Resistivity Definition and 200 Threads

Electrical resistivity (also called specific electrical resistance or volume resistivity) is a fundamental property of a material that measures how strongly it resists electric current. Its inverse, called electrical conductivity, quantifies how well a material conducts electricity. A low resistivity indicates a material that readily allows electric current. Resistivity is commonly represented by the Greek letter ρ (rho). The SI unit of electrical resistivity is the ohm-meter (Ω⋅m). For example, if a 1 m solid cube of material has sheet contacts on two opposite faces, and the resistance between these contacts is 1 Ω, then the resistivity of the material is 1 Ω⋅m.
Electrical conductivity or specific conductance is the reciprocal of electrical resistivity. It represents a material's ability to conduct electric current. It is commonly signified by the Greek letter σ (sigma), but κ (kappa) (especially in electrical engineering) and γ (gamma) are sometimes used. The SI unit of electrical conductivity is siemens per metre (S/m).

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  1. R

    What Is the Diameter of a Tungsten Filament with a Given Length and Resistance?

    [b]1. A 1.3 cm length of tungsten filament in a small lightbulb has a resistance of 0.032 ohms. Find its diameter. Given: Length= 1.3 cm= .013m R= 0.032 ohms resistivity= 5.6e-8 ohms*meter [b]2. A= pi (r^2) R= resistivity (Length/ Area) The Attempt at a Solution R=...
  2. J

    Resistance and resistivity problem

    Hey I had a question on my quiz where it asked for the Resistance of aluminum at 600 deg C. But the formula rho-rho(i) = rho(i)a(T-T(i)) only finds the value of the resistivity at 600 deg C how do I convert it to resistance without more given info? Question: A spool of aluminum wire has a...
  3. S

    Relationship between heat and resistivity of a wire

    Homework Statement "A metal wire has a resistance of 10 ohms at a temperature of 20 degrees C. If the same wire has a resistance of 10.55 ohms at 90 degrees C, what is the resistance of this same wire when its temperature is -20 degrees C?" Homework Equations I am not exactly having...
  4. J

    Understanding the Difference: Resistivity vs. Resistance

    What's the difference between resistivity and resistance?
  5. E

    Pls help me with my Resistivity Question in pHysics due tomorrow morning.

    Pls help me..thanks Homework Statement 17. How long should a copper wire 20 mills in diameter be for it to have a resistance of 5.0Ω? 20. An electric motor draw 10 A from a 240-V source 120 ft away. What is the minimum diameter of the copper wire in mills if the voltage drop is not to...
  6. L

    High & Low Resistivity Effects on Magnetic Field Lines

    Homework Statement Two of the MHD equations can be formulated as \vec{E} + \vec{v} \times \vec{B} = \eta \vec{J} \nabla \times \vec{B} = \mu_0 \vec{J} where [itex]\eta[/tex] is the resistivity of the plasma. a.) Derive an equation for the magnetic field at very high resistivity and...
  7. Y

    Metallic glass and its electrical resistivity

    Hello guys. My name is Luqman, and I am a new member of this forum. Currently studying in Japan on Metallic Glass/Glassy Metal/Metallic Alloy, which is a branch of solid state physics. I have a million-dollar question though concerning metallic glass, which I would really appreciate if...
  8. S

    How to find the radius of copper wire given resistivity values

    Homework Statement i need to find the radius of a copper wire given the following data: resistivity is 0.25 ohm meter length of wire is 200 m Homework Equations roe=RS/I roe=resistivity R= resistance of material S=cross sectional area I= length of specimen The Attempt at a...
  9. A

    Changing the Resistivity of Bakelite

    Hey PFers, So basically, we have these plates of bakelite that have on the order of 10^10 Ohms surface resistivity, but it is not uniform enough. Part of the reason may be that although these sheets may have some non-trivial non-uniform structure at a small enough scale. These sheets of...
  10. A

    Changing the Resistivity of Bakelite

    Hey PFers, So basically, we have these plates of bakelite that have on the order of 10^10 Ohms surface resistivity, but it is not uniform enough. Part of the reason may be that although these sheets may have some non-trivial non-uniform structure at a small enough scale. These sheets of...
  11. C

    Current density, resistance and resistivity problem

    In a problem it states that: A 10.71 V battery is connected to a resistive strip that consists of three sections with the same cross-sectional areas but different conductivities. In the solution to the problem it stipulates that the current density of the three sections are equal. Where in...
  12. G

    What Metal Is the Wire Made Of Based on Its Resistivity?

