Resonant Definition and 204 Threads

Resonance describes the phenomenon of increased amplitude that occurs when the frequency of a periodically applied force (or a Fourier component of it) is equal or close to a natural frequency of the system on which it acts. When an oscillating force is applied at a resonant frequency of a dynamic system, the system will oscillate at a higher amplitude than when the same force is applied at other, non-resonant frequencies.Frequencies at which the response amplitude is a relative maximum are also known as resonant frequencies or resonance frequencies of the system. Small periodic forces that are near a resonant frequency of the system have the ability to produce large amplitude oscillations in the system due to the storage of vibrational energy.
Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and resonance of quantum wave functions. Resonant systems can be used to generate vibrations of a specific frequency (e.g., musical instruments), or pick out specific frequencies from a complex vibration containing many frequencies (e.g., filters).
The term resonance (from Latin resonantia, 'echo', from resonare, 'resound') originated from the field of acoustics, particularly the sympathetic resonance observed in musical instruments, e.g., when one string starts to vibrate and produce sound after a different one is struck.

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  1. J

    A question about resonant frequency

    hello, I'm a first year science undergrad, currently learning about mechanics and waves and so on there's this vine that's been going around, which shows someone playing a harp - here is the video in question; I personally find it quite beautiful and fascinating. Apparently the phenomena is...
  2. A

    Green's function for resonant level

    I would really like some help for exercise 2 in the attached pdf. I know it's a lot asking you to read through all the pages but maybe you can skim them and catch the main points leading to exercise 2. What I don't understand is pretty basic. What is meant by the Green's function g(l,ikn)? In...
  3. B

    Resonant Frequency shift of bimorph piezo structure

    Hi, folk~ I fabricated bimorph piezoelectric shear stress sensors. When air flow applied, there were resonant frequency shifts to left side (decreasing) and impedance decrement in resonant frequency as well . So even though I am suspecting that kinds of results as because of damping effect...
  4. ErnieChicken

    How to Design a Series Resonant Circuit with a Bandwidth of 500Hz?

    Hi Guys, I usually don't come on forums to ask for any issues but i am stuck. I have been given these details: A 120v Constant supply at all Frequencies 50nF capacitor With these components i am supposed to design a series resonant circuit which will achieve a bandwidth of 500Hz. 500Hz is...
  5. L

    Engineering Amplified Tuner Circuit, Finding Resonant Frequency

    I am looking to find the resonant frequency of the amplified tuner circuit below The equation I have attempted to use is the f = 1/2*pi*√LC With the values for the inductance capacitance being 22pF and 47mH as I believe this is the tuner part of the circuit? The value I get by inserting these...
  6. W

    Resonant RLC circuit and in inductance

    1. A resonant RLC circuit can be used as an amplifier for a certain band of frequencies around the resonant frequency. Consider a series RLC circuit as an audio band amplifier with an AC voltage source as the input, and the voltage across the 8.0Ω resistor as the output. The amplifier should...
  7. P

    Sound waves in a closed pipe Problem

    Homework Statement Before I write the question you should know that my maths is all correct in my solution but I must have used the formulas incorrectly (or used the wrong formulas). I can't pinpoint where I've gone wrong or if I have left a formula out (I'm a teacher solving this question for...
  8. S

    Infinite wavelength resonant antennas

    Could somebody explain what does mean "infinite wavelength antenna" and what advantages does it have? What is resonant antenna and advantages?
  9. A

    Determining if a pipe is open or closed from given the resonant frequencies

    Homework Statement A pipe resonates at successive frequencies of 540 Hz, 450 Hz, and 350Hz. Is this an open or a closed pipe? Homework Equations -- The Attempt at a Solution My assumption is that because the harmonics of an open pipe are odd number multiples of the fundamental frequency (1f...
  10. A

    Is a resonant frequency any of the harmonics?

