Rectangular Definition and 477 Threads

  1. U

    Rectangular box tips over (or not)

    Homework Statement A uniform rectangular wood block of mass M, with length b and height a, rests on an incline as shown. The incline and the wood block have a coefficient of static friction, μs. The incline is moved upwards from an angle of zero through an angle θ. At some critical angle the...
  2. B

    Building a flat rectangular vacuum chamber

    I'm uneducated in Physics so I'm not sure where to begin with this. I want to build a vacuum chamber that is rectangular and fairly flat. It will measure 48"X96"X8" I plan on constructing it from clear polycarbonate sheet on one face (would clear acrylic be a better choice?) and aluminum sheet...
  3. Z

    What Are the Torques on a Rectangular Plate in Equilibrium?

    Consider the system on the attached picture showing a rectangular plate attached to a pole by two screws - one in A and one in B. Now to figure out the condition for equilibrium one would calculate the torques around point A and B to find that one screw must be pulling and the other one pushing...
  4. J

    Rectangular Disk with Circular Hole Period Question

    Homework Statement A circular disk with a rectangular hole has a radius of 0.620 m and mass of 0.470 kg. It is suspended by a point on its perimeter as shown in the figure. The moment of inertia about this point is I_p = 1.60E-1 kgm2. Its center of mass is located at a distance of s=0.120 m...
  5. J

    Peak forces of round and rectangular solenoids

    I am doing some research involving solenoids of varying aspect ratios, and I'm looking for some equations I can use to back it up. I have three different solenoids of the equal n (where n=N/L), with different shapes and different cores/plungers, and I am comparing their forces by testing them...
  6. A

    Can a Rectangular Hollow Section Hold a 30kg Floodlight?

    Homework Statement Dimensions: length - 400 mm, width - 125 mm height - 50 mm thickness - 3 mm included 6 holes for m12 bolts at the top, 4 holes for m6 bolts. will this section be able to hold a 30kg floodlight. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution still trying...
  7. D

    Self-inductance of a rectangular loop

    Homework Statement Given a rectangular loop of length C by length D (C >> D) through which a current I flows, calculate the self-inductance L of the loop (consider only the long sides of the rectangle). Homework Equations Self-inductance: L = \frac{N \cdot \Phi_B}{I} magnetic flux: \Phi_B =...
  8. P

    Convert from polar to rectangular

    Homework Statement Convert the polar equation: r = \frac{2}{ 2\,\sin \left( \theta \right) -3\,\cos \left( \theta \right)} to rectangular form Homework Equations x^2 + y^2 = r^2 x = r * cos(theta) y = r * sin(theta)The Attempt at a Solution I tried to to use the x = r cos(theta)...
  9. K

    Converting rectangular to polar

    Homework Statement How do you convert the rectangular coordinate points (1, -2) to polar form? note: rectangular is (x,y) polar is (r, theta)Homework Equations r^2 = x^2 + y^2 , x = rcos(theta) , y = rsin(theta) , tan(theta) = y/xThe Attempt at a Solution So basically, I tried getting it to...
  10. M

    Calculate Dimensions of a Rectangular Beam - 8280Nm, 36cm^3, 230MPa

    Hi, Calculate the dimensions of a solid rectangular beam using the information below: Max Bending Moment= 8280Nm Ze = 36cm^3 Allowable Stress = 230MPa d = 2b Stress = moment/section modulus
  11. J

    Laplace equation in rectangular geometry

    [/itex][/itex]Homework Statement A battery consists of a cube of side L filled with fluid of conductivity s. The electrodes in the battery consist of two plates on the base at y = 0, one grounded and one at potential V = 12 Volts. The other sides of the battery casing are not conductive...
  12. I

    Magnetic H field for a rectangular loop antenna

    Hi, Homework Statement How can I calculate the magnetic H field for a rectangular loop antenna (L x W) at a distance of x, which is made from copper tape with 30 um thickness and width of the tape from 1 to 5 cm. For the same antenna made ​​of wire I applied next formula...
  13. fluidistic

    Rectangular finite potential well problem

    Homework Statement An electron enters in a finite rectangular potential well of length 4 angstroms. When the entering electrons have a kinetic energy of 0.7 eV they can travel through the region without having any reflection. Use this information to calculate the depth of the potential well...
  14. jegues

    Infinitely Long Parallel Rectangular Parallel Strips (H field)

    Homework Statement See figure attached. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have some concerns about his solution for part a). I agree with how he's evaluated Ampere's law to find the field due to one of the strips at any point between the plates, but if you want...
  15. A

    Solving rectangular form simultaneous equations?

