Homework Statement
R = 125 ohms, L = 200 mH, C = 5 uF, initial current in L is -0.3A, and initial voltage across C is 25V.
Homework Equations
v(t) = (Bcos(wt)+Csin(wt))e^(-at)
The Attempt at a Solution
I've solved for v(t) t>0 and got 25e^(-800t)(cos(600t)+ (4/3)sin(600t)). The second...
Homework Statement
In the tuned circuit below, what will happen to the reading of the ammeter when:
a) source frequency increases. The voltage is constant
b) the capacitance increases. The voltage and source frequency are constant
c) The voltage increases. Source frequency is constant...
Homework Statement
In the figure given, the switch was at position A for a long time, at time =0 the switch is turned to position B...
My question is how do we assume the polarities for both the resistor and the capacitor after the switch is in position B
Homework Equations
The Attempt at...
Im trying to build a resonant circuit with a ~low frequency resonance (<1kHz). I am using a Gyrator (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyrator#Application:_a_simulated_inductor) as the inductor.
Im using:
RL = 100ohm
R = 27kohm
C = 1uF
I put another 1uF capacitor in front of Zin, to form a...
Homework Statement
In an undriven RLC-circuit, the characteristic time of the capacitor, ie the time taken for the amplitude of the capacitor voltage ## V_c ## to drop by a factor e, is ## T = 2L/R ##.
We now have a RLC-circuit which is driven by a AC voltage of variable frequency ## \omega ##...
Homework Statement
Suppose you want to use a series RLC circuit to tune in your favorite AM radio station which broadcasts at a frequency of 1.20 MHz. You would like to avoid the obnoxious easy listening station which broadcasts at 1.10 MHz, right next to the one you like. In order to achieve...
Homework Statement
Find the differential equation for Vo
Vin is a square wave
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
At Node V1:
##\frac{V_1-V_in}{R_1} + \frac{1}{L_1}\int_{0}^{t}(V_1-V_2) = 0##...
Homework Statement
Find the natural response
V1 is a squarewave
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
How would I find the natural response using differential equations?
Am I doing it right?
by KCL
\frac{V_1-V_{in}}{R_1}+\frac{1}{L}\int_{0}^{t}V_1(t)dt +...
Homework Statement
Find the full response. Assume Vin is a squarewave with Vpp =10V and Vamp = +5V
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
My teacher gave this solution but I don't really understand some parts of it.
Full response = Natural response + forced response
i want to ask a question about RLC circuit~
i don't understand where is this "2L/R"coming from
and also i don't know what is the function of this" time constant"(it is meaningless in physical sens?e)
in the note it states"that the time constant for reaching the steady state here..."...
Supposed there is a black box connect to an AC circuit. Inside the black box, there are either a resistor connected with a capacitor or a resistor connected with a inductor. They can be connected either in series or in parallel. The total impedance and phase shift of the black box at 2 different...
Homework Statement
The main question is to derive the Q of the series RLC circuit. This book shows the whole solution but I have a question about a part of their answer. Basically I want to know how ##\frac{1}{2}CV_{Cmax}^2 = \frac{1}{2}C(\frac{i_{max}^2}{wC}^2)##
to me it looks like they are...
Say you have a circuit component with impedence Z(\omega). Is it possible combine it in some way to resistors, capacitors, and inductors, so as to shift the phase of the impedance by a constant?
So, I have been trying to come up with a general solution for dI/dt in an RLC circuit.
I have attached the work I have done so far. I don't know where but I am making a mistake and the waveform is not coming out right. Would really appreciate a look over my work to see if I made any obvious errors.
Homework Statement
Find Vth and Zth.
frequency = 2kHz
Homework Equations
w = 2 * (pi) * f
ZL = j w L
ZC = -j / (w * C)
V = I*Z
ZR = R
The Attempt at a Solution
At first I tried using nodal analysis which I receive the value V = 0 v. I believe this is because this circuit only has dependent...
Homework Statement
(a) Write down sucient number of equations to determine all the
currents i1, i2 and I (you do not need to solve the equations)
(b) At the instant the battery is turned on, what is the current I
running through the circuit?
(c) After waiting for a suciently long time...
Homework Statement
The expression for electric charge on the capacitor in the series RLC circuit is as follows: q(t)=A*exp(-Rt/2L)*cos(omega*t+phi)
where omega=square_root(1/LC-R^2/4L^2)
What is the phase phi, if the initial conditions are:
Homework Equations
The damped...