    1. The problem statement,λ all variables and given/known data A drum skin is stretched over one end of a pipe, creating a resonant air column with one open end and one fixed end. How long must the pipe be to achieve a resonant frequency of 280.0 Hz? (Use 343 m/s for the speed of sound.)...
  11. PhysicsKid0123

    Natural vs normal vs resonant frequencies

    is there a difference between natural frequencies, normal frequencies, and resonant frequencies? Any subtle differences? I've seen them used at different times, and I've also seen at least two used in a single sentence implying some kind of difference. For example, "Natural Frequencies and...
  12. D

    How Does a Laser's Resonant Cavity Create Multiple Wavelengths?

    Homework Statement The fact that a laser's resonant cavity so effectively sharpens the wavelength can lead to the output of several closely spaced laser wavelengths, called longitudinal modes. Here we see how. Suppose the spontaneous emission serving as the seed for stimulated emission is of...
  13. gonadas91

    Interacting resonant level model

    Hey guys this is my first question, I am trying to solve a first approach of the interacting resonant level model (IRLM), where we suppose that there is only one energy level acting as a quantum dot between the leads. The hamiltonian is of the form \begin{eqnarray} H=\sum_{kL}\epsilon_{kL}...
  14. A

    At what angular frequencies is the amplitude half of its resonant value?

    Homework Statement A simple pendulum has a length of 1m. In free vibration the amplitude of its swings falls off by a factor of e in 50 swings. The pendulum is set into forced vibration by moving its point of suspension horizontally in SHM with an amplitude of 1 mm. a) Built Differential b)...
  15. C

    Resonant Frequency and speed of sound

    1. Hollow tube chimes are made of metal and are open at each end. One chime is 0.54m long. -If the speed of sound is 346m/s, what is the frequency of sound produced by the third resonant length? -What would happen to the frequency of sound produced by the third resonant length if the chime...
  16. H

    Resonant frequency calculations for 'solid object' systems

    Hi, thanks for stopping by :) This is for a big assignment (Yr 12). I asked my physics teacher this, but she couldn't give me a definite answer, and neither could my music teacher who previously studied physics, and then he messaged an engineer he knew, who hasn't replied yet... ~ Given...
  17. R

    Double resonant solid state tesla coil

    So, the igbt bridge system i have going is a 600 volt 300 amp full bridge of cm300 igbt's and i was wondering if a .660uf tank capacitor is too big for my system. The mmc is made out of 2000 volt 1uf capacitors, 2 strings of 3 in series. Thank you.
  18. B

    Resonant frequency of a coaxial cable

    What is the equation (and derivation of equation) to work out the resonant frequency of a coaxial cable? Given that the cable has a resistance, capacitance and inductance per meter which are known. Links and explanations are much appreciated Thanks :smile:
  19. M

    What's so special about resonant Frequencies?

    What's so special about resonant Frequencies ( or length of the pipe) in an pipe: As I understand it, if any two waves pass by each other in different directions, they will create a sort of standing wave with anti-nodes and nodes ( hence beats). They always show...
  20. gfd43tg

    Engineering Resonant frequency of a circuit

    Hello, I am working on this circuit to find the resonant frequency. I calculate 10^8 rad/s, but the solution says it's 10^4 rad/s. Here is my work. I just solved for the equivalent impedance, and then separated the j term and solved for the inside of the parenthesis to be equal to zero...
  21. gfd43tg

    Damping Coefficient and Resonant Frequency of a 2nd order circuit

    Hello, I am having major confusion for how to find the damping coefficient, α, and the resonance frequency, ωo, for a second order circuit, in general. I know that there are tables for standard circuits like a series RLC and parallel RLC giving those values, but I am certain that I need to know...
  22. A

    High ouput power voltage using half bridge resonant

    Hi Im doing a project based on half bridge converter of IR2153 which could produce a high output voltage using the LTspice simulation by means of half bridge topology. Well, I am just wondering as the volatge across the two capacitors that is pointed in the image shown wasnt give half the...
  23. B

    Series parallel LC tank circuit Resonant Frequency equation?

    Hi How would I calculate a series-parallel LC circuit for resonance? I added up all the μH and pF for the equation, would that be correct? The inductors are in parallel, and the capacitors in series.
  24. H

    A question about damped resonant frequency

    The standard equation for the damped angular frequency of a normal damped mass-spring system is ω_{d} = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}-\frac{b^{2}}{4m^{2}}}. Let p=\frac{b}{2m}, we have ω_{d} =\sqrt{ω_{0}^{2}-p^{2}} Now consider that damped mass-spring system being driven by a periodic force with the...
  25. PsychonautQQ

    Can Resonant Transmission happen when U > E?

