Quantum physics Definition and 729 Threads

  1. EntropicThinker

    I Understanding Randomness in Brownian Matter

    Video on Brownian matter that got me thinking Brownian motion is a fundamental concept in physics, describing the random movement of particles suspended in a fluid. However, the apparent randomness of this motion is largely due to our limited understanding and computational power. As...
  2. U

    Physics, energy and sustainability research

    I'm 64. My background prior to 2001 - Aviation, experimental aircraft and aerodynamics, robotics, mechanical and software engineering, disaster recovery. Since 2001 - Human sustainability and global recovery, researching every related sector in depth in order to understand what can now be proven...
  3. S

    I Four Questions on vacuum phase transitions in the Universe...

    I am interested in the topic of vacuum phase transitions in models of the universe. One popular instance of this is a vacuum decay from a metastable vacuum energy level to a "true" one (in which the vacuum would sit at the lowest possible energy level depending on the model) I have 4...
  4. H

    I Valid to use <1/r3> to get spin-orbit correction to H? (perturbation)

    Below is the derivation of E1so, the first-order correction to the Hamiltonian due to spin-orbit coupling of the election in hydrogen atom. My question is whether it's valid to use [6.64] (see below). ##<\frac{1}{r^3}>## I believe is ##<\psi_{nlm}|\frac{1}{r^3}|\psi_{nlm}>##, but ##\psi_{nlm}##...
  5. nomadreid

    I Born rule as an axiom or as a theorem?

    First, a warning: I do not know much about hidden-variable theories, so my apologies in advance when some of my questions seem rather obvious to people better versed in them than me. Without the Born rule, much of quantum physics falls apart, and the Born rule does wonders at predicting data...
  6. Field physics

    B Waves in space

    So I've seen that radar can be used in space which is interesting and brings questions to mind as well as theories. Unrelated Sonar which uses sound waves don't work as sound isn't transmittable through space. Questions: 1) What techniques are used in radar to prevent "wondering" or the radio...
  7. cianfa72

    I Quantum particle's state in momentum eigenfunctions basis

    Hi, as discussed in this recent thread, for a particle without spin the quantum state of the particle is described by a "point" in the Hilbert space of the (equivalence classes) of ##L^2## square-integrable functions ##|{\psi} \rangle## defined on ##\mathbb R^3##. The square-integrable...
  8. K

    I Energy created out of nothing in Objective collapse theory?

    so i was reading about Objective collapse theory and i found out that apparently one of the main problems/criticisms these theories have is they violate conservation of energy. From wikipedia "According to collapse theories, energy is not conserved, also for isolated particles. More precisely...
  9. A

    Looking for people with similar interests

    Hello, I have been interested in physics and math since I was a student. Now I am just retired and have time to dedicate myself to deepening the study of these subjects. Above all, I would like to know better the theoretical foundations of quantum physics and relativity. I have been a teacher...
  10. I

    I How Does a Qubit Exist as Both 1 and 0 Simultaneously?

    I think 10 more IQ points would help me understand quantum physics at the level I'd like. That said, I'd like to know more about Qbits. I've watched several videos about them, and they say that they can be 1 and 0 at the same time. Is that just an analogy to the polarization of the old...
  11. asf33

    I Electromagnetic radiation, photons, quantized energy levels

    Hello! Im a freshman in college, taking pretty basic chem classes and Ive found myself in a deep dive regarding quantum physics. Im sure this is pretty simple and easy compared to everyone else on here but I feel like I keep getting oversimplified answers that just leave me with more...
  12. walkeraj

    I The classical concept of work in a QCD context?

    Question: Is it meaningful to think of the repulsion of mutual color charge and the attraction of three different color charge in QCD as being indicative of the classical concept of work taking place? Exactly, how is this explained in the context of three charges needed to elicit the...
  13. keyzan

    Average value of the impulse as the parameters vary

    TL;DR Summary: A particle of mass m, placed in an infinite rectangular one-dimensional potential well that confines it in the segment between x=-a/2 and x=a/2 Hi guys, I need help with this exercise which reads: a particle of mass m, placed in an infinite rectangular one-dimensional potential...
  14. S

    I Coefficients in the Schrodinger equation and the momentum operator

    The Schrodinger equation is $$ i\hbar \frac{\partial\Psi}{\partial t} = -\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m} \frac{\partial^{2}\Psi}{\partial x^{2}} + V \Psi $$ Why is the coeffient on the left-hand side ##\hbar##, not ##\frac{\hbar}{2}## or ##i\frac{\hbar}{3}## or something like these Besides, in quantum...
  15. zaramahdi

    A Can particles appear and disappear "with" a cause?

    The first thing we need for this is to define what a particle is... It is an object that has specific intrinsic properties and is described by a wave sign How to measure it? This is done by the interaction of the particle to be measured with the measurement system. When measuring, the wave...
  16. Elimelech70

    I Is it only experience that's relative?

