Roller Definition and 314 Threads

Roller skating is traveling on surfaces with roller skates. It is a recreational activity, a sport, and a form of transportation. Roller rinks and skate parks are built for roller skating, though it also takes place on streets, sidewalks, and bike paths.
Roller skating originated in the performing arts in the 18th century. It gained widespread popularity starting in the 1880s. Roller skating was very popular in United States from the 1930s to 1950s, then again in the 1970s when it was associated with disco music and roller discos. During the 1990s, inline outdoor roller skating became popular. Roller skating has often been a part of Black and LGBT history in particular.
Sport roller skating includes speed skating, roller hockey, roller derby, figure skating and aggressive quad skate. It is also widespread as a hobby.

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  1. J

    Rotational motion roller coaster problem

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ƩF = ma = (mv2) / r The Attempt at a Solution For part A: Fn - Fg = (mv2) / r Fn = ((mv2) / r ) + mg Fn = (500x20^2) / 10 + 500x9.8 Fn = 24900 This seems too high to be true. But I'm unsure of what I did wrong. I know the normal force...
  2. H

    How Do You Calculate the Second Speed of a Roller Coaster at the Loop's Top?

    Homework Statement The radius of curvature of a loop-the-loop for a roller coaster is 14.0 m. At the top of the loop, the force that the seat exerts on a passenger of mass m is 0.35mg. Find the speed of the roller coaster at the top of the loop. (Enter your answers from smallest to largest.)...
  3. W

    Reaction Forces at Points A and B

    Homework Statement As shown, a roller at point A and a pin at point B support a uniform beam that has a mass 25.0 kg . The beam is subjected to the forces f1 = 50.0N and f2= 79.0N . The dimensions are l1= 0.750m and l2= 2.30m . (Figure 2) What are the magnitudes and of the reaction forces...
  4. A

    What is the Roller Coaster Problem Homework Statement?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am completely stuck on this. I thought I would use W=F=ma, but that wouldn't take the height into account. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  5. A

    Roller Coaster Friction Problem

    Homework Statement A roller coaster begins with a 90m hill followed by a 40m diameter loop. Unfortunately, the coaster hits a 20m long rough patch between the bottom of the hill and the loop. If the friction on the rough patch is .8, then can a roller coaster make it through the loop...
  6. W

    How heavy does a roller coaster rider feel?

    Homework Statement A roller coaster rider has a mass of 80 kg and is riding in the coaster shown in the figure. If the vehicle has a speed of 10.0 m/s at the top of the first hill (assume same height as the top of the circle above Point A): a) how "heavy" does the rider feel at point A? b)...
  7. C

    What's Happening on this Roller Coaster?

    Homework Statement The PDF graph shows the g-force values of a roller coaster at specific times during the ride. The normal g-force value during this assignment is -1 because the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is -10 m/s^2. We have to assign each time value from the PDF graph to...
  8. M

    ESD Roller Conveyors: 250kg Payload Solutions

    Do they exist? Looking for any recommendations on ESD "proof" metal roller conveyors. Not sure if the static generated by the rollers can be dissipated with grounding straps, etc. I have a massive payload (250kg), so I'd rather steer clear from belt, chain, and pallet systems.
  9. T

    Roller coaster friction calculations

    I have a physics assignment. Part of it is to calculate the speed throughout the rollercoaster and to not exceed 4.5g's of force. Anyway, I'm calculating the speed of the rollercoaster using the formula 0=g(h2-h1)+0.5(v2^2-v1^2)+μNd (I have already simplified to not include the mass...
  10. I

    Reaction at roller connecting two cantilever beams

    Homework Statement The problem statement is as stated in the attached image, For a given E and cross section of both beams, I am to find the reaction at roller E that attaches beam AB and DC Homework Equations There should be stress relation equations and reaction equations. First is...
  11. E

    Downhill to uphill roller coaster velocities on a bike

    first off: hello, I'm new here. Homework Statement This is more of a personal quest than homework, a problem that I made into homework for myself. I set out to determine the equation(s) needed to determine speeds on a mountain bike at the bottom of dirt hills of varying grades and lengths...
  12. J

    Hannibal Lecter and Roller Pigeons

    In the film Hannibal there is a scene where Clarice is listening to a tape of Hannibal Lecter talking to Barney. Hannibal is talking about Roller Pigeons and says something along the lines of. There are two types of rollers deep rollers and shallow rollers if you breed two deep rollers together...
  13. V

    Why Does a Penny Appear to Float When Dropped on a Roller Coaster Descent?