    My textbook had a section where a particle beam was going over a barrier where E > U and then right after that had a part about resonant transmission. It then went on to talk about Tunneling through a barrier when U > E. It didn't give a new resonant transmission equation and i assume the...
  26. A

    Blue light and resonant frequencies

    Hello again! Just a few multiple choice questions. When blue light strikes an opaque object whose resonant frequency is the same as the frequency of the blue light what happens? ( Choose as many as apply) A) The amplitude of the vibrations of the electrons in the object becomes larger B) The...
  27. M

    How Do You Calculate and Plot Impedance as a Function of Capacitance?

    Homework Statement The Variables Z=√R²+(ωL-1/ωC)² where ω= 2pif Homework Equations I never did this kind of assignment before so I am asking for some tips how can I work out the DZ/DC and plot it on graph i mean the Impedance and for Capacitor. Please find my attached Assignment paper and...
  28. K

    Microtron Accelerators resonant magnetic field

    Homework Statement Somehow combining equations 5 and 7 yields the resonant magnetic field (eqn 8) and accelerating voltage V (eqn 8a). How is this derived? Homework Equations eqn5 2\,{\frac {\pi \,\Delta W}{eB{C}^{2}}}=b\tau eqn7 2\,{\frac {\pi \, \left( w_{{o}}+\Delta W \right)...
  29. U

    Resonant frequency of this pendulum?

    Hi everyone, I'm planning a simple experiment for my school, which involves fixing a mass M onto a rod of length L made of a copper alloy. Suppose I drive it capacitively, how do I find the resonant frequency of this simple oscillator? I need its resonant frequency to be about 400-500Hz, which...
  30. M

    Finding R,L,C at resonant state

    Hello again. I hope someone could check if I got the answers correct. The magnitude of the current I in resonant state was 3[A]. When the angular frequency of the power supply was 1 [rad/s] and 2[rad/s], the magnitude of current I became 1/√2 of the value when resonance occurred. Find R, L, C.
  31. V

    Measuring air transformer at resonant frequency

    Hi, I am in the process of trying to develop an air transformer but encountering unusual behaviour which I hope can be explained with some fundamental theory I don't yet know. My set up is as follows; - Two identical wound 13.3uH inductors designed to resonate at 4.364MHz. They are 10...
  32. stevmg

    Magnetic Resonant Imaging Mechanics

    MRIs are used in medicine for diagnostic imaging. I am told it has something to do with protons. But in the human body protons don't exist, only occasional hydronium ions (H3O+. ) I am told that a strong magnetic field imparts a "spin" to the protons (I don't know if this in a quantum...
  33. K

    L and C to Achieve Single Resonant Frequency in Series-Parallel Circuit?

    Finding L and C for which there is only one resonant frequency in cct Homework Statement an inductor in series with a paralle of (a capacitor and a resistor) The inductor and resistor are fixed while C is variable Z = sL + R/(1+RsC) Find a value of L and C such that there is only one...
  34. R

    Quantum Resonant Harmonic Oscillator

    The Hamiltonian is ##H=\hbar \omega (a^\dagger a+b^\dagger b)+\hbar\kappa(a^\dagger b+ab^\dagger)## with commutation relations ##[a,a^\dagger]=1 \hspace{1 mm} and \hspace{1 mm}[b,b^\dagger]=1##. I want to calculate the Heisenberg equations of motion for a and b. Beginning with ##\dot...
  35. T

    Resonant Frequency of Open Ended Pipes with a Barrier Imposed

    I was just wondering if anyone here had any experience with an open pipe system with a barrier imposed. Basically, say for a pipe open at both ends, at one end we place a barrier a distance away from the pipe. How would this affect the resonant frequency of the pipe? From experimentation...
  36. P

    Making a 10mH Inductor Coil for an LCR Resonant Circuit

    i have to make a 10mH inductor coil for an LCR resonant circuit.could someone please guide me on which gauge of wire to use and how to wind it to make a coil within 5% variation? i need the coil to be close enough to 10 mH for resonance. looking forward to ur help...
  37. 0