    Reading Einstein Relativity. The trains experiences lightening strikes differently to the embankment. So the two events are experienced differently from the two reference points because they have different distances to the events. Light from the events taking different times to reach each...
  17. T

    I Generic Form of Hermitian Matrix

    I am reading the following thesis: https://www.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/Veroeffentlichungen/download/6387/pdf-6387.pdf Specifically, I am confused about equation (2.5), where they give the generic form of the matrix ##\mathcal{M}## due to the Hermiticity of ##\mathcal{H}## and the commutation...
  18. T

    I Exploring the Ambiguity of Wick Rotation in Time-Ordered Correlators

    Hi all, I am reading the following post: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/336336/from-euclidean-correlator-in-cft-to-time-ordered-correlator-in-real-time-how-do and was confused regarding the portion in the accepted answer where they made a distinction for the ##t>0## and ##t<0##...
  19. murtazashab

    I In the delayed-choice quantum eraser, why is a stepper motor used?

    It appears to misunderstand the notion of the detectors D3, D4 providing path information and affecting the results D0. My question is: When there is no path information being provided, why does the experiment still call for moving D0? I understand that by moving D0 we can modify the arrival...
  20. D

    I Klein-Gordon equation and continuity equation

    Hi I am using the textbook "Modern Particle Physics" by Thomson. Working from the K-G equation and comparing with the continuity equation he states that the probability density is given by ρ = i ( ψ*(∂ψ/∂t) - ψ(∂ψ*/∂t) ) He then states that the factor of i is included to ensure that the...
  21. genxium

    I Need help understanding the first single attosecond pulse measurement

    In the 2001 paper Attosecond Metrology, the authors presented the first attosecond pulse setup and explained the measurements. This paper cites another paper quite often to mention similarities in the setup, but emphasized that they chose different observables: and only the choice made by...
  22. T

    I Density Matrix of Multiple Qubits

    Hey all, I am having trouble relating probabilities with the density matrix of multiple qubits. Consider we have a system of 3 qubits: the first qubit is in the state ##\ket{\psi} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\ket{0}+\ket{1})## and the remaining 2 qubits are prepared in the state described by the...
  23. Hak

    B Frequency of an EM wave in Classical and Quantum Physics

    In Classical Physics, when a charged particle oscillates, it emits an electromagnetic wave, and the frequency of the wave depends on the frequency with which the particle oscillates. But in Quantum Physics, when an excited atom emits a photon, the energy of the photon depends on the amplitude of...
  24. cemtu

    I Thomson Scattering when low-intensity light meets an orbital electron

    Can you explain to me the reason why Thomson Scattering can not explain what happens when light meets an electron at low intensity, and what does that have to do with light being a wave or particle or relativistic/QM effects? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_scattering
  25. Quarinteen

    B Double Slit Experiment: Dumb question that needs to be asked

    So the double slit experiment. If I understand correctly when electrons are shot through 2 slits and no one is monitoring, measuring or watching they create an interference pattern if they are being measured they create a 1 to 1 pattern. I keep seeing it be said that the mere act of monitoring...
  26. R

    I Multiverse theory, I dont like it...

    In think the popular science discussion about multiverse theory has problems. For example, they suggest that in another universe, coffe is green. Problem, coffe in our universe is brown for a reason, it reflects brown light. If it would reflect green light, it must contain other chemical...
  27. Islam Hassan

    B Particle Movement in Quantum Mechanics

    Niels Bohr famously said --and I paraphrase-- that QM is an abstract description of nature and that it can only prescribe what we can say about nature rather than what nature is. What does QM say about the movement of a particle? Is this movement positively ascertained to be smooth and...
  28. vanhees71

    I The notion of locality in (Quantum) Physics should be clearly defined

    Unfortunately one of the threads about entanglement and Bell tests has again been closed prematurely. It has not been clarified what "locality" means. In the physics community, not involved in philosophical arguments about foundations of QT, it's clearly defined as the property of a...
  29. D

    I Solutions of the Bloch equations for MRT

    Hello all, I have a question about the relationship between resp. and the Bloch equations . Are these upper equations special solutions of the Bloch equations? If yes, under what condition(s) do the solutions hold? Thanks in advance for helpful support!
  30. C

    A Is the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect an emergent property?

    I do not think that true emergent properties -- as defined by behavior of matter that cannot be reduced to fundamental physical law -- exist. Yet I have been told that the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect is an example of an emergent property. What is the consensus?
  31. J

    A QFT S-matrix explanations are incomprehensible

    The first look at a scattering process is something like this: We define an initial state |\textrm{in}\rangle = \int dp_1dp_2 f_{\textrm{in,1}}(p_1) f_{\textrm{in,2}}(p_2) a_{p_1}^{\dagger} a_{p_2}^{\dagger} |0\rangle Here f_{\textrm{in,1}} and f_{\textrm{in,2}} are wavefunctions that define...
  32. R

    B Double slit experiment, expensive gear?

