Homework Statement
Take Ω = [0, 1] and P the uniform probability.
(a) Give an example of two random variables X and Y defined on Ω that
both have the same Bernoulli distribution with parameter θ = 1/3.
(b) Give an example of such random variables that are independent, and not
Homework Statement
Give the value of u_0.Homework Equations
Let p>q>0 with p+q = 1 and a = q/p < 1. Let X_n denote the random walk with transitions
X_{n+1} = CASE 1: X_n + 1 with probability p and CASE 2: X_n - 1 with probability q. For i ≥ 0, we set u_i = P(X_n = 0 for some n ≥ 0|X_0 = i)...
Homework Statement
The graph of y=f(x) is shown below.
Rank the following from smallest(1) to largest(4).
Homework Equations
none available
Some things are physically impossible, but mathematically possible (like exactly bisecting a line segment). Some things are both physically and mathematically impossible (like exactly trisecting an angle "with a ruler and compass".) Things mathematically impossible are proven to be so...
I read about the random walk the other day. The simplest 2D form, where you start at zero and move up or down one unit at random, both are as likely.
To get an the average distance from zero after N steps, the following argument was used: The distance after one step is 1. If after some steps...
Homework Statement
Let f(x)=x/8 be the density of X on [0,4], zero elsewhere.
a) Show that f(x) is a valid density and compute E(X)
b) Define Y=1/X. Calculate E(Y)
c) Determine the density function for Y
The Attempt at a Solution
a) is just really basic. I've solved that one.
I have an exercise that I do not understand how to solve (statistics and probability is really my weaker part...). The exercise goes as follow:
In a certain population, the random variable Y has variance equal to 490. Two independent random samples, each of size 20, are drawn. The first...
I've been thinking about what random actually is and let me give you an example. If you made a machine that flips a penny, put the machine and and penny in a small room, place the penny upon the flipper and let it flip, now so long as the penny was placed in the exact same position every single...
Hi there,
(to mod: not sure where to post this, please move if I've got it wrong)
I have a grid of values with 41x161 nodes describing some parameter space. Each node has an associated value, λ, which represents the uncertainty of the parameter choice at that node.
I want to make/find an...
Homework Statement
The probability of being dealt a full house is approximately 0.0014. Find the probability that in 1000 hands of poker you will be dealt at least 2 full houses
Homework Equations
I can use binomial distribution.
The Attempt at a Solution
The probability of getting...
Hello everyone!
I'm coming to notice day by day how our education is purely focused on memorizing and applying formulas rather than understanding the concept. Assume we have the following:
$X = aR + N$, and
$Y = bG + W$,
where $X, Y$ are random vectors, $R, G$ are strongly correlated random...
Hi everybody,
I try to figure out connections and differences between random variables (RV), random processes (RP), and sample spaces and have confusions on some ideas you may want to help me.
All sources I searched says that RP assigns each element of a sample space to a time function. I want...
for an observer arriving at a random time t_1, where t=0 is the time when the last car passed, i got the following pdf for Δ^∗- the time the observe waits until the next car:
the mean is τ, like the book said and it goes to 0 for...
It seems to me that the recent deeds of ……… ………. cast a serious aspersion on the reputation of higher learning and the worth of knowledge in general. That is a depressing if not completely unacceptable predicament in many ways. I don’t know where he was studying, with whom, in what topic area...
Dear all,
I apologize if it is the wrong place, I don't know where I had to post this question since I'm not a mathematician.
Well, suppose you have a set of numbers which can be describe by a unknown distribution.
I just like to know whether we can use those numbers to generate a set...
Is the use of the term random a valid scientific explanation or just a pseudoname for unknown? I'm asking if it isn't essentially illogical to ascribe the existence of an event, (e.g the origin of the universe) to a random predecessor event. My humble understanding of logic adheres to a cause...
Homework Statement
Hi, I would like to generate a random delay time and value in testbench. This is what I did:
j = i + {$random} % (300 - i) // MIN + {$random} % (MAX - MIN )
#j b = {$random} %3;
#3ns b = 3'b000;
I want to generate random...
I'm reading through Reif's "Statistical Mechanics" to prepare for the upcoming semester. Basically, a drunk guy takes N total steps, n1 to the right and n2 to the left. The probability that the current step will be to the right is "p," while the probability that the current step will be to the...
Homework Statement
Suppose X is a discrete random variable whose probability generating function is
G(z) = z^2 * exp(4z-4)
Homework Equations
No idea
The Attempt at a Solution
I'm thinking that due to the exponent on the z term, that the exp(4z-4) would be the
P[X=3] =...
Hi everyone,
I am trying to generate 200 random numbers from an exponential distribution which have to add to one.
I guess I need a loop where in each step I generate a random number from the exponential distribution and check the sum, if it is less than one I add the number to a list and if...
Absolutely Stunning Plot of a "Random" Sequence (Picture Included)--Need Explanation
So I created 10000 waves of varying heights, 50% of the waves were 2 feet, 30% 1 foot, 15% 3 feet, 4% 4 feet, and 1% 5 feet tall.
I generated 10000 "random" numbers with the statement "=Rand()" (this generates...
You are given a random exponential variable X: f(x) = λ exp(-λ x).
Suppose that X = Y + Z, where Y is the integral part of X and Z is the fractional part of X:
Y = IP(X), Z = FP(X).
Which is the following conditional probability:
P(Z < z | Y = n) for 0 ≤ z < 1 and n = 0, 1, … ?
Hi, can someone who is familiar with the analysis of random walks (statistical mechanics, condensed matter physics etc.) help me on solving a particular problem?
We define the following random walk, the random variable w(t) is evolved as
w(t+1)=w(t), with probability of...
