Recommendation Definition and 320 Threads

  1. Saladsamurai

    Linear Algebra Text Recommendation

    I have been suggested this text by And this text by Ant thoughts on which is better for a student with no real exposure to any of the concepts in Linear Algebra? I only have...
  2. G

    Do you have any recommendation of book involving mathematical physcis?

    Hi, I'm very interesting about Theoretical physics, In fact, I want to learn about Particle physics for my desire to solve difficulty. But, when I tried to study the famous mathematical book, by afken, I recognized it very hard to study by myself. So, I want to know other book...
  3. O

    Recommendation of a good math based quantum physics text

    I have taken several classical physics courses and am now interested in expanding my knowledge of the field during my personal time. I am therefore wondering if anyone has recommendations for a good math based quantum physics text to introduce me to the branch of quantum mechanics. I do not...
  4. V

    Classical Mechanics Textbook Recommendation

    Hey guys, I am an undergraduate junior physics major currently enrolled in PHY3220 (Classical Mechanics) and we are using the textbook by Fowles and Cassiday titled, "Analytical Mechanics." However, I am looking for a second Classical Mechanics textbook that I could use as a reference since...
  5. S

    Math software - any recommendation?

    Hello folks, I was shopping for some mathematics software like Mathematica and Mathlab, etc..? However, they are too expnesive for me (hobbyist use). However, they only offer Mathematica 7 Home Edition for affordable price. I was looking for some open-source software and found a few...
  6. S

    Any recommendation for started physics book (to generate interest)

    as a present for a grade 8 junior, something basic yet interesting enough to spark her interest. any suggestions thanks!
  7. MathematicalPhysicist

    Stochastic Processes and Astrophysics Textbook Recommendations for BSC Students

    If anyone has recommendations for textbook of problems (with solutions) in stochastic processes and astrophysics, both are preliminary courses for BSC, it would be appreciated? Something in the line of schaum outline would be superb.
  8. R

    Laptop Recommendation: College Needs 3+GB RAM, 250+GB Hard Drive

    I want to buy a laptop with 3+GB of Ram, a 250+GB Hard Drive, and a good processor. I am going to be using it for College, what could someone recommend.
  9. E

    Discrete Mathematics Book Recommendation

    Hello, I'm looking for a decent Discrete Mathematics book.. Well, - Discrete Mathematics & Its Applications. - Discrete Mathematics With Its Applications. Are the top-sellers and the top-rated books @ Amazon on this field. Has anyone read any of them? Recommendations? Pros & Cons? I'm...
  10. L

    Recommendation for an undergraduate textbook

    Hi, I'm not sure if I am posting in the right place, but I am looking for a textbook for 1st & 2nd Year undergraduate physics. For the mathematical areas, I have a book called "Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering" by Riley, Hobson & Bence, which is excellent, and has lots of...
  11. R

    Asking recommendation for solid state books

    i am new to solid state physics.i have tried kittel already.i found it pretty boring.can anybody suggest any other book on this subject?
  12. M

    How Many Recommendation Letters Should You Request from One Professor?

    Hey all, I have a quick question about asking for recommendations. I wanted to know what's an appropriate amount of recommendation letters from one professor? I am currently at a community college and have a good relation with the lone physics professor, and am searching for where to finish...
  13. R

    Where to Advertise for Landscaping Services in Seattle?

    I have bought a new house in Washington (Seattle), which has two lots of 30 x 40 ft and 40 x 60 ft sizes. The second one has a large strand of Birch/ maple trees. I need landscaping done for the entire plot in addition to other small jobs, which include some roofing etc. Can anyone refer me...
  14. R

    Maximizing Chances: Letter of Recommendation for REU & Graduate School

    I participated in an REU this past summer and at the moment I am trying to either get an internship/co-op or I would like to continue to do some more research for the summer. I have a few questions regarding letters of recommendation. 1) Is it inappropriate to ask the professor that I did the...
  15. K

    Recommendation for Calculus Book

    Based on people who have maybe used both books, would Tom Apostol's Volume I book be a more preferred book than Stewarts? I'm really aiming to understand everything and not just "know how to do the steps." This is why someone recommended Apostol to me. I am a beginner in Calculus as well...
  16. K

    Materials science book recommendation

    I posted this in a different board, but I think this is a better place, so I'm reposting. I'm taking a materials science class (in Korea) but I'd like a decent English-language textbook to supplement the class-recommended material. The specific class name in English is "MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR...
  17. R

    What is a Suitable Wireless Router for a Growing Office?

