Ratio Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, a ratio indicates how many times one number contains another. For example, if there are eight oranges and six lemons in a bowl of fruit, then the ratio of oranges to lemons is eight to six (that is, 8∶6, which is equivalent to the ratio 4∶3). Similarly, the ratio of lemons to oranges is 6∶8 (or 3∶4) and the ratio of oranges to the total amount of fruit is 8∶14 (or 4∶7).
The numbers in a ratio may be quantities of any kind, such as counts of people or objects, or such as measurements of lengths, weights, time, etc. In most contexts, both numbers are restricted to be positive.
A ratio may be specified either by giving both constituting numbers, written as "a to b" or "a∶b", or by giving just the value of their quotient a/b. Equal quotients correspond to equal ratios.
Consequently, a ratio may be considered as an ordered pair of numbers, a fraction with the first number in the numerator and the second in the denominator, or as the value denoted by this fraction. Ratios of counts, given by (non-zero) natural numbers, are rational numbers, and may sometimes be natural numbers. When two quantities are measured with the same unit, as is often the case, their ratio is a dimensionless number. A quotient of two quantities that are measured with different units is called a rate.

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  1. Laurine

    Solving the Severn Bridge Sag Span Mystery

    Hello everyone. I have to describe is the Severn Bridge, a suspension bridge spanning the River Severn and River Wye in England. I have found almost all the measurements, except for one: the sag span. I could only find the sag ratio (1/12) but I need to convert this ratio to meters. Can anyone...
  2. M

    Different values of g factor (gyromagnetic ratio) of nuclei

    Hi, last week I read Rabi's paper "The Molcular Beam Resonance Method". This paper contains the basic idea of the oscillation which we call "Rabi Oscillation" as many of you guys know. However, at the end of this paper, Rabi calculates nuclear magnetic moments of Li (atomic mass 6), Li (atomic...
  3. G

    How to find the volume ratio of two tanks

    Homework Statement I have a problem: So one tank is pressurised and then a pipe connecting this tank to a smaller one is opened so air can flow into the smaller tank. You then wait for the pressure to settle and read some pressure for each cylinder values. I need to find two ways to measure...
  4. C

    Dv/dt must be a RATIO and here is why

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  5. C

    Ratio Test Radius of Convergence

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  6. J

    What Causes Lower Cp/Cv Ratio in Experiments?

    Homework Statement Hello, Everyone! So I recently did an experiment in which I pressurised a vessel and then allowed some of the air to move into a smaller vessel and wait for the pressures to stabilise. I then calculated the Cp/Cv ratio and it was slightly lower than the expected 1.40. I am...
  7. A

    Prove Poisson's Ratio is .5 for Small Strains

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  8. T

    Proton-electron mass ratio; changed? how much?

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  9. R

    Anisotropic Modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio

    Hi, I have some experimental data and I am interested to use this data to calculated modulus of elasticiy (young's modulus) and Poisson's ratio. The material for which the data is given in an anisotropic material, therefore I need to calculate modulus of elasticity and poisson's ration is x,y...
  10. R

    Anisotropic Modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio

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  11. T

    Improving Machine Efficiency through Gear Ratio

    Does altering Gear Ratio improve efficiency (loss of energy as heat while converting EE to ME) of a machine? I also read online that having higher gear contact ratio improves the efficiency, but I really don't understand how.
  12. L

    What Gear Ratio Is Needed for a 12-Foot Wheel to Achieve 60 RPM?

    greetings...! I need some correct info for a project I am working on... this site looks like it may well be able to help me . the problem is as follows; I have a 12'ft. wheel that I need to turn at a maximum of 60 rpm. the shaft from the power supply turns at 2300 rpm. what would be the gear...
  13. S

    MHB Calculating the Payout Ratio: How Investors Value Alibaba's IPO

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  14. J

    Negative Poisson's Ratio in Rotated Orthotropic Material

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  15. I

    Surface plasmon dependence on surface area to volume ratio

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  16. F

    Prove limit x approaches 0 of a rational function = ratio of derivatives

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  17. B

    Relating variables: weight, gear ratio, power/torque to make design estimations

    hey all, I'm stumped so I thought I'd try posting here. I am in the early stages of design of a vehicle where we have a rough approximation of weight, no idea what gear ratios or power/torque to use yet, but have an acceleration requirement. I am trying to graphically model the relationship...
  18. RabbitWho