In an RLC series circuit let applied EMF be given ##V=V_0\sin\omega t##, $$Z=Z_C+Z_R+Z_L=R+i\left(\frac{1}{\omega C}-\omega L\right)$$
$$|Z|=\sqrt{R^2+\left(\frac{1}{\omega C}-\omega L\right)^2}$$
Then $$i(t)=\frac{V(t)}{Z}=\frac{V_0e^{i\omega t}}{R+i\left(\frac{1}{\omega C}-\omega L\right)}$$...
Homework Statement
At t = 0, the charge stored on the capacitor plates is maximum in an oscillating series RLC circuit. At what time will the maximum possible energy that can be stored in the capacitor fall to one-eighth of its initial value if R = 7.20 Ω and L = 21.0 H?
The differential...
Homework Statement
So yeah I'm doing a project were I get to create a problem. I would like to learn how to solve a AC RLC circuit using linear algebra. I'm trying to find all of the currents on the edges of the graphs and find all of the voltages at the nodes connecting the edges. I don't...
Homework Statement
A series RLC circuit consists of a 60.0 Ω resistor, a 2.30 mH inductor, and a 690 nF capacitor. It is connected to an oscillator with a peak voltage of5.80 V .
Part A
Determine the impedance at frequency 3000 Hz.
Part B
Determine the peak current at frequency 3000 Hz.
Part C...
Homework Statement
In series RLC circuit how much time it takes for capacitor to charge to 0.63% of source voltage..?
time constant is the time taken by a capacitor to charge to 0.63% of source voltage and in rc circuit time constant is RC. but what about for capacitor in series RLC circuit...
Homework Statement
Determine ##q(t=0)##, ##i(t=0)##, the phase difference ##\phi##, angular frequency ##w## and the time constant ##\tau## from the graph of the capacitor waveform below:(pulse voltage source)
For this circuit we have ##q(t)=Ae^{-\frac{t}{2\tau}}\cos(\omega t+\phi)##...
I was experimenting with resonant frequency of a series RLC circuit:
5V AC source
10 ohms resistor
100microF capacitor
46mH inductor
Resonant frequency is calculated to be around 74.2Hz. So I set the AC source to resonant frequency 74.2Hz and measured the voltage across the 10 ohms resistor...
Homework Statement
KVL for a RLC circuit given current direction and polarity of a resistor?
Here is the diagram of the circuit:
Homework Equations
Sum of voltages equal zero
The Attempt at a Solution
I am actually looking for the voltage across the inductor (VL), so I decided the...
Homework Statement
Obtain the state equations in Matrix form for the two-input and one-output circuit shown in the figure below where the output is i_2.
Homework Equations
Ohm's Law, KVL, KCL
The Attempt at a Solution
Currents i1, i2, i3 assumed clockwise. Is there a better assumption I...
Homework Statement
Even conceptual problem in the text:
Consider a standard RLC circuit driven by an AC source in which the elements are in parallel. Construct a phasor diagram and develop an expression for the phase angle θ. Now remove the resistor from the circuit, can you still develop an...
Homework Statement
In an oscillating series RLC circuit, with resistance R and inductance L, find the time required for the maximum energy in the capacitor during an oscillation to fall to 1/5 its initial value. Assume q = Q at t = 0
Homework Equations
## U(t) =...
Homework Statement
In my Intro to EE class we have a homework assignment with the following problem:
I think I finished part a but want to make sure that I am doing the problem correctly before I move on to the next part.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
A series RLC circuit has R=75 ohms, C=20 mF and a resonance frequency of 5.0 kHz. (i) What is the value of inductance? (ii)What is the impedance of the circuit at residence? (iii)What is the rms current at resonance if the rms voltage of the power supply is 120 V? (iv) How...
Homework Statement
An ideal AC voltage source generating an emf V (t) = V0 cosωt is connected in series with a resistance R, an inductance L, and a capacitance C.
a) Find the steady-state solution for the charge, q(ω,t), which is of the form q0(ω)cos(ωt− δ(ω)).
b) Find the steady-state...
Homework Statement
Find DEQ, circuit for time t>0.