    Homework Statement A wire, 50.0 m long and 2.00 mm in diameter is connected to a source with a potential difference of 9.11 V, and the current is found to be 23.45 A. Assume a temperature of 20°C and using Table 17.1, identify the metal out of which the wire is made of. Homework...
  13. B

    Resistivity Ratios: Germanium Homework Statement

    Homework Statement (a) A sample of n-type Germanium contains 1023 ionized donors per cubic meter. Estimate the ratio at room temperature (300K) of the resistivity of this material to that of high purity intrinsic Germanium. The Electron hole product for Germanium is 1038m-6 and it can be...
  14. N

    Finding resistivity experimentally

    See: L is varied by moving the crocodile clips along the wire. Am I right in thinking that the current flowing will remain the same irrespective of the length? My reasoning: rho=AR/L R=V/I sub and rearrange to give: I=AV/L(rho) As L...
  15. L

    Calculate resistivity of the material of the wire

    [SOLVED] Calculate resistivity of the material of the wire Question: 0.75A Current flows through an iron wire when a battery of 1.5V us connected across its ends. The length of the wire is 5m and Area is 2.5 \times 10^{-7} m^2. Calculate resistivity of the material of the wire. Equation: R...
  16. O

    Find the temperature coefficient of resistivity for pure silicon at T=300K

    Homework Statement I need to find the temperature coefficient of resistivity \alpha for silicon at the temperature of T=300 Kelvin. I am supposed to assume that \tau, the mean time between collisions of charge carriers, is independent of temperature. Homework Equations Temperature...
  17. L

    Resistivity Q: Hall Conductance or Longitudinal Resistivity?

    I read somewhere that the Hall conductance is proportional to the derivative of the density of states at the Fermi level, and somewhere else that the longitudinal resistivity is proportional to the density of states at the Fermi level. Does anyone happen to know which it is?
  18. A

    How Does Stretching a Wire Affect Its Resistance?

    1. A wire with a resistance of 6ohms is drawn out through a die so that its new length is three times its original length. Find the resistance of the longer wire, assuming that the resistivity and density of the material are unchanged. R = p (L/A) Working out this problem I came across...
  19. L

    What determins the electrical resistivity of different metals?

    The resistivity arises because the electrons collide with atoms so they flow slower. The resistivity of different metals differ a lot. What determines the electrical resistivity of different metals? It is related to their structure? How?
  20. M

    What is the thickness of the copper layer on a constantan wire?

    Homework Statement Here's the problem. The resistance of a piece of constantan wire of radius 0.6mm is reduced to 1/3 its original resistance when a unifrom layer of copper is deposited on it. Find the thickness of the layer of copper (Resistivity of constantan = 49*10^-8 ohm m...
  21. S

    Solve Nichrome Wire Resistivity Problem

    Homework Statement A toaster uses a Nichrome heating wire. When the toaster is turned on at 27 deg C, the initial current is 1.50A. A few seconds later, the toaster warms up and the current is now 1.30A. The avg. temp coefficient of resistivity for Nichrome wire is 4.5 x 10 ^ -4 (degree C) ^-1...
  22. C

    Resistivity - Limiting factors?

    I have a piece of coursework due in soon (as a matter of fact, about 2 hours from now), and I need to know what the lmiting factors were. Here's the method: (a copypasta from my handed-in plan) For this experiment, I measured out a length of a resistive metal wire, and connected it to the...
  23. M

    Current, Resistivity, and strange questions

    Homework Statement A sheet of aluminum is 1 um thick. A thick copper ring of radius b is placed on the film, and a (smaller) copper disk, of radius a, is placed on the film at the centre of the ring. The disk and ring are connected to the terminals of a battery, so that current I flows through...
  24. L

    What Temperature Makes Copper and Tungsten Share the Same Resistivity?