    Supression ratio in classical conditioning

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  19. M

    Calculating Poisson's Ratio with a Modulus of Rigidity & Young's Modulus

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  20. L

    Monotonicity of the ratio of two power series

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  21. D

    Overshoot of 15% what is damping ratio

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  22. F

    Centrifugal Compressors - volumetric flow and pressure ratio

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  23. PsychonautQQ

    Damped shm successive amplitude ratio

    Question: The damped frequency (f) is 100 Hz. The ratio of the amplitude of two successive maxima is one half. What is the undamped frequency? My first problem is I don't understand the basic equations I'm working with. If W is the undamped angular frequency and w is the damped frequency, I...
  24. C

    Is permittivity/permeability ratio constant or not in media?

    We have a constant ratio of them in vacuum. Is it same in a medium also? Or not? And in any case, what is the reason?
  25. R

    Determining the ratio of wave amplitudes along a string

    Homework Statement A point mass M is concentrated at a point on a string of characteristic impedance ρc. A transverse wave of frequency ω moves in the positive x-direction and is partially reflected and transmitted at the mass. The boundary conditions are that the string displacements just to...
  26. K

    Pascal grade 9 math contest question(can you ratio speed and time)

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  27. X

    Geometric Ratio Pipe Problem: How to Find D2/D1?

    Homework Statement Find D2/D1. See attachment. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ans: D2/D1 = 0.68 I can't figure this one out. Any special trigonometric identities that might help here? Thanks.
  28. A

    MHB Are My Answers Correct for These Ratio Math Problems?

    Hellow I did these three math problems and I wonder if my answers are right. (1.03 : 10^-1 + 17) : (4.5^-1 + 5/18)^-2 my answer here is 3. (0.2 : 10^-2 -2 ) : (1/0.9 - 1)^-1 my answer here is 2. Now the last one 1/a^2+a - a+2/a+1 + a+1/a and here my anser is 2. Thank you.
  29. B

    Flap deflection angle of a wing on lift to drag ratio?

    How does the flap angle affect lift to drag ratio of a wing?
  30. V

    Rational ratio of frequencies leads to isolating integral of motion

    Hello All, Padmanabhan's discussion of dynamics mentions that in general the two dimensional harmonic oscillator fills the surface of a two torus. He further notes that there will be an extra isolating integral of motion provided that the ratio of frequencies is a rational number. This last...
  31. H

    Is the golden ratio really the solution for Tesla coil voltage issues?

    Hello all, I am in the process of designing a tesla coil for a research paper, and, just when I thought I had seen all the crack science there could possibly be, I came across a claim concerning the golden ratio. (The natural progression of events, I guess...) There is a real problem when...
  32. B

    Supercharger - Isentropic charts - Pressure Ratio and temperature

    I am trying to understand my superchargers isentropic chart. For an example case where a supercharger outputs 10m3/hr but the engine only takes 6.57m3/hr in capacity, I get a volume ratio (VR) of 1.52 - easy... I can then work out a pressure ratio by VR^k = 2.0^1.4 = 1.8 The theoretical...
  33. M

    How Do Gradients, Rates, and the Term 'Per' Relate to Division and Ratios?

    Why does "per" in 3 miles per hour mean division? Why are gradients and rates a ratio?
  34. A

    What is the ratio of wave amplitudes at two sites with 5dB attenuation?

