Resources Definition and 464 Threads

Resource refers to all the materials available in our environment which help us to satisfy our needs and wants. Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability — they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. They can also be classified as actual and potential on the basis of the level of development and use, on the basis of origin they can be classified as biotic and abiotic, and on the basis of their distribution, as ubiquitous and localised (private, community-owned, national and international resources). An item becomes a resource with time and developing technology. The benefits of resource utilization may include increased wealth, proper functioning of a system, or enhanced well-being. From a human perspective, a natural resource is anything obtained from the environment to satisfy human needs and wants. From a broader biological or ecological perspective, a resource satisfies the needs of a living organism (see biological resource).The concept of resources has been developed across many established areas of work, in economics, biology and ecology, computer science, management, and human resources for example - linked to the concepts of competition, sustainability, conservation, and stewardship. In application within human society, commercial or non-commercial factors require resource allocation through resource management.

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  1. erbilsilik

    Understanding Boson Systems: Resources & Tutorials

    Homework Statement What is boson? Quantum mechanical properties of bosons. Statistical properties of bosons. Applications of bose systems. Thermodynamic and statistics properties of ideal bose gas. Homework Equations Looking for a good resources for undergraduate or graduate level. The...
  2. M

    Exploring Maths and CS Projects: Seeking Ideas and Resources

    Hi guys, I am currently enrolled in the second year of a computer science engineering course. Over the last couple of years, I have become a fortunate prisoner to mathematical fascination. I was always good at Maths but the schools I went to did not encourage much creativity and the teachers...
  3. G

    Helpful Resources for Calc. Analysis

    I have started a class on the analysis of calculus. We are three weeks in and have covered some basic set theory, fields and axioms, and now we are beginning induction. It is a very rigorous course and I hoping someone might know of some helpful resources that could aid me throughout it. Ideally...
  4. CrackerMcGinger

    Need reliable resources on basic astronomy and quantum physics

    I've been relying on Wikipedia and some other questionable sources for a basic understanding of these studies, and i don't think I should rely fully on these sources. If anyone can point me to a place that is reliable I would greatly appreciate it.
  5. T

    Overcoming Vector Challenges: Best Resources & Tips for Practicing

    Hello, I am struggling with vectors, and general problems tagged along with them. How can I get some more practice aside from my book? What are some trusted resources that work well? What is your personal experience with vectors? Are (were) they a challenging obstacle for you? What is the best...
  6. S

    Engineing Resources: Learn Modern Engineering History

    Hi, I just started college and was pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of my classmates know a lot about different engineering stuff. Some would know all the parts of a car and maybe how the ac worked etc... for me other than programming I was ashamed of how limited my knowledge of these...
  7. S

    Python Resources for programming math solvers in Python

    Hi, I was just wondering if there were any good resources/sites for learning to plot and solve differential equations and any other math for that matter, specifically in Python? The physics program at ASU is great but we aren't really given any class time to learn how to program, it's all on our...
  8. Greg Bernhardt

    What are Some Effective Online Resources for Learning Math?

    Feel free to use this thread to post online learning resources for math. This may include PDFs, free online books, web apps, problem sets, calculators, tutorials, guides, lessons etc etc. First stop should be our very own PF Insights blog which hosts many mathematics tutorials...
  9. Greg Bernhardt

    What Are the Best Online Physics Learning Tools and Resources?

    Feel free to use this thread to post online learning resources for physics. This may include PDFs, free online books, web apps, problem sets, calculators, tutorials, guides, lessons etc etc. First stop should be our very our PF Insights blog which hosts many physics tutorials...
  10. kariandozzy

    Which Physics Books and Resources Are Best for Beginners?

    I am in need of a few suggestions on books to read on Physics for beginners! I am new to this field of science and want to learn more about it. Any online archives, textbooks, published articles, etc. are welcome!
  11. alemsalem

    What physics topics would you like to see on the internet?

    What courses or physics topics would you like to see on the internet? I want to make a physics course series. I want to make videos and other resources (like animations, simulations apps, and games). I want it to be on topics that don't have a lot of videos and resources, and there are people...
  12. MidgetDwarf

    Resources: Notes/ videos to sketch better geometric figures.

    I been googling videos and notes regarding the sketching of geometric figures, such as: planes, solids, 3rd/ 2d geometric shapes. Could not find decent resources. The reason i ask is that I am having a hard time picturing certain problems with my mediocre drawing skills and I also tutor so it...
  13. matqkks

    Exploring Pell's Equation: Applications and Resources

    What is the best way to introduce Pell’s equation on a first elementary number theory course? Are there any practical applications of Pell’s equation? What are the really interesting questions about Pell’s equation? Are there any good resources on Pell’s equation.
  14. matqkks

    MHB How Can Pell's Equation Enhance Elementary Number Theory?