    Hi, I have the following 3 simultaneous equations to solve for the currents I1, I2 and I3: I1(0-j5) + I1(5+j5) - I3(5+j5) - 20 = 0 I2(5+j5) + I2(0-j10) + I3(0-j10) - 20 = 0 I1(0-j5) + I3(10+j0) - I2(5+j5) = 0 Does anyone have the link to any online software I could use to solve the...
  16. F

    Find Stress of the Rectangular Block

    For this question, I need to find the force that will be acting on a rectangular block. E = 193 x 10^3 MPa Max. Stress = 210 MPa F= 2000N The rectangular block is fixed at both ends (bolted on to another metal object) I need to find the dimensions for this block. L, length can be as...
  17. E

    Changing rectangular to cylindrical

    Change (-3,3,3) to cylindrical coordinates. I'm doing r^2 = x^2 + y^2, which I find r = sqrt(18) = 3radical(2) tan(theta) = 3/-3 = 1, so theta = -pi/4 = 7pi/4. z = 3 Cylindrical coordinates are (3sqrt(2),7pi/4,3). Is this right? Correct answer to the homework says 3pi/4 for the angle, for...
  18. V

    Cylindrical to rectangular coordinates

    Hi sorry,I still need some help on converting coordinates >.< Set up an integral in rectangular coordinates equivalent to the integral ∫(0 ≤ θ ≤ \frac{∏}{2})∫(1 ≤ r ≤ \sqrt{3})∫(1 ≤ z ≤ √(4-r2)) r3(sinθcosθ)z2 dz dr dθ Arrange the order of integration to be z first,then y,then x. I...
  19. Q

    3D Rectangular Scattering Potential

    Homework Statement There is a constant potential, V0, in the region -a<x<a, -a<y<a, -b<z<b, and V=0 otherwise. Particles of mass m are incident on the scatterer with wave vector k in the x direction with a flux at the origin of one particle per second per cm^2. There is a detector with...
  20. F

    Rotation of a rectangular prism.

    For some reason it is impossible for a rectangular prism to have pure rotation along one of its axises. For example, if you throw a hardback book in the air and try to spin it about its width then there is some distortion. What is the explanation for this?
  21. S

    Work done by rectangular wire loop with current in magnetic field

    Homework Statement A rectangular wire loop of height h and width w, centered on the origin, carries current I in the direction shown in the figure. The angle between the positive x-axis and the plane of the loop is θ, defined as shown in the figure below. (When θ = 0 the loop lies in the x-z...
  22. O

    Average/RMS Values of a Rectangular and Ramp Function

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Irms = \frac{Im}{\sqrt{3}} The Attempt at a Solution I'm lost on how to do a completely, whereas for b. I can find the Irms: Irms = \frac{6}{\sqrt{3}} = 3.46 mA and the average, I'm guessing is 6/2 = 3 mA? Thank you in advance!
  23. B

    Electromagnetic forces in Three Phase Copper Busbars (Rectangular)

    Homework Statement So here is the Problem : I am Modelling an interesting problem for a project i am busy with. I need to find out the force exerted on a single busbar in a 3 phase system, with each phase carrying 3300A. This is mainly so that i can deduce what size of busbar supports i...
  24. G

    Is (x-h)^4(y-k)=Some Constant Also an Equation of a Rectangular Hyperbola?

    the general equation for rectangular hyperbola with vertical and horizontal asymptotes is given as : (x-h)(y-k)= some constant Is the following also an equation of rectangular hyperbola (x-h)^4(y-k)=some constant ? I am trying to find the shape of this curve,is it similar to that of...
  25. J

    R^2 = 8/(2-sin^2 θ) Convert to rectangular form?

