Quantum physics Definition and 729 Threads

  1. L

    Quantum Physics / Quantum Mechanics

    o:) Hey I'm Kristine & I was watching a show last night. It was called NOVA (It's about science), which this episode aired on channel: #50! It was on Quantum Physics / Quantum Mechanics. Which was probably over my head, considering that I'm in the 10th grade & am currently taking an Earth...
  2. I

    Quantum Physics and the Real World

    Quantum Physics and the "Real" World Could it be argued that the four energy levels of an atom relate to states of matter in our macro world? For example something is a solid, then you bump it up an energy level and it becomes liquid, bump it up again and it becomes gas, again and it becomes...
  3. U

    Prerequisites for quantum physics

    What would be the prerequisites before learning quantum physics? Type of math, normal physics, etc.
  4. P

    Wavefunctions space in Quantum Physics

    Well, a week ago my Professor said the space of quantum physical states was a Hilbert space. Thing is, he just said it, and moved on. So I have a vector space with a scalar product. Is it, indeed, Hilbert? That is, is it complete? I guess I'll see the answer next semester, in real functions...
  5. P

    X's expectation value in quantum physics

    When I'm in a dimension higher than 1, do I need to integrate over all space (V) or only the x axis? Thanks in advance.
  6. W

    Quantum Physics and photoelectrons

    here are another questions,I need someone to help me! (1)A metal work a work function of 2.40 eV is illuminated with a beam of monochromatic light.The stopping potential for the emmited electrons is 2.50 V.What is the wavelength of the light in nanometer? (2)What is the lowest frequency of...
  7. Q

    Quantum physics movie - What the *$@ are we thinking? And upcoming movie

    Quantum physics movie -- What the *$@! are we thinking? And upcoming movie.. My friend who is learning calculus and physics, and I teach him what I know, works at movie theatre. He told me about a new movie in 2004, called "What the fuc* are we thinking?" It's about quantum physics and...
  8. D

    Where Is the Intersection of Quantum Physics and Spirituality Leading?

    people are talking about Quantum physics and many such things.But what thay are proving now is what is already told by spiritual leaders of Hinduism,taoism long time back...where is this leading to?
  9. S

    Quantum Physics Questions Very Very please respond

    Quantum Physics Questions!Very Very urgent please please respond a) A student obserbs the LED from a distance of 0.20 m.The pupil of her eye has a diameter of 0.6mm.Calculate the no of photons which enter her eye /sec?? Plz give me some hint and i'll try to solve it. b)Explain in terms of...
  10. R

    Perhaps quantum physics is elegant, but we lack an understanding?

    Well, unlike other areas of physics where the rules are predictable 100% of the time and every aspect can be known with definite precision, quantum dynamics is not as elegant. For example, we can know the position of a an electron, but not it's speed or so on, or something like that. Perhaps...
  11. W

    Newbie Quantum Physics Questions

    Hi all, I started on my physics program this semester. But things begin to puzzle me much, especially quantum mechanics. I hope that you wuold take the time to answer a few of my puzzles. I used Sakurai's book in my quantum mechanics course. It is said that in the position space, the...
  12. R

    Comparing Newtonian & Quantum Physics: Resources & Sites

    hola. i have to do a report comparing Newtonian physics to quantum physics. are there any good sites or other resources that you know of? thanks
  13. I

    Quantum Physics and Cellular Biology: A New Possibility?

    Is it possible to specify cellular biology by incorperating the laws of quantum physics?
  14. Y

    Quantum physics & Atomic Physics Question

    Hi, I've been trying to figure these two questions out but they haven't beeen working. 1. A hydrogen atom is in its fifth excited state. The atom emits a 1090 nm wavelength photon. Determine the maximum possible orbital angular momentum of the electron after emission. Express your answer as...
  15. S

    Beginner-intermediate books on quantum physics

    Could anyone please recommend some beginner-intermediate books on quantum physics for me? I don't want a lot of math, but I would like to learn the basic equations of different phenomena. Thanks.
  16. R

    Unraveling Loop Gravity in Quantum Physics

    I've been hearing a lot about "loop gravity" latey. I am not even sure if I am under the right title "quantum physics". In short can anyone tell me what loop gravity is? Thanks
  17. A

    Does Free Will Exist? A Quantum Physics Debate

    Does free will exist? according to Newton the universe is deterministic, and therefore free will does not fit into this. But since the advent of quantum physics, the universe is not said to be entirely deterministic, is there now room for free will? some physicists believe that the wave...
  18. S

    Questions about Quantum Physics: Advice Needed

    I have a few questions about quantum physics. First, what is the difference between quantum physics, quantum theory, quantum mechanics, etc? Secondly, I have absolutely no clue about quantum physics. I talked with a friend of mine about it and it seems like something that I would like to...
  19. M

    Good Quantum physics book WITH math

    Hey guys, I'm very interested in physics but I am studying computer science at univeristy so I don't get to learn it formally anymore. However, I still read to learn. I recently read Einsteins book on relativity and Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time. I now want to read a good book...
  20. A

    Estimating Mass Uncertainty of Mesons Using the Uncertainty Principle

    Hello, I am in first year physics and I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a question. Its dealing with Heisenberg's Uncertainty prinicple: A meson is an unstable particle produced in high-energy paritcle collisions. Its rest energy is about 135 MeV and it exisits for an average...
  21. F

    Current theory in development within the field of Quantum Physics

    Fill me in -- New to this Hi guys, I've just finished Grade 12 Physics, well almost, but regardless they cut us off at the most interesting part. Our class was just getting into Nuclear Reactors, Half Lives, and the seemingly infinite sub-atomic...energies I guess...(as well as anti-matter and...
  22. J

    Give Feedback on Jeremiah Hendricks' Quantum Physics Research

    Hi, my name is Jeremiah Hendricks and I recently completed a research paper on the effects quantum physics has had in other fields. Part of our assignment is to get feedback on our paper from an appropriate audience. It would be helpful if you guys could read my paper and then answer the quick...
  23. M

    Understanding Mathematics of Quantum Physics

    Hello all. I'm new to the forum, and I'm not a physicist. I'm a psychologist. I need some help understanding the meaning of the mathematics applied in quantum physics, when calculating the probability for a particle being located at a certain point in space and time. I understand that there...
  24. D

    Introductory Quantum Physics Reading?

    I am a first year university student (and have taken chemistry and physics through high school, and still do) and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for reading that would give me a good introduction to the basic background ideas behind quantum physics. I've already learned a good deal...
  25. benzun_1999

    Can Anyone tell me a good book on Quantum Physics?

    Can Anyone tell me a good book on Quantum Physics? -benzun
  26. Zeke

    Explain to me what quantum physics

    will someone explain to me what quantum physics i watched a show on it but was not compleatly paying attention
  27. frankR

    Quantum Physics: Probability density

    For the ground state of the hydrogen atom, evaluate the probabilty density psi^2(r) and the radial probability density of P(r) for the positions. a) r = 0 b) r = rb I confused how this probability function is used. What's the technique here? Thanks
  28. frankR

    Quantum Physics: electron within the nucleus.

    Calculate the smallest allowed energy of an electron were trapped inside an atomic nucleus of diameter 1.4x10^-14 meters. Compare this number with the several MeV of energy binding protons and neutrons inside the nucleus. On this basis, should we expect to find electrons within the nucleus...
  29. wolram

    Uncovering the Mystery of Bearden's Quantum Physics

    www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/feb2/bearden.htm has anyone read this? skip the fist part if you wish, its the second part that may be interesting