Radial Definition and 481 Threads

The radial engine is a reciprocating type internal combustion engine configuration in which the cylinders "radiate" outward from a central crankcase like the spokes of a wheel. It resembles a stylized star when viewed from the front, and is called a "star engine" in some languages (German Sternmotor, French moteur en étoile, Japanese 星型エンジン (hoshigata enjin), Italian motore stellare). The radial configuration was commonly used for aircraft engines before gas turbine engines became predominant.

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  1. S

    Theoretical Radial Velocity Curves

    Okay... so here's the problem I'm working on. Suppose you're observing a celestial body in space that is following a (relatively small) elliptical orbit around a larger distant celestial body (let's say it's at a distance d such that d>>a, where a is the semi-major axis of the orbit). For...
  2. L

    Radial Force on a Spinning Merry-Go-Round

    what is "radial force"? Hi. I have a HW question that asks me to find the "radial force" rerquired for someone to stay on a spinning merry-go-round. What is the radial force? thanx.
  3. T

    Dynamic forces with radial acceleration

    well this problem is killing me and I've spent a good 3 hours or so on it and still have no real results. This is the problem The 4.00-kg block in the figure View Figure is attached to a vertical rod by means of two strings. When the system rotates about the axis of the rod, the strings...
  4. Y

    Directional derivative: radial direction

    (hmm. wasnt to sure about where to post this) im given an equation to a 3d surface and asked to find the gradient at a certain point, in the radial direction. my question is, what is the radial direction? [ the equation is f(x,y) = 3*(x^2)*y + 2*y if its needed ]
  5. W

    Radial and Tangential Acceleration of a train

    Hello everyone, I have two questions about this problem: "A train slows down as it rounds a sharp horizontal turn, slowing from 90.0 km/h to 50.0 km/h in the 15. s(seconds) that it takes to round the bend. The radius of the curve is 150 m. Compute the acceleration at the moment the train...
  6. J

    Radial Force on Railway Engine of 120 Tons at 25mph

    A railway engine of mass 120 tons travels round a curve of radius 220 yards at a speed of 25 miles per hour. Find in tons weight the radial force acting on the engine. If the resultant of the radial force and the weight of the engine acts in a direction normal to the plane of the track, and the...
  7. Amith2006

    Will the radial acceleration be constant?

    Sir, When a torque is applied to a body undergoing uniform circular motion, will the radial acceleration be constant?
  8. S

    Uniform circular motion; radial and lateral components?

    Hello, I'm trying to understand circular motion more intimately. Let's say I have a 1.8 m long piece of twine that I attach to my ceiling and attach a rock with a mass of 650 g from the hanging end. Let's say (with my superhuman coordination) I manage to get the rock spinning in a perfectly...
  9. P

    Motion in two dimensions and radial acceleration

    Hi all! Brand new to these forums. Hopefully I fit in. I'm in my first physics class ever this semester. Physics 1301 Heat and Mechanics. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything. I'm looking for some help with a few questions of my homework, because I'm just stuck. 1)The radius of...
  10. C

    How to Calculate the Required Angular Velocity of an Ultracentrifuge?

    Find the required angular velocity of an ultracentrifuge in \frac{rev}{min} for the radial acceleration of a point 1.00 cm from the axis to equal 400,000g (that is, 400,000 times the acceleration of gravity.) So a_{rad} = (\omega)^{2}r . 400,000g = \omega^{2}(0.01 m) . Would I just solve...
  11. J

    Creating a Smooth Radial Electromagnet: Tips and Tricks

    Hello, Does anyone here know how to make a radial electromagnet? I'm trying to figutr out how I would wind the coils. I want to make a doughnut magnet with a single north pole on the inside diameter and a south pole on the outside diameter. It will be critical that the field on the inside...
  12. S

    Why's radial acceleration zero at north pole

    a)Compute hte radial accleration of a point at the equator of the earth. b)repeat for the north pole of hte earth. Take the radius of the eartk to be 6370 km. so for a) i got 9.9337 m/s square which is right but for b) the answer is just zero why?
  13. M

    Magnetic Field at Radial Distance of 1.15 cm from Cylindrical Conductor

    Figure 29-62 shows a cross section across a diameter of a long cylindrical conductor of radius a = 2.00 cm carrying uniform current 154 A. What is the magnitude of the current's magnetic field at the following radial distances? http://www.webassign.net/hrw/hrw7_29-62.gif I figured out parts...
  14. C

    Tangential and Radial Acceleration

    A train slows down as it rounds a sharp horizontal turn, slowing from 90.0 km/h to 50.0 km/h in the 15.0 s that it takes to round the bend. The radius of the curve is 150 m. Compute the acceleration at the moment the train speed reaches 50.0 km/h. Assume it continues to slow down at this time at...
  15. E

