Relationship Definition and 999 Threads

  1. Roodles01

    Relationship between elements and speed of light

    I recently watched a documentary presented by Professor Brian Cox called Human Universe. In it he was wondering how much leeway he would have, if he was "the creator of our universe", to alter the physical constants. He then went on to say that if he altered the speed of light one way then...
  2. D

    Relationship between magnetic field strength and voltage

    So I'm really confused with the relationship between magnetic field strength and voltage. Say you have a battery (with a DC voltage) with 4 coils, when voltage increases, does magnetic field strength increase? Is there any law (i.e. Faraday's law) that supports this?
  3. J

    Relationship between adhesion and friction

    Maybe this question is pretty simple to tackle, but I’m really confused with it. Perhaps I’m just overthinking. The question is: The glue on a piece of tape can exert forces. Can these forces be a type of simple friction? Explain, considering especially that tape can stick to vertical walls...
  4. P

    Relationship between Temperature and Mean Translational Kinetic Energy

    While I am familiar with the derivation of the relationship between mean translational kinetic energy, ##<E_k>##, and temperature, ##T##, for an ideal gas (namely ##<E_k> = \frac{3}{2}k_B T##); I fail to see how we can establish such a relationship for solids, liquids, and even real gases. Could...
  5. M

    White dwarf mass-radius relationship

    The mass-radius relationship for a white dwarf star is defined by : R= (9pi)^0.66 /8 * h^2/m1 * 1/(Gm2^1.66*M^.333), where m1= electron mass, m2=proton mass, G=grav. constant, h=planck's constant I want to take a proportion with the solar mass and solar radius, which would involve a division...
  6. A

    Proof of relationship between Hamiltonian and Energy

    Homework Statement Prove the relationship $$\left(\frac{\partial H}{\partial\lambda}\right)_{nn} = \frac{\partial E_{nn}}{\partial\lambda},$$ where ##\lambda## is a parameter in the Hamiltonian. Using this relationship, show that the average force exerted by a particle in an infinitely deep...
  7. G

    Understanding the Relationship Between Glancing Angle & Deviation Angle

    Homework Statement in the first photo , the direction of x-ray and the atomic plane are shown. whereas for the 2nd photo , the the direction of x-ray and the atomic plane are not shown... so i would assume the glancing angle = 0 . beacuse the atomic plane is parallel to the x-ray ...but in the...
  8. T

    What is the relationship between heat and thermal energy?

    What is the relationship between heat and thermal energy?
  9. D

    Relationship of acceleration of masses in pulley

    Homework Statement Find the relationship of acceleration between the masses, m1, m2 and m3 where m1>m2>m3. The question has a free pulley in the left attached to mass m1. then goes through a fixed pulley , through a free pulley that is attached to m2 and then through a fixed pulley, with the...
  10. bistan

    Terminal Velocity's Relationship to Mass

    Homework Statement As shown in the plot above, terminal velocity is shown to increase linearly with the number of coffee filters dropped in a turbulent (air) medium. Therefore, terminal velocity depends on mass. Give an explanation for this starting from Newton's laws.Homework Equations \vec{F}...
  11. D

    Relationship between λ and max kinetic energy

    Homework Statement When lights falls on metal suface , electrons are emitted if the wavelength of light is less than or equal to λ , .If lights of 0.5λ is used , then maximum kinetic energy of electrons is E . if lights of 0.25λ is used , what's the maximum kinetic energy of the electron...
  12. B

    How Should Manage Be Represented in an ER Diagram for a Video Rental Company?

    I am doing a ER Diagram for a class and having a lot of trouble with a specific piece of the sentence. Anyway, here is the business requirements we are diagramming: The video rental company has several branches throughout the USA. The data held on each branch is the branch address made up of...
  13. Bleakfacade

    Functional relationship between pressure and position(1d).

