Homework Statement
A cancer patient is typically given an intravenous dose of Metastron with an activity of
148 MBq.
Calculate the activity after 6 months (183 days).
Physical half-life of Metastron = 50.5 days
Biological half-life of Metastron =...
Hi all, my end of year Physics exam is tomorrow and I need some help on this question and if someone could help I'd appreciate it.
Carbon-14 has a half life of 5730 years, and an equilibrium concentration in the Earth’s lower atmosphere of approximately one atom per 8.3 x 1011 atoms of normal...
I'm having a bit of difficulty deriving the time to max activity for the case of transient equilibrium for a parent-daughter.
This is where I want to get to , tm = (1 / (λ1-λ2)) * 1n(λ1/λ2)
I believe there is an alternative equation for tm as well expressed in terms of half-life...
I need some source material to understand if, the metals which are gone through irradiation process, can exhibit radiation.
Though we will be irradiating at a dose rate of ≈ 1M rad/hr, Our Total Integrated dose requirement is 55M rad. The question I have is for the material used to hold the...
I have been reading a lot about nuclear plants and how when things go wrong the whole area becomes inhabitable. I have been trying to understand certain things but i am not sure. I hope my understanding of it are not filled with self-inflicted misconceptions.
1) Uranium crystals found in nature...
Homework Statement
The mean life of a certain radioactive element is 6 hrs. By what fraction will its initial activity decrease over a time period of 5 hrs.
Homework Equations
Initial Activity = kN_{0}
Final Activity = kN_{t}
The Attempt at a Solution
From eqn 1...
Can anyone link to a synthetic and understandable explanation of radioactivity through basic quantum mechanics? It does not need to be a comprehensive explanation at all, examples or partial explanations are fine. Online class notes are welcome but so are books suggestions.
Thanks in advance
Homework Statement
A radioactive substance diminishes at a rate proportional to the amount present (since all atoms have equal probability of disintegrating, ...). If A(t) is the amount at time t, this means that A'(t)= p * A(t) for some p representing the probability that an atom will...
What would be the shape of an "Activity versus Number of Atoms present" graph look like... We know that A=-λN ... They are propotional but there is a negative sign.. What would be the graph?? Thanks in advance!
Homework Statement
0.2g of a radium salt was separated from a ton of uranium ore. The radioactive radium nuclide Ra-226 decays by alpha-particle emission with a half-life of 1600 years. 1 year = 3.16x107s.
The curie is defined as the number of disintegrations per second from 1.0g of Ra...
Homework Statement
The activity of carbon, due to the decay of C14, is 16 disintegrations per minute per gram of carbon. The atomic weight of naturally occurring carbon is 12 u. What is the ration of C14 to C12 in the CO2 of the atmosphere? The half life of C14 is 5730 years.
My Physics textbook talks about a nucleus disintegrating. What does this mean? I understand that the nucleus will emit either an alpha, beta or gamma ray but surely the nucleus still remains after this? Does the term disintegrate just mean than the nucleus has got smaller and become a...
Hello, I am asked to plot the activity of 137Cs in a 1Gw fission reactor over time of 100 years if the reactor is active from 0-20 years and shuts down at 20 years.
So here are the facts:
The reactor capacity is 1Gw
Reactor is active for the first 20 years then shuts down
At shutdown...
Is it true that all the Experiments which are intend to prove Time-Dilation of SR 'directly', are
based on radioactive half-lives extension ?
For example, cesium atomic clocks in GPS satellites, Muon decay etc.
Moreover, if it is true, ... and correlations between nuclear decay rates...
I want to know that if one sends a radioactive material in a spaceship at high speed and bring it back, do we find that the radioactive material has decayed slower than it would on Earth or the same rate?
As radioactivity doesn't depend on the Coulombic interaction (photons), rather other...
Homework Statement
A nuclear power plant breeds 1mg of 239Pu per week. What activity, in Bq, does that create?
Homework Equations
R_0 = \lambda N_0 (initial activity of the sample)
R = R_0 e^{-\lambda t} (exponential behavior of the decay rate)
T_{1/2}=\frac{ln 2}{\lambda}...