    Radial Velocity, Angular Separation, and Solar Apex: Q&A

    I missed this class the other day and my prof isn't answering his email right now so I thought I'd ask it here. I want the answer to the question, but really I'm looking for the relationship between the values. Q: A star located 135 degrees from the solar apex on the celestial spehe is at...
  16. B

    Radial Track, Find Loss of TME

    looks like a fun problem, just got to understand it: A 500g block slides down a radial track with height of 1.0 m, it's radius is 1.0 m, with velocity of 4 m/s at the end of the track. what is the loss of the TME? Disipation of energy problem: TMEf - TMEo F * D = K.E.f + P.E.f - (K.E.o...
  17. Y

    What is the name of the curve where its radial vector ....

    what is the name of the curve where its radial vector drawn from the origin intersects the curves tangent line at a=3pi/4 or 135 degree at every point? can anybody even show me how the curve looks like or what is the general eqaution of this curve? thanks
  18. E

    Ket bra notation, and radial momentum

    I am told that <f|pr,g>=<prf|g> where pr is the operator for radial momentum and f and g are wavefunctions. I know how to calculate <prf|g>, but I am not sure how to treat the comma in <f|pr,g>. Anyone have an answer to this?
  19. Y

    Limitations on radial wavefunction for electron in an atom

    What are the limitations on the radial wavefunction for electron in an atom? For instance, of the following, which cannot be the radial wave function, and why? 1.) e^{-r} 2.) \sin(br) 3.) \frac{1}{r} Thanks!
  20. cepheid

    Divergence of a Radial Vector Field

    Something we did in electrostatics that's a source of confusion for me: We learned to use caution when taking the divergence of the (all important) radial vector field: \vec{v} = \frac{1}{r^2} \hat{r} Applying the formula in spherical coords gave zero...a perplexing result. The...
  21. A

    Need help on radial distribution on excel

    Need help on radial distribution on excel! I'm trying to create an excel spreadsheet that plots radial distribution functions for the 3s orbital of hydrogen for values of p=0...15 I have no idea where to begin
  22. M

    What is the Maximum Radial Velocity in a Simple Hyperbolic Orbit?

    This problem is pretty complicated, and I have fooled around with it in Maple but I don't understand the concepts well enough to work it out yet. Suppose we have a simple hyperbolic orbit where there is a central mass M and a smaller mass m, and there is more than enough energy in this system...
  23. D

    How Can Radial Acceleration Equal 9.810 m/s² at a Specific Time?

    Please help! I'm having trouble understanding this rotation problem. At a time 2.60 s, a point on the rim of a wheel with a radius of 0.240 m has a tangential speed of 50.0 m/s. as the wheel slows down with a tangential acceleration of constant magnitude 10.7m/s^2 . At what time will the...
  24. U

    Radial acceleration of the earth

    I need to find the radial acceleartion of the Earth @ the equator a=v^2/r a= [1041m/s)^2]/6378000m a= 0.17 m/s^2 is this correct?
  25. U

    Calculating Radial Acceleration of Earth at Equator

    I need to calculate the radial acceleration of Earth @ the equator a=v^2/r a= [1041m/s)^2]/6378m a= 169.9 m/s^2 is this correct?
  26. A

    Solve a radial acceleration problem?

    I wanted to konw what is the least amount of knowns you need to solve a radial acceleration problem? My friend told me he was given a problem where a care was traveling over a bump and the only known he had was the speed of the care, no radious, no nothing. And the question was to solve for...
  27. D

    Radial Molecular Weight Distribution X Vortex

    Chemical Separation Using Ranque-Hilsch Vortex The full title for the post should be "Can molecules be separated in solution using a Ranque-Hilsch vortex?" I am a chemist, and my conventions re: aerosols/liquids may be wrong. My interest is in a system that might enrich a soluble analyte in...
  28. J

    Is the radial tire really better than other kinds of tires?

    Why is the radial tire considered better than other kinds of tires? Marketing hypes aside (if any), what is the scientific reason/rationale behind the generally accepted claim?
  29. Loren Booda

    Constant limit c restricts photons to radial observation

    We observe light only radially due to its constant limiting speed for all frames of reference in vacuo, and undefined immediate relativity (indistinguishability) between photons. We infer matter otherwise - both with radial and orbital motion - by emitted light frequency shift, apparent motion...
  30. P

    How Does an Electromagnetic Radial Piston Engine Work?

    Is anyone interested in putting my electromagnetic radial piston engine theory to an educated stop?
  31. M

    Derivatives of a radial function

    I have a scalar function of position only, V(r) where r is the position vector (x, y,z). Since V depends only on position, is it true to say that dV/dx = dV/dy = dV/dz ? (these should be partial derivatives) I am trying to show L = r x [nab] commutes with any radial function V(r)...