Relativistic momentum Definition and 105 Threads

  1. F

    K* Meson: Rest Mass to Relativistic Momentum

    The excited K* meson has a rest mass of 1.5828E-27 kg/ a What is the rest amss energy in joules? 1.43E-10 b What is this energy in MeVs? 893.75 here's where i need help c Now these K* are accelerated to a speed of 2.97E8 m/sec. What is the relatavistic mass of these K* in kg and MeV/c...
  2. T

    How Does Special Relativity Explain Momentum in Particle Disintegration?

    A particle disintegrates into two pieces: the first has mass 1.00 MeV/c^2 and momentum 1.75MeV/c the second has mass 1.50 MeV/c^2 and momentum 2.00 MeV/c. find the mass and speed of the original particle. What i have done is used the fact that p=\gamma m v as well as E^2 = p^2c^2 +...
  3. S

    Help with velocity in relativistic momentum?

    help with velocity in relativistic momentum? a proton has 1836 times the rest mass of an electron. At what speed (in c) will an electron have the same momentum as a proton moving at .0180c? -- here's what i have so far------------------------ 1. by using the mass of a proton i...
  4. D

    Difference between Classical Momentum and Relativistic Momentum

    Classical Physics states that: p=mv So, for special relativity, would momentum be defined in the same manner except m is now equal to the relativistic mass instead of the standard 'rest mass' as used in the classical equation?
  5. K

    Change in relativistic momentum

    Is it alright to say that force = rate of change of relativistic momentum F = [ m0 v2 / (1 - v2^2/c^2)^1/2 - m0 v1/(1 - v1^2/c^2)^1/2 )] / (t2 - t1) and can this relation be used to get sensible results for particles?