Reality Definition and 435 Threads

Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. The term is also used to refer to the ontological status of things, indicating their existence. In physical terms, reality is the totality of a system, known and unknown. Philosophical questions about the nature of reality or existence or being are considered under the rubric of ontology, which is a major branch of metaphysics in the Western philosophical tradition. Ontological questions also feature in diverse branches of philosophy, including the philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophical logic. These include questions about whether only physical objects are real (i.e., Physicalism), whether reality is fundamentally immaterial (e.g., Idealism), whether hypothetical unobservable entities posited by scientific theories exist, whether God exists, whether numbers and other abstract objects exist, and whether possible worlds exist.

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  1. J

    Did Plato Invent Socrates?

    While the Socrates we know is a paragon and martyr, his biography may not be real. I suspect Plato created a master philosopher for two reasons: 1. To give more weight to himself. Being a student of a heroic certainly boosted his reputation. 2. To give more weight to his ideas. By using...
  2. W

    Medical Uberman Sleep Schedule: Myth or Reality?

    I wasn't quite sure whether to put this here or is skepticism and debunking. Anyway here goes. I was reading the other day about this different way of sleeping that allows one to sleep just two hours a day. It is called the Uberman sleep schedule. Basically, one sleeps every 3-4 hours for 20-30...
  3. B

    Speed of our reality perception…

    I'm really puzzled at our perception of fundamental physical reality… I’ve got it right or all wrong? (I am no scientist, just a curious person, so please bear with me.) Some constants first: - Planck time (PT): 5.4×10−44 s - Planck length (PL): 1.6×10^-35 m - Electron radius (EL)...
  4. N

    What Does the Future of Virtual Reality Hold?

    What does the future of virtual reality look like? There are a lot of hype out there for its future. What do you guys think? You may also share any articles, videos, etc..
  5. A

    Transparent Display glasses (Augmented Reality)

    Hello All, I'm not really sure if this is the spot where I should post this, but I'll give it a shot. For the last 2 yrs. I've been working on improving the current generation of Augmented Reality glasses (transparent display or "see-through" display glasses). The main reason you only see...
  6. Ryan_m_b

    How Will Augmented Reality Change Our Future?

    Some stunning examples of a technology that (I think) will really change how we live our lives in the future. If you have an iphone you can get the free app, print the markers and see for yourself!
  7. C

    Lorentz Contraction Physical Reality

    Simple thought experiment I read and would like to hear what others think will the result will be: Let two spaceships A and B accelerate along a straight line. Observer C does not accelerate. The accelerations, as judged by C, are constant for both ships. Each ship is equipped with a...
  8. L

    Brian Greene: Hidden Reality Book

    I listening to Brian Greene's book! i.e. the audio book. There is something that is mentioned many times, but I don't recognise the word / language, so forgive me if the spelling is very wrong(!). Basically, when explaining the variations on the CMBR, he refers to something like an "implonton"...
  9. K

    'Levels of Reality' on the order of Strings

    Please forgive my lay understanding of String Theory, but when contemplating it, I am drawn to two questions; one at a level 'above' string theory and the other 'deeper'. I will begin with the former. As is my limited understanding, strings, according to restrictions placed upon them by the...
  10. W

    History What do you prefer - road to reality or brief history of time ?

    I mean to say whose popular sci-books do you like more Stephen Hawking's or Roger Penrose 's ? I like Penrose as he doesn't shy from using mathematics. So he is likely to present a better picture to the general public. And that may even ignite their interest in mathematics. Also he...
  11. E

    Reality exists when observed, but who is the observer?

    Hi, Reading about quantum mechanics, the probability wave is so that a particle can be everywhere. But when observed, it's probability wave collapses and the particle has to take a definite state. The example were given for Schrödinger's cat, which is either alive or dead only after we...
  12. C

    Exploring Ontological Possibilities of Quantum Mechanics

    Just trying to explore the ontological possibilities that Quantum Mechanics have created, I would like to make a list that covers the variety of ways of thinking about reality, using this question as a starting point: QUESTION: What is there when we do not observe? 1.- We don't know...
  13. P

    How should we go about understanding reality

    I wish to discuss how does one rationally go about understanding the world we live in. There is the scientific approach of empiric data and evidence etc. There are philosophers who come up with many different ideas based on their rational thinking and there's religion that claims so many...
  14. 1

    Discussing Alternate Realities: What's Yours?

    Okay, so it seems like some people do this, I thought I was the only one. Do you have an alternate reality or other life that you think about? I know some people may see this a stupid, but let's face it, we've all come to a fork in the road in life and sometimes we wish we had taken a...
  15. S

    In the reality how I perform the many kind of measurements, like operators p,q,E

    in the experimental side of QM, I know i can use a slit to measure the q. but what about p or E? and how to conciliate the measure with the theory?: after the measurement of a slit i'll measure q and the system will collapse in a autovector of q, like |q> but it will evolve like a...
  16. R

    Math and Reality. What is the deep connection?