    Hey kids! I've come to PF seeking a recomendation for a wireless router. I moonlight and do IT work when I can. This office originally had a lot fewer computers and worked fine using a generic Linksys wifi router. The office has grown considerable since then and with the addition of several...
  18. L

    Textbook recommendation for multivariate calculus?

    I am currently studying multivariate calculus, and quite frankly, I'm not doing well. I am currently using Thomas' Calculus, 11/e media upgrade by Pearson. I don't like this book. The text is 75% theory and 25% simple examples, too few exercise problems, and the explanation is just too difficult...
  19. M

    Nuclear reactor physics text recommendation

    Hi folks, can anyone suggest a good and current reference text on nuclear reactor theory and physics? I'm a theorist, so mathematically sophisticated presentation is welcome. Thanks in advance for any recommendations.
  20. qspeechc

    Real Analysis book recommendation

    Hi everyone. I'm taking my first course in real analysis soon. I have a bit of linear algebra and advanced calculus under my belt. I would like to get a book as a companion to the course. What would you recommend? I've heard wonderful things about Rudin's Mathematical Analysis, but is it...
  21. L

    What is a good mountain bike option for transportation and trails on a budget?

    So I am heading out to Arizona for grad school and my primary mode of transportation around campus will be by bicycle. I don't know jack about bikes. I am looking for something practical for a means of transportation, but I want something reasonably capable for riding trails also. I was...
  22. I

    Palestine-israel book recommendation

    can someone recommed a fair and balanced book about the palestine israel situation.
  23. C

    Book Recommendation: Introduction to Multivariable

    Hey guys here, I am going to university soon. Introduction to Multivariable is one of the courses. Before going to university, I hope to do some self-study as I am relatively weak in math. Hope that with an extra prepared Math module I can cope well during my university's life. May you...
  24. S

    Abstract Algebra (Was: Book recommendation)

    Hi, Next fall i will be taking Intro to Abstract Algebra so i was planning to give it a shot on my own during the summer break, but i don't know what would be a good book to buy online, that is not too expensive. I would like the book to be quite rigorous, like very proof based one, but that...
  25. D

    Recommendation for textbook on number theory

    So I'm in a number theory course this semester but we aren't using a textbook (the professor gave the explanation that they'd never found a textbook that does exactly what they wanted or something, but it seems from my investigations that our course follows a pretty standard introduction)...
  26. R

    Letters of recommendation (for the 100th time)

    I'm applying for a masters degree on an European university this year. I have an almost perfect GPA of 3.98, I took some pretty advanced classes and have two years of research experience, but the problem is with the letters of recommendation. They require me to send one letter of...
  27. E

    Studying Recommendation of textbook for self-study of thermodynamics

    I want to know what book to use to self-study thermodynamics. I am preparing for the physics GRE. I have Reif and I read through the first 3 chapters. It is not the most amazing exposition I have ever read, but I think the problem is that I just have to get used to all of the hand-waving type...
  28. W

    Studying Need Recommendation of Online Resources/Books

    Hi all, I want to finish an introductory electrical engineering course by myself during my off term. Since I don't know the concepts well enough, I shall base my selection of materials to study from on recommendation from people who do know the subject well. Anyway, here is the short...
  29. O

    Need recommendation: useful book about statistics?

    Hi, I'm in need of a book recommendation :smile: . As a practicing physicist I get to use some statistics now and then. I've been through all of the introductory probability courses and I can solve textbook problems (after scratching my head for a bit). The problem is, I've never really...
  30. N

    I need a recommendation for good brands of antiperspirant

    Does anyone know any good brands of antiperspirant which work well, but don't leave white marks on shirts? My wife is getting tired of scrubbing the armpits every time she washes them.
  31. P

    What happens if the recommendation letter writers miss the deadline?

    Seriously, I have been constantly reminding my rec letter writers that they need to get this stuff done by the Dec 15th for the past 3 weeks, and only one of the three profs actually wrote and submitted my letter. Now it is past the deadline and they are assuring me that it will be done by...
  32. Holocene

    Music Symphony Music for Science Videos: Recommendations Needed

    Can anyone recommend some good symphony orchestra music that would fit well with the construction of a science video? Topics would possibly include evolution, origins of universe, galaxies, history of Earth, etc.. Thanks.
  33. M

    Recommendation on good Analysis textbook to supplement class

    Just a quick question for those who have had plenty of exposure to Analysis. Currently, I'm in an Analysis class. We are using Arthur Mattuck's "Introduction to Analysis" textbook. While I think it's a good book and I enjoy the class, I can't help to think that the teacher is watering down...
  34. J

    What Is the Minimum Familiarity Required to Request a Letter of Recommendation?