    Hello there, so today I started doing my research on oscillations in a course on advanced mechanics. The experiment was to mathematically model the speed of sound in air and experimentally prove the usability of the model. To keep it simple and pose my question as directly as possible, my...
  14. G

    Relationship between linear (in)dependency and span

    So pretty frequently I encounter questions like a) Are these vectors linearly independent? b) Do they span all of R? Why? As I understand linear dependency, the linear combination of the vectors in question exists as the Null vector for some set of coefficients.
  15. 1

    Chemistry Relationship between Atomic PPM and Mole

    Homework Statement Why does 25 atomic ppm oxygen mean 25 moles of oxygen in 1e6 mole Fe? Homework Equations # = mol*Avo The Attempt at a Solution I understand the ppm (parts per million) part. Hence why 25 ppm means 25:1e6. What I do not understand is how they go from atomic to...
  16. ellipsis

    Relationship between constructibility of reg. polygons and cot(pi/N)

    Full title: Relationship between the constructibility of regular polygons and the reducability of trigonometric functions into expressions of square roots. I stumbled upon this after I derived the formula for the area of a triangle given it's side length x as a trigonometry exercise. ## A =...
  17. S

    Moment Deflection Relationship Problem

    Homework Statement An electrical engineer in your semiconductor company is working on a design of an electrical contact with a Si wafer. The electrical contact is in the form of a thin Cu “finger” touching the back side of a wafer as shown below. The electrical engineer claims that he is...
  18. skujesco2014

    Relationship between Ultracold neutrons and neutron stars

    Hi, PF: I'm currently about to graduate from my Ph. D. program in Physics and I want to focus my research in theoretical physics. I feel very excited by topics such as Astrophysics and GR, but also low temperature physics, such as superconductivity, bose-einstein condensation, superfluidity...
  19. S

    Relationship between phonon and plasmon

    I am conducting an experiment on the parabolic trough that concentrates the solar light and heats up water. I am using different metal sheets (zinc, aluminium, copper, tin...) for the parabolic trough to see the differences in temperature change. I researched on a few things and I understand...
  20. S

    Is there a relationship between magnetism and energy (electrical)?

    As many people know, you can use electrical energy to create magnetism (electromagnets) and you can use permanent magnets to create electrical energy through induction (generators, the rotor inducing the stator). So what is the relationship here? Magnetism is not a form of energy or an energy...
  21. K

    Relationship between light and sound

    Does light energy(waves) affect sound waves...? i read in one post that light affects sound indirectly.If yes how do we relate and calculate that..?
  22. J

    Relationship between Free energy change and Equilibrium constant (K)

    1. I have a question regarding the equation ΔG° = -RT lnK. When solving for the equilibrium constant K, what is the relationship between the vapor pressure of each molecular compound in a reaction? ΔG° = Free energy change R = Universal gas constant T = Temperature K = equilibrium...
  23. BrainMan

    Relationship between linear and rotational kinetic energy

    Homework Statement Consider a solid disk of mass m and radius R rolling along a horizontal surface with the center of the disk moving horizontally with a speed v. The total kinetic energy of the disk is a combination of translational kinetic energy , KEt and rotational kinetic energy, KEr...
  24. R

    Torque and volumetric efficiency relationship

    Hello Guys, From the torque curves of most of the ic engines it can be seen that torque is maximum at a particular rpm range then it starts dropping. It is said that the torque is maximum when the volumetric efficiency is maximum , i just can't understand the relationship between the both...
  25. C

    Mass radius relationship for SIRIUS B

    hi guys, I have been doing a research on white dwarf stars and chanrashekhar limit. I need to plot a graph for the mass-radius relationship of the dwarfs. from the equalization of the hydrostatic equilibrium pressure and the electron degeneracy pressure I found out the radius -mass relationship...
  26. M

