically have no understanding of quantum gates and my lecturer is not very helpful.
I don't understand why a 4x4 quantum gate would ever effect a two qubit system because surely that is at best only a 2x2 matrix, assuming they effect each other through...
The example from my textbook shows one example of how to compute the matrix for a gate.
The example is the U_CNOT operator: |00> -> |00>, |01> -> |01>; |10>->|11>; |11>->|10>
Then they show that the operator is merely the sum of the outer products of these.
|00><00| + |10><10| + |01><11| +...
I have lots of materials on the theory of quantum gates in terms of matrices, linear operators, and so forth. However, I would like to gain a basic understanding of how these matrices are achieved in practice. The difference is between knowing that a transistor acts as a switching or amplifying...
Hi everybody ...
One of the one-qbit simple quantum gate is X which defined by:
X: |0> ----- |1>
|1> ----- |0>
but how does this gate ( unitary operator ) act on |i> state? (i=0 or 1)
I mean at first we have to measure what state is ( 0 or 1) and so flip them but after we know the...
Homework Statement
I am actually trying to reproduce the research paper on "Elementary gates for Quantum computation". With reference to that paper, According to Corollary 7.4 - On an n-bit network(where n>=7), a lambda(n-2)[sigma x] gate can be simulated by 8(n-5) lambda(2)[sigma x] gates(3...
Homework Statement
The goal is to 'decompose' common 2 qubit quantum gates such as the pi/8 gate into a sequence of CNOTS and single qubit rotations. I have the book by Nielsen and Chuang and the info is sortof in there (universality proof of CNOT), but I don't get how to apply it, i.e. how to...
After reading Seth Lloyd's book “Programming the Universe”(only once) I came up with a few questions. The way I understand it... He describes the fabric of space-time as consisting of an endless array of casual space (wires) and matter(quantum gates). The wires tell information where to go and...
I'm taking a course that requires me to come up with a research project.
I'm officially in my sophomore year and I'm a Physics Major with a fairly broad exposure to electrical eng. and some advanced math courses.
That being said...
I'm very interested in computer simualtion of quantum...
Hi i am coding a quantum computer simulator.
the simulator will be able to work in dimensions other than qubits.
in other words the user can select either qubits(d=2), qutrits(d=
Obviously in this scenario one must have the generalised versions of
all the gates
So far i have...