    Homework Statement I'm supposed to estimate at what temp. copper will have the same resistivity as tungsten at 20 deg. C. Homework Equations The only equation I think is relevant is p=p0[1+alpha(T-T0)] The Attempt at a Solution I know the resistivity of both copper and...
  25. A

    Calculating Resistivity of Doped Silicon Sample

    Homework Statement A silicon sample is doped with 5.0 X 10^19 donor atoms/cm^3 and 5.0 X 10^19 acceptor atmos/cm^3 a)What is its resistivity? b)Is this an insulator, conductor or semiconductor? c)Is this intrinsic material? Homework Equations No clue.. this is where I need help The...
  26. T

    Help on Resistivity of Material Type of Question

    Homework Statement You have a 25 mm long cylindrical carbon resistor, with a cross-section of radius 15·10-6 m. What is its resistance? Homework Equations Resistance = pL/A where p is the resistivity of the material, L is the length, and A is the area(?). Also, given is that...
  27. B

    Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity

    A coil of wire has a resistance of 37.800 Ω at 27.800 °C and 44.400 Ω at 56.000 °C. What is the temperature coefficient of resistivity? Do not enter units. Equation: R=R0[1+α(T-T0)] then i plugged in number to make the equation look like this: 44.400=37.800[1+X(56.000-27.800)] and i...
  28. J

    Calculating Resistance(not at RT) using the Resistivity Formula

    For my coursework "Resistance in a Wire" I used the R=ρL/A formula to predict what resistance I should get. Yet, as it was a hot day:mad: when i did the experiment the Room Temperature was not ambient but 28°C. Therefore my there was a small systematic error with my results (they were...
  29. F

    How Do You Calculate R1 and R2 for Temperature-Independent Resistance?

    A resistor is to have a constant resistance of 30(ohm), independent of temperature. For this, an aluminium resistor with resistance R1 at 0(celcius) is used in series with a carbon resistor with resistance R2 at 0(celcius). Evaluate R1 and R2, given that \alpha 1 is 3.9 x 10^-3 for aluminium and...
  30. R

    Resistivity of a wire - AS coursework

    Im to do an experiment tomorrow, but I've no idea what kind of readings to take! I am going to be using a 100mA ammeter, to measure voltage and current. The current is to stay constant more or less but I am not sure what ranges of readings I am to take. Anyone help me please? :cry:
  31. P

    How Should L and A Change to Adjust Power Dissipation and Current in a Wire?

    A potential difference V is applied to a wire of cross section A, length L, and resistivity p. You want to change the applied potential difference and stretch the wire so that the energy dissipation rate is multiplied by 35 and the current is multiplied by 3. What should be the new values of L...
  32. C

    How Does Temperature Affect the Resistivity of a Copper Conductor?

    While taking photographs in Death Valley on a day when the temperature is 51.0°C, Bill Hiker finds that a certain voltage applied to a copper wire produces a current of 1.000 A. Bill then travels to Antarctica and applies the same voltage to the same wire. What current does he register there if...
  33. I

    Understanding Nichrome Resistivity: Exploring Resistance in a Physics Lab

    im doing a lab in physics where we measure the resistance of nichrome at different length intervals, when we plot the points and draw a line of best fit the line does NOT go through the origin, we are supposed to explain why but i have no idea why that is. can anyone help? thanks
  34. G

    Specific resistivity, parallel design, my half baked thought

    I was thinking of parallel and series circuits and how they work, but then I began to think more about how I could apply that same knowledge to a wire in terms of resistivity. I was thinking, well if you add another length piece on, that wouldn't increase electron flow.. that would make it...
  35. W

    Kevlar Heat Resistance: Exploring Its Properties and Benefits

    Hey, I'm doing a presentation on Kevlar, and was asked to state its properties and why it has those. I came across the fact that kevlar has a low flamability due to the high carbon:hydrogen ratio, I'm assuming that carbon doesn't burn whereas hydrogen does. Am i correct? Sorry it may be a bit...
  36. K

    Is there relationship between resistivity and bandgap?

    is the material, which has a larger bandgap, more resistive:confused: ? thanks for answering:smile: kit
  37. E

    Resistivity Coursework problem

    OK doing some physics coursework at the moment where I have to measure the resistivity of Constantan. Anyway, for those who don't know, the resistivity of constantan is 49x10^-8. Anyway the formula for those who don't know for resistivity is... RA/l So anyway at length of 100cm, with a...
  38. M

    Electrical Resistivity Equation

    Is the correct equation that relates to the electrical resistivity of a conducting material to its resistance: p = RS/l p = is the electrical resistivity R = is the resistance of the material S = is the cross-sectional area l = is the length of the specimen if I'm using the right...
  39. C

    What is the power delivered by a 540W heating coil at 1200C?