    Relationship integration math problem

    This is about attempting to solve ##\left( y'\right)^2 = y^2 - 1 ##. \int\frac{dy}{\sqrt{y^2 -1}} = \pm \int dx using a trig. substitution and another trick, \int\frac{dy}{\sqrt{y^2 -1}} = \ln\left(y \pm \sqrt{y^2 - 1} \right) + C I'm not sure about that \pm sign. It came in when doing \tan...
  27. P

    Rotational frictions relationship to surface area

    Hi, I have a question I'd like some help with which is related to my job working with drill rigs. Where you have a cylinder such as a drill string where the forces of the ground pressing in from all sides how much influence does the surface area have on the rotational force required to...
  28. L

    Mathmatic relationship (Linear,Quadratic,Exponential)

    Homework Statement State the mathematical relationship (Linear,Quadratic,Exponential) and determine the regression equation for this relationship. Homework Equations X| 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 15 | Y| 50 | 14 | 2 | 14 | 50| 50 |194|302| The Attempt at a Solution ?.? i...
  29. C

    Navigating a New Relationship: Should I Ask Her Out?

    There is this girl that I am interested in. We have talked at school over the last couple of months. Should i ask her to hang out first. Or should i ask her on a date. And this should probably be in person. I'm worried about moving to fast. What kind of things can I say to her to see if she...
  30. J

    Eigenvalues / Eigenvectors relationship to Matrix Entries Values

    Hi, folks I have had a hard time to find out whether or not there is a theorem in Linear Algebra or Spectral Theory that makes any strong statement about the relationship between the entries of a Matrix and its Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Indeed, I would like to know how is the...
  31. J

    Relationship between energy and electrical charge?

    E=mc² shows the relationship between matter (mass) and energy, but another elementary information in the atomic physics is the electrical charge. So exist some relationship between energy and electrical charge?
  32. wirefree

    Spring: K.E. - P.E. relationship; Request shorter procedure

    Question:- A block of mass 10 kg moving with a velocity of 1 m/s collides with a spring of force constant 1000 N/m. Calculate the compression of the spring at the moment when kinetic energy of the block is equal to one-fourth of the elastic potential energy of the spring. Attempt:- Step 1...
  33. H

    Relationship between gravitational field strength and potential

    Hi, I am a bit confused with the relationship between gravitational field strength and gravitational potential. As far as I know, gravitational field strength is defined as: g=\frac{F}{m}=\frac{GM}{R^{2}} and gravitational potential is defined as: V=\frac{-GM}{R} Now if I...
  34. N

    Relationship of spring constant and torsion constant?

    Homework Statement I'm trying to find a relationship between spring and torsion constants for an experiment but am not sure what it is and am struggling to find it. Homework Equations Torque = Torsion Constant * Angle of Twist Force = Spring Constant * Extension Shear Modulus...
  35. S

    Negative Force-potential energy relationship?

    I've been wondering for a while why force is the negative derivative of potential energy. In our books, they write that F=-dU/dx, and U=-W I don't really understand why it should be negative. Doesn't the force need to be positive in order to increase the potential energy? For example, when you...
  36. B

    Exploring the Inverse Relationship between e^-1 and Natural Log e

    Why is e^-1 the inverse of natural log e? Thank you
  37. Q

    Number density/average distance relationship question

    I am having trouble with this number density astrophysics question. Any help is greatly appreciated: Consider a galactic disk with radius much larger than its thickness. Let R be the radius and the thickness be 2H where H is the ‘scale height’ of the disk. For a population of objects with...
  38. C

    Relationship between Simple Harmonic Motion Equation and Wave Equation

    I am very familiar with the equation: $$f(t)=Asin(ωt+ϕ)$$ Used to describe the instantaneous value f(t) of a wave with amplitude A, frequency ω, and phase shift ϕ at time t. This equation is very intuitive to understand: As t increases the value within the sin operator will increase from ϕ...
  39. T