In the radiactivity equation A = A0e-ln(2)t/T1/2 How do I get A0? Is that just ln(2)N0/T1/2? What if I don't know the initial number of atoms in the sample? Thanks...
cluster radioactivity --- preformed cluster model
In cluster radioactivity,
heavy nuclei decay to form Helium, Carbon, Nitrogen, Silicon etc. I came across the term Preformed cluster model. What is preformed cluster model? Members, could you please throw some light on this?
Homework Statement
Complete this reaction equation:
^9_4 Be + ^1_0 n \rightarrow ^4_2 He + ? Homework Equations
Not relevant
The Attempt at a Solution
I find the answer to be ^6_2 He , but the answer key in my book says ^7_3 Li
I can't see how that can be right, please help!
Homework Statement
90% of the cosmic rays that fall on Earth are protons. So the outside of the Earth is hit by a net positive charge but does not seem to be, in particular, positively charged. How do you explain this?
One last thing: I read that a body that is exposed to radiation becomes...
Not sure if this is the right forum, please move if a more appropriate forum exists.
Even after Fukoshina I'm not quite sure what to make of radioactivity, how to read levels or radiation and what the danger is of getting sick.
Below are two small articles about the Aktau area in western...
Most texts on radioactivity starts by saying "there are three important modes of radioactivity-alpha, beta and gamma..." and goes on to describe their properties. But why are there only a few modes of radioactivity? Does that mean the modes observed so far, or, are there theories to describe the...
cluster radioactivity-- want to know more?
Dear members,
While browsing through some quantum mechanics websites, i came across cluster radioactivity, which surprised me, because so far i didn't hear that term as i am familiar with natural and artificial radioactivity.
It has been mentioned...
Fukushima - Unit 2, what happened different to Units 1 and 3?
There are recent discussions about this topic going on, so I think it deserves its own thread.
According to attachement IV-2, Unit 2 is responsible for more than 90% of the overall emissions. So there's one big question: What was...
1. A cobalt-60 source having a half-life of 5.27 years is calibrated and found to have an
activity of 3.50 × 105 Bq. The uncertainty in the calibration is ±2%.
Calculate the length of time, in days, after the calibration has been made, for the stated
activity of 3.50 × 105 Bq to have a maximum...
Homework Statement
A radioactive material decays by simultaneous emission of two particles with respective half-lives t1 and t2. If the material decays by the emission of the particle with half-life t2 only, then the time in year after which 1/4 th of the material remains is. (Given t1=1620...
Radioactivity of Radon 222!
Homework Statement
Uranium is naturally present in rock and soil. At one step in its series of radioactive decays, Uranium produces the chemically inert gas radon-222, with a half-life of 3.82 days. The radon seeps out of the ground to mix into the atmosphere...
There is a lot of speculation about this. Is that really possible?
It is being proposed that after meltdown and release the nuclear material will enter the Jet Stream and be in west Coast US in a few days.
Personally I find it hard to swallow. I mean we exploded two nuclear devices over...
Is it possible for a virtual particle consisting of a proton/antiproton pair to "pop" into existence close enough to the nucleus of a helium atom (two protons and two neutrons) such that the antiproton of the virtual particle annihilates one of the protons of the helium atom leaving Tritium (H3)...
Homework Statement
A mixture of Pu239 and Pu240 has a specific activity of 6 x 109 dps. The half-lives of the isotopes are 2.44 x 104 years and 6.58 x 103 years respectively. Calculate the composition of the mixture.The Attempt at a Solution
The last equation does not give permissible values.
Homework Statement
How many radioactive atoms are present in a sample of 6GBq of 99mTc and what is the approximate mass of the sample?
Homework Equations
A= λN
half life = ln2/λ
mass = (no.nuclei * mass number)/avorgado number
avogado = 6.023×10^23
half life = 6 hours
I understand decay is truly a random process approximated by half-life. So two particles that appear similar to us in every way will experience decay at different times impossible for us to predict.
Are there any theories that explain some underlying process that dictates this action. Even...
Homework Statement
Radioactive iodine (131-I) has a half life of 8 days. How long does it take for iodine to be reduced by factor of 100?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Now I'm stuck. I would...