    Is it right to multiply everything on both sides first, by the (2-sin^2 θ) ? Why would you want to do that? In terms of how it should look, and what variable to solve for, what exactly is the goal here and why?
  26. J

    R=2cosθ Convert to rectangular form?

    It does not explain it in any of the books ? So no clue even on how to start other than, R = X squared + Y squared
  27. J

    It says convert (-1, pi/8 ) from polar to rectangular coordinate?

    How do you find these on the unit circle: 5pi/2 ? howabout pi/8 ? Converting from polar to rectangular? It says convert (-1, pi/8 ) from polar to rectangular coordinate? But there is no pi/8 on the unit circle? If the'yre on the unit circle just use x=rcosθ and y=rcosθ another example is for...
  28. Demon117

    A rectangular hollow conductor, open at one end

    Homework Statement A rectangular hollow conductor,open at one end of z, has a voltage impressed at z=0. On the z=0 plane, the voltage as a function of x and y is simple cosines such that V=0 at x=y=+/-L/2. All other surfaces are grounded. V(x,y)\approx f(cos(Ax),cos(By)) Calculate...
  29. P

    Rectangular Waveguides: Effective Index Method

    Homework Statement Is anyone familiar with the effective index method for rectangular waveguides? I have a waveguide for which the width is much greater than the thickness. I think I need to start by treating it as a planar waveguide. But I am supposed to get an effective index which depends...
  30. G

    Rectangular Potential Barrier Where E=V0

    Homework Statement V(x) = 0 for x < 0; V0 for 0 < x < a; 0 for x > a Particle of mass m E=V0 Asks for general solution and transmission coefficient. Homework Equations Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation The Attempt at a Solution I've found region I (the left region where x <0) to be...
  31. M

    Rectangular waveguide cavity - Maximum E field

    Hi, I am trying to calculate maximum E-field strength in a rectangular waveguide cavity resonator at 1.6GHz. The input power is 200W while the resonator should wsupport TE101 mode. cavity dimensions are 0.131mmx0.65mmx0.134mm (WxHxL) having lossy walls made up of copper with conductivity of...
  32. Y

    Verify Laplace equation in rectangular coordinates.

    Just want to verify Laplace equation in rectangular coordinates that: \nabla ^2 \vec E = 0 \Rightarrow\; \nabla^2 \vec E = \left ( \frac {\partial^2}{\partial x^2} +\frac {\partial^2}{\partial y^2} +\frac {\partial^2}{\partial z^2} \right ) ( \hat x E_x +\hat y E_y + \hat z E_z) = 0 \hbox...
  33. S

    Rectangular to Polar Conversion

    Homework Statement I need to convert this to polar form; anyone have any ideas where to start? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a SolutionI know this is incorrect but I am a bit overwelmed on this one. any help would be wonderful! thanks! Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at...
  34. K

    Relative energies inside a rectangular box

    Homework Statement Consider a three dimensional rectangular infinite potential well with sides of length L, 2L and 3L. What is the energy of the first excited state relative to the energy of the ground state? The second state? The third? The fourth? Homework Equations...
  35. M

    Magnetic field inside and outside the rectangular conductor

    Hi I want to find the magnetic field result from DC current flow through the rectangular transmission line numerically by using the finite difference. the solved equation is curl curl A =µ J , with div A=0, and J is a uniform current on the crosssection. I implement the MATLAB code , but...
  36. Y

    About cosmological quantum rectangular barrier potential

    Suppose that one electron from the end of the universe is emitted to the quantum rectangular barrier potential whose size amouts to galaxy size. This belongs to step potential problem or rectangular barrier potential problem? The textbook on Quantum mechanics doesn't deal with the case...
  37. A

    Calculating Energy Dissipation in a Rectangular Coil with Time-Varying Current

    Homework Statement A rectangular coil with N = 2,000 turns that has a resistance of 7.90 Ohms is coplanar with a long wire which carries a current which depends on time according to I0 *exp(-t/tau), where I0 = 6.50 A and tau = 4.30 s. The rectangular loop has a width of W = 2.00 cm and length L...
  38. E