    Why would a penny seem to "float" above you if you dropped it as you were descending a roller coaster?
  14. Y

    What Speed Does the Roller Coaster Need to Maintain at the Top of a 14m Loop?

    Homework Statement A roller coaster is moving past the top of a loop of diameter 14m. The Normal force (directed downwards) provided by the track at the top of the loop is equal to one-half the [B]weight[B] of the car. What is the speed of the coaster car at this point?Homework Equations Only...
  15. S

    Roller Coaster Energy Calculations

    The attached problem has clearly confused me. I tried solving it, but I get to a point where I can't go any further. If someone could point me in the right direction I appreciate it. Also the calculations topwards the bottom of the page are from me attempting to solve. Thanks in advance
  16. R

    Backwards Design for Roller Coaster: Projectile Motion

    For my grade 12 physics class, we need to build a roller coaster. We are given a marble weighing 5 grams and it must be projected at the end of the track. It needs to land 0.5 m at a target when it is projected. Since the coaster is made entirely by myself the ramp in which it will be projected...
  17. B

    Why Does a Double Helix on a Roller Coaster Feel Faster?

    Homework Statement When riding a roller coaster, when you enter a double helix why does it feel as if you're speeding up? I'm in the rotational dynamics section, so the answer will most likely be about Conservation of Angular Momentum or something along those lines. I am really interested but...
  18. I

    Circular Motion in a Roller Coaster

    Homework Statement In a certain loop-the-loop roller coaster ride, the coaster is given an intial speed of v ms-1. The coaster then rolls freely under the influence of gravity. The coaster travels down a 10m high slope before arriving at the start of the loop. It then travels the loop which...
  19. 1

    How Do Roller Coasters Use Forces and Motion?

    An explanation of how the ride uses forces and motion. What makes the motion start? What makes it stop? Does the ride move down? What force causes this motion? Does friction affect the ride? Where and how does the ride accelerate?
  20. A

    Roller Coaster Physics- Determining the highest point's height

    [b]1. Homework Statement [/b ]Here’s what you know: Mass is 750 Kg, Velocity is 20 m/s, Gravity remains at 10 m/s2 and Point B’s height is 15 m. Assume that Point A is the highest point and assume there is no friction for this problem. Complete in the order that makes the best sense to...
  21. S

    How Does Friction Impact the Design of a Ball Magnet Roller System?

    "Ball Magnet" Roller System I am trying to design a rolling 'ball magnet' system similar to this video as a prototype for a specialized version of it I want to try on a robot this year: I want to gain a solid understanding of all the factors for constructing something like this and the...
  22. D

    Calculating Average Power for Raising a Roller Coaster Car

    Hello I have a problem with this exam question does anyone now the solution. Homework Statement A roller coaster car has a mass of 800 kg. The gravitational field strength is 10 N/kg. It takes 20 s for the car to reach K from the start. What is the average power required to raise...
  23. C

    Roller coaster rider weight problem

    Homework Statement Suppose the vertical loop has a radius of 6.81 m. What is the apparent weight (Wap) of a rider on the roller coaster at the bottom of the loop? (Assume that friction between roller coaster and rails can be neglected. Give your answer in terms of m and g.) R = 6.81 m...
  24. G

    Marble loop roller coaster launcher

    Help me here. I need to figure out how to launch a marble so it navigates a vertical loop, then follows projectile motion at the end of the loop The design must use elastic potential energy to do this and must consistantly launch it consistantly to a specifyied location. I can't figure...
  25. F

    Choosing a bearing design for a roller.