    First of all. We must not have any a priori or preconceived notions of what is reality but instead follow the evidence of what is the true structure (if there is) of reality. The Dirac Equation is one way to start. It predicts spins of particles and antimatter. How come the mathematics of it...
  17. M

    Quantum physics, reality, consciousness and the hypnagogic/hypnopompic state

    I couldn't determine exactly what section this should fit into, considering that it does cover philosophy and most likely violate the QM section I figured it's best here. If the Mods feel otherwise please let me know. I realize putting this thought to paper is like pinning a cloud to the...
  18. T

    Augmented reality rotation & zoom

    I'm working on augmented reality engine and I have a following problem. I'm tracking a 2D rectangle tracking picture inside an other picture (webcam stream). I have detected all four 2D corner coordinates for that tracking picture. Now I need to calculate from the corner coordiantes how the...
  19. R

    Is Reality as We Know It Just an Illusion?

    How real is reality?! Given what we know about quantum physics and the result of 2-slit experiments, is reality really how we view it?
  20. D

    Why doesn't the pressure inside a squeezed circle approach infinity?

    I was thinking about the pressure build up in a system that is squeezed equally from all sides (or at least in two dimensions, like squeezing a tube of toothpaste), and I ran into a conundrum. If the pressure increases as the area decreases, then the pressure inside a circle that's squeezed...
  21. P

    What is Reality? [reading recommendations]

    My curiosity is in need of a comprehensive list of reading material on reality, consciousness; "stuff that matters". Thanks in advance.
  22. M

    Does logic hold true outside our reality (spacetime)?

    We know that the laws of physics are unique to our universe, that is they only hold true in our spacetime. My question is about logic and if logic holds true outside our universe unlike the laws of physics. For example, if we say that x>y and z>x then we can conclude that z>y is true by logic...
  23. L

    Vygotsky vs Reality: Evidence Supporting/Contradicting Claims on Mind

    What evidences support or contredict Vygotsky's philosophy of mind? I'm interested specifically in the experimental evidences supporting or contradicting: 1-that self-awareness in human is the result of language 2-that any "higher mental abilities" is the result of language and cultural...
  24. P

    How far is quantum computing from reality?

    When will quantum computers become useful? For example, cracking some real-world encryption, simulating quantum behaviour of molecules, or enhancing web search engines? I somehow have the impression that this is a field of physics where theorists keep dreaming and experimentalists keep playing...
  25. D

    Could Nested Simulated Realities Be Computationally Feasible?

    In reading up on this, would the real world (the one that houses the machines for the simulation) require even more computing power/resources if the simulation its running has another completley seamless simulation running in it? So the idea that every simulated reality could be just one in...
  26. K

    Medical People tend to think that reality is what they see/read in the news

    Sometime ago I read about a cognitive bias by which people tend to think that reality is what they see/read in the news. I don't remember the name of this bias and was wondering if anyone could help find it or a similar one. Thanks.
  27. B

    Does the butterfly effect apply in reality?

    Everyone has heard that a butterfly flapping it's wings in one place may ultimately cause a tornado to form in another place. I really have a problem with this. It has also been said that if all the molecules in a cup of coffee were to move the same direction at the same time that the coffee...
  28. W

    Perception Reality: Does My Existence Matter?

    Is perception reality? Does what I see have an effect on what actually is? Do I really matter? Or am I just a juicy little bug crawling across the highway of time, inevitably making my way toward the paths which the car tires of death do travel? Will the tires remember the unique quality of...
  29. StevieTNZ

    The reality of the quantum world - article

    Does anyone know where I can download this article, or perhaps if someone has this article they could please attach it to their reply?
  30. E

    What does simultaneous reality and non-commuting operators mean?

    "if Quantum Mechanics (QM) is complete (and there are no "hidden variables"), then there cannot be simultaneous reality to non-commuting operators" - Taken from I am trying to understand this sentence but I do not fully...
  31. T

    What would reality be like without SR?

    I would like to start a brain storming thread, listing all the possible complications that would arise from NOT having SR. SR is what makes our reality what it is, so I expect that without SR, some serious complications would arise. Surely SR, is not just some insignificant nuance of reality...
  32. K

    Is Perception Reality? Exploring the Subjectivity of Consciousness

    This might sound stupid but, does consciousness = reality? I don't know if that makes sense or not, but I guess what I'm trying to ask is, actually, I don't really know what I'm trying to ask... these type of thoughts are all new to me
  33. chronon

    New FQXI essay contest Is Reality Digital or Analog?

    New FQXI essay contest "Is Reality Digital or Analog?" It's been a long wait but it's here at last (It was actually launched 4 days ago - they seem to keep it pretty quiet)
  34. K

    Exploring Infinity: Is it a Math Concept or Real?

