Ray Definition and 517 Threads

  1. E

    CRT Electron Beam Focusing: Math Treatment & Details

    How does a CRT focus an electron beam? I get the basics of it. But I'm a little confused on the details. For electric focusing, how does accelerating the electrons cause it to focus? I'm looking for a more mathematical treatment of the subject. Everything I've found is just descriptive...
  2. wasteofo2

    Ray Bradbury's on Your World with Neil Cavuto, 4:00 pm.

    If you're on the east coast, Ray Brardbury's on Neil Cavuto's "Your World" REAL SOON. Incase you don't know, it's on Fox News. Expect some Michael Moore bashing, as Bradbury got pissed Moore ripped off his book title. Should be fun regardless.
  3. T

    Hi, quick problem regarding emission of gamma ray.

    A Fe (57) atom is in an excited state 14.4 keV above the ground state. The nucleus decays to the ground state with the emission of a gamm ray. What's the recoil speed of the nucleus? I'm not sure how to set this up. I thought a photon would have no mass, therefor no momentum. If so I...
  4. 7

    Light Ray Problem: Reflection & Refraction

    1. If a light ray go through a boundary of air and glass(i.e. angle of incidence is 90 degree), Is there any refraction or reflection? 2. If angle of incidence is 0 degree( the light ray is normal to a glass), Is there any reflection? 3. Suppose the situation is same as (2), but the light ray...
  5. C

    Why Does Gamma Ray Take 1M Years to Reach Star Surface?

    I was just thinking, nuclear fusion in the core of a star produces a gamma ray burst that takes about one million years to reach the surface of the star where it becomes visible light. Why does it take the gamma ray one million years to reach the surface if it is traveling at light speed? I...
  6. K

    QG plasma and gamma ray bursters

    Would a quark-gluon plasma reflect x rays and gamma rays and would such a plasma exist in gamma ray bursters and black holes?
  7. K

    Gamma Ray Bursters: Cause of Short-Lived Flashes of Light

    What causes the short-lived, highly energetic, flash of light emitted by some black holes as they are created?
  8. G

    How the white ray of light changes to a spectrum of colours

    Hi...Juz curious. I was doing the prism experiment yesterday and was just curious about how the white ray of light changes to a spectrum of colours... Has it got anything to do with the change in the speed of the different colours of light, the frequency / the wavelength? Or just purely...
  9. N

    Angle of an emerging ray through two boundaries

    Thank-you for taking the time to read my problem. I am currently doing work with light and boundaries and have come across a question that I am having a hard time understanding. I know how to calculate angles when they go through one boundry but I can not figure out how to do it when there is 2...
  10. F

    Image formation and ray diagrams

    Ok, a lens is held upright with a piece of clay. In front of it is a bulb, and behind it is a screen at the location of the image of the bulb. Now, what would happen to the image if the top half of the lens were covered by a mask? And what if the mask had a small hole in the center and were...
  11. F

    Risk Assessment of Intended Procedures for Cathode Ray Tubes

    Hey guys In a few days i will be doing an Assessment task requiring me to do a number of things relating to experiments on Motors and Generators and Cathode Rays.. I am confident in doing all of it but the last part states we have to analyse secondary information to carry out a risk...
  12. B

    Cosmic Ray Detector: Equipment & DIY Builds

    what kind of equipment do we need to detect cosmic rays? can i build something to detect fairly high energy cosmic rays in my basement?
  13. Orion1

    What is the Purpose of the Cosmic Ray Observatory?

    {copyrighted material deleted by Phobos - please check out the link instead} Reference: http://www.sltrib.com/2004/Jan/01132004/utah/128616.asp
  14. Norman

    GCR Spectrum Peak Energy: 1-10 GeV/nucleon | Source

    Does anyone know the peak(or the energy at which the flux is the greatest) of the GCR spectrum? And a quotable source for that. I am pretty sure it is in the 1-10 GeV/nucleon range. thanks
  15. R

    Electromagnetic Bubble forming Gamma Ray Bursts.

    This Paper may be large, but it is a must for some pretty far reaching consequences for Cosmology. http://uk.arxiv.org/PS_cache/astro-ph/pdf/0312/0312347.pdf I will astounded if the paper is not seen in the near future as a remarkable paper of astronomical foresight and will be a paper...
  16. S

    Upper Limit of Energy for Gamma Ray Bursts?

    It's embarassing to have to ask this, but I have never seen this issue discussed. Is there an upper limit on the energy of the gamma rays from the gamma ray bursts? Namely 1.022 MeV? Because any gamma ray of that energy or greater can and will produce pairs of electrons and positrons by...
  17. frankR

    How Do Matrices Help in Ray Tracing a Scratched Glass Sphere?

    Here is the problem: A glass sphere with a diameter of 5cm has a scratch on its surface. When the scratch is viewed through the glass from a position directly opposite, where is the virtual image of the scratch, and its magnification? The glass has an index of refraction n=1.50. Explain the...