    :confused: oki, here's the deal, i have a 540W heating coil 110V nichrome wre 0.600mm in diameter. considering the variaion of resistivity with temperature, waht will the coil 4.2236 m actually deliver when it is heated to from 1200 C from 20 C. i have tried using R=R[o]*(1+alpha8(T-T[o]) and...
  40. G

    Help me find the resistivity of pure carbon

    :cry: Does anyone know the resistivity of pure carbon??I’m doing a coursework n am stuck :cry: ..please help…loadsa lovin,G :blushing:
  41. S

    Resistance of a sphere of resistivity rho and radius S

    I calculated the resistance between two points (P and Q) on a sphere that are located on the two ends of a diameter by dividing the sphere into thin strips of thickness dz that are in series perpendicular to the line PQ (say the z-axis). I can get an expression for the indefinite integral in...
  42. F

    Information on Resistance and Resistivity for a Class 12 CBSE Investigatory Project

    dear friends.. i am class 12 cbse students we are supposed to do an investigatory project on resistance and resistivity the project has been completed ... but we need to have around 10 - 12 pages on relevant information on resistance..i wud be grateful if u cud hel p me collecting some...
  43. V

    Why does the resistivity of a metal increases

    why does the resistivity of a metal increases while the resistivity of a semiconductor decreases with an increase in temperature? thanks in advance.
  44. S

    Resistivity & Electrical Energy

    Just wanted to see if anyone could check my work. I only have 1 opportunity to do this. Thanks yall! 1.) Suppose that you wish to fabricate a uniform wire out of 1.00g of copper. If the wire is to have a resistance of R=.5Ω and if all of the copper is to be used, what will be (a) the length...
  45. A

    Which Light Bulb Has the Higher Resistivity?

    Hi all, I have two light bulbs, both for 230 volts. One has 100 watts, the other 15 watts. It is clear that the 15W bulb has the higher resistivity. But is its filament a) longer b) thinner c) both, and why? Thanks!
  46. J

    Solving Resistivity Equations: Step-by-Step Guide

    it all seemed pretty easy to start off with I've got all my results. Voltage against current with a variable thing. but i can't do the equation, i have drawen up the graphs and followed the formulas but the results all come out wrong. formulas: m=y/x m=volt/amp r=1/m which is the...
  47. J

    How Do I Measure the Resistivity of Conducting Putty?

    Ok, the coursework i have been give is on the Resistivity of conducting putty. I know that Resistivity is the relationship between resistance, length and cross sectional area. But what do i do? Do i just get different lengths and thicknesses of a metal and find the resistance...
  48. U

    Resistance and Resistivity of tungsten wire

    please check my work someone. A tungsten wire has a radius of .075mm and is heated from 20.0 to 1320 degrees C. The temperature coefficient of resistivity is 4.5x10^-3 (C)^-1. When 120V is applied across the ends of the hot wire, a current os 1.5A is produced. How long is the wire? Neglect...
  49. P

    How Does Connecting Copper and Iron Rods Affect Voltage Distribution?

    So here is the problem Two cylindrical rods, one copper and the other iron, are identical in lengths and cross-sectional areas. They are joined, end-to-end, to form one long rod. A 12-V battery is connected across the free ends of the copper-iron rod. What is the voltage between the ends of...
  50. T

    How Do You Calculate Wire Resistivity in Physics Homework?

    hi, i am doing my physics homework at the moment, and i have got stuck on the last part of a question. it is asking for the resistivity of the wire- the values i have are length of wire 2.5m, cross sectional area 2.0mm squared, current of 3.0a flowing through driven by p.d. of 4.5V. the first...