    What is the best way to introduce Pell’s equation on a first elementary number theory course? Are there any practical applications of Pell’s equation? What are the really interesting questions about Pell’s equation? Are there any good resources on Pell’s equation.
  15. ZAN Nabil

    Solid State Good resources for introductory solid state physics and QM

    Hello,I'm new here and this is my first post. I am a freshman electronics and communication engineering student.I didn't study any quantum mechanics or solid state physics before(not in high school). But for my first year course i need to study solid state physics.The books we are suggested to...
  16. S

    What are some recommended resources for studying General Relativity?

    Hi all, I'm preparing for my bachelor thesis. I have to study some articles for the mimetic dark matter. But before this my advisor sad to me to study from Landau Vol. 2 Field Theory some General Relativity(it's my first time that I study it), chapters 10 and 11(Particles in a gravitational...
  17. DEvens

    Learn the Method of Lines: Textbook Resources for Industrial Problem Solving

    Can anybody suggest good resources for me to learn about the method of lines? I have budget to buy textbooks. The boss has received a "request for proposal" from a client with deep pockets. That means they want us to submit a bid for a contract. The client wants us to apply the method of lines...
  18. Y

    Guidance on Matrices: Get a Better Understanding with Books/Videos

    Hello, I have been studying matrices and determinants recently and do not understand why certain things are done the way they are. Like, why is matrix multiplication defined the way it is. I find that there are not enough proofs. Is there any book/article/video that any of you recommend to...
  19. M

    Resources for Practicing Drawing Free Body Diagrams

    I am absolutely clueless when it comes to drawing free body diagrams. I think I understand the concepts but as soon as I see an unfamiliar system I have no idea what goes where. Are there any resourcess that provide a large number of practice problems (with solutions) for drawing free body...
  20. S

    Exploring Physics: Top Resources for High School Students

    Hello I am currently in high school and my high school only offers one physics class, but physics has always fascinated me. So my question is what are some resources you all found helpful as you were entering the world of physics? (Websites, blogs, books, video channels, etc...)
  21. mrspeedybob

    Looking for resources on micro and mesoscale meteorology

    My wife got me hang gliding lessons for Christmas, which I'm going to take this summer. In preparation I'd like to learn what I can about atmospheric behavior on scales of a few meters to a few kilometers. I've found small isolated sources with tidbits of information, but nothing with any real...
  22. W

    Schools Free Online High School Physics Resources

    Hi, I'm an 8th grader (also called 2nd year hs here) who's really enthusiastic about physics. This is my first post, so I hope you're okay with me making some mistakes (I've been reading stuff on this forum for a while now, though). Physics is still 2 years ahead, and I've tried waiting but I...
  23. T

    MHB Thread Safety for Shared Resources

    I was just thinking of the first concurrency problem I encountered whereby you have multiple threads incrementing a shared variable ('int x'). Now, I understand the problem and how it is solved, but since int x is a shared resource only one thread can access it at a time, so no time at all is...
  24. T

    Resources for variational principle to solve coulomb problem in D dimension

    Hi, i have been struggling to find some good resources on variational principle , I have got an instructor in advanced quantum course who just have one rule for teaching students- "dig the Internet and I don't teach you anything".. So I digged a lot and came up with a lot reading but I need...
  25. Greg Bernhardt

    Testing Physics GRE Preparation Resources

    During the Physics GRE Subject Test there is no formula sheet given and none can be brought in. It is best to try and memorize these fundamental formulas. Please feel free to link to other useful formula sheets.
  26. Greg Bernhardt

    What are the top science job salaries and resources available?

    All data is for entry level and are national averages. Please plug in your zip code and select a different career level for better precision of information. Physicists Mathematician...
  27. M

    Complex Analysis: Learning Resources and Practice Problems

    Hi there, I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good materials, books, websites, Youtube users etc for me to teach myself Complex Analysis for school. Some good practice problems with answers and explanations would be wicked too. Thanks :)
  28. petormojer

    Patents, blueprints, and resources? New tech gadgets blueprints?

    I saw the samsung edge released and I thought it would be very cool if I learned how it works. So are there any patents, blueprints, etc. that is on the curved display technology? I want to see it for myself because it's cool. Is there a way to see other patents or blueprints legally?
  29. petormojer

    Top Online Resources for Physics, Mathematics, Programming, and Engineering

    Hello, I was wondering what websites you would suggest for resources? Physics, mathematics, programming(any language), and engineering? By online resources I was thinking resources like wolfram mathworld. Any online resource as extensive as wolfram mathworld would be great.
  30. Curieuse

    The right amount of Resources for a self-study attempt

    I am self-studying Physics in the second year of my undergrad(too late i know) as I never really understood many basic concepts in my high school as clearly as i now do. In my enthusiasm to teach myself Physics I bought a number of books but none seem on par with stuff described on many forums...
  31. M

    Resources or learning how SI units work?