    Induced Emf in Rectangular Loop Problem

    Homework Statement "You push a rectangular loop of width .2m, length .8 m, and resistance R=200\Omega into a magnetic field (out of page) Bout=.4 T and a speed v=.2 m/s. The long side of the rectangle is parallel to the x axis. What is the current flowing in the loop?" Homework Equations I...
  39. R

    Rectangular Scientific Mirrors - 2"x1" & 3"x1

    I am looking for a website or company that sells rectangular scientific mirrors. I have only been able to find circular mirrors. Ideally, I am looking for a 2"x1" or 3"x1". Thanks
  40. C

    Bisectrix of the rectangular coordinate system

    what does this mean please: bisectrix of the rectangular coordinate system
  41. L

    Mutual Inductance - Two rectangular loops

    Homework Statement Consider two rectangular loops. An outer and inner loop. Assign outer loop a length a and width b. Assign inner loop length c and width d. Apply a current to the outer loop. Determine an expression for the mutual inductance between the loops. Homework Equations...
  42. F

    Force on a Rectangular Current Loop [Magnetism]

    Homework Statement A force acts on a rectangular loop of wire, pulling it out of a magnetic field. Calculate the force required to pull the loop to the right at a constant speed of 4.42 m/s. B = 0.44 T l = 0.350 m v = 4.42 m/s R = 0.356 ohms Homework Equations Fmagnetic=I*l*B...
  43. 1

    Hollow rectangular beam - rigidity and max torque.

    Revision that is turning into a learning from scratch session. Some help would be welcome! (I have laso put this on the materials section of engineering). - I have a hollow rectangular beam. 0.150m by 0.110m with uniform thickness walls at 0.003m. It is 3m long. - It has a modulus of...
  44. 1

    Hollow rectangular Beam - rigidity and max torque

    Revision that is turning into a learning from scratch session. Some help would be welcome! - I have a hollow rectangular beam. 0.150m by 0.110m with uniform thickness walls at 0.003m. It is 3m long. - It has a modulus of rigidity (G) of 27 GigaPascals. - It has a max permitted shear...
  45. S

    Moment of inertia for rectangular plate

    Hi! I've got a problem with this: Count moment of inertia for rectangular plate a x b, if you know that moment of inertia of thin rod is \frac{1}{12}ml^2 . Do not use integrals!, others mathematical functions required (I can proof this moment by integrals, but this is not issue). I know that...
  46. S

    Solving for 2 unknowns, 2 equations in rectangular form

    Homework Statement Find I(a) and I(b) for the equaions below: 90 = -j5(I(a)) + j25(I(b)) 60 = (20+j5)(I(a)) - j5(I(b)) Homework Equations Equations in rectangular form The Attempt at a Solution I've tried solving this for one variable and then plugging the answer into the second...
  47. D

    Why Is the E_y Component Non-Vanishing in TE Mode for Rectangular Waveguides?

    Homework Statement I'm following Jackson and solving the problem, but I came to a bump. I've found B_z component of the field (for the lowest mode \omega_{10}), and since it's TE mode I should use: \vec{E}_t=-\frac{\omega}{ck}\vec{e}_3\times\vec{B}_t \vec{B}_t=\frac{ik}{\gamma^2}\nabla_t...
  48. X

    Pull a rectangular loop through a magnetic field

    Homework Statement Please see attachment. Homework Equations E=vB F=qVB The Attempt at a Solution My question is the last part "which of the following are true". I've tried these choices and all were wrong: (1, 2, 3) (1, 2) (2) (1, 3) I really am confused. I swear 1 is...
  49. F

    Calculating Force on Rectangular Loop from Straight Wire

    Homework Statement A rectangular loop of wire is placed next to a straight wire. There is a current of 3.5 A in both wires. Determine the direction and magnitude of the net force on the loop. Homework Equations F=BIL The Attempt at a Solution I am kinda confused here. Will the...
  50. D

    Hollow circular tube versus hollow rectangular shaft

    Sportnut: If I am using exact same aluminum material, with exact same thickness of gauge and I construct a 4ft long hollow circular tube that is 1" diameter, and I also construct a 4ft long hollow rectangular shaft that is 1" square, which would be more resistant to bending?