I have a random variable X with some zero-mean distribution.
I have a function Y of this r.v. given by something complicated
Is there an explicit way of finding the distribution of Y or even its mean?
Homework Statement
I'm trying to show that U(X+Y) = X in distribution, where X and Y are independent exp(λ) distributed and U is uniformly distributed on (0,1) independent of X+Y.Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
X+Y is gamma(2,λ) distributed. But I can't figure out how to deal with...
Homework Statement
In an experiment to determine the Ar of Li, the % error due to random errors was calculated to be 12.1%. However, the literature value is 6.941 and my calculated value is 7.5 which means my % error s 7.45.
Homework Equations
Usually, the error due to the literature...
I have seen the following "extension" of discrete random variables definition, from:
"... Equivalently to the above, a discrete random variable can be defined as a random variable whose cumulative distribution function (cdf)...
About the definition of "discrete random variable"
Hogg and Craig stated that a discrete random variable takes on at most a finite number of values in every finite interval (“Introduction to Mathematical Statistics”, McMillan 3rd Ed, 1970, page 22).
This is in contrast with the assumption that...
I apologize in advance if I have missed the right place to ask. I'd be grateful if you could forward me to the right place, if that is the case.
Google didn't help, so maybe someone here can point me in the right direction:
1) "If the input to a LTI system is a Gaussian random...
In my book, it says the way to produce a random integer from, for example, 1-50 is to use srand() % 50 + 1.
But wouldn't that give "1" the chance of showing up more often than other numbers?
If srand is 0, then the random result is 1. If srand is 50, then the random result is also 1. The other...
Hi all, I'm trying to generate uniform random vectors with n dimensions.
To be more precise, each of the elements of the vector must be a uniform distributed variable in [0,1]
The constraint is that the sum of the elements of the vector must be 1.
I tried different solutions for over a week but...
Hi, I am making a program with the simulation software Breve. It codes in Python or in Steve (their own language). In my simulation, spherical particle with random radius are being spawned at random position into a little zone. My problem is that those particle cannot be superposed. I don't know...
My friend and I were having a discussion, and we both can't seem to see the other side's point of view. The question was whether a certain "operation" is random or not. This is what it is:
Suppose you have an input, it doesn't matter what it is. The first "operation" is just a completely...
Dear friends,
I have divided the time into slots of fixed size. And i toss a coin of probability of heads 1/2 in the first slot. In the next slot, i toss a coin of probability of head 1/4, and in the i^th slot i toss a coin of prob of head 1/2^i. I do this until i get a head. What is the...
Hello, my calculator (sharp el-w516) can generate random fractions like 237/431. I was curious if there was a way to do this by hand.
I would like to be able to roll any sided die by multiplying the random fraction by the side number. For example if I wanted to roll a d20 I could take the...
1.How to set the initial state of the Pseudo Random Sequence Generator?
2. I'm using 74LS74 D-flipflop.I'm unclear how to use clear and preset enable inputs to set the initial sequence.
3. I tried doing the experiment by directly giving the 0001 sequence through respective...
Homework Statement
Compute P(X=k l X+Y=p)Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
No idea. Kind of understand page #1. Although it seems like there's a lot of unnecessary stuff. Could have gone straight from the top to the bottom. And I don't know why/if you even have to substitute the...
I am trying to make a game in Chipmunk Basic using the arrow keys but I can't because I cannot figure out how. I have programmed in other Basic Softwares but I cannot figure out how to use the arrow keys and spacebar in my programs. An example (much simplified) of a game I am making is snake (if...
I want to generate a set of random numbers according to a specific distribution, namely given by
f(v) \propto v^3\exp(-v^2 C)
where C is a constant. It is clear how to do it with a distribution already implemented in Mathematica...
Homework Statement
X1 and X2 are two independent discrete random variables with
P(X1 = k) = c3-k
P(X2 = k) = d4-k
for k in natural numbers and where X1, X2 in natural numbers is almost always valid. 0 is not include in N.
Find constants c and d.
Homework Equations
The Attempt...
Homework Statement
In the winter, the monthly demand in tonnes, for solid fuel from a coal merchant may be modeled by the continuous random variable X with probability density function given by:
f(x)=\frac{x}{30} 0≤x<6
f(x)=\frac{(12-x)^{2}}{180} 6≤x≤12
f(x)=0 otherwise
Ok, so I have this written in my notes and while going over it I have a few questions:
Suppose cubical boxes are made so that the length, X (in cm) of an edge is distributed as
for 9≤X≤11
0 otherwise
What sort of distribution will the volume, Y, of the boxes have...
I'm trying to find a good way to predict fatigue caused by a random vibration (given PSD).
I know at least 2 ways of doing it but I'm questioning them both.
One of them is using the rain flow count algorithm at a simulated acceleration/time signal to generate a certain amount of...
Homework Statement
I know that Minitab/ R/ SAS can easily generate random samples for know distributions - normal, exponential, uniform. But how can I generate a random sample from a known probability distribution (that is not listed)?
Homework Equations
The probability...
Suppose that X is a random variable distributed in the interval [a;b] with pdf f(x) and cdf F(x). Clearly, F(b)=1. I only observe X for values that are bigger than y.
I know that E(X|X>y)=\frac{\int_y^b xf(x)dx}{1-F(y)}.
Moreover, \frac{∂E(X|X>y)}{∂y}=\frac{f(y)}{1-F(y)}[E(X|X>y)-y]
Ive been working with random variables for a while and only today have I come up with a basic question that undermines what I thought I knew...
If I have two random variables X and Y, when am I allowed to multiply them? i.e. Z=XY
Let S_1 and S_1 be sigma algebras such that S_1 is contained in...