    Relationship between two matrices

    Hello. I need some help with one question about relationship of two matrices. The task: Suppose that I is identity matrix, u - is vector, u' is transposed vector, α - real number. It can be prove that inverse matrix of I+α*u*u' has similar form I+x*u*u'. The task is to find x. I tried to...
  40. K

    Relationship of air dissipating heat from water in a heat exchanger

    I carried out an experiment in a wind tunnel and it shows that as I increase the air velocity the water temperature drop is bigger but the rise in air temperature going through the radiator becomes lesser. Am I wrong to understand that its due to the fact that the air mass flow rate has...
  41. N

    Understanding the Relationship between K, kcm, and kint

    So K = kcm + kint Since kcm relates to the center of mass, am I correct in my understanding to state kcm = 0.5mv2cm? What about kint? What does this variable refers to conceptually?
  42. M

    Relationship of vapour pressure and Dew Point

    Homework Statement Moist air at 32 degrees C has a dew point of 26 degrees C. The total or atmospheric pressure is 100.7kPa. find the: Molal Humidity Relative Humidity Homework Equations Molal Humidity = \frac{P_{i}}{P_{tot} - P_{i}} Relative Humidity = \frac{P_{i}}{P_{vap}}...
  43. L

    Relationship Between Trig Funtions and Bernoulli Numbers

    Homework Statement Prove the formula xcscx=2B(ix)-B(2ix)Homework Equations B(x)=x/((ex)-1) sinx= (eix-e-ix)/2i The Attempt at a Solution I know that it makes sense to use the formula for B(x) with x=ix and x=2ix, and rewrite xcsc(x) as x/sin(x), plugging the above relevant equation in for...
  44. S

    Relationship between a posterior distribution and the LLN

    Hello everybody. This is my first post here and I hope I'm not asking a question that's been addressed already (I did try to use the search function, but couldn't find what I'm looking for). Both the Bayes theorem and the law of large numbers are mathematical theorems derived from...
  45. A

    Relationship between Fourier series Coefficients and F Transform

    Homework Statement "Suppose x[n] is a DT (discrete time) periodic signal with fundamental period N. Let us define x_{n}[n] to be x[n] for n ε {0, 1,2, ... , N-1} and zero elsewhere. Denote the Fourier transform of x_{n}[n] with X_{n}[e^jω]. How can one find the Fourier Series coefficients...
  46. D

    What exactly is the relationship between calculus and differential equ

    When I look up curriculums at school, I always find the main sequence of Calc 1-3(single variable to multivariable) then differential equations. But when I look up the definitions, diff equations are just called "equations and how they relate to their derivatives." I'm assuming there's more to...
  47. S

    Linear Relationship b/w Spring Compression and Projectile Distance?

    I have a question about a spring gun. Suppose the barrel of a spring gun is placed horizontally at the edge of a horizontal table. You put say a marble in the barrel and compress the spring x cm and after releasing the marble it travels a horizontal distance of y cm before hitting the floor (so...
  48. Feeble Wonk

    Decoherence relationship to the measurement problem

    Decoherence relationship to the "measurement problem" I have heard the argument that "decoherence" in quantum states causes the quantum collapse to occur, and that this solves the "measurement problem". But I'm still left with a nagging question... Does decoherence only produce quantum collapse...
  49. B

    Relationship between electric field components: ellipse

    Homework Statement Given an electric field: E=Ex*ex+Ey*ey with Ex=cos(kx-wt) Ey=cos(kx-wt+e) where e is the phase difference Show that Ex^2 + Ey^2 - 2*Ex*Ey*cos(e) = ( sin(e) )^2 Homework Equations Ex=cos(kx-wt) Ey=cos(kx-wt+e) The Attempt at a Solution Was...
  50. W

    Relationship between a field and its quanta

    I just listened to a lecture on this, and I'm not sure I quite get the point. What the lecturer did was examine coherent states in the simple harmonic oscillator then linked excitations of an oscillator to the number of field quanta. The goal of the lecture was to show how Maxwell's...