Relationship Definition and 999 Threads

  1. M

    I Relationship Between Hermitian and Symmetric Matrices

    Are All symmetric matrices with real number entires Hermitian? What about the other way around-are all Hermitian matrices symmetric?
  2. Jamison Lahman

    Core Mass-Luminosity Relationship in RGB Stars

    Homework Statement Low-mass stars like the Sun obey the core mass-luminosity relationship as they burn H in a shell and climb the RBG (Red Giant Branch). What is the energy released per unit mass when fusing hydrogen into helium? Homework Equations The core mass-luminosity relationship: $$...
  3. F

    The reciprocal relationship between frequency and period

    I was asked by a friend to explain why the frequency, ##f## and period, ##T## of a wave. The initial explanation I gave to them was as follows: Heuristically, the period of a wave is defined as ##T=\frac{\text{number of units time}}{\text{cycle}}##, and its frequency as ##f=\frac{\text{number...
  4. CalebB-M

    The relationship between limits and motion? (Limits in calc)

    The first day of physics 211 (calculus based) at my school, our teacher started us out with dimensional analysis and it's importance. We started with the plank length which is in meters and while he didn't specify why, we used the plank constant ,gravitational constant, and the speed of light to...
  5. B

    MHB Prove relationship between sets

    For any two sets A and B prove: (A∪B)^c=A^c∩B^c (A∩B)^c=A^c∪B^c
  6. L

    Relationship between ventricular volume and pressure can someone please...
  7. L

    Relationship between speed and density of a medium

    So my question is, is there a relationship between the density of a medium you are traveling through and the maximum speed achieved for an object of constant mass and shape traveling with constant thrust in both mediums? for example if i knew that an object traveled 8 times faster in 1 medium...
  8. A

    Relationship between potential energy and force

    Hi, I wonder which steps of my following deduce are wrong dU=-dW dU=mg dh dW=Fdx thus, mgdh=-Fdx (dx=dh) then, F=-mg which is a constant in most of situation However, F does change in some situation. I am confused about this.
  9. T

    Effeciency and Current Relationship

    Homework Statement I'm doing an investigation for my physics class, where we were told to investigate the relationship between current flowing through and the efficiency of an immersion heater. My hypothesis was that as current increased, the efficiency would decrease due to the relationship...
  10. T

    Relationship between Pressure and volume with Air

    Hey guys! So the below question might sound like a homework question but in reality it is an oversimplified explanation of what I'm trying to measure Let's say we have a perfect machine that pushes out 600CFM into a box. On the other end of the box is another small machine that only consumes...
  11. M

    Relationship Between Wind and Pressure

    I read in a book that the pressure caused by a wind blowing against a structure increases as the square of the wind velocity. I cannnot logically understand how that makes sense, and I can't think of any equation to support it. Can somebody please shed light, conceptually or mathematically, as...
  12. J

    Specific heat capacity and concentration

    Hello. I am doing a research paper on the relationship of specific heat capacity and refractive index of liquids. I am doing this by finding the relationship between specific heat capacity and concentration and refractive index and concentration. With this I can find a general trend and conclude...
  13. redtree

    A Relationship between metric tensor and position vector

    Given the definition of the covariant basis (##Z_{i}##) as follows: $$Z_{i} = \frac{\delta \textbf{R}}{\delta Z^{i}}$$ Then, the derivative of the covariant basis is as follows: $$\frac{\delta Z_{i}}{\delta Z^{j}} = \frac{\delta^2 \textbf{R}}{\delta Z^{i} \delta Z^{j}}$$ Which is also equal...
  14. CuriousLearner

    A The physical constants: relationship to mathematics?

    Do we have any examples of physical constants appearing in topics that are focused more on abstract mathematics? For example, do the values of the physical constants ever appear in the results of papers on mathematics that are not focused on direct applications to physics? Could they do so if...
  15. C

    Mathematical relationship of a thermocouple

    Homework Statement The graph shows the response of a bare thermocouple which has been subjected to a step change in temperature from 50°C to 10°C. Assuming that the bare thermocouple behaves as a single transfer lag system, determine the mathematical relationship between the temperature (T) and...
  16. Chris Frisella

    I Relationship of Light's Wavelengthvs and Probability Wave? I can follow the equitations from John Rennie's answer in the above thread, but considering real 3D space, I don't understand how wavelength would make the location of a photon less precise. Can anyone explain that more?
  17. stevendaryl

    I Relationship between quadratic and square-root lagrangians

    For relativistic particle dynamics, there are two different approaches to choosing a Lagrangian that give the same equations of motion: The quadratic form is: \mathcal{L} = \frac{m}{2} g_{\mu \nu} U^\mu U^\nu where U^\mu = \frac{d x^\mu}{d \tau} This is for the action that involves...
  18. O