    It's that time of year again when everyone is applying to college/grad school! I myself am wrapping up my applications to the 3 uni's I have chosen to pursue attending. I'm graduating with honors, have a decent GRE and so on - all the things that look good on paper - but I am really getting...
  35. rocomath

    Difference Between Economy and Melamine Dry Erase Boards?

    is there much of a difference from economy and melamine? i plan on buying more than one and most likely will have them in different locations. links removed by me! thanks for the input :)
  36. P

    Vector calculus book recommendation

    hey guys & gals ... i need your advice in selecting the best possible Vector Calculus book for a physics major planning on pursuing his Master's and perhaps more in the future ... i have been away from math and physics for some time (~ 4 years) and do not have a solid Vec-Calc background...
  37. L

    Learning Physicis Again: Any book recommendation?

    Hello, I am looking for classical physics book recommendations. I'm new to this forum and just graduated from college with an engineering degree. I took several courses in Physics and Math. My college experience though was more based on..."Solve this problem and get the correct answer...
  38. C

    Mathematica Book recommendation: Mathematical treatment

    I'm looking for a book on Quantum Mechanics on an introductory level (concerning the physics), which is fairly advanced concerning the mathematics (i.e. some book that does not praise as a mathematical revolution that there actually is something called a dual space to some vector space). Do you...
  39. R

    Textbook Recommendation for General Physics

    I seek a recommendation for a comprehensive calculus-based general physics textbook, one that would include an introduction to relativity and quantum theory and whatever else comprises modern physics. I would prefer a calculus-based textbook where the derivation of the algebraic formulae used...
  40. P

    Advice on getting letter of recommendation

    I'm currently attending a community college and I was notified by e-mail about this summer research opportunity at UCSB. The problem is the application and letter of recommendation are due by April 15. This week is spring break for me, so I have to get the recommendation from my professor next...
  41. A

    Physics Problem Book Recommendation

    I'm currently attending Physics I: Mechanics Course I took the first test, and the test included problems that were not on textbook nor a recommended problem book, i.e. schaum's 3000 problems.. The problems were interesting twists on the concepts, the problems were not so difficult, but I...
  42. W

    Any recommendation about Microelectronic Fabrication?

    Hi, dear all: I am a newbie in EE, now I am studying some courses related to IC fabrication and MEMS. I have the book : "The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication" by Stephen A. Campbell. I am really wanted to know are there any online tutorial materials and discussion...
  43. L

    Need microcontroller recommendation

    Hi, I'm measuring distance using ultrasonic transducers. I will start timing, send a 40kHz pulse from the source and will return the pulse from the target (which will also contain a receiver and transmitter). I need a microcontroller with an analog comparator so that it will detect a certain...
  44. D

    Letters of Recommendation Waiver

    Just a quick question. I'm passing out college recommendations right now and it asked me whether or not I want to waive my right to see the recommendations. My friends swears that not waiving your right can actually hurt you becuase they will think the teachers aren't being honest. Is this true.
  45. C

    When is the best time to ask for letters of recommendation from professors?

    I'm just starting out in my undergraduate education, and I'm wondering. When is it a good time to ask for letters of recommendation. should I ask any professor I get to know for a letter?
  46. M

    Should I use this recommendation?

    So I'm preparing the final stages for my grad apps and I need to decide what recommendation letters to send. They all require 3, but the problem is I didn't really get to know all the professors in my department that well so only 2 of them are from a professor who knows me, the third would be...
  47. J

    Books recommendation on electrodynamics

    I just finished Griffths intro. to electrodynamics and works half of the problems Griffths provided. Now,I attempt to read Jackson's electrodynamics and found it is very hard for me... Indeed, should I need to go back to Griffths's electrodynamics and learn those concepts again? or I should try...
  48. M

    Top Textbook Recommendations for Introductory Calculus-Based Physics Course

    I am currently in an introductory calculus based physics course. The text we use is a course packet written by the instructor that I don't find particularly lucid beyond set scenarios. I've been using Kleppner's "Introduction to Mechanics" and love its rigorous, mathematically concentrated...
  49. K

    Schools Recommendation for backup grad schools

    Hi, I have my undergrad degree in Applied Physics and am beginning to apply for graduate studies(phd). I was wondering what your opinions were for some backup schools, because realistically I don't forsee myself being accepted to some of my greater aspirations (Berkeley, UoFM, Princeton) I...