    I have an idéa how to run the double slit experiment that could give new insight to whats hapening. As I understand, when the photons are observed by someone the wawefunction colapses and the photons become particles, this can be seen as the interference pattern dissapears in the experiment...
  33. dom_quixote

    I Double slit as a function of time

    It is known that in the double slit experiment, when successive photons are fired, the photons are statistically distributed on the target screen, as if it were a wave. What is the variable that changes between one shot of and another? Probably the slits change places as a function of time.
  34. ARoyC

    Questions from Quantum Measurements

    [Mentor Note: Two similar thread starts merged] The questions are from MIT OCW. First of all, I cannot understand what is the meaning of the measurement outcome being 0. How can an eigenvalue be 0? I tried doing the problems guessing that by 0 they mean the posterior state will be |0>. The only...
  35. ShayanJ

    A Probabilistic game of life as a toy model for Everett's interpretation

    A while back I was watching an interview with Sean Carroll and for some reason his explanation of the Everett's interpretation at that particular interview clicked for me and I became a proponent of it. But I always thought it made more sense to look at it at as the universe being a giant...
  36. ARoyC

    I Confusion Regarding a Spectral Decomposition

    Hi. I am not being able to understand how we are getting the following spectral decomposition. It would be great if someone can explain it to me. Thank you in advance.
  37. C

    I Do Two Photons in a Radiative Cascade Exhibit Directional Correlation?

    Hello. I have a question about the two photons emitted from a radiative atomic cascade (such as the calcium radiative cascade used by Aspect et al. in their tests of Bell's theorem). The short version of my question is this: Do the two photons have any directional correlation (any correlation...
  38. T

    I Antisymmetrizing a Factorized Polynomial Vanishes?

    Hi all, I am having trouble understanding the argument below equation (3.5) in https://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/9605145.pdf where they claim that "Upon antisymmetrization, however, a term with ##k## factors of ##(z_{i}-z_{j})## would have to antisymmetrize ##2k## variables with a polynomial that...
  39. M

    I Help with a derivation from a paper (diatomic molecular potential)

    Hello! I am confused about the derivation in the screenshot below. This is in the context of a diatomic molecular potential, but the question is quite general. Say that the potential describing the interaction between 2 masses, as a function of the radius between them is given by the anharmonic...
  40. jaketodd

    I Hawking's latest contribution, is this an implication?

    Does this mean that everything, including us, will turn into photons/electromagnetic waves some day? Sounds fun! A universe of matter converted entirely to light! I couldn't find any papers yet on this on scholar.google.com Here are some good articles though...
  41. J

    B Does Wavelength Affect Uncertainty in Macroscopic Objects?

    I'm just an ordinary person who's very interested in physics. I'm posting a question because I'm curious about quantum mechanics. The wavelength of the material wave that can be obtained when a baseball with a mass of 150 g is thrown at 40 m/s is 1.1×10^-34m by the h/mv formula. As you can see...
  42. Slimy0233

    Should I have studied E&M before learning Optics, Waves & Oscillations

    I was trying to learn physics from a coaching institute and they started optics before they started Electricity and Magnetism and the lecturer went on saying somethings which I didn't completely understand. Is the coaching institute doing it wrong teaching me Optics before they taught me...
  43. H

    I Can Operators Have Multiple Partial Derivatives in Quantum Mechanics?

    Suppose Q=2x+t and x=t2, then ∂Q/∂t=1. But Q can also be written as Q=x+t2+t, then ∂Q/∂t=2t+1. We now have 2 different answers. But I think there can only be one correct answer. In reference to the equation in the image, no matter we write Q=2x+t or Q=x+t2+t, <Q> should be the same, so the LHS...
  44. H

    A Exploring the Cabibbo & CKM Matrices

    Hi Pfs, I read a paper about the Cabibbo matrix and the CKM matrix. The first one is a 2*2 real matrix and the other a 3*3 matrix with complex entries. In this article i read that a n*n matrix has 2 n*n real degrees or freedom. The unitarity (orthonormal basis) devides this number by 2. I read...
  45. ergospherical

    What is the Wave Function for a Particle in One Dimension in Dirac Formalism?

    What is ##<x|P|x'>##? (for particle in 1d, and ##\hbar = 1##)?\begin{align*} <x|P|x'> &= \int dp' <x|P|p'><p'|x'> \\ &= \int dp' \ p' <x|p'> <p'|x'> \\ &= \int dp' \ p' \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{ip'x} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-ip'x'} \\ &= \frac{1}{2\pi} \int dp' \ p' e^{ip'(x-x')} \end{align*}
  46. ergospherical

    I Average magnetic moment of atom in magnetic field ##B##

    from the partition function - am trying to show that ##\langle \mu \rangle = \beta^{-1} (\partial \log Z / \partial B)## where ##Z## is the canonical partition function for one atom, i.e. ##Z = \sum_{m=-j}^{j} \mathrm{exp}(\mu_0 \beta B m)##, and ##\mu = \mu_0 m##. The average...
  47. P

    I Colorless Compounds and electromagnetic radiation

    I was trying to understand why some compounds appear colorless (transparent) and tried to give an explanation. I take benzene as an example: it is a chromophore group in which there is π-conjugation, so a certain energy gap is generated between HOMO and LUMO. This energy gap is such that in...