    Alright, the application I will be using this roller is for assisting the unloading of cargo that isn't exactly fun by hand. The load these will be handling will be around 250 - 300lbs give or take during use at the most. My first thought was to use a tapered roller bearing, but, it would...
  26. W

    Whats the most common roller chain norm for bicycles?

    I am designing a bike in Autodesk Inventor for a university project, and I am stuck with the sprockets. Inventor can create them fairly easily when you know the norm of the sprocket and the number of teeth it has, but I don't know the standard of the sprocket I have to design; I merely know that...
  27. T

    Roller coaster work gravitational energy.

    Homework Statement a frictionless roller coaster car of mass m = 954 kg tops the first hill with speed v0 = 24.2 m/s at height h = 30.8 m. How much work does the gravitational force do on the car from that point to (a) point A. (same height) Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  28. A

    Roller coaster cart gaining weight into a loop

    Homework Statement A roller-coaster car starts from rest at a high point 2 times as high as the top of the loop-the-loop. When it is just about to enter the loop from the bottom, a 100 lb bag of bricks fall on the car, causing it to lose 25% of its speed. Neglecting friction, do you think the...
  29. L

    Speed of a Roller Coaster, Conservation of Energy

    Homework Statement A roller coaster travels on a frictionless track as shown in the figure. (a) If the speed of the roller coaster at Point A is 5.0 m/s, what is its speed at Point B? (b) Will it reach Point C? (c) What speed at Point A is required for the roller coaster to reach Point...
  30. Spinnor

    ATV quad, front wheel ball bearings not tappered roller bearings.

    My friend bought a budget, Chinese built ATV quad. It has two wheel drive. The front wheels have pairs of ball bearings. After only a couple of hours of operation 3 of the 4 front wheel bearings failed big time. I came up with two guesses as to why the bearings failed so quickly. 1. The wheel...
  31. M

    Circular Motion of a roller coaster

    A roller caoster track has a hill with a circular curve of radius 20m. Determine the greatest speed that the roller coaster can travel at the top of the curve and not leave contact with the track.
  32. Z

    A roller coaster's force and energy?
  33. L

    Verifying the Velocity of a Roller Coaster Train

    I've got an answer to a question but I'm not sure if it's correct as i don't have the answers. A roller coaster train is propelled at 57m/s and towards a vertical part of track which has a height of 139m, what is the velocity of the roller coaster train when it reaches the top of the tower...
  34. T

    Maintaining 120 Degrees on a Chrome Roller: Electric vs Water Heating Solutions

    Can anyone give me ideas on how to heat a metal chromed roller to maintain 120 degrees on the outer surface. I currently use a pressurised water heater and a hollow mild steel chromed roller with a 12.5mm thick wall. Can it be done with electric rather than water? The roller has a diameter of 6"...
  35. S

    Solving for Speed: Roller Coaster at the Top of a Loop

    Homework Statement The normal force equals the magnitude of the gravitational force as a roller coaster car crosses the top of a 46m--diameter loop-the-loop. Homework Equations What is the car's speed at the top? The Attempt at a Solution the answer is in m/s I have several...
  36. D

    Exploring Weightlessness on a Frictionless Roller Coaster

    Homework Statement Consider a frictionless roller coaster such as depicted below. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2. Passenger cars start at point A with zero initial speed, accelerate as they go down to point B, swing around the circular vertical loop B ! C ! B of radius 30 m...
  37. K

    Deriving Roller Coaster Speed Equations at Bottom of Slope

    Homework Statement A roller coaster is at the top of a slope moving very slowly. There are three lengths in this problem: h = 53 m is the height of the hill; D = 65 m is the length of the hill; L = 43 m is the length of the coaster. Derive an equation for the speed v1 when the first car...
  38. G

    Roller Bearing Specs: Load Capacity, Size, Friction Coefficient

    I am looking for a website or even some good ideas about the capacity of roller bearings I am especially interested in knowledge of 1. size (diameter) - larger the better 2. load capacity - large load in particular 3. known coefficient of fricition ( some tables say ~ .0012? or even...
  39. H