    Homework Statement Doing my own independent study, and I've come across a textbook question I'm rather lost on. Problem: Over the distance between two seismic recording sites at different ranges from a seismic source, seismic waves have been attenuated by 5dB. What is the ratio of the wave...
  35. C

    Partial pressure ratio of gases at different altitudes

    Homework Statement On a planet not entirely unlike earth, the ratio of the partial pressure of N2 to that of O2 equals 1 at an altitude of 1 km: \frac{p_{\text{N}_2}}{p_{\text{O}_2}} = 1. Assuming that T = 200 K, and the gravitational constant is 5 m/s2, what is the ratio...
  36. S

    Using an odds ratio when data is sparse

    Suppose I have around 20 exposures that potentially affect an outcome and I want to see which exposures have bigger impacts on the outcome. So I want to calculate each exposures' odds ratios by exponentiating the coefficients obtained from logistic regression. So I have the following input set...
  37. J

    Speedometer worm gear ratio changes

    When changing rear end gear ratios, or tire sizes on a vehicle, you can buy different speedometer gears with tooth counts to restore speedometer accuracy. The worm(driver) is inside the transmission and is not changed. It is a 7 or 8 tooth in my application. The speedometer gear(driven) is...
  38. W

    MHB Help Me Solve the Golden Ratio Question

    Question is attached. I don't know how to find the golden ratio I really did try to solve this one, but i couldnt please please help me out
  39. A

    MHB Which Test Should I Use: Ratio Test or Root Test in Series Convergence?

    Hello. How do I determine whether to use ratio test or root test in determining whether a series is convergent or divergant? For example, in this problem, ratio is used for no.1 and root test for no.2. Why is that? I need explanation, please.
  40. M

    Which Test to Use: Ratio or Root? Understanding the Convergence of Series

    Hello. How do I determine whether to use ratio test or root test in determining whether a series is convergent or divergant? For example, in this problem, ratio is used for no.1 and root test for no.2. Why is that? I need explanation, please.
  41. 1

    Ratio of Dice Rolls: A/B Dependency & Expectation Values

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  42. B

    Finding the ratio of the emfs of two cells by a potentiometer

    I don't have a clear perception of how the following question is answered: "Two primary cells of emfs E1 and E2 respectively are joined in series with (i) the same polarity, and (ii) opposite polarities. The combination is connected through a galvanometer and a jockey to a potentiometer. The...
  43. mesa

    What are some examples of exact forms of the golden ratio?

    Hello all, I am looking for exact forms (as real number expressions) of the golden ration that are not rewrites of the one we all know and love, i.e. g.r. = 1/2(5^(1/2)+1) Searches in Google have yielded nothing so far :P
  44. B

    MHB Determine the ratio of boys and girls

    Help me to solve algebra 1 homework In a college boys and girls are in the ratio of 5 : 8. This year number of boys and girls increased by 20% and 15% respectively. So what is the present ratio of boys and girls in the college? Thanks
  45. Ranku

    Ratio of matter to radiation density

    Is the ratio of matter to radiation density constant in the universe? Or does it vary over time, as matter annihilates to radiation and vice-versa?
  46. K

    Overlap ratio or axial contact ratio in helical gears

    Hi, I am trying to understand the Overlap Ratio (OR) / axial contact ratio of a helical gear pair. Unlike transverse contact ratio, I am unable to understand OR so easily. What does it mean if the OR is exactly 1? What will happen practically when it goes less than one? Thanks.
  47. D

    What is the ratio of masses of the bob in a spring experiment?

    Homework Statement i have attached the sample ans here. hand written photo is my working. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution since the question doesn't same string . so i assume it's a same spring. so i would get t is directly propotional to sqrt root (m). is my...
  48. T

    Seeking advice on creating ratio scales from ordinal scale instruments

    I have a psychological testing instrument that produces an ordinal measure (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). I want to change this to a ratio scale with range 0 to 5. The instrument is designed so the first 5 questions are very easy (Level 1), the next 5 questions are harder (Level 2), the next set is...
  49. Z

    Ratio of inertial and gravitational mass?

    what is the ratio of inertial mass to gravitational mass and how we can calculate it?
  50. T

    Variable gear ratio [Worm gear - Worm Wheel]

    Hello fellow PF members, This is my first post. I am wondering if there is a mechanism that alters the gear ratio in worm gear-worm wheel setup.. Something like a variable pitch worm gear that can be used instantaneously to alter the gear ratios. If not for worm gear, is there anything in...