    What happens to the resonant frequency of a wine glass as you fill it

    As you fill a wine glass with water, how does the resonant frequency change? Surely it should increase? i did an experiment and it decreased? I am so confused!? Why does this happen?
  38. B

    Finding the Resonant frequency in an LC circuit

    Homework Statement The figure opposite shows a free oscillator composed of an LC circuit. Derive an expression for the resonance frequency. Show all of your working. Homework Equations d2x/dt2 + ω2x = 0 The Attempt at a Solution First I tried using Kirchoffs Voltage Law to set...
  39. K

    Resonant Frequencies from Fourier Analysis

    I did Fourier analysis on a set of force data from a vibrating string. In my graph of magnitute and frequency, I'm getting major peaks at 62.1 Hz and 249.0 Hz. There is a tiny blip in the data at 125 Hz and nothing at 186 Hz. I have two questions. Do the peaks at 62.1 and 249 mean that those...
  40. S

    Resonant frequency of a human body

    Does anyone know why the resonant frequency of a grounded human is smaller when ungrounded?
  41. V

    Resonant frequencies in a tube with adjustable length

    Problem: Determine the quantity of resonant frequencies that a 1024 Hz tuning fork will have in a 1m long tube with an adjustable water level. Find the length of the air column for each frequency. Assume the speed of sound is 344m/s. Solution: The resonant frequencies are odd integer...
  42. F

    How do quarter wave resonant cavities work in duplexers and filters?

    I've been self studying microwave engineering for a little while, and also I work in the radio telecommunications field. I try to relate what I've learned in the book to what I encounter in out in the field. Recently I was studying resonant cavities. From what I thought I understood about...
  43. Crazymechanic

    Is there a material that exhibits resonant frequency for magnetic flux?

    Hi , I've been wondering is there a metal or some kind of material that can hold a magnetic flux like a transformer core iron and alloys usually do, but at certain frequencies have a resonant effect, like putting a let's say 100hz frequency in the primary winding could make the electromagnetic...
  44. D

    Resonant Frequency & Natural Frequency?

    Hello guys! Is it possible to convert a natural frequency to resonant frequency with maybe some kind of formula? I was given a transfer function and I was asked to draw a root locus plot and determine the resonant frequency. I know how to get the damping ratio and natural frequency and the value...
  45. R

    Question on resonant frequency?

    The question is as follows, How do you determine the frequency at which different types of molecules resonate to, such as water molecules to microwaves?
  46. H

    Resonant transformer - sign of the voltage reinduced in the primary winding

    Consider a biresonant transformer with a small coupling coefficient k << 1. Let the voltage applied to the primary LC circuit be U1(t)=U*sin(2*Pi*f*t), then also the current I1 will be sinusoidal. The voltage induced in the secondary winding and the current in the secondary LC circuit will be a...
  47. F

    Exploring Resonant Frequency and Phase Shift in PEC Cylinders

    So I have this PEC cylinder that I am illuminating with a plane wave. As we know it should resonate when lambda is twice the length of the cylinder. My adviser suggested to examine the phase of surface current, but I do not understand how it is relevant. Maybe I didn't get it right...
  48. X

    Need help on getting the resonant frequency

    A 25.0-kg child in Red Deer pumps herself on a swing when she kicks upward on the downswing, thus changing the distance from the pivot point to her centre of gravity from 2.40 m to 2.28 m. 1)The resonant frequency of her swing before the kick is: ___ Hz, and the resonant frequency after the...
  49. B

    Wavelength and resonant length equation

    What's the relationship between a wavelength and the difference between consecutive resonant lengths (ΔL) for closed air columns? Basically, what's an equation for λ in terms of Δresonant length? Thanks!
  50. A

    Q of tuning fork; resonant and natural frequency

    Homework Statement A musicians tuning fork rings at A above middle C, 440Hz. A sound meter level meter indicates the sound intensity decreases by a factor of 5 in 4 seconds. What is Q of the tuning fork? Homework Equations Q=\frac{\omega}{2\beta}...