    Is "Infinity" only a mathematical concept or is there anything infinite in reality? I mean ∞ is indeterminate in a way such that any of the following expressions can be constructed: ∞ - ∞ = 1, ∞ - ∞ = 0 ∞ - ∞ = ∞ Is there anything in reality that can actually behave like that?
  35. T

    Exploring Augmented Reality: Benefits & Uses

    I heard about this a few days ago and wanted to know how it works and what are the benefits? I have tried a demo where you hold up a photograph in front of your webcam and something happens... and also is AR in practical-use nowadays??
  36. P

    Musings on meter seconds/ Guernsey Reality Question

    Greetings, Before I begin, I'd like to mention that I am in a High School level physics course (AP Physics B 32S), so my level of knowledge is quite low. This is not for coursework, but for discussion. In an informal discussion with my instructor outside of class, we were talking about...
  37. B

    Gravity center; Virtual particles near BH; Motion reality; Universe contracting

    I’ve got few simple questions (and views) about which I’m pondering on for some time now and since I’m layman on these topics I’d love to hear thoughts and insights about them from some of the great contributors at this forum. Thank you! -- Is gravity in center of star highest, lowest or...
  38. U

    A hypothesis of the basic working of the physical reality.

    I've been developing a hypothesis about how the physical reality must be like and work. The physical reality would be composed by a homogeneous existence that is made up by itself, that solely exists. This is how I defined space. The space has a finite and perfectly spherical shape that...
  39. V

    Energy weapons: reality and fiction

    Hi all. Sorry if I am posting in a wrong section as I am new there and di not figure it out where my post belongs to. I would like to ask about energy weapons in fiction and reality. We have movies, video games, novels where lots of weapons (of different designs) are used. As far as I...
  40. G

    Particle/wave duality: physical reality? Or really physical crackpottery?

    I, as with Albert Einstein, shall always side with Issac Newton; that is to say, that light is corpuscular. There is no such thing as a light 'wave'. Sure, Thomas Young threw the world of physics a curveball in 1802, backed by Huygens and his somewhat sound reasoning (for the time). But who...
  41. marcus

    Seething expanding geometry-new LQG view of reality

    Seething expanding geometry--new LQG view of reality A view of reality emerging from current LQG research (like 1004.1780) is somewhat analogous to the "seething vacuum" of quantum field theory. But it is a "seething geometry" in which bits of area and volume constantly come into existence and...
  42. A

    On the Reality of the Psi-Function

    It is often argued that the psi-function exists only in the context of calculations.But is this concept true if we take into consideration the celebrated Aharonov-Bohm Effect where interference is produced by differences in the phase factors of the psi-function? It seems that there is a certain...
  43. J

    What is the truth behind our reality?

    "The truth is absent in class; Reality is absent minded. And you would have to be a grand idiot to not realize it too. You saw the magic show. It coaxed you away with riddles and illusions; Compliments to say how smart you were. It should be obvious how stupid you are, yet you favor your...
  44. E

    The Unfortunate Reality of Economic Slavery

    I have to gain a real deep understanding of everything I'm learning in university and luckily for me I don't have to work to survive so I can put all day every day into learning which is what I like to do because I love learning about scientific fields. How do other people that aren't as...
  45. D

    Conciousness effect of reality evidence

    Hi, I'm dean Mullen aged 14, now the other day in school, well a few weeks back or so, I was at PE, basically excercise class, anyway there is a test called the bleep test, we have to run from one end of the hall to the other, I've never got too near completing it, yet this time i tried an...
  46. G

    Einstein's Space-Time and "Ripples in Reality

    If, according to Einstein, that space-time is a "fabric", could there be waves in this "fabric"?
  47. P

    Rod shortening - physical reality?

    Hi Guys, I seem to have gone in circles YET AGAIN! When discussing the expansion of the Universe I was told by friends that masses and objects do not expand with space because the forces within the mass are so much stronger than the inflationary force. When discussing General relativity we...
  48. D

    Confusing Interpretation of reality

    Mathematical constructs may or may not agree with reality (that is observed by us through our senses or high-tech instruments). What’s the touchstone that a mathematical construct for a theory is the right one and would not be violated in future? For example the mathematics that was used...
  49. D

    Is reality solely based on perception and observation?

    Just a small example? (It can be extended as per will) A person (X) and his friend (Y) are sitting in a room that has a table placed in the centre. X says to his friend, 'Can you determine whether the table is in the exact centre of the room or not?' Y says, 'I go even further, this table...
  50. M

    Time vs Change: Exploring the Reality

    Hi, what was first: the time or a change? a) time - time enables changes - time exists physically - spacetime exists physically - gravity/acceleration bends local time - high speed bends local time b) change - changes enable us to create concept of time - time...