    Voltage and Reactive Power Relationship

    Hi, I have some trouble regarding the relationship between voltage and reactive power. From what I've read you control the amount of reactive power the generator is producing or absorbing by increasing or lowering the excitation of the generator. I have some trouble getting my head around...
  19. Runei

    I Some weird circular relationship

    Hello there! I'm currently doing some mathematical modelling at my work, and I have arrived at an interesting kind of circular relationship integral - and now I'm wondering about what to do. The integral looks very innocent at first glance: $$ \theta_s = \int\limits_0^{t_1} \omega (t) dt$$ So...
  20. Ben S

    Thermodynamics - property relationship of 2 systems

    Homework Statement A pure substance is placed into two containers of the same volume. Container 1 has twice the mass of pure substance of Container 2. After the containers are shut and both reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, what do we know about: a) the pressure of Container 1...
  21. J

    Relationship between frequency, wavelength, and speed

    Hi there, I am in need of another's thoughts on this topic. I at first thought frequency is something that doesn't change and is inherent to the source, so then increasing the wavelength shouldn't lead to an increase in frequency, but an increase in speed. I realized later that this only...
  22. Nile Anderson

    Relationship between Velocity, Kinetic Energy and Mass

    Homework Statement Homework Equations i) F=ma=mv/t ii) E=mv2/2 The Attempt at a Solution Now based on equation 1 , I have concluded that the velocity gained is inversely proportional to m, and that so is the kinetic energy , I have seen otherwise.[/B]
  23. Sean Jackson 01

    Relationship between power usage and time

    Hello all, I look forward to learning :) EXPLANATION There is a system with, let's say, 10 watt hours of energy available for use. There is an inverse correlation between how much power we choose to use (energy use per second) and how quickly that systems energy will be completely drained...
  24. Evangeline101

    Relationship between solution and corresponding graph

    Homework Statement Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution Here is my answer for part A of this question: Part B: This is where I am having trouble. I took a guess at this, but it is probably completely wrong: The corresponding graph shows the profit when different amounts...
  25. N

    Mass & Work: Exploring the Relationship

    Homework Statement Is the amount of work depending on the mass? Homework Equations W=F*s F=m*a The Attempt at a Solution attempt one: because if you have a higher mass, it takes longer to make a certain object move over a certain distance, but it doesn't matter because time isn't measured. For...
  26. T

    I Relationship between E-field and Probability Amplitude of Waves

    Electromagnetic waves can be classically described by Maxwell's equations. Photons can be described by probability waves.In this case, what is the relationship between the electric field and the probability amplitude? Are they directly proportional to each other? What about the fact that one...
  27. D

    MHB Relationship between metric and inner product

    Hi, I have this question: in the context of linear algebra, would it be correct to say that a metric is a kind of inner product?
  28. ashsully

    Specific Heat & Velocity relationship?

    [Mentor's note: this was originally posted in a non-homework forum and therefore does not use the homework template.] Hi everyone, I'm a bit stuck on this question and hoping someone could give me the solution. "A lump of lead, moving with a velocity of 22.0 m/s, is brought to rest. If 55.0%...
  29. P

    Explain relationship of Kinetic energy and acceleration

    Can someone someone explain and possibly draw a free body Diagram. kinetic energy of an object has the same direction as its acceleration
  30. Guidestone

    DC motor electrical and mechanical power relationship

    Hey guys, I know I still have a tread unanswered but I got a project in which I have to include some physical theory about the working of motors. I know P=V*I and also P=T*W where V is voltage, I is current, P is power, T is torque and W is angular speed. My question is, can I say V*I=T*W?. I...
  31. grandpa2390

    Find the general expression for the adiabatic relationship

    Homework Statement Find the general expression for the adiabatic relationship between P and V Homework Equations start with ##(\frac{∂P}{∂V})_s## expression for adiabatic relationship between V and T: ##(\frac{∂V}{∂T})_s = \frac{-C_v}{\frac{RT}{V}}## Relationship between S and T...
  32. grandpa2390

    Find the General expression for the adiabatic relationship....

    Homework Statement edit: I figured out my mistake Here's the entire problem. But I don't yet need help with all the steps. I'm getting off on the wrong foot (as usual)a We have shown in class that ideal gas adiabats have the form: ##P_I(V_i)^γ = P_f(V_f)^γ## with the heat capacity ratio: ##γ...
  33. B

    How to graph a linear relationship between T and v of sound?