Homework Equations
Ic= CdVc/dt
The Attempt at a Solution
At T=inf
L Short , C Open
IL(inf)=4mA, VL(inf)=0, Ic(inf)=0, Vc(inf)=0
All at 0
L=Open C=Short
IL(0+)=0, VL(0+)=0, Ic(0+)=4mA, Vc(0+)=0
20v=L diL/dt + Vc +...
Homework Statement
The current in a series RLC circuit leads the generator voltage by φ = 30°. The circuit, containing an inductor L = 400 mH and a resistor R = 50 Ω, is driven by a generator operating at ω = 100 rad/s with a maximum emf of 10 V. The capacitance is unknown.
The first question...
Homework Statement
A series RLC circuit is connected to a 60 Hz AC source which produces an amplitude of εmax=20 V. The circuit element values are R= 20 Ω, L= 20 mH, C= 150 μF.
Calculate the total impedance of the circuit.
Homework Equations
Z=√(R^2 +(XL-Xc)^2)
tan φ = (XL-Xc)/R...
Homework Statement
Draw a time-depended waveform of all components in DC RLC circuit.
L=1,6 mH
C=0,2 mF
Udc=15 V
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
DoCircuit simulator
I am a bit confussed with this homework because I am aware that capacitor do not conduct a current in DC...
Homework Statement
How and why does quality factor change in a series RLC circuit when the resistance in the circuit increases? I've made a small experiment circuit which looks like one in the picture:
The current frequency is 1 kHz and the voltmeter should show 2V throughout the whole...
Homework Statement
Given a series RLC circuit:
R = 10 Ω
L = 0.1 H
C = 2 μF
Power Source: V = 5sin(500t)
If you could change the capacitance what C would you select so Vrms across the capacitor and inductor is zero?
Homework Equations
ω2 = 1/LC
The Attempt at a Solution
My instructor's...
Homework Statement
We have a resistor of 350 Ohm, an inductor of 0.15H and a capacitor of 10 microfarad, connected in series to an AC source of voltage 240 V and frequency 50 Hz. The measured effective voltage over the resistor is 180V, and over the system of the both the inductor and the...
Homework Statement
For both the LR and RLC circuit, a function generator is used to create a 1000 Hz square wwave of maximum amplitude.
1) For the following LR circuit, the resistance is set to a 100 Ohms. Determine the inductance, L. How does the inductance vary if the resistance were...
Homework Statement
NOTE: Image uploaded with thread shows problem in clearest possible form.
V = (45v)sin(80[pi] t)
Resistors 1 and 2 = 50 Ohms
Inductor 1 = 20 mH
Inductor 2 = 2.5 mH
Capacitor = 50 uF
a) Find the power dissipated by each resistor.
b) At what frequency will both resistors...
Homework Statement
For the series RLC circuit shown in Fig. Q8, determine the voltage across each element, and draw a complete phasor diagram.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
Total Impedance:
Z = R+Xc+Xl
= 75 - 60j + 25j
= 75-j35
Z = 82.76∠-25.02 (Phasor form)
http://imgur.com/hAzf2zP So I found the circuit is series, w0 and a0 equal 20 so it is critically dampened. For V(inf) I used current divider to get the equation (.1 A *120 ohm)/40 ohm = .3 A. Then I used ohms law to find v(t) = .3*120 = 36 V.
I then wrote down the circuit at t<0, t>0, and...
1. A resonant RLC circuit can be used as an amplifier for a certain band of frequencies around the resonant frequency. Consider a series RLC circuit as an audio band amplifier with an AC voltage source as the input, and the voltage across the 8.0Ω resistor as the output. The amplifier should...
Homework Statement
I have to answer a few questions about a lab session I did (university) and I'm really stuck with this one.
The objective of the lab session was to find the self inductance (L) of a solenoid.
In order to do that, I had a function generator exciting a solenoid with a high...
Homework Statement
For the circuit in the attached file, find io (current) for t>0
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have included an attachment which shows the solution. However, I will copy the solution here as well for reference:
When t<0, the switch is closed, the inductor...
Homework Statement
I am not sure how an Inductor behaves in an RLC Series Circuit
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I know that after a long time, that the circuit above, the voltage in the capacitor is max. Generally, I also know that the current through an inductor after a...
What methods could I utilise to find the individual values of the components - resistor, inductor and capacitor - of a series RLC circuit using an oscilloscope, signal generator and 10 ohm resistor. Where each component can be isolated in order to find the voltage etc.
I've already found the...