Homework Statement
A piece of Am-241 has a radioactivity of 10kBq. Determine how much Am-241 it contains.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Let A be the activity
Let N be the number of atoms
We know that...
Okay this question is in a section of my textbook that has no equations, apart from the slightly mathematical statement:
The rate at which a source emits radioactive particles is called its activity, A. An activity of one particle emitted per second is called a becquerel, Bq.
Here's the...
Homework Statement
Help. Confused
I am assuming that the term nuclear radiation means radiation emitted from the nucleus?
Are there only three types of nuclear radiation?
Does Radioactivity have the same meaning as nuclear radiation or is nuclear radiation a subset of radiaoctivity...
Homework Statement
Thorium (with half-life T1/2 = 1.913 yr. and atomic mass 228.028715 u) undergoes alpha decay and produces radium (atomic mass 224.020186 u) as a daughter nucleus. (Assume the alpha particle has atomic mass 4.002603 u.)
(a) What is the decay constant of thorium? (Note that...
A piece of radioactive substance gives a received count rate of 6000 counts per minute in a detector whose efficiency is known to be 5%. If the sample contains 10^10 atoms, what is the decay constant ( λ ) of this radioactive substance ?
No idea how to solve this problem. Any help would be...
Could someone pls help me with the following Q..I'm not too sure where to even start!
The enzyme deoxynucleotidyl terminal transferase (TdT) catalyses the addition of dNTPs onto the 3’ ends of double stranded DNA molecules. In an experiment to determine the rate at which the TdT added dNTPs...
One last Radioactivity Question!
Im not sure how to do this calculation
Cells containing 0.8 curies of 32P were to be disposed of as waste when their total radioactivity had decreased to less that uCi. Calculate the period for which these should be stored
Now 32P has a half life of 14.2...
Hi Guys,
Im just having a little trouble with this question, I was just wondering whether some one could point me in the right direction.
Fifty six micrograms of 60Co - labeled Vitamin B12 containing 7.36x10^5 c.p.m were added to a sample containing an unknown amount of unlabeled Vitamin...
1. when alpha particles are emitted, the atomic number decreases by2, but is the new element charged due to more number of electrons? If not, what happens at the nuclear level? Please, Explain it simillarly about beta particles.
2.when describing the emission of beta particles, we say that...
Hello everybody :)
I've been wondering about how radiation is harmful for living beings... I know that the three kinds of radiation (α, β, γ). α radiation composed of helium nuclei (2 protons and 2 neutrons), β radiation is composed by the emission of electrons, caused by the conversion of...
Hi! I should solve this exercise (quite important for me, because related to an important test I should sit next week) but I'm having some trouble with the right interpretation of the problem statement.
Homework Statement
In which one of the radioactive series do you think the presence...
I know that if a radioactive substance is heated, then the radioactivity is reduced because of the relativistic thermal motion of the atoms.
Is there a formula linking radioactive decay, temperature and perhaps, heat capacity?
Homework Statement
Thorium (with half-life T1/2 = 1.913 yr. and atomic mass 228.028715 u) undergoes alpha decay and produces radium (atomic mass 224.020186 u) as a daughter nucleus. (Assume the alpha particle has atomic mass 4.002603 u.)
(a) What is the decay constant of thorium? (Note that...
Homework Statement
One kg of human body contains about 0.2% potassium of which 0.0117% is potassium-
40 (40K). 40K is radio active and in 89% of the time the product of the decay is a gamma ray of energy
1.46 MeV. If we assume that all of these gamma rays deposit their energy
in the body...
Homework Statement
Thorium (with half-life T1/2 = 1.913 yr. and atomic mass 228.028715 u) undergoes alpha decay and produces radium (atomic mass 224.020186 u) as a daughter nucleus. (Assume the alpha particle has atomic mass 4.002603 u.)
The energy released from the decay of 0.6 g of...
[SOLVED] Radioactivity and radioactive decay
Homework Statement
Thorium (with half-life T1/2 = 1.913 yr. and atomic mass 228.028715 u) undergoes alpha decay and produces radium (atomic mass 224.020186 u) as a daughter nucleus. (Assume the alpha particle has atomic mass 4.002603 u.)