    Homework Statement I did an experiment involving the speed of sound at different temperatures. I placed two microphones at a fixed distance apart and I measured the time taken for a sound wave to travel between the two mics. I repeated this for different temperatures. I want to make a graph for...
  34. ckyborg4

    Is there any relationship between light intensity and angle

    Homework Statement I'm working on a project right now, which uses laser beams and part of the project requires me to find a mathematical model which relates angle of projection to the intensity of the light. Does anyone know of an equation(s) which relates the intensity and angle together...
  35. B

    Automotive Relationship Between Tire/Wheel Size and Alignment

    As the title says, how will installing a larger tire/wheel combination or altering wheel offset change the alignment with respect to caster, camber, and toe? I know that the parameters are affected, but I cannot verbalize or visualize these changes. Feel free to use big words and jargon. TIA!
  36. A

    Relationship among Intensity, Frequency, and Current

    Hi all, I am really confused about the relationship among these three properties and I cannot find an answer satisfying enough.. If frequency of incident light increases but intensity remains the same, the photocurrent will decrease. Does this mean that the new curve on the current vs. voltage...
  37. C

    Relationship between field lines and magnitude of charge

    Hi, I am curious as to whether there is a relationship between field lines and magnitude of charge. For instance, is the sketch for the electric field of a +1.0 micro coulomb charge the same as the sketch for a +2.0 micro coulomb charge? Thanks. All help is very much appreciated!
  38. R

    Relationship of bulk modulus and fractional volume change

    So my question is, if the bulk modulus change by 5%, what is the fractional volume change value? is it times 0.05 or divided by 0.05? or the fractional volume change still the same?
  39. SpicyWassabi101

    Relationship between temperature and wavelength?

    Homework Statement A tuning fork with a frequency of 420 Hz emits sound with a wavelength of 0.82 m in air. If the temperature of the air increases, what will happen to the wavelength and why? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know temperature affects speed but I am not so sure...
  40. J

    Relationship between pressure and thermal conductivity

    Homework Statement I would like to derive an equation that relates the thermal conductivity to the pressure using the kinetic theory of gases. However, I assumed that thermal conductivity was independent of pressure. Homework Equations I know that P = 2N/3V (1/2mv^2) Also: I believe that...
  41. karush

    MHB Sound Intensity & Distance Relationship

    4. Sound intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source The further from the source you are, the less intense the sound. Suppose the sound intensity is 20 watts per square meter. (W/m^2) at 8 meters. What is the sound intensity at 4 meters...
  42. Q

    What is the relationship between physics field and force?

    Whenever there is a field there will be a force whenever the field interacts with an object placed in that field? Is this always correct?
  43. I

    Basic hydraulic pump work-energy relationship

    I have a very simple question that's been driving me nuts. It's biology context, but probably all the physics equates to normal positive displacement pumps. The pressure in and volume of the left ventricle of the heart can be measured experimentally. (For example...
  44. ognik

    MHB How Does the Uncertainty Principle Relate to Wave Packet Spread?

    Trying to follow some text: Given a Gaussian-like distribution for a wave packet, ie a symmetric distribution of $k_x$ about a mean value $ \bar{k}_x $. Making the change of variable $u=k_x - \bar{k}_x$, they write the Fourier transform as: $\psi(x,0) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} e^{i\bar{k}_x...
  45. Z

    For z = x+iy find the relationship between x and y

    Homework Statement For z = x+iy find the relationship between x and y so that (Imz2) / z2 = -i 2. The attempt at a solution I attempted this in a few different ways (i.e. looking at the exponential and trig forms of complex numbers)... I settled on simple FOIL which gave me the following...
  46. J

    Find relationship between mass and a pseudo-variable

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Apologize for the long question. I was able to solve problem a and b. But for problem c, I was confused. I asked my professor and he gave me this...
  47. nmsurobert

    How Does the Energy-Momentum Relation Visualize for a Propagating Wave Function?

    ω1. Homework Statement The following function represents a propagating wave function in a medium f(x,t) = Asin(3π/ λ(x-ct) + a) where A is the amplitude, λ is the wavelength, c is the speed of light in free space, and a is the initial phase. (a) Plot the energy-momentum relation of the wave...
  48. It's me

    Relationship between density and probability in diffusion

    Homework Statement Consider the diffusion of a drop of ink in a water vase. The density of the ink is ## \rho (\vec{r}, t) ##, and the probability ##P(\vec{r}, t)## obeys the diffusion equation. What is the relationship between ##\rho (\vec{r}, t)## and ##P(\vec{r}, t)##? Homework...
  49. Y

    Thermodynamics: Relationship between deltaX, partialX, dx

    Homework Statement I am trying to understand the the following derivation: Cv = (qv/ΔT) = (ΔU/ΔT) \\ Cv = (∂U/∂T)v \\ dU = CvdT The Attempt at a Solution [/B] So here is what I understand so far. I understand that heat transfer q and temperature T are related by a direct...
  50. C

    Symbolic relationship between the input and output load

    Homework Statement A testing device has the applied load located at the end of a loading bar. The loading bar is connected by a pin to the post. Find the symbolic relationship between the applied load(the "input" load) and the effective load applied the specimen(the "output" load). Homework...