    Hi, I'm looking for an in-depth guide/tutorial about how to use and understand SI notation. As it stands, I've realized it's a source of confusion in physics for me because i never took the time to properly learn. If anyone knows of any resources which would help me to understand it would be...
  32. N

    Exploring the Evolution of Stars: A Database of Stellar History

    Just been looking around for any good resources or databases which show history of stars in the universe. I have mostly been looking into the size and chemical content of them (like those of population I, II, III). But just looking for some real data and numbers to go with it, like star sizes...
  33. F

    Fluid mechanics: books and other learning resources

    Hello everyone! I'm a civil engineering (bachelor) student, and I was fascinated by the "hydraulics" course. unfortunately, my study plan doesn't include other courses on the matter for at least one year. Thus, I am looking for some easy books to begin with, to study it a bit on my own...
  34. M

    Finding Advanced PDE Resources for Meteorologists with a Math Background

    I am a meteorologist with Bachelor's Degrees in both Meteorology and Mathematics. I took an intro PDE course in college, but want to learn more. Can anyone suggest a book that would be a good book after only having an intro course? Thanks.
  35. X

    Good Books or Free Resources for Geometric Graph Theory

    I've been doing some light reading on Geometric Graph Theory, and it seem interesting to me. However, at the moment I've only managed to find a few Wikipedia articles and one .PDF of lecture notes. I'm looking for something which is more complete, such as a book or a website for example...
  36. electricspit

    Preparing for the GRE Physics Exam: Resources & Tips

    Hey! I'm planning on applying at some schools in the US next year/this year and I need ot take the GRE exam this fall. I've looked at some old exams and they look pretty straightforward, but I was wondering if anyone knew any resources for the physics exam (i.e. practice tests etc.). Thanks!
  37. hideelo

    Resources for analytical mehanics

    As the spring semester is over and the summer is now beginning I was thinking that I would like to get a start on analytical mechanics on my own as a summer project. I was wondering if anyone knows an online lecture series on analytical mechanics, preferably with an assigned textbook and...
  38. E

    Tackling Math Word Problems: Help and Resources Needed

    One of my biggest challenges in math are word problems, and I know that as I get past the introductory classes, these will be more and more common to see. This was one of my biggest downfalls this semester, as my calculus professors exams would be 90% word problems. I had asked my professor...
  39. G

    Find Resources on Principals of Dichroism & Polarizational Filters

    I often confront a problem that when I need to get some more information about some topic, it is very hard to find such information. For example, I would like to get some more knowledge about principals of dichroism and polarizational filters. I searched for a while but still can not manage...
  40. P

    Mechanical FE Exam Review and Sample Question Resources?

    I'm going to take the Mechanical FE Exam, does anyone have any suggestion regarding which review or question book/ resources may be more helpful to study? ( beside the NCEES Reference Handbook) Thank you in advance for sharing your experiences.
  41. G

    Resources for simulations in physics

    Hi, Could you please recommend web resources with similar simulations as here: thanks
  42. J

    Online Materials Science Resources

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some quality materials science resources on the web? I am currently in an intro to materials science and engineering class and have been fascinated by the subject this semester. I was just wondering if there are any "go to"...
  43. S

    Quantum Mechanics Book and resources on Hilbert Spaces

    I am currently in a modern physics course and would to do more advanced study in quantum mechanics before taking the senior-level Quantum Mechanics course at my school. We use Townsend's modern physics book for the class that I am in right now; here is a link...
  44. M

    Gauss Law: Proofs and Electromagnetism Resources

    about gauss law! is there any precise proof for gauss law? why ø=q/ε always regardless how the charge is distributed inside the surface and if anyone know a good book for electromagnetism please type its name for me.. thank u
  45. carllacan

    Where Can I Find Simulation Learning Resources for Comsol Multiphysics?

    Hi! I recently tried to perform a simulation of a physical process on Comsol Multiphysics (namely I tried ot find the harmonics of a musical instrument) and I felt incredibly lost at it. I'm normally good with computer programs, and I knew the overall physics of it, but I didn't even know...
  46. M

    How does a homopolar generator produce current?

    Hi there , I would like to understand more about how exactly current is induced in a homopolar generator aka Faraday disc ? I have read some papers on this subject and so on and as far as I understand in a normal generator current is induced because magnetic field lines travel through a loop of...
  47. H

    The history of mathematics help with resources

    The history of with resources Hey guys I need help finding good resources to help me understand basic to advance math from a developmental point of view, the applied necessities of the inventors of math operations and concepts. For example the addition operation was...
  48. B

    Why does math work, or Conceptual/Interesting Math Resources

    I am a sophomore in high school and have heard about how great and majestic math is, so I decided to get a piece of the action. However, I struggle to see the "great and majestic" part (though I really am trying). Granted, math isn't my strongest subject (it could be said that it's my weakest)...
  49. K

    Prerequisites and Resources to learn Matrices

    Could anyone let me know of a good resource that I could use to learn matrix mathematics? I'm not sure if that is the proper term for that segment of mathematics, but hopefully you get the gist of it. It can be a book or a website, does not matter to me. Also, any suggestions as to what I...
  50. artfullounger

    Crystal structure/lattice resources (with examples)?

    Hello PF :D So, I am an (engineering) undergraduate working on an independent study project, which for me is doing some computational work for a lecturer's research. Specifically, I am using the Abinit package to calculate the elastic properties of some metalloids. To create the input file I...