    Roller Coaster and Centripetal Acceleration

    Homework Statement Part of a roller-coaster ride involves coasting down an incline and entering a loop 8.00 m in diameter. For safety considerations, the roller coaster speed at the top of the loop must be such that the force of the seat on a rider is equal in magnitude to the rider's weigt...
  40. A

    Final velocity problem involving a roller coaster changing height

    A roller coaster (475kg) passes point C with a velocity of 10.0 ms-1, calculate the velocity of the roller coaster at point A. mass = 475 kg velocity at C = 10 ms-1 height at A = 30m height at B = 0m height at C = 25m height at D = 12m Ep = mgh Ek = 1/2mv^2 The trolley is moving...
  41. X

    Kinetic Energy of 840 Kg Roller Coaster Trolley

    A roller coaster trolley and its passengers have a mass 840 Kg. The trolly comes over the top of the first hill with a speed of .200 m/s. The hill is 85.0 m above the ground. The trolley goes down the first hill and up the crest of the second hill 64.0 m above ground. Ignore the effects of...
  42. D

    How can I create a model roller coaster without using additional energy?

    I need some suggestions for how to create a model roller coaster that does not use additional energy (electricity, or touching the model in progress ) and can re-run the entire model twice. Since creating a perpetual device with 100% efficiency is unfeasable, my instructor was generous enough...
  43. N

    Momentum Powered Uphill Roller? Help

    Momentum Powered Uphill Roller!? Help! Basically, I need to make a rubber-band powered device that will roll up a hill. The hill is very very shallow, and 3 meters long. I CANNOT simply use something that utilizes a center of gravity (i.e. the double cone roller). Right now I have 2 liter...
  44. T

    Calculating the normal force of a roller coaster

    A roller coaster car of mass 960 kg starts at a distance of H = 20 above the bottom of a loop 12 m in diameter. If the friction in negligible, find the normal force of the rails on the car when i it is a) pside down the top of the loop and b) at the bottom of hte loop i have no idea how to do...
  45. N

    Roller Coaster Lab: Solve 2 Cubic Polynomials & Graph Solution

    Hey guys! Long time reader, first time poster. I have a lab that I'm trying to get done in Calculus 1 and I'm having a some problems. The basic idea is to come up with 2 equations that compliment a graph and are continuous. Homework Statement You are to design a small section of a...
  46. N

    How Do Gravity and Acceleration Interact on a Roller Coaster?

    I got a question: If a roller coaster is going up the hill (potential energy) then when it goes down it gets converted into kinetic energy by gravity right? Also As you go down the first big drop of the roller coaster (gravity going downwards 9.81 m/s2) how does acceleration come in play...
  47. K

    How Does Vertical Distance y(t) Satisfy the Given Differential Equation?

    2. If y(t) is the vertical distance traveled at time t, then the same reasoning as used in Problem 1shows that v2= (2gy)/(1+I*) at any time. Use this result to show that y satisfies the differential equation dy/dt=sqrt(2g/(1+I*))*(sin alpha)*sqrt(y) where a is the angle of inclination of...
  48. ThomasMagnus

    Why Is the Minimum Speed Where the Seat Exerts No Force?

    Roller Coaster--Circular Motion I have a few questions about the way this question was done. The instructor said: "The minimum speed will be at the point where the seat doesn't have to exert any force on you". This doesn't make sense to me. Why will the minimum speed be at this point...
  49. Dembadon

    Medical IT band problems - Foam roller technique?

    Situation: I'm having issues with the iliotibial band in my left leg, and it is preventing me from running. I've been icing it daily and doing lateral leg raises along with various stretching exercises. I've also just purchased a foam roller (didn't know what the heck they were until now)...
  50. S

    Finding the Equilibrium of Roller Forces: How Do We Solve This?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm a little lost how to begin. I know these forces at B and C add up to 31lbs, but I don't know where else to go. I understand the simpler ones like center of gravity on